HomeMy WebLinkAboutStructural Analysis Report40 P, D : POWER OF 20; 2016 Project Carrier Information Commissioned By POD Information Site Data Dear Hugh Reilly, Structural Analysis Report Verizon Wireless LTE Configuration Site Name: So FI Recycles Site Number: 68828 Hugh Reilly hugh.reilly@CBVRtelecom.com Project. Number:16-11477 MAR 2 1 2017 PERPOITTING St. Lucie County, FL 195' Self Support Tower 9901'Range Line Road, Port Saint Lucie, Saint Lucie County, FL 34987 Latitude: 27" 17' 4.0U" N; Longitude: 80° 29' 0.34" W The purpose of this analysis is to determine whether the existing tower design is capable of supporting the proposed appurtenance configuration. The analysis indicates that design of th tower anq° its foun abod� n are adegp`atJ for supporting the proposed loading and will not require modification. Results owrp'$city�. 53.2% ass. oundation_Capi tity 48.3% Pass Please do not hesitate to call with any comments or concerns. �,pt a uee►h°° R , GENBF O�/e'r .s No 79892ir ' * v STATE OF :U S� ... E�.��• r°4ruenne``� 1033 E Turkeyfoot lake Rd. Suite 1011 Akron, OH 443121 330-961-7440 POWER OF DESIGN GROUP, LLC 195' Self Support Tower Design Criteria POD Group, LLC The existing structure and its foundations have been analyzed per the following requirements. Notes: 68828 So FI Recycles Governing TIA-222-G, 2012 IBC & 2014 FBC Wind Speed 119 MPH 3 Second Gust Structure Class II Exposure Category C Topographic Category 1 1) Equivalent to 154 MPH basic wind speed considering Risk Category II per ASCE 7-10 26.5.1 Tower Description The following material grades were assumed based on design drawings: Tower Materials Structural Component Material Strength , Angles ASTM A36 (36 KSI Yield Strength) Solid Rounds ASTM A572(50 KSI Yield Strength) Legs ASTM A572 (50 KSI Yield Strength) Bolts ASTM A325 (92 KSI Yield Strength) Referenced Documents Document Type• , , _ ... .. , Designation _ ° Source World Tower Tower and Foundation Drawings Dwg. #: Q07858 CBVR Dated:4/7/2008 Paul J. Ford Previous Structural Analysis Job #: 68412-0073 CBVR Dated:11/9/2012 Verizon RFDS Site #: 68828 CBVR Dated:9/6/2016 -T 195' Self Support Tower POD Group, LLC 68828 So FI Recycles Tower Loading The following tables indicate the existing, leased, and proposed loading provided by Verizon for this analysis. Existing Loading Carrier Mounting Level (ft) Center Line (ft) # of,' Units . ' Unit, Manufacturer Unit Model . #"of Coax Coax Size (in) . Note Verizon 183 183 6 Amphenol BSA-185090/12 1 3 CSS X7-665-4 3 1 - Sector Mounts 12 Notes: 1) Existing loading to be removed prior to the installation of the proposed loading Carrier Final Loading Carrier Mounting Level (ft)' Center Line,(ft) # of Units Unit Manufacturer Unit Model # of Coax Coax 'Size (in) ',Note Verizon 183 183 6 CSS X7CQAP-665-VRO 12 1-5/8 1 6 Commscope DBC-7CAP 3 Commscope AISG Smart Bias-T 3 Sector Mounts Notes: 1) Refer to coax layout for cable configuration 195' Self Support Tower POD Group, LLC 68828 So FI Recycles Results Capacity Summary of Structural Components Section 06vaton P CoTyPeent . Size .;, r °Element Ibs' �. Pablllw % Capacity Pass/ Fail. TS 195-180 Leg 1 1/2 3 -7211.67 40839.30 17.7 Pass T2 180-160 Leg 21/4 36 -30643.80 77654.80 39.5 Pass T3 160-140 Leg 3 66 -57791.60 198902.00 29.1 Pass T4 140-120 Leg 3 1/4 93 -86278.10 250223.00 34.5 Pass T5 120-100 Leg 33/4 120 -112338.00 357389.00 31.4 Pass T6 100-80 Leg 4 141 -144154.00 424978.00 33.9 Pass T7 80-60 1 Leg 4 1/2 162 -178031.00 572460.00 31.1 Pass T8 60-40 Leg 41/2 183 -213811.00 573492.00 37.3 Pass T9 40-20 Leg 43/4 204 1 -251175.00 654431.00 38.4 Pass T10 20-0 Leg 5 225 -289510.00 739966.00 39.1 Pass TS 195-180 Diagonal 1 1/4 8 -4119.42 16419.60 25.1 Pass T2 180-160 Diagonal L21/2x21/2x3/36 44 -2837.59 17256.30 16.4 31.6 (b) Pass T3 160-140 Diagonal L21/2x21/2x3/16 71 -3433.35 14769.80 23.2 38.1(b) Pass T4 140-120 Diagonal L21/2x21/2x1/4 99 -4238.73 15061.30 28.1 35.3 (b) Pass TS 120-100 Diagonal L3 1/2x3 1/2x1/4 126 -6373.65 21285.10 29.9 38.2 (b) Pass T6 100-80 Diagonal L3 1/2x3 1/2x1/4 147 -7325.42 17653.00 41.5 43.7 (b) Pass T7 80-60 Diagonal L4x4x1/4 168 -8463.52 22247.90 38.0 50.2 (b) Pass T8 60-40 Diagonal L4x4x5/16 189 -9615.80 22863.10 42.1 45.4 (b) Pass T9 40-20 Diagonal L4x4x3/8 210 -10782.20 22955.30 1 47.0 Pass T10 20-0 Diagonal L5x5x5/16 231 -11902.60 33151.00 35.9 53.2 (b) Pass T3 195-180 Horizontal 1 12 -1551.34 10466.70 14.8 Pass TS 120-100 Secondary Horizontal L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 128 -2103.49 19779.60 10.6 23.4 (b) Pass T6 100-80 Secondary Horizontal L21/2x21/2x3/16 149 -2569.87 17008.90 15.1 28.6 (b) Pass T7 80-60 Secondary Horizontal L3x3x1/4 170 -3087.90 28292.30 10.9 24.5 (b) Pass T8 60-40 Secondary Horizontal L3x3x1/4 191 -3708.46 24563.40 15.1 29.4 (b) Pass T9 40-20 Secondary Horizontal L3 1/2x3 1/2x1/4 213 -4356.54 30614.90 14.2 34.5 (b) Pass T10 20-0 Secondary Horizontal L31/2x31/2x1/4 233 -5021.27 26967.00 18.6 39.8 (b) Pass T3 195-180 Top Girt 1 5 -69.68 10466.70 0.7 Pass T2 180-160 Top Girt L21/2x21/2x3/16 38 -1612.83 16000.70 20.1 17.5 (b) Pass Summary Leg (T2) 39.5 Pass Diagonal (T10) 53.2 Pass Horizontal(T1) 14.8 Pass Secondary Horizontal (730) 39.8 Pass Top Girt(T2) 17.5 Pass Bolt Checks 53.2 Pass RATING= 53.2 Pass RIP 195' Self Support Tower POD Group, LLC Foundation Original Design Reaction Comparison Summary 68828 So FI Recycles Reactions, tnx Reactions OriginalReactionsl %Capacity_ Pass/Fail Comp (Kip) 298.9 697 42.9 Pass Uplift (Kip) 240.2 609 39.4 Pass Shear (Kip) 57.9 120 48.3 Pass Moment (Kip-ft) 5333.0 12689 42.0 Pass Additional Capacities Notes Component Elevation.(ft)' %Capacity Pass/Fail. Base Foundation 0 48.3 Pass Anchor Rods 0 36.2 Pass Conclusions and Recommendations The tower and its foundation were found to be adequate to support the proposed appurtenance loading and will not require modification. Assumptions This structural analysis is based on the theoretical capacity of the members and is not a condition assessment of the tower. It has been compiled from information supplied, and therefore, its results are based on and are as accurate as that supplied data. POD has made no independent determination of its accuracy. The following assumptions were made for this structural analysis. 