HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit RenewalPLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT BUILDING AND CODE REGULATIONS DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE, Fl, 34982 (772) 462-1553 Pax (772) 4624$78 PERMIT RENEWAL MAY 2 0 _020 ST. Lucie County, Permitting PERMIT NUMBER: _ 1 1 I I — O' q ,0-1 ADDRESS: —t I i 110w S AV e. I. DenniJ (a es •f q , am requesting that the above permit be renewed. I understand that I must schedule and pass all required inspections for the permit to be finaled. Furth r. understand that this is a ONE TIME, RENEWAL and the permit shall expire should 1 not receive a passing inspection during any six moot period daring the renewal period. Justification OWNER/BLDR OR CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE lJA I C nn,s C'u e� Print Name SPATE OF FLO DA COt1NTY OF _ __yn_yt(, p , / ACKNO ,.EDGED BEFORE ME THIS _1.,7 DAY OF. Max 20 p. BY L,(P��a WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME1. V OR HAS PROVIDED ST F FLORIDA. County of _ _. /_ /� U L-1Z SlIGNATURE OF NOTARY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Number of Open Inspections: Total Inspections: (Divide open by total to _get % of open inspections) Percentage: Original permit fee: x % open = S Renewal fee AS IDENTIFICATION. Notnry Publb Sleti otFlaleer..•. q SEAL B ChriaOne Holland Ecpiree eV27r1e7j �� e� Example: (15 divided by 23-.65(°/u)) S175(permit fcc) x .65=$113.75 (renewal fee) hevised W21/20I4