HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT AUG 13 2019 SUB•CONTRACTORAGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to he the ��} fj _ $ub-contractor for (3RBK OHO HOMES. LLC. PI'YPu orTro Ic) (Prinulry Contniclor) For the project lociated at or It is understood thpt, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above ruentioned project, the Bulilding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be•ndvised pursuant to the filing of a Chg6ggof Sub -contractor notice. Jeri crLL..yS--- (Y lNt'V CERI'II ICA' ItIN NIIM1IUaII , s1.lmenrmnrida�(Lunlyi,f e- The foregoh,y Inalrnmont rru Piped before me thin? 8 tiny or .11'fj by bill a k4 .44Itiy.14- RV"tsy/ Rebecca Dima 9 2021 CommissionlGG0606 January IlrellCd I IIIGRUIb „'�11„`•` Bonded ihN Aare° Notary CU d: N IItA_MO It R N.XFtI , tgnluneq PaINTNAMP -- - T—_ 5'i'A f Ae i 215/ S-2 'OtIN1'1'czaTIPlrwrl(mNurvil w Stole of Florida. (!nonly nr i O,a. 7LWE& 1'ho forepIn0.Ins lnlmrnI nom AkInni before uta this-adry or —,TA^ 111ij,by &&d M ,-inn rrhu tr peronnully In,mro.zor hna produee0 a _ ar towilatopnn. Slgnuturu of Nulnry Puhlle .. V..14hd4Ir L C/0T Prim NAlhe of NOlhry PU611r :tA+1 vicsoreta t. oioa �' Mr ooaifnlealoN a vcnroa4a �fj a%PIR9a F�bNuY er, 2021 I• PERMIT # ISSUE DATE ON ,,, ml. the For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVI Building & Code Compliance Divisi( RLCLIVED BUILDING PLRn119' AUG 13 ?719 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREE07CN'1' ST. Lucie County, PePfnlfting l n6 • have agreed to be Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC, (Primary Contraclor) (Project Street Addresser Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the tiling of a Change hI' Sub -contractor notice. J1 C,t�z Ll3�r�s1/�S COUNI'1' Clilt'I'IPICITIO\pttUdlOFlt Shale of Florida, Count), of, J} . LP e The foregoing inslrnmcn�t�ens slg�nrJd �L�N�or�c me Ibis) of who Is pmounlly knasen —Zoe has produced a lReheccA Btma p60B76 Comm!$S105 0 y 2rAA E%Pwes'. �tlolz Bonded IAW Itcrised i I /I620I h ('CC I32--7323 COON I'1' Clilt'1'IIsIC,\l'lON NUMBER stain or Florida, Cuunly ur�% \1 The roreaaing Instrument was siCnrd before air adsib dar of L who Is pctaonnlly Itnmen _ar bus produced a as i cs d(rnliun. A _ I , I CHRISTINE M KOSAKOWSKI My COMMISSION A GG001803 EXPIRES June 13. 2020 1407)SU41C] FbtbaNate SeMea.tom PERMIT # HE _= PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Divisi n RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT AUG 1 3 77'9 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST, Lucle County, aermitting RIDGEyG WAY PLUMBING have agreed to be P(CcLUMINmeAndividual Name) the Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project Street Address or (Primary Contractor) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chang of Sub -contractor notice. William State CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this-1 6day of :t4MI—_, 20Lby W)II re M A;6ni/1�. who is personally known X or has produced SU ONTRA RSI ATURE(QualiBer) GREGO KOZAN PRINT NAME 19-15354 State CFC0577 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State or FToride, County of FLORIDA The foregoing Instrument was signed before me thL?—O%y of Q& 20_d by GREGORY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as idendac illon. STAMP�A n�� J�/t-�L-}dJ✓� Sig lure of Notary Pubilc ftpias 11l `jam; Comm sslon GG060876 _- F4I1es: January 9, 2021 otary ,....: ` Bonded billPaton td Revised 11l162016 ... Print Name of Notary Public E KATHLEEN M. HALL ary Public -State of Floridaommis$,on=GG 190510 omm. Eepi,es Jun 17.2022rough National Kolar, Assn STAMP Et ��PERMIT# ISSUE DATC PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance D BUILDING PERMI•r SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT J 1 (Company Name/Individual Name) the & [-6 Ct_e7 C u.2 Sub -contractor for (Type orTrade) For the project located at (Project Street Address or AUG 13 119 ST. 6eElp have agreed to be GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. (Priutnry Contrtc(or) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing ofa Chang ol'Sub-contractor notice. .State of Florida, Cuunly or 1 • UA C; The rnregaing Inslruucnt was signed bercre, our this dny of hus produced a .S"H CONI'IL%UrOft SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 1�QnJa 0(rerrem Q. rlasrN,wu: T� MOSS COUNry CER'1711CATION NUMBER Slate of Florida, County of —+ ) 17 I e \J The foreRning \Dinslrurnentseas signed before me this �,dayuf 1noikL_Lt},20-d. by C✓' seho is personally Mwwn -)Car lurs prod ueed a as ideulifindim L �2 S-I'Aptl' Signnlnre or\ntary public Print Nnmer'Nolnrypublic Printilanlc nr miry public Ae6ecca Dima �_ S RVAa% Commission GGB6UB76 (, 2�� //a'J`°C''� SITYAN T BROMELOW *_ E7tpitCS; Janu�'�� j,+'!�'NI Notary Public -State of Florida ; ?Woof, Commission 0 GG 262711 ` BondBd tltN \•ZNI! My Comm. Expires Oct I7. 2022 � Bonded through National Notary Assn. Rcrised I VI6201h PERMIT# ISSUE DATE /Q �l E/2 GCS (Corp=y Name/Ind the (Type of Trade) For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance D BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT AUG 18 2019 ST. Lucia have agreed to be Sub -contractor for &/6��f (Primary Contractor) or Property It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Shoe of Florida, Can nly of, S'i'IAA . r— The foregoing instrument was signed before me thi s/ d: y a �Gl l- ,:o�byGl�l��l4Y✓1 4rtdl�i x'bo is personal[ known or hm produced u ..s We tins lde ti [at STAMP O�ma 16 � w gebe�4G0�p2� Revised 11116f1016 SUO b�IGNATUREJ PRINT NAME COUNTY CEItTIPICATIONNs /UMBER Slate of Florida, County af( . 1 T 4(4 e The foregoing instrument was signed before melhuj 9 of GI L— ,2o19,by� f/r:.lrl 3Y//r///'.-Y�' u'ho Is personally known _or has produced. o L L '— mmsstp° �y nib ��y-- IIN y 010 tffiY IV 'y g°oded ' too `