1. Tower and structures were built in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 2. The tower and structures have been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 3. The configuration of antennas, transmission cables, mounts and other appurtenances are as specified in the Existing/Leased Loading and Proposed Loading tables, and specified documents. 4. All mounts, if applicable, are considered adequate to support the loading. No actual analysis of the mount(s) is performed. This analysis is limited to analyzing the tower and platform only. 5. Member grade and mount sizes, weights, and manufacturers are best estimates determined by information provided and previous experience without the benefit of a site visit by POD. If any of these assumptions are not valid or have been made in error, this analysis may be affected, and POD should be allowed to review any new information to determine its effect on the structural integrity of the tower. 195' Self Support Tower POD Group, LLC Disclaimer of warranties 68828 So FI Recycles Power of Design has not performed a site visit to the structure to verify the member sizes or antenna/coax loading unless noted otherwise. If the existing conditions are not as represented in this report, we should be contacted immediately to evaluate the significance of the discrepancy. This is not a condition assessment of the structure or foundation. This report does not replace a full structure inspection. The structure, foundations, and mounting systems are assumed to have been properly fabricated, erected, maintained, in good condition, twist free, and plumb. The engineering services rendered by Power of Design in connection with this Structural Analysis are limited to a computer analysis of the structure and theoretical capacity of its main structural members. All structure components have been assumed to only resist dead loads when no other loads are applied. No allowance was made for any damaged, bent, missing, loose, or rusted members (above and below ground). No allowance was made for loose bolts or cracked welds. Power of Design does not analyze the fabrication of the structure (including welding). It is not possible to have all the very detailed information needed to perform a thorough analysis of every structural sub -component and connection of an existing structure. Power of Design provides a limited scope of service in that we cannot verify the adequacy of every weld, plate connection detail, etc. The purpose of this report is to assess the feasibility of adding appurtenances usually accompanied by transmission lines to the structure. It is the owner's responsibility to determine the amount of ice accumulation in excess of the code specified amount, if any, that should be considered in the structural analysis. The attached sketches are a schematic representation of the analyzed structure. If any material is fabricated from these sketches, the contractor shall be responsible for field verifying the existing conditions, proper fit, and clearance in the field. Any mentions of structural modifications are reasonable estimates and should not be used as a precise construction document. Precise modification drawings are obtainable from Power of Design, but are beyond the scope of this report. Miscellaneous items such as antenna mounts, etc., have not been designed or detailed as a part of our work. We recommend that material of adequate size and strength be purchased from a reputable tower manufacturer. Power of Design makes no warranties, expressed and/or implied, in connection with this report and disclaims any liability arising from material, fabrication, and erection of this structure. Power of Design will not be responsible whatsoever, for or on account of, consequential or incidental damages sustained by any person, firm, or organization as a result of any data or conclusions contained in this report. The maximum liability of Power of Design pursuant to this report will be limited to the total fee received for preparation of this report. 195' Self Support Tower POD Group, LLC 68828 So FI Recycles Coax Layout r�C , ��� L PPOW0D 888888 COAX LAYOUT CALLOUT CARRIER ELEVATION SIZE (IN) QUANTITY NOTES 1 Venzon 8'-195, 1-5/8 12 - � ?;L El l 10 () Pv L 195' Self Support Tower POD Group, LLC 68828 So FI Recycles tnxTower Output C ` Do Do n C F do N C d 2 F d, w c ® a rc a D C C C 4A a z 2 F S a a p ri o S c C F d- n 1B50ft 1e6on � -I 160.Dfl 1400 R l 12BOfl / f 100.O fl Q 60.0 ft Ma ft 400ft 20.Ofl \ DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ELEVATION 1 ELEVATION 516?4'JgNd0g Rod 195 2x7CDAPA6SVR0 wr AbW Pipe 1183 aeamn 10 Jim Seolo, 1..(3) 183 (2)OB07CAP Jim 2 VCOAP-665- RO wI Mourl Pi 183 2 DBG7CAP 16s 2 VCOAP-665-VROw/MpunlPipe 183 MATERIAL STRENGTH GRADE I Fy Fu GRADE Fy I Fu ASM30 50 ka1 65 Mei A36 D6hi SBkel TOWER DESIGN NOTES 1. Tower is located in Saint Lucie County, Florida. 2. Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-G Standard. 3. Tower designed for a 119 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-G Standard 4. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. 5. Tower Structure Class ll. 6. Topographic Category 1 with Crest Height of 0.00 it 7. TOWER RATING: 53.2% ALL REACTIONS ARE FACTORED MAX. CORNER REACTIONS AT BASE: DOWN.- 298881 Ib SHEAR: 351091b UPLIFT.'-240211 Ib SHEAR: 286591b AXIAL 56919lb SHEAR MOMENT 5789116 53329701b-ft TORQUE 13074 Ib-ft REACTIONS - 119 mph WIND Exm 17 i - .;T�-n. u.. POD pu b 1033 E. Turkeyhiot La Green, OH 44312 Poo Group Phone: (330) 961-7443 FAX: 330 961-7446 So LI R � J 11 r 313 ""I°`F 1 C11ent VZw rainn° R amStmU AN' coda' TIA-222-G Da1e:10120116 Smia: NTS Path: Dw0 No. E-1 tnxTower Job Page So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 1 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033 E. Turkeyfool Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, OH 44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZWRan Stroup y p FAX (330) 961-7446 Tower Input Data The main tower is a 3x free standing tower with an overall height of 195.00 ft above the ground line. The base of the tower is set at an elevation of 0.00 ft above the ground line. The face width of the tower is 4.00 ft at the top and 22.00 ft at the base. