HomeMy WebLinkAboutsