HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter❑_FJ Kimley-Horn
and Associates, Inc.
December 3, 2008
St. Lucie County 10521 SW Wage Center Dr.
Suite 103
Code Compliance Division 'Pt. St. Lude, Florida
2300 Virginia Avenue 34987
St. Lucie, Florida 34982
RE: Keys Wi FiSoulh Florida Recycles
Permit Number 0807-0474
Parcel Number 4201-134-0003-010/5
To Whom it May Concern:
Please be advised that Kimley-Ham and Associates, Inc. has performed field reviews of the tower
erection at the above referenced project on November 24r^ and December 1st, 2008 and based on
these field reviews have found that the tower erection is complete and that the tower has been
constructed in substantial conformance with the permitted construction documents.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at 772-3453815.
Russell C. Morrison, P.E.
Vice President
DEC 1 1200�
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St. Lucie
Paula Bushby'�
To: Lydia Galbraith
Subject: Tower (Antenna)
Good Morning Lydia,
It looks to me that the Resolution allows the tower and the first antenna or array to be covered by the $15,000.00
existing Letter of Credit. On the permit you are doing for the antenna put a copy of the Resolution and the Letter of
Credit in the permit file.
Send a Memo to the Finance Director and Katherine Smith with a copy of the Resolution, Letter of Credit and the copy
of the permit for this first antenna. Let me have a copy too. Please put a note in the Property Screen that any future
antenna are charged on $1,000.00 per the Resolution not the $5,000.00 under the new Code.
Thank you for doing such a diligent job.
� KimleyHorn
and Associates, Inc.
August 14, 2008
St. Lucie County
Code Compliance Division
2300 Virginia Avenue
St. Lucie, Florida 34982
RE: Keys Wi R-South Florida Recycles
Permit Number 0807-0474
Parcel Number4201-134-0003.010/5
To Whom it May Concern:
Please be advised that Kimley-Ham and Associates, Inc. is the engineer of record for the above
referenced project. Kmley-Hom will provide the following field inspections during construction as
required by St. Lucie County
1. Tower erection inspection
2. Tower tie in to foundation inspection
Based on satisfactory workmanship and compliance with the engineering.design for the tower and
tower tie in, Kimley-Ham will certify the project at completion of the construction.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at 772-345-3815.
Russell Cs Momson, P.E.
Vice President "
10521 SW Village Center Dr.
Suite 103
Pt. SL Lucie, Flodda
❑=n Kimley-Horn
and Associates, Inc.
August 14, 2008
St. Lucie County
Code. Compliance Division
2300 Virginia Avenue
St. Lucie, Florida 34982
RE: Keys Wi Fl-South Florida Recycles
Permit Number 0807.0474
Parcel Number 4201-134-0003-01015
To Whom it May Concern:
Please be advised that Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. is the engineer of record for the above
referenced project. Mmley-Horn will provide the following field inspections during construction as
required by St. Lucie County
1. Tower erection,inspection
2. Tower tie in to foundation inspection
Based on satisfactory workmanship and compliance with the engineering design for the tower and
tower fie in, Kimley-Horn will certify the project at completion of the construction.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at 772-345-3815.
Russell C. Mantson, P.E.
Vice President
10521 SW Village Center Dr.
Suite 103
PI. St Lucie, Florida
From: Lydia Galbraith
To: Aneela Ansar
CC: Christopher Lestrange; Diane Flanigen; Paula Bushby
Date: 9/15/2008 9:16 AM
Subject: South Florida Recycle Comm. Tower
Hi Aneela,
We are ready to issue the permits.
Can you please inform me if they have completed condition # 5?
Can we Issue the permit or do we still need to keep it on hold.
Please let me know,
Lydia Galbraith
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Lydia Galbraith - Fwd: Re: South Florida Recycle Comm. Tower, resolutionO8-147
Paula Bushby
Lydia Galbraith
9/15/2008 10:14 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: South Florida Recycle Comm. Tower, resolution08-147
CC: Christopher Lestrange
Yes, we should hold it until everyone is happy. I would call the Contractor and let him know.
>>> Lydia Galbraith 9/15/2008 10:12 AM >>>
I talked to Aneela in GM for her all the conditions are satisfied.
Do I keep the permit on hold for ERD?
>>> Yvette Alger 9/15/2008 10:05 AM >>>
Hi Lydia,
They are still on hold for now. Last week we coordinated w/ them and re -reminded them of the last couple of
COAs they still need to address. They understand how to address them, so hopefully they'll get the necessary
info to us very soon and we can then sign off.
>>> Lydia Galbraith 9/15/2008 9:27 AM >>>
Hello Yvette,
Can you please inform me about the situation with above site plan?
Were you able to issue them a vegetation removal permit? Or are they still on hold
Please let me know, we are ready to issue to building permits.
Lydia Galbraith
file://C:\Documents and Settings\galbraith\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\48CE3592SL... 9/15/2008
(9%15/2008) Lydia Galbraith South Flonda 12ecycle Comm Tower, resolution08 147 Page 1 I
From: Lydia Galbraith
To: Yvette Alger
CC: Christopher Lestrange; Diane Flanigen; Paula Bushby
Date: 9/15/2008 9:27 AM
Subject: South Florida Recycle Comm. Tower, resolution08-147
Hello Yvette,
Can you please inform me about the situation with above site plan?
Were you able to issue them a vegetation removal permit? Or are they still on hold
Please let me know, we are ready to Issue to building permits.
Lydia Galbraith
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Lydia Galbraith - South Florida Recycle Communication Tower, Resolution 08-147,
9901 Range line Rd
From: Lydia Galbraith
To: Amy Mott
Date: 7/30/2008 1:51 PM
Subject: South Florida Recycle Communication Tower, Resolution 08-147, 9901 Range line Rd
CC: Christopher Lestrange; Diane Flanigen; Paula Bushby
Hi Amy,
We have the permit in for the above Tower.
I didn't receive an approved landscape plan with their application package. Can you please check for me to see
if there was a landscape plan approved by your Department?
If not, I will request sealed plans and sent you a copy for review.
If possible let me know as soon as possible, so I can sent out my comments to the contractor.
Thanks for your help,
Lydia Galbraith
file://C:\Documents and Settings\galbraith\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\48907lE7SLC... 7/30/2008
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Lydia Galbraith - South Florida Recycle Comm. Tower, 9901 Range Line Rd.
resolution 08-147
From: Lydia Galbraith
To: Aneela Ansar
Date: 7/29/2008 4:55 PM
Subject: South Florida Recycle Comm. Tower, 9901 Range Line Rd. resolution 08-147
CC: Christopher Lestrange; Diane Flanigen; Paula Bushby
Do you have a copy of the approved site plan for me?
I have the resolution, but need the approved site plan as well.
Lydia Galbraith
file://CADocuments and Settings\galbraith\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\488F4B7CSL... 7/29/2008