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Saint Lucie County, Florida. Basic wind speed of 119 mph. Structure Class N. Exposure Category C. Topographic Category 1. Crest Height 0.00 ft. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in tower member design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads, feed linesupports, and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Consider Moments - Legs Consider Moments - Horizontals Consider Moments - Diagonals Use Moment Magnification Use Code Stress Ratios Use Code Safety Factors - Guys Escalate Ice Always Use Max Kz Use Special Wind Profile Include Bolts In Member Capacity Leg Bolts Are At Top Of Section Secondary Horizontal Braces Leg Use Diamond Inner Bracing (4 Sided) SR Members Have Cut Ends SR Members Are Concentric Options Distribute Leg Loads As Uniform Assume Legs Pinned Assume Rigid Index Plate Use Clear Spans For Wind Area Use Clear Spans For KWr Retension Guys To Initial Tension Bypass Mast Stability Checks Use Azimuth Dish Coefficients Project Wind Area of Appurt. AutocalcTorque Arm Areas Add IBC ,6D+W Combination Sort Capacity Reports By Component Triangulate Diamond Inner Bracing Treat Feed Line Bundles As Cylinder Use ASCE 10 X-Brace Ly Rules 4 Calculate Redundant Bracing Forces Ignore Redundant Members in FEA SR Leg Bolts Resist Compression 4 All Leg Panels Have Same Allowable Offset Girt At Foundation 4 Consider Feed Line Torque d Include Angle Block Shear Check Use TIA-222-G Bracing Resist. Exemption Use TIA-222-G Tension Splice Exemption �.....-...•.—..-.—.—..."Poles ' �' Include Shear -Torsion Interaction Always Use Sub -Critical Flow Use Top Mounted Sockets oft l tnxTower Job e Page So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 2 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green. OH44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZINR BIl Stroup y p FAX (330) 961-7446 Wind 180 � LeaA Wind 90 Lem 2 Leg 8 Face C Wind Normal Triangular Tower Tower Section Geometry Tower Tower Assembly Description Section Number Section Section Elevation Database Width of Length Sections TI 195.00-180.00 4.00 1 15.00 T2 180.00-160.00 4.00 1 20.00 T3 160.00-140.00 6.00 1 20.00 T4 140.00-120.00 8.00 1 20.00 T5 120.00-100.00 10.00 1 20.00 T6 100.00-80.00 12.00 1 20.00 T7 80.00-60.00 14.00 1 20.00 T8 60.00410.00 16.00 1 20.00 T9 40.00-20.00 18.00 1 20.00 TIO 20.00-0.00 20.00 1 MOO Tower Section Geometry cont'd Tower Tower Diagonal Bracing Has Has Top Girt Bottom Girt Section Elevation Spacing Type KBrace Horizontals Offset Offset End 77 I95.OU-I8U.UU 2.98 K Bmce Lett No Yes 0.00 1.0000 T2 180.00-160.00 5.00 X Brace No No 0.00 20 T3 160.00-140.00 5.00 X Brace No No O.00�S:� T4 140.00-120.00 5.00 X Brace No No 0.0000 .Q�00 4, 0000 iJ ' T5 120.00-100.00 10.00 X Brace No Yes 0.0000 fir}} L tnxTower Job Page3 of 17 So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 Project Date POD Group 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20116 Client Designed by Green. OH 44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZW Ryan Stroup FAX.- (330) 961-7446 Tower Tower Diagonal Bracing Has Has Top Girt Bottom Girt Section Elevation Spacing Type KBrace Horizontals Offset Offset End ft ft Panels in in T6 I00.00-80.00 10.00 XBrace No Yes 0.0000 0.0000 T7 80.00-60.00 10.00 XBrace No Yes 0.0000 0.0000 T8 60.0040.00 10.00 X Brace No Yes 0.0000 0.0000 T9 40.00-20.00 10.00 X Brace No Yes 0.0000 0.0000 TIO 20.00-0.00 10.00 XBrace No Yes 0.0000 0.0000 Tower Section Geometry cont'd Tower Leg Leg Leg Diagonal Diagonal Diagonal Elevation Type Size Grade Type Size Grade (t TI I95.00-180.00 Solid Round 11/2 A572-50 Solid Round 11/4 A572-50 (50 ksi) (50 ksi) T2180.00-160.00 Solid Round 21/4 A572-50 Single Angle L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) T3160.00-140.00 Solid Round 3 A572-50 Single Angle L21/2x21/2x3/16 A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) T4140.00-120.00 Solid Round 31/4 A572-50 Single Angle L21/2x21/2xl/4 A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) T5 120.00-100.00 Solid Round 3 3/4 A572-50 Single Angle L3 120 1/2xl/4 A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) T6100.00-80.00 Solid Round 4 A572-50 Single Angle L312012xl/4 A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) T7 80.00-60.00 Solid Round 4 1/2 A572-50 Single Angle L4x4xl/4 A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) T8 60.00-40.00 Solid Round 4 I/2 A572-50 Single Angle L4x4x5/16 A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) T9 40.00-20.00 Solid Round 4 3/4 A572-50 Single Angle L4x4x3/8 A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) T1020.00-0.00 Solid Round 5 A572-50 Single Angle L5x5x5/16 A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) Tower Section Geometry cont'd Tower Top Girt Top Girt Top Girt Bottom Girt Bottom Girt Bottom Girt Elevation Type Site Grade Type Size Grade Tl 195.00-I80.00 Solid Round 1 A572-50 Solid Round A36 (50 ksi) (36 ksi) T2 180.00-160.00 Single Angle L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 A36 Solid Round A36 (36 ksi) (36 ksi) Tower Section Geometry cont'd tnxTower Job Page4 So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 of 17 Project Date POD Croup 1033E TurkeyfoolLake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, OH 44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZW Ryan Stroup FAX (330) 961-7446 Tower No. Mid Girt Mid Girt, Mid Girt Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Elevation of Type Size Grade Type Site Grade Mid fl Girls Tl 195.00-180.00 None Flat Bar A36 Solid Round I A572-50 Tower Section Geometry cont'd Inner Bracing Tower Secondary Secondary Horizontal Secondary Inner Bracing Inner Bracing Size Elevation Horizontal Type Site Horizontal Type Grade Grade ft T5120.00-100.00 Single Angle L212x2120/16 A36 Solid Round A572-50 (36 ksi) (50 ksi) T6100.00-80.00 Single Angle L2I/W 120/16 A36 Single Angle A36 (36 ksi) (36 ksi) T780.00-60.00 Single Angle L3x3xl/4 A36 Equal Angle A36 (36 ksi) (36 ksi) T860.0040.00 Single Angle L3x3xl/4 A36 Double Equal A36 (36 ksi) Angle (36 ksi) T940.00-20.00 Single Angle L31/2012x1/4 A36 Double Equal A36 (36 ksi) Angle (36 ksi) TI 0 20.00-0.00 Single Angle L31/2012xl/4 A36 Double Equal A36 (36 ksi) Angle (36 ksi) Tower Section Geometry cont'd Tower Gusset Gusset Gusset Grade Adjust. Factor Adjust. Weight Mult. Double Angle Double Angle Double Angle Elevation Area Thickness Al Factor Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (perface) Ar Spacing Spacing Spacing Diagonals Horizontals Redundants !1 N .., .., ... .., Tl 0.00 0.0000 A36 1 1 1.05 195.00-180.00 (36 ksi) T2 0.00 0.0000 A36 1 1 1.05 180,00-160.00 (36 ksi) T3 0.00 0.0000 A36 1 1 1.05 160.00-140.00 (36 ksi) T4 0.00 0.0000 A36 1 1 1.05 140.00-I20.00 (36 ksi) T5 0.00 0.0000 A36 I l 1.05 120,00-100.00 (36 ksi) T6 0.00 0.0000 A36 1 1 1.05 100.00-80.00 (36 ksi) T7 80.00-60.00 0.00 0.0000 A36 1 1 1.05 (36 ksi) T8 60.00-40.00 0.00 0.0000 A36 1 1 1.05 (36 ksi) T9 40.00-20.00 0.00 0.0000 A36 1 1 1.05 (36 ksi) T1020.00-0.00 0.00 0.0000 A36 1 1 1.05 Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Pt Mid -Ft Mid -Pt Mid -Pt tnxTower deb Page So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 5 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, OH 44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZWRan Stroup y p FAX.- (330) 961-7446 Tower Section Geometry cont'd K Factor? Tower Cafe Cale Legs X K Single Giris Hark.. Sec. Inner Elevation K K Brace Brace Diags Hartz. Brace Single Solid Diags Diags Angles Rounds X X X X X X X it Y y y Y y y y 195.00-180.00 1 1 1 1 1 l T2 Yes Yes 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 180.00-160.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 T3 Yes Yes 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 160.00-140.00 1 1 1 1 1 I T4 Yes Yes I 1 1 1 1 1 I 140.00-120.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 T5 No Yes 1 1 I 1 1 1 0.5 120.00-100.00 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 T6 No Yes 1 1 I 1 1 1 0.5 100.00-80.00 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 T7 No Yes 1 1 1 1 I 1 0.5 80.00-60.00 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 T8 No Yes 1 1 I 1 I 1 0.5 60.00-40.00 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 T9 No Yes I 1 1 1 I 1 0.5 40.00-20.00 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 TIO No Yes I 1 I I 1 1 0.5 the overall length. to member segment lengths. K-braces without inner supporting members will have the Kfactor in the oul-of--plane direction applied to Tower Section Geometry cont'd Tower Leg Diagonal Top Girt Bottom Girt Mid Girt Long Horizontal Short Horizontal Elevation ft Net Width U Net Width U Net Width U Net U Net U Net U Net U Deduct Deduct Deduct Width Width Width Width in in in Deduct Deduct Deduct Deduct in in in in Tl 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.15 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 195.00-I80.00 T2 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0,75 0.0000 0.75 I80.00-160.00 T3 0.0000 1 0,0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 160.00-140.00 T4 0.0000 1 0,0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 140.00-120.00 T5 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.75 0,0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 120,00-100.00 T6 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.75 0,0000 0.75 0,0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 100.00-80.00 17 80.00-60.00 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0,0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 T8 60.00-00.00 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 T940.00-20.0 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 0.0000 0.75 T1020.00-0.00 0.0000 I 1 0.0000 0.75 1 0.0000 0.75 1 0.0000 0.75 1 0.0000 0 00 _ 0.75 0.0000 0.75 bq AE01 'ice " � �_ I�"'I { •. fit, tnxTower Job Page6 So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033E Turkeyfool Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20116 Client Designed by Green, OH 44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 vZWRan Stroup y p FAX (330) 961-7446 Tower Section Geometry cont'd Tower Elevation ft Leg Connection Type Leg Bolt Size No. Diagonal Top Girt Bottom Girt Mid Girt Long Horizontal Short Horizontal Bolt Size No. Bolt Size No. Boll Size No. Bolt Sae No. Bolt Size No. Bolt Size No. in in in in in in in TI Flange 0.7500 4 0,7500 0 0.0000 0 0.6250 0 0,6250 0 0.5000 0 0.6250 0 195.00-180.00 A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N T2 Flange 0.7500 4 0.7500 1 0.7500 1 0.6250 0 0.6250 0 0.5000 0 0.6250 0 180.00-160.00 A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N T3 Flange 1.0000 4 0.7500 1 0.0000 0 0,6250 0 0.6250 0 0.5000 0 0.6250 0 160.00-140.00 A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N T4 Flange 1.0000 6 0.7500 1 0.0000 0 0.6250 0 0.6250 0 0.5000 0 0.6250 0 140.00-120.00 A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N T5 Flange 1.2500 6 1.0000 1 0.7500 1 0.6250 0 0.6250 0 0.7500 1 0.7500 1 120.00-100.00 A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N T6 Flange 1.2500 6 1.0000 1 0,7500 1 0.6250 0 0.6250 0 0.7500 1 0.7500 1 100.00-80.00 A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N 17 80.00-60.00 Flange 1.2500 6 1.0000 1 0.7500 I 0.6250 0 0.6250 0 0.7500 1 0.7500 1 A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N T860.00-40.00 Flange 1.5000 6 1,0000 1 0.7500 1 0.6250 0 0.6250 0 0.7500 1 0.7500 1 A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N T940.00-20.00 Flange 1.5000 6 1.0000 1 0.7500 1 0.6250 0 0.6250 0 0.7500 1 0.7500 1 A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N A325N T1020.00-0.00 Flange 0.8750 0 1.0000 1 0,7500 1 0.6250 0 0.6250 0 0.7500 1 0.7500 1 A325N A325N I A325N A325N I A325N I A325N A325N Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Round Or Flat Description Face Allow Component Placement Face Lateral N N Clear Width or Perimeter Weight or Shield Type Offset Offset Per Spacing Diameter Climbing B No At (CaAa) 195.00-8.00 0.0000 0 1 1 0.2500 4.0000 __. 7.90 Ladder Safety Line C No At (CaAa) 195.00 - 8.00 0.0000 0 1 1 0.3750 0,3750 0.22 3/8 Step Pegs C No Af (CaAa) 195.00 - 8.00 0.0000 0 l I 0.0000 0.6250 1.80 18.0000 Feedline A No Af (CaAa) 195.00-8.00 0.0000 0 1 1 18.0000 1.5000 1.80 Ladder (Af) 1.5000 Feedline B No Af (CaAa) 195.00-8.00 0.0000 0 1 1 18.0000 1.5000 1.80 Ladder (Af) 1.5000 Feedline C No Af (CaAa) 195.00-8.00 0.0000 0.4 1 1 18.0000 1.5000 1.80 Ladder (Af) 1.5000 LDF7-50A A No Ar (CaAa) 183.00 - 8.00 0.0000 0 12 6 0.5200 1.9800 0.82 (1-5/8 FOAM) 0,5000 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas tnxTower Job Page So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 7 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, OH 44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZVV Ryan Stroup FAX.