HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Spray12. e • • , I 1 , A ! Au a. P• + • nq ;,, G ,eSttude Cond;ty Iuspecfions;; r' 21WO YArgiu a AwAire. s . , . • . t � ; �' ; PtPierce, IM 349$2 7 _3 . 72 • EE121'IFICATE •Qk I%RMTTE TREATMENT :a -, sOIVSTIiUCTION , StiII TRPA1l�1T c' iYIE _=�1,' j A 3yDas.d,a9-oll$.d•�o; 1r o, S�f�:.". �' � Asj;. ,b.'.,: PERMIT;# ►q la -0 3q 3 m ..� 70i3YAbDRESS 5609 Buch Dr;POaf PierceFL 34982_3825 BUIIDT;R, Adams. Homes Sauth , PEST Co TROL CON TRACTOR'.RomeVam P.estDefense, Inc!"' AST CONTR&IICENSE # J100018'86' ' we, the undersigned) herebg certtf} thR-wz have pretreated th=des e ahovecritked cons truetkop suhterranCan tecittites in accordancewith the standards of the Nationa!PbeSt.Contc of ssociatidw Sggare: feet of area treatgd';, r22Q. Chemicais,used: Bora Care. , _ .. • t _ e Peiceitta "eYof soluhon::501a rt �. .-- g m 1bt9i1 gallaus used:, 4 r , r Date of ti'eafiuent 05I1512U l Time ot``freatrrtente AM � ° 1 • ` - E130104 2 6 Cez[ificate ofProtec«ve Matnient far prevention o j Termites. M FOotlilg; y , R wegtherreststant jobsne fdslingboard sliall be pr6Di d to receive , i •• St Treatment - ,' d9tp11Ca1eTreatment.Gerti�cates'w`;each:requiredprotecttvC,treatmerit'is , e Q R; e-treat — cornpleted, provFding a copy for the persM the poerthet is trsaed io-and 8 l another copyfor t ¢ butldtngpermit feles, 2i e TreatrMenl C'&r w to shall 9 = ❑'Siah ^ i ', provide-iheprodactwsed tdeniliyt 7f heapphcator ttmpd-date:ofthe 0.15t Tre$LmE rit- treahnent; slie7ocation, ,a'rea meated' chemical used percent concentranoo - • ;-^ and numberofgdlions'tired•toeskabltslt:awenfiableregottlofp,;oteenve:- _ - Retreat treairaenta ,Ifthe-s'vll cheinl olhai-K& tnethodfor,ter'mi6e prevenhgri`ts tired, A - , ❑.Driveway _ final ezCerior treatment shall be to jin6{ btoditig approval, ' - LI st Tteatment' - , Sk L-u'c a Cowlty�tequires tot the final tuspection foM�CO, a.Permanent g , _ r fQ Re-tteaC „- Shcker`to beplace_ l on the electrical panel box cover, istmg aliihe ` PUOYS treatments'and dates of applications 1st'Treatment - (l Re treat; 0 Other ' . _ Signature of exterminator - ❑ tst `treatment � ] ORe=lrea� a • ; • 4 ®Penmetelr for Ah"Inspect on _ a a. NOTE."There must be a eoo;pte.ted form for each,eegt ired treatment or re treahnent andthts form:must be,om the job,site to be picked «p'bydte inspeetor,artirne of eachrispechoti;or, the scheduled inspec«ori_ rvi11 ti