HomeMy WebLinkAboutMRO Hangar_Subcontractor Fence Permit_EXEPERMIT # ISSUE DATE COUNTY F L O R I D A DANIELS FENCE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division (Company Name/Individual Name) the FENCING (Type of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for MRO HANGAR - TREASURE COAST INT. AIRPORT (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3191 JET CENTER TERRACE, FORT PIERCE FL 34982 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR %IC, V t I t ualiner) (;_e'0-40 'H0 '_-T- PRINT NAME Cc_ o 2 s-760 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State or Florida, County or -,, Ci,1� The foregoing instrument was signed before me this nay of who is pers000lly known &.efor has produced a _. as identification. STAMP '>igaature of Nolan Publir �h.] Print Name of Notary Public Revised 11/162016 MICHELE BALL-VAUGH Q NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA Comm# GG132424 Expires 9/21/2021 S B-fONTRACTORSIGNA'rtIRE(QueUner) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate of Florida, County of N The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of g L . 20. by - hu Is Persona known /Rr has produced a as idedijfr aft jo. �I s'rAMP _.'4palurr or ri 1'11hli.c r Print Name of Notary Public t y SHANNON REYNOLDS NOTARY PUBLIC a STATE OF FLORIDA ^' Comm# GG251282 sfJ CE 113 Expires 9/19/2022