- (330) 96I-7446 Tower Traver Face AR Ar CAAA CAAA Weight Section Elevation In Face Out Face TI 195.00-180.00 A 0.000 0.000 10.878 0.000 56.52 B 0.000 0.000 13.750 0.000 145.50 C 0.000 0,000 5.875 0.000 57.30 T2 180.00-160.00 A 0.000 0.000 52.520 0.000 232.80 B 0.000 0.000 18.333 0.000 194.00 C 0.000 0.000 7.833 0.000 76.40 T3 160.00-140.00 A 0,000 0.000 52.520 0.000 232.80 B 0,000 0.000 18.333 0.000 194.00 C 0.000 0.000 7.833 0000 76.40 T4 140.00-120.00 A 0.000 0,000 52.520 0,000 232.80 B 0.000 0,000 18.333 0,000 194.00 C 0,000 0.000 7.833 0.000 76.40 T5 120.00-100.00 A 0.000 0.000 52.520 0.000 232.80 B 0.000 0.000 18.333 0.000 194.00 C 0,000 0.000 7.833 0,000 76.40 T6 100.00-80.00 A 0.000 0.000 52.520 0.000 232.80 B 0.000 0.000 18.333 0.000 194.00 C 0.000 0.000 7.833 0.000 76.40 T7 80.00-60.00 A 0.000 0.000 52.520 0.000 232.80 B 0.000 0,000 18.333 0.000 194.00 C 0.000 0.000 7.833 0.000 76.40 T8 60,00-40.00 A 0.000 0.000 52.520 0,000 232.80 B 0.000 0.000 18,333 0.000 194.00 C 0.000 0.000 7.833 0.000 76.40 T9 40.00-20.00 A 0.000 0.000 52.520 0.000 232.80 B 0.000 0.000 18.333 0.000 194.00 C 0.000 0.000 7.833 0.000 76.40 TIO 20.00-0.00 A 0.000 0.000 31.512 0.000 139.68 B 0.000 0.000 11.000 0.000 116.40 C 0.000 0.000 4.700 0.000 45.84 Feed Line Center of Pressure Section Elevation CPx CPi CPx CPy Ice Ice (t in in in in TI 195.00-180.00 -0.1788 -0.5433 0.0314 -0.7491 T2 180.00-160.00 -1.4538 -1.1449 -1.3081 -1.2879 T3 160.00-140.00 -1.8557 -1.4749 -1.6636 -1.6640 T4 140.00-120.00 -2,2318 -1.7835 -1.9964 -2.0156 T5 120.00-100.00 -2.4955 -2.0013 -2.2292 -2.2643 T6 100.00-80.00 -2.8113 -2.2602 -2.5087 -2.5592 T7 80.00-60.00 -2.9444 -2.3717 -2.6255 -2.6870 TS 60.0040.00 -3.2148 -2.5932 -2.8649 -2.9393 T9 40.00-20.00 -3.3903 -2.7379 -3.0198 -3.1044 TIO 20.00-0.00 -2.4097 -1.9475 -2.1458 -2.2087 Shielding Factor Ka Description Feed Line I K I Ka Sezment Elev. No Ice Ice pw��Climbing Ladder 180.00- 0.6000 0.6000 1L,LFE. Fj LL LL lnxTower Job Page8 of 17 SD FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 POD Group Project Date 1033E Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, OH44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZW Ryan Stroup FAX.- (330) 961-7446 Tower Section Feed Line Record No. Description Feed Line Segment Elev. K, No ke K. Ice 195.00 TI 2 Safety Line 3/8 180.00- 0.6000 0.6000 195.00 Tl 3 Step Pegs 180.00- 0.6000 0.6000 195.00 Tl 4 Feedline Ladder (An 180.00- 0.6000 0.6000 195.00 Tl 5 Feedline Ladder (An 180.00- 0,6000 0.6000 195.00 Tl 6 Feedline Ladder (An 180.00- 0.6000 0.6000 195.00 T1 7 LDF7-50A(1-5/8 FOAM) 180.00- 0.6000 0.6000 183.00 T2 I Climbing Ladder 160.00- 0.6000 0.6000 180.00 T2 2 Safety Line 3/8 160.00 - 0.6000 0.6000 180.00 T2 3 Step Pegs 160.00- 0,6000 0.6000 180.00 T2 4 Feedline Ladder (At) 160.00- 0.6000 0.6000 180.00 T2 5 Feedline Ladder (Af) 160.00- 0.6000 0.6000 180.00 T2 6 Feedline Ladder (At) 160.00- 0.6000 0.6000 180.00 T2 7 LDF7-50A(1-518 FOAM) 160.00- 0.6000 0.6000 180.00 T3 1 Climbing Ladder 140.00- 0.6000 0,6000 160.00 T3 2 Safety Line 3/8 140.00- 0.6000 0.6000 160.00 T3 3 Step Pegs 140.00- 0.6000 0,6000 160.00 T3 4 Feedline Ladder (An 140.00- 0.6000 0.6000 160.00 T3 5 Feedline Ladder (At) 140.00- 0.6000 0.6000 160.00 T3 6 Feedline Ladder (An 140.00- 0.6000 0.6000 160.00 T3 7 LDF7-50A(1-5/8 FOAM) 140.00- 0.6000 0.6000 160.00 T4 I Climbing Ladder 120.00- 0.6000 0,6000 140.00 T4 2 Safety Line 3/8 120.00- 0.6000 0.6000 140.00 T4 3 Step Pegs 120.00- 0.6000 0.6000 140.00 T4 4 Feedline Ladder (At) 120.00- 0.6000 0.6000 140.00 T4 5 Feedline Ladder (At) 120.00- 0.6000 0.6000 140.00 T4 6 Feedline Ladder (At) 120.00- 0.6000 0.6000 140.00 T4 7 LDF7-50A(1-518 FOAM) 120.00- 0,6000 0,6000 140.00 T5 1 Climbing Ladder 100.00- 0.6000 0.6000 120.00 T5 2 Safety Line 3/8 100.00 - 0.6000 0.6000 120.00 T5 3 Step Pegs 100.00 - 0.6000 0.6000 120.00 TS 4 Feedline Ladder(Af) 100.00- 0.6000 0.6000 t11X'Tower Job Page9 of 17 So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 Project Date POD Group 1033E TurkeyfoorLake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, OH 44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZW Ryan Stroup FAX.- (330) 961-7446 Tower Section Feed Line Record Na. Description Feed Line Se ment Elev. K. No Ice K. Ice 120.00 T5 5 Feedline Ladder(A0 100.00- 0,6000 0.6000 120.00 T5 6 Feedline Ladder(A0 100.00- 0.6000 0.6000 120.00 T5 7 LDF7-50A (1-5/8 FOAM) 100.00- 0,6000 0.6000 120.00 T6 1 Climbing Ladder 80.00- 100.00 0,6000 0,6000 T6 2 Safety Line 3/8 80.00- 100.00 0.6000 0.6000 T6 3 Step Pegs 80.00- 100.00 0.6000 0.6000 T6 4 Feedline Ladder (Af) 80.00- 100.00 0.6000 0.6000 T6 5 Feedline Ladder (Af) 80.00- 100.00 0.6000 0.6000 T6 6 Feedline Ladder (Af) 80.00 - 100.00 0.6000 0.6000 T6 7 LDF7-50A (1-5/8 FOAM) 80.00 - 100.00 0.6000 0.6000 T7 1 Climbing Ladder 60.00 - 80.00 0.6000 0.6000 T7 2 Safety Line 3/8 60.00 - 80.00 0.6000 0,6000 T7 3 Step Pegs 60.00 - 80.00 0.6000 0.6000 T7 4 Feedline Ladder (Af) 60.00-80.00 0.6000 0,6000 T7 5 Feedline Ladder (Af) 60.00-80.00 0.6000 0,6000 T7 6 Feedline Ladder (Af) 60.00-80.00 0.6000 0,6000 T7 7 LDF7-50A (1-5/8 FOAM) 60.00 - 80.00 0,6000 0.6000 T8 1 Climbing Ladder 40.00-60.00 0,6000 0,6000 T8 2 Safety Line 3/8 40.00 - 60.00 0.6000 0.6000 T8 3 Step Pegs 40.00 - 60.00 0.6000 0.6000 T8 4 Feedline Ladder (Af) 40.00-60.00 0,6000 0.6000 T8 5 Feedline Ladder (A0 40.00 - 60.00 0.6000 0.6000 T8 6 Feedline Ladder (Af) 40.00-60.00 0.6000 0.6000 T8 7 LDF7-50A(1-5/8 FOAM) 40.00-60.00 0,6000 0.6000 T9 1 Climbing Ladder 20.00-40.00 0.6000 0.6000 T9 2 Safety Line 3/8 20.00 - 40.00 0.6000 0.6000 T9 3 Step Pegs 20.00 - 40.00 0.6000 0.6000 T9 4 Feedline Ladder (Af) 20.00-40.00 0,6000 0.6000 T9 5 Feedline Ladder(A0 20.00-40.00 0.6000 0,6000 T9 6 Feedline Ladder(A0 20.00-40.00 0.6000 0.6000 T9 7 LDF7-50A (1-518 FOAM) 20.00 - 40.00 0.6000 0.6000 TIO 1 Climbing Ladder 8.00-20.00 0.6000 0.6000 TIO 2 