HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit RenewalFrom: Mike Heissenberg Fu:17728710990 To: Fax: (772) 462-1576 Page; 3 of 4 06/2912020 11:34 AM ..PLANNING AND' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPA. YRTME T • BUILDING CODE REGULATIONS DIVISION. CE IR, L34982 2300 RGINIA. AVE _. FORT PIERCE, - . (?72).40271553 ....F.a4 (77.2)462-1578 RECJ CEIVED-. ... PERMIT RENEWAL REQURST ... _..... 57 ntY,.Perhlittirig._ PB$MI(T�jN�U�jMpSER ADDRESS: (I LI U ( Won o1 1 t✓f 47I i f am :requesting that the above pzrmiC be renewed. I understand that Lmust sehedule.and p s all required inspections for the permit to be finaled. Further,.] understand that this is a ONE TIME RENEWAL and the permit shall expire should I. not receive. a passing inspection during an`y/�six'(moDnt1h �erilod during the renewal period, ` Justification Y%r_i�i'� � l f Y-l_1hJ� I�T t C OWNERIaLDR613CONTAACI'OR.SIGtS/A ZQ PATE STATE OF FLORIDA(' COUNTY OF ' OR ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS Z l!t 1 (t DAY c ��.. BY �L1�, 1"5� ���� bP.YGI do IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO &1E : OR .:. .HAS PROVIDED . _.. . AS.IDENTIFICATIQN. :.STATE OF FLORIDA, County sf i , .. SIGNATURE O..F.NOTARY..� Tnytor O'Brien NOTAiY UBLIC ^STATE OF FLORIDA J ? Comrtr✓I W958999 .............. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY; - — xP{reS7/Eff24 ..._ .......................... Number ofOpen lns Total Inspections: _........_...._...._ _ ... (Divide open by total to getof open )ns ections -- P ) . Percentage: .. ....................... _......................... ......................... Original permit f— ea X °a open = S.R6ncwal fee. .:.......................................................... Example; I15.divided by.23=.65(%)] S.I'75(permit fee) x .65=S 1 I3.75 (renewal fee) _............................ ...... -Rc v;xa 7rzInoI4 ................... ........... .............. ....... .._....... ........ .._........ ........ ........ .................. ........... ....................................... ..._......... 3 s� �.._e............. ............................................_......_.._.......... s C h lv\ _..................... .... ...:....................... .................... ....................... ............................... .............................. ............