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Sub Agreements
PERMIT t> ISSUE DATE t I -COU NT f .L G R I D A,•. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERNUT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Hypoluxo Plumbing Plumbing, Inc _ _ J� have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for Renar Builders, LLC (Type of Trade) (Primar Contractor) For the project located at JM CA IL i kt, 4 (Project Street Address ornoperty Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 1. C ).ST RACTUR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Glenn A Davis, II _ PRINT NAME CBC 1261228 C'OUY"1'Y CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida. County of _ Vel -L— The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 20Z6, by who Is personally known _,__or has produced a as Id c tlflcation. 11 IwL STASI P Signature o Notary Public Print Name of Votary Public -4 4� SUB-CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE'. (Qualifier) Ronnie Burkhalter PRINTNANIF 21272 St Lucie County CFC057974 State of Florida COU'N'TY CERTME'rioN NUMBER State of Florida, County of Palm Beach The foregoing Instrument was signed before me Ibis doe M Ronnie Burkhalter who is penonully known _or has produced a as idcntlficatlnn. STANIP Signature of Notary Public Dolores A Price Print Name of Notary Publie "'� •., DOLORES A. PRICE �ppY PUae RHONOAS ROWS ;. Commission # FF 943625 �° ° Cnmmis�ipn # GG 104666 (x a= Ex Tres Fetuua 19, 2020 -' - ry RcciaYf 11, Ir, " 2021 P [:.xj'fr99 May 19,''i, Tror ri++tn:+re+n W6Jay79t9 9"P J undedrnruBudgotNotary Services PERMrr # Comfort Control Services ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ku0n1pany Namelinclividual Name) the Electrical Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) have agreed to be RenarBuiiders, LLC (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property fax—ID—#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Subcontractor notice. %. '. k - -. CONTRACTOR SIGN TURE(QoaEfler) Glenn A Davis II PRINT NAME SUB-GONTRACTORSIGNATIJRE (Qcelnter) Wayne Zimmerman PRINT NAME CBC 0.1228 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER StateafFiorida,Couatyof Martin State ofTlorids,Countyor St,LUcle The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _ day or _ 20 . by C �c_.:r\ �. & T, -)A V), -f, who is personalty known _or has produced a asldeallacatlon, STAMP signatar2.orNeinry Mile Print Name ofNofary Public 5�yy PUQl� RHOWA S ROWS Commission # GG 104656 Revised 11/1612016 } Expires May 19,2021 �9fFOf a Saded�hry BuigoFNbtA,N�ltos Thn foregoing lnstrumtatwas signed before me this _ day of ,� , 2U tY�4 3 9 �O� �d91.� A/iL�(ii-�A® 6 ®� s +✓ who Is personally known '� or bas pa o�uced a STAMP —'(�-v /� /� � ldV . / ® ICJ/ e� s� s,rpr Pq,, NotaryPubl c State of Florida Kimla J Simone e My Commission FF 981331 ?of r o4 Expires 0 511 8120 20 PERMIT # Cardinal Roofing & (Company Name/h the Roofing (Type of Trade) ISSUE DATE PLAAWNG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES l luild[ng & Code Compliance Uvislon BUILDING PERMIT SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT CaI Inc have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Renar Builders, LLC (PrimaryContractor) n For the project located at�m', 00jeot Street Ad ss or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that; ifthere is any change of statos regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Cads' Regtilatiun Division of St. Lucie bpunty will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Subcontractor notice. I L"I WMI-IMIT 11Z. Ill. - G16nn A Davis 11 PRINT AME' 0001261228 COUNTY CERTIFWAT[ON NUMBER State of WGrlda, County of St, l ude The foregoing Instrument was signed Ware me this— Il day of i� . 202 �D I l.lil who lspersonftknowa V orhospeaduceda agdentiitcadon, STAMP griatttre of Notary Public R� d-14. �5-- Print Nnme of Notary Public SUR-CONTRACTOR'$iGNA fIerj Brad Hogan PRINT NAM 9072 C8 . CER r QT10N'NUMBER state of Florida, County of St. Lucie The fakwahmImtrwsentwassignedbefore methis ^ day of r 777 J28? CSy whpta pMonaliy known <'or has produced a as taertfiSleatlon, Signature of NoteYy Public STAMP Print Name ofNotary PebM ©est, v auo,� RHONDAG R©WE , ... ` Commission # GG 104656 N� o� Expiras May 191, 2U21 9�FpFp�o4� bondodThru600otNotary SGrvicos RHBNBAS ROWE k Commission # GG 104656 q Expires May 19,,2021 Ravised11/1612016 ��o° FOFR° 8w1"TAm9edge(Notaryeervkes SUR-CONTRACTOR'$iGNA fIerj Brad Hogan PRINT NAM 9072 C8 . CER r QT10N'NUMBER state of Florida, County of St. Lucie The fakwahmImtrwsentwassignedbefore methis ^ day of r 777 J28? CSy whpta pMonaliy known <'or has produced a as taertfiSleatlon, Signature of NoteYy Public STAMP Print Name ofNotary PebM ©est, v auo,� RHONDAG R©WE , ... ` Commission # GG 104656 N� o� Expiras May 191, 2U21 9�FpFp�o4� bondodThru600otNotary SGrvicos PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE PLAITING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Pi<vvision DVMDrNG PST SMCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Preferred AIC & Mechanical, Inc have agreed to be (Company Namellndivldual Name) the Mechanical f KVAC Sub -contractor for Renar Builders, LLG Mpe ofTrade) For the project located at it is understood that, if There is any change..of stato regarding our participationwith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ding of a Change of.Sub•eonfractor notice. A CDNTRACTORMNATUR.);(Qualiffcr) ON.MCrORS.GMUM(Quallrler) Glenn A Davis Il CBC 1;.1611228 CQnrrfYG MT] MCAUONNUMB&R State ofFlorlde,Countyof Martin C� The1tortgoinginsiramentwaeslg/nedbeforemeMIS / dayof ._jt_j.20� by (� 1� &A who Is geraonauy Imbwn ✓or bas pr Sot cEd a asides Reatlon, / \ 11 dna. _ u v✓ STAW srguatum of NotaryPabilc Print Name df Notary PubUe Revised IU1612016 P4, RHONDAS ROWE =ot"'m s' Commission # GG 10465E * o� Expires May 19, 2021 �lFOFe�o� Bonded Thru Budget Notary Service, Donald Wayne Q'Bryon III= NAME ;�i-7 COIINT:Y CERTUTIGt T70NNUM8Eil StateurNloiida Ontalyof Palm Beaoh xbe foregoing (nstrum¢nt wos slgaeit tailbre me ihfa ., l day of ,10ZL 6y who Is gea onat(y knownar has produced A as tdea0cation. f SignatnreofNa 'ry c Print Namo"No"PabUtt ..•HOLLY GABRIEL Notary Public- State of Florida cr �Q Commission # FF 926942 My Comm. Expires Jan 31. 2020 ' "OF 0`�� Bonded thou Ntional Wary Assn. 1 Y