Safety Line 3/8 8.00 - 20.00 0.6000 0.6000 TIO 3 Step Pegs 8.00-20.00 0.6000 0.6000 TIO 4 Feedline Ladder(Af) 8.00-20.00 0.6000 0.6000 TIO 5 Feedline Ladder(Af) 1 8.00-20.00 0.6000 0.6000 TIO 6 Feedline Ladder (Ail 8.00-20.00 0.6000 0.6000 TIO 7 LDF7-SOA (1-5/8 FOAM) 8.00 - 20.00 0.6000 0.6000 Discrete Tower Loads Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAAn CAA,I Weight or Type Harz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Pert ft ft ft' ft' lb ft ft 5/8°X4' From Leg 0.00 0.0000 0.00 0.00 PY tnxTPwer Job Page10 of 17 So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 POD Group Project Date 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, OH 44312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZW Ryan Stroup FAX (330) 961-7446 Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CiAA CAAA Weight or Type Hom Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft o ft ft, ft, lb Beacon A From Leg 0.00 0.0000 195.00 No Ice 0.40 0.40 15.00 0.00 0.00 Sector Frames (3) C None 0.0000 183.00 No Ice 19.43 19.43 873.48 (2) X7CQAP-665-VRO w/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 183.00 No Ice 9.55 6.88 66.90 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) X7CQAP-665-VRO w/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 183.00 No Ice 9.55 6.88 66.90 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) X7CQAP-665-VRO w/ C. From Leg 4.00 0.0000 183.00 No Ice 9.55 6.88 66.90 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) DBC-7CAP A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 183.00 No Ice 0.61 0.18 7.00 0.00 0.00 (2) DBC-7CAP B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 183.00 No Ice 0.61 0.18 7.00 0.00 0.00 (2) DBC-7CAP C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 183.00 No Ice 0.61 0.18 7.00 0.00 0.00 Bolt Design Data Section Elevation Component Bolt Bolt Size Number Maximum Allowable Ratio Allowable Criteria No. Type Grade Of Load per Load Load Ratio ft in Bolts Bolt Ib Allowable lb TI 195 Leg A325N 0.7500 4 1385.78 29820.60 0.046 Y 1 Bolt Tension T2 180 Leg A325N 0.7500 4 6783.30 29820.60 0227 4/ 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 0.7500 1 2830.73 8971.88 0.316 1 Member Block Shear Top Girt A325N 0.7500 1 1568.74 8971.88 0175 1 Member Block Shear T3 160 Leg A325N 1.0000 4 12735.90 53014.40 0.240 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 0.7500 I 3415.44 8971.88 0381 1/ 1 Member Block Shear T4 140 Leg A325N 1.0000 6 12514.80 53014.40 0.236 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 0.7500 1 4223.77 11962.50 0.353 1 Member Block Shear T5 120 Leg A325N 1.2500 6 16063.30 82835.00 0.194 �/ 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1 6208.27 16270.30 0382 1 Member Block Shear Secondary A325N 0.7500 I 2103.49 8971.88 0234 1 Member Block Horizontal . Shear T6 100 Leg A325N 1.2500 6 20356.60 82835.00 0.246 �`^,°LL 7 LE t Te o + 9 ire+ 0 WxTower Job Page So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 11 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11 `177 13:09:10 10/20/16 Green, OH 44312 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 961-7443 VZW Ryan Stroup FAX (330) 961-7446 Section Elevation Component Boll Boll Size Number Maximum Allowable Ratio Allowable Criteria No. Type Grade Of Loadper Load Load Ratio ft in Bolts Boll Ib Allowable Ib Diagonal A325N 1.0000 I 7113.24 16270.30 1 Member Block 0,437 Shear Secondary A325N 0.7500 1 2569.87 8971.88 1 Member Block Horizontal 0286 1/ Shear T7 80 Leg A325N 1.2500 6 24795.20 82835.00 1 Bolt Tension 0.299 Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1 8175.35 16270.30 0.502 Secondary A325N 0.7500 1 3087.90 12615.00 Horizontal 0,245 T8 60 Leg A325N 1.5000 6 29408.50 119282.00 0.247 Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1 9237.21 20337.90 0.454 lid Secondary A325N 0.7500 1 3708A6 12615.00 Horizontal 0.294 T9 40 Leg A325N 1.5000 6 34106.50 119282.00 0.286 Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1 10310.50 24405.50 0.422 Secondary A325N 0.7500 1 4356.54 12615.00 Horizontal 0,345 TIO 20 Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1 11291.70 21206.30 0.532 Secondary A325N 0.7500 1 5021.27 12615.00 Horizontal 0.398 Compression Checks 1 Member Block Shear 1 Member Bearing 1 Bolt Tension 1 Member Block Shear 1 Member Bearing Bolt Tension Member Block Shear Member Bearing Member Bearing Member Bearing Leg Design Data (Compression) OP„ Ratio P. Section No. Elevation Sue L L. Kl/r A P„ fi ft ft id lb lb by TI 195-180 11/2 15.00 2.98 95.5 1.7672 -7211.67 40839.30 0.177' K=1.00 V T2 180-160 21/4 20.03 5.01 106.8 3.9761 -30643.80 77654.80 0.395' K=1.00 ✓ T3 160 - 140 3 20.03 5.01 80.1 7.0686 -57791.60 198902.00 0.291 ' K=L00 ✓ T4 140-120 31/4 20.03 5.01 74.0 8.2958 -96278.10 250223.00 0.345' K=1.00 T5 120 - 100 3 3/4 20.03 5.25 67.2 11.0447 -112338.00 357389.00 0.314' K=1.00 T6 100-80 4 20.03 5.21 62.5 12,5664 -144154.00 424978.00 0.339' K=1.00 ✓ T7 80-60 41/2 20.03 5.18 55.3 15.9043 -178031.00 572460.00 0.311' K=1.00 ✓ T8 60-40 41/2 20.03 5.16 55.0 15.9043 -213811.00 573492.00 0.373' K=1.00 T9 40-20 43/4 20.03 5.14 52.0 17.7205 -251175.00 r0 384r 0, P 7 �.-�''i tnxTower Job Page So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 12 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033E Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Green, OH 44312 Client Designed by Phone.(330) 961-7443 VZW Ran Stroup Y p FAX.