HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_20200720 (3)PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTSERVICES DEPARTMENT COUNTY 0 L P i D A PERMIT NIJMBER. 1812-0039 BUILDING AND CODE REGULATIONS DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA ANT FORT PI.E.RCE, FL 34982 (772)462-1553 f -ax (772) 462 -IM PERMIT RENEWAL REQUEST Aj)L)KL.SS: 2707 Bennett Dr., Ft. Pierce, 34946 ,.,,Lloyd Constant , am requesting that th-c abovc purrnit be renewod, I understated that I -liust schedule and pass all required inspections for the peri t io be fiflaled, Further undmtand that this is a ON V11 ME RENEWAL and the permit shall expire should T not recerre a passing insNction during any six month period during the rc-wwal period. Justification to complete the work needed to b6ng the walls ijp to oade and to complete the necessary inspections that are required - V Elul— I§R OR OR SIGNATURE PVT at — Lloyd M Const�nt PIT'int Name STATF OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SL Lude ACKN0W1-FD45rT-.D TAT F RTa THIS 20th DAY OF July 07/20/2020 DATE 2020 ,y Lloyd Constant ----rHOISPERSONkLLYKNOt %'NTOME X OR HAS PROVIDED AS LDENT] FICATI ON - STATE OF FLORTDA, C-ounly of St. Lu cj e A URE MNbTARY FOR OFFICE USE OINLY-W ','%;1Unber of Open Inspections: 'roi-ai inspections:. (Divide open by total to get % of open inspections) percenta.ffe. Original perniit fee: X%om = S -Rcm.ewal f6r, 6114#. ASHLEY DEAN Notary P u btic-State of F lord i commission# GG 978378 My C;ornmi:s-s ork 1xpire5 ri APO 14. 2024 Exarnple.- [ 15 divided by 23;--,65(Vv)j $1 75(pern3it fee) x.65-1113.75 (r=cwal t6c) R W21M 14