HomeMy WebLinkAboutChecklistBOARD OF PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS F L • R I D A Building & Code Regulation CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT r-I ( r RECEIVED Proiect Location: - 1 q o q ff l.) Fi R• Date: Permit Number: -ZOO / �/ " A2 2- Technician: ST. Lucie C b Required Documents: Application completely filled out with Notarized Signatures ............................ Yes,_No_N/AA Sub Agreements with Notarized Signatures (prior to issuance) .......................... Yes —No _ NIA ✓ / Owner / Builder Affidavit (signed in office) .................................... I............. Yes V/ / No_ NIA_ Filled Land Affidavit (prior to issuance) ................................................... Yes ✓ No _ N/A_ Recorded Warranty Deed, if applicable......................................................Yes_No _ NIA - Recorded Notice of Commencement (prior to issuance or inspection) ................. Yes No _ NIA ✓ Utility Agreement or Payment Receipt (prior to issuance).................................Yes No _ N/A Vegetation Removal Application with copy of survey......................................Yes_No _�/N/A Plans Calculations & Attachments ( 3 copies commercial, 2 copies residential) Complete set of plans. with Engineer / Architect Raised Seal ........................... Yes J No_N/A Truss Plans reviewed and approved by Engineer / Architect ............................ Landscaping and Parking plan (under 6,000 sgft)......................................... Yes_,No ApprovedSite Plans........................................................................... Sealed Survey with Dimensions, Finished floor ............................................ Elevations and Setbacks.............................................................. Yes --No ✓_N/A! Plot plan with Setbacks............................................................... Yes No — N/A_