- (330) 961-7446 Section Elevation Size L L. KI/r A P. �P, Ratio No. P., int lb lb TIO 20 - 0 5 20.03 5.13 49.3 19.6350-289510.00 739966.00 0.391 ' K=1.00 I/ ' P„ / ✓pP„ controls Diagonal Design Data (Compression) Section Elevation Size L L. Kl/r A P. +P„ Ratio No. P. ft ft ft in° lb lb bp. TI 195 - 180 1 1/4 4.99 4.83 129.9 1.2272 -4119.42 16419.60 0.251 ' K=0.70 ✓ T2 180-160 L212x21/20/16 7.62 3.85 100.0 0.9020 -2837.59 17256.30 0.164' K=1.07 `/ T3 160-140 L21/2x21/2x3/16 9.22 4.61 113.9 0.9020 -3433.35 14769.80 0.232' K=1.02 V T4 140-120 L2 I/W 12xl/4 10.96 5.47 133.6 1.1900 -4238.73 15061.30 0,281' K=1.00 `/ T5 120-100 L31201/2xl/4 15.24 7.75 133.9 1.6900 -6373.65 21285.10 0.299' K=1.00 (/ T6 100-80 L31/201/2xl/4 16.80 8.51 147.1 1.6900 -7325.42 17653.00 0.415' K=L00 V T7 80-60 L4x4xl/4 18.45 9.30 140.4 1.9400 -8463.52 22247.90 0.380' K=1.00 `/ T8 60 - 40 IAx4x5/16 20.16 10.15 154.0 2.4000 -9615.80 22863.10 0,421 ' K=1.00 I/ T9 40-20 L4x4x3/8 21.92 11.02 167.8 2.8600 -10782.20 22955.30 0.470' K=1.00 (/ TIO 20-0 L5x5x5/16 23.71 11.90 143.7 3.0300 -11902.60 33151.00 0.359' K=L00 V ' P, / 4P, controls Horizontal Design Data (Compression) Section Elevation Size L L Kl/r A P. +P, Ratio No. P. ft jt ft W lb lb op„ 130.2 0.7854-1551.34 10466.70 0.148 K=0.70 V ' P„ / OP, controls IU� tnxTower Job Page So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 13 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, OH 44312 Phone. (330)961-7443 VZN/ Ryan Stroup FAX Secondary Horizontal Design Data (Compression) Section Elevation Size L L. KI1r A P. �P„ Ratio No. P. ft ft fi tat lb lb OP,, T5 120-100 L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 11.48 11.17 86.1 0.9020 -2103.49 19779.60 0.106' K=0.50 I/ T6 100-80 L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 13.48 13.15 101.4 0.9020 -2569.87 17008.90 0.151' K=0.50 V/ T7 80-60 L3x3xl/4 15.48 15.11 97.5 1,4400 -3087.90 28292.30 0.109, K=0.50 V T8 60-40 L3x3xl/4 17.49 17.11 110.4 1.4400 -3708.46 24563.40 0,151' K=0.50 ✓ T9 40-20 L31/201/2xl/4 19.49 19.09 105.1 1.6900 -4356.54 30614.90 0.142' K=0.50 `/ T10 20-0 L3 1/201/2xl/4 21.49 21.07 116.0 1.6900 -5021.27 26967.00 0.186' K=0.50 V l P„ / op. controls Top Girt Design Data (Compression) Section Elevation Size L L„ KI1r A P. +P„ Ratio No. P. ft ft ft tat lb lb §P„ Tl 195 - 180 1 4.00 3.88 130.2 0.7854 -69.68 10466.70 0,007' K=0.70 I/ T2 180-160 L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 4.00 3.89 107.0 0.9020 -1612.83 16000.70 0.101' K=1.14 `/ P. / �P controls Tension Checks Leg Design Data Tension Section Elevation Size L L. Kl/r A P. op„ Ratio No. P. ft ft ft in2 lb lb OP, Tl 195-180 11/2 15.00 2.98 95.5 1.7672 5543.12 79521.60 0.070' T2 180-160 21/4 20.03 5.01 106.8 3.9761 27133.20 178924.00 0.152' T3 160 - 140 3 20.03 5.01 80.1 7.0686 50943.80 318086.00 0.160' T4 140 - 120 3 1/4 20.03 5.01 74.0 8.2958 75088.80 373310.00 0,201 ' U WxTower l Job Page So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 14 of 17 POD Group Project Date 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Green, OH 44312 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 961-7443 VzwR 2f1 SffOU y p FAX (330) 961-7446 Section Elevation Size L L„ KI1r A P. OP„ Ratio No. P. ft ft ft in' lb lb oP T5 120 - 100 3 3/4 20.03 5.25 67.2 11,0447 96568.00 497010.00 0.194' T6 100-80 4 20.03 5.21 62.5 12.5664 122358.00 565487.00 0:216' T7 80-60 41/2 20.03 5.18 55.3 15.9043 149059.00 715694.00 0.208' T8 60-40 41/2 20.03 5.16 55.0 15.9043 176746.00 715694.00 0.247' T9 40 - 20 4 3/4 20.03 5.14 52.0 17.7205 204977.00 797425.00 0.257' T10 20-0 5 20.03 5.13 49.3 19.6350 233383.00 883573.00 0.264' ' P. / +P, controls Diagonal Design Data Tension Ratio Section Elevation Size L L. Kl/r A P. op„ No. P. ft ft ft in2 lb lb 6P. TI 195-180 11/4 4.99 4.83 185.6 1.2272 4114.44 55223.30 0.075' T2 180-160 L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 7.62 3.85 59.4 0.5535 2830.73 24075.20 0.118' T3 160-140 L212x21/2x3/16 9.22 4.61 71.1 0.5535 3415.44 24075.20 0.142' T4 140-120 L21/2x21/2x1/4 10.96 5.47 85.3 0.7284 4223.77 31687.00 0.133' TS 120-100 L31201/2x1/4 15.24 7.75 85.3 1.0566 6208.27 45960.50 0.135' T6 100-80 L31/201/2xl/4 16.80 8.51 93.6 1.0566 7113.24 45960.50 0.155' T7 80 - 60 L4x4xl/4 18.45 9.30 89.3 1.2441 8175.35 54116.70 0.151 ' TS 60-40 L4x4x5/16 20.16 10.15 98.2 1.5363 9237.21 66830.30 0.138' T9 40 - 20 L4x4x3/8 21.92 11.02 107.5 1.8286 10310.50 79543.80 0.130' T10 20-0 L5x5x5/16 23.71 11.90 91.0 2.0088 11291.70 87384.00 0.129' ' P„ / +P, controls Horizontal Design Data Tension tnxTower Job Page15 So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, OH44312 Phone: (330)961-7443 VZW Ryan Stroup Y p FAX (330) 961-7446 Section Elevation Size L L. KI1r A P. OP. Ratio No. P ft ft ft int lb lb OP,, TI 195-180 1 4.00 3.88 186.0 0.7854 1552.23 35342.90 0.044' ' P � / OP, controls Secondary Horizontal Design Data Tension Section Elevation Size L L„ KI1r A P. Op„ Ratio No. P ft ft ft in' lb lb bp- T5 120-100 L212x21/20/16 11.48 11.17 172.2 0.5535 2103.49 24075.20 0.087' T6 100-80 L2 l/2x21/2x3/16 13.48 13.15 202.8 0.5535 2569.87 24075.20 0.107' T7 80-60 L3x3x1/4 15.48 15.11 195.0 0.9159 3087.90 39843.30 0.078' TS 60-40 L3x3x1/4 17.49 17.11 220.8 0.9159 3708.4E 39843.30 0.093' T9 40-20 L3 1201/2x1/4 19.49 19.09 210.2 1,1034 4356.54 47999.50 0.091' TIO 20-0 L31201/2x1/4 21.49 21.07 232.0 1.1034 5021.27 47999.50 0.105' ' P. / OP. controls Top Girt Design Data Tension Ratio Section Elevation Size L L„ Kl/r A P. OP„ No. P ft ft ft in' lb lb OP. Tl 195 - 180 1 4.00 3.88 186.0 0.7854 69.85 35342.90 0.002 ' T2 180-160 L212x21/2x3/16 4.00 3.88 59.8 0,5535 1568.74 24075.20 0.065' t P„ /OP. controls Section Capacity Table Section Elevation Component Size Critical P opab. % Pass No ft Type Element lb lb Capacity Fail Tl I95-180 Leg I1/2 3-7211.67 0 3 .30 I7.7 Pass T2 195 - 180 Leg 2 1/2 36 -30 11 6 5 80 5Or,T3 180-140 Leg 3 66 -57791.E � 1.00 .I WxTOWer Job Page So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 16 of 17 Project Date POD Group 1033 E. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. 16-11477 13:09:10 10/20/16 Client Designed by Green, 01144312 Phone: (330) 961-7443 UZW Ran Stroup y p Fi1X(330)961-7446 Section Elevation Component Size Critical P oPerw. % Pass No. .lt Type Element lb 1b Capacity Fail T4 140-120 Leg 31/4 93 -86278.10 250223.00 34.5 Pass T5 120 -100 Leg 3 3/4 120 -112339.00 357389.00 31.4 Pass T6 100-80 Leg 4 141 -144154.00 424978.00 33.9 Pass T7 80-60 Leg 41/2 162 -178031.00 572460.00 31.1 Pass TS 60-40 Leg 41/2 183 -213811.00 573492.00 37.3 Pass T9 40 - 20 Leg 4 3/4 204 -251175.00 654481.00 38.4 Pass T10 20-0 Leg 5 225 -289510.00 739966.00 39.1 Pass T1 195-I80 Diagonal 11/4 8 -4119.42 16419.60 25.1 Pass T2 180-160 Diagonal L2. 