HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite SprayL • - y`_;, a, §i: Lucie County;Inspeetious: , ' , • _ ' c 2300: ` kgin a Avenue 349k, ; 's (722j:463-2172.. CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE `TREATMENT CONST?W TION'$OII: TREATIYIENT' 9 PERNIIT JOB.ADpRE55 5607 Palin`Dr, Fort:Pietce;'FL,349$2-,389& •, •, BUILDER Adams Homes South a. . PES'I'CONTROliCONT."CTOR.,HomeTeamPestDefense,`Ine: = PEST CONTROL LICENSE # JF00018W - _ - We, the undecsigried, hereby certify"hai ive have pretreated the:above described construction<for, 'subterraneaa termites in! accordance `vrth,the standards. of the National Pest_Control Association, - s Sq¢are•feet of Iarea treated:. 220' Chemicals n e'd: Bora-Care' •,v ' -. Peiceniage of solution SOf Total gallons used: 4;' Date -of freatmenti 05/14/20 Time=of treatment: AM a — - ®.Foofing ®I st Treatment ' • QRe-beat ' , ❑hstTreaffifdrt El Re -treat Re -treat , ❑ Driveway 014 Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ POOls FBC10416` Certifrcateof Protective Treatment fur prryentiyri of termite& A:) eathe mcistantjobsiteposiitigboardshral,bepraVideJtoreceive At licateTjeatmenl CetTifcates=axxeach required prq ective'a-eatnrent,i:_s compteted providing a copy for theperson thepoerrnit is iisued to and bnother copy for the butldingpermrt files, -.Ae Treatment Cer�cate shall prnv de ttieproduct used identity of the applicator tihM-and date :of the' . treattitent site locatioh, area tre6t, ,, chemical used; percent coneenagtio'.'n andnumber-ofgatlonstued'to'eslablisltaveilfiablerecordof rotective- ltreattnent lfthesoil.chemcatbam'ermeiliodfortermitepreventigntsused_,' final exterior, treafnrentsHdll be'campleted prtor to Jtr ab'bntldmgjapprovdl;; Sf Lucie County reomres for.the final inspection; for CO, a:Permaueat Stickerto be•ptaee'ti o¢ the dectncal'panel6ox cover; hstiug;all'flie treatments artd`d'afes of appucations`c 1st Treatment O Re -treat El Other 1 st Treatment EI R&treat ® Perimeter for Final Inspection musthe by I _SigtiatureI of:ezterminator a ^ N this •ttt mrist be on rspiii. - w.-C a t I 3