1/2x21/2x3/16 44 -2837.59 17256,30 16.4 Pass 31.6 (b) T3 160-140 Diagonal L2 I/2x2 1/20/16 71 -3433.35 14769.80 23.2 Pass 38.1 (b) T4 140-120 Diagonal L21/2x21/2xl/4 99 -4238.73 15061.30 28.1 Pass 35.3 (b) T5 120-100 Diagonal L31/201/2xl/4 126 -6373.65 21285.10 29.9 Pass 38.2 (b) T6 100-80 Diagonal L3 1/2x3 1/2xl/4 147 -7325.42 17653.00 41.5 Pass 43.7 (b) T7 80-60 Diagonal L4x4xl/4 168 -8463.52 22247.90 38.0 Pass 50.2 (b) T8 60-40 Diagonal L4x4x5/l6 189 -9615.80 22863.10 42.1 Pass 45.4 (b) T9 40-20 Diagonal L4x4x3/8 210 -10782.20 22955.30 47.0 Pass TIO 20-0 Diagonal L5x5x5/l6 231 -11902.60 33151.00 35.9 Pass 53.2 (b) TI 195 - I80 Horizontal 1 12 -1551.34 10466.70 14.8 Pass T5 120 - 100 Secondary Horizontal L2 1/2x2 120/16 128 -2103.49 19779.60 10.6 Pass 23.4 (b) T6 100 - 80 Secondary Horizontal L2 12x2 120/I6 149 -2569.87 17008.90 15.1 Pass 28.6 (b) T7 80-60 Secondary Horizontal L3x3xl/4 170 -3087.90 2829230 10.9 Pass 24.5 (b) T8 60-40 Secondary Horizontal L3x3xl/4 191 -3708.46 24563.40 15.1 Pass 29.4 (b) T9 40-20 Secondary Horizontal L312012xl/4 213 -4356.54 30614.90 14.2 Pass 34.5 (b) TIO 20-0 Secondary Horizontal L31/201/2xl/4 233 -5021.27 26967.00 18.6 Pass 39.8 (b) TI 195 - 180 Top Girt 1 5 -69.68 10466,70 0.7 Pass T2 180-160 Top Girt L212x2120/16 38 -1612.83 16000.70 10.1 Pass 17.5 (b) Summary Leg (T2) 39.5 Pass Diagonal 53.2 Pass (TIO) Horizontal 14.8 Pass (TI) Secondary 39.8 Pass Horizontal (Tl0) Top Girt 17.5 Pass (T2) Bolt Checks 53.2 Pass RATING = 53.2 Pass r tnxTower Job So FLI Recycles Jupiter 313 Page17 of 17 Project 16-11477 Date 13:09:10 10/20/16 POD Group Progmm VeitRF7.OI.V4fIA/2015 File::ABRPJn Phone: (330) 961-7443 FAX. (330) 961-7446 Wireless/68828/(16-11477) Self Sup on Analysis/tnx/68828.eri VZ P Designed by Ryan Stroup y 4 WIN', MA; 195' Self Support Tower POD Group, LLC 68828 So FI Recycles Additional Calculations 4POD POWER OF DESIGN POD Job # 16-11477 Site Number 68828 Site Name Jupiter Reactions for tnxTower Compression/Pier 298.9 kips Shear with Compression 35.1 kips Tension/Pier 240.2 kips Shear with Tension 28.7 kips Anchor Rods Interaction Check Anchor Rod Grade A354-BC Number of Anchor Rods- 6 Diameter of Anchor Rod= 1.75 in Anchor Rod Detail Type' D I,r>3.5 Diameter of Anchor Rod No F„b= 125 ksi A�= 1.899 In R„r= 237.43 kip �= 0.75 rl= 0.4 Interaction= 0.362 See Figure 4-4 for Details No Moment Check Needed TIA-222-G Figure 4-4 & Section 4.9.9 195' SelfSupport Tower POD Group, LLC 68828 So FI Recycles RFDS SMUMMAV PROJECT pETAIIs PROJECIPHASE, RET/d%R% DATECREATED: 92RDIfi CREATEp BY: PAVITRAMISWALAF P0.0JELTTYPE: RET/4%R% REVISION NUMBER:- SCOPEO WOR 1TE+19001A Rml.(6)MI.. wM 6) REIPEdmnas. Rsnme 3 eaisting antemas. Add 4u wiM Diglexsc PCS18001Ais: RepI.(6) Mt.. wiN(6) RET M.Rsnwe 3 qi bn, ant.l Add 4wlW Di exec i�M19u: R ?.(6)ArJ.. i1h(6)RET Ard nPenwe 3 a As gant.n Add 4+ wM Do,. - ,AW 210099u: RW.(6)ADI..wltl(6) RET A1110Nai Rsnwe(3) euAng antemax Add 4u wiM Didexss SITE INFORMMTION LOCATION INFORMATION REAL ESTATE INFORMATION CELL SITE NAVE So FlRsy GOZERISIIERRA ID: 068828 TOWEROWNER: ENeo mxarc ECP. SWITCH NAME: JUPITER STREET ADDRESS: "Cl Rarigeline Rosd STRUCTURETYPE: ADtmna Tows An CELLSITENUMBER:'7"313"'i^313 11fi313 '-;W6313 CITY: Psl5anl Wue AHTDESIGNOPTION opt'. 415JlOtlifietl CARNER1VnlceIEVDO): " COUNTY: SL Uxie FINALCONFIG 6ANT/12UNESI1201PYAITMA IMRIU:1 NENIIFIER LPCODE: 3d987 FINAL BANDS I1900AG0/ LTEIMML ,_,,.L—PCSL,LwLM CELLIDMTIFIER FIPS: 12111 - Ms Fgn Laede ,, FL WA NNIF230 COORDINATES 1)63: DEC MIN SEG DEGREES LTE784101u: AWBSIudowi REAG2-SmNedd WOJO680 N 27 17 WOO 1 27.2844d444 AWS MAIIXEi IDENTIFIER W 80 I I 00.3d I TITLE SIGN OFF DATE CONSTRUCTION NOTES ,.d. " -f:, „. r ;.%.. POWER FNEOVENCY ENGINEER RF PAWTRAJAISWALAF p q *' .LTEiWDRM1z; _'- pC518D0 Yp: Ruraf900 MI¢-3280W KS BAND B: Tx 1850-1S65Rh 18T01885 ' MANAGER. RF Jame L., Rwalgm MF¢-3 BANDS: T%196D-1965Ak18?TFlM6 ENGINEER SP JUPITER8,S PMsmarca LM70DM:R I001ffM- MOW LTEBANDC: Tx 24 gft WIT I FNCNNEERGON$ Ann 1813)5U2 22/ Clmis 1561) ffi5523 AWCNudNF�: Rura21oo A81x-32MW AWSBLOCI(B: Tx2120213NRx1T20.1T30 RE VISION HISTORY REVISION O XEYO NOTES IAUTHOR 9/Wi016 aegxe l6 mtennasrvitn l¢I nEiaxmnacnemeve131 e.nn.Rammiasad4m6�Wm ppe�ers nrniSW94-af I I I I C U! RENT CONFIGURATIONON ! RF ENGINEERING ANTENNA SPECIFICATION SHEET om MYnualaNtlon nnGolw :xo nvaW7: - ----- TOO, NO NO NO NO NO Gwrt 2. ]11 3 NO NO NO am=" 7' NO NO NO M-1, I NO NO 2!n� IN' I.. I.- .Mm�' 2 2 Ptl]NNuinGn&PM BUN GMM NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Guhlpunl 2 2 2 LTE.mwrLm 10311 E.....MAOONAO s WA 0.. Mbnn .—Ow. NO NO NO 0 NO NO NO GwNW aAW Iw AmsMWmenYPm OM IS I T, I.O.H4 I I LMOMM 0 0 AMPICOUNN el. NO ... . ... 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Qry:' C6 DBOICAP DBC-ICAP DE=AP TMA Model Qty: 0 NO NO NO Coaxial Type 111, 1 M0" 1510" Coaxial Quantity 2 2 2 DULOvanty try: LTE Sim Number s PNd 146313 LTE2UXMH1(AVgS)ANTENNACON`GURAMONS" Existing S.M.4mf nnas Modified ALPHA BETA GAMMA AntennaQuantor_-_.. - ^ __+.:. 0 0 0 Antenna Model. _�. =' .....+. Antenna Odmetakn• Antenna Centarllne tAGL Recommended MecWul Do611toeg) - DI laxetl Antenna _ - NO NO NO DI,Modal".: NO NO NO ty 0 NO NO NO Coadal Typm "- - - - :.. "..: Isel 1510° 1we Coaxal Quantity,,. .. _` - - •'Y 0 0 0 DULONUIRY AWSSIm Numbers PNa=. jigel ANTENNA: Replace (9) Antennas with (6) RET Antennas. Remove (3) exist m, antenna. Add 4xRx with Diplexers. COAX: Exiatin9 Coax Linea DIPLEXER: 120ulaxera,(3) COmmaas eAISS Smnt Bieo-Ta COMMENTS: , s during olect heal dow bit values for BET .v.' :'EQUIPMENT SUMMARY, - . ;Total Numberof Antennas: 0 ,e rv.�:TE /0MNz •" ^ �'.✓ PCSL90 Total NumberoIComa1:=' :)� "Tool NumherofAnemnaa: 1^. .' o r.•^+=^r""PC3119WMNz) • '"' ""'•'j:Toml Numborot Couelat" 6 Total Number of Antennas: 6 LTE (70011z) Total Number 0 Coostl: 6 Total bottomed Munroe, *- ,:': 0 n„ •'m .-.;. AWS iQDMHy S.� ". . .':»Teel Nmetherf Comtel:--,.`. 0 TOTALANTENNA000NT: .' - 5 ) °" „_ e' ,'°++ • "TOTAL "b"' ^ _ .: TOTALCOAIUAICOUNT: 12 ,'_•+"'..•.PCSLTEOIIand:, - N0 ;: a i46•:^-PCs LTE 1900MHa)I'^ ;..: .W :. _'. CeUNlar Cwxlzl Sin: °'.:_- Hybrid Cable(Rbar3Power PCSD1Iexed:. a r._` YES PCSt900MIm * +r, .'.;. ;..-,PCSCOWaISIzo ,.:"^. Iwe- LTEDiplexed: YES LTEp00MHz) LTE Coaxial St.; Isle- --^"AWSM Iaad: - n NO ";. - "'� AWBII1(MMNt ,a _ '.AWeComal Exe:,_�.. 1516° JOTALOIPLEXERCOUNT: 12 -,COMDINERSEi NEEOEDAisiS: uguwaO(BTS Rack Mount Multipart) Verizon Wireless Confidential 9/6120165:06 PM Antenna Layout Diagram h3S ] D, MMA=!K J bG H Ke. apes Opinion 935Modified _, , Verizon Wireless Confidential 916120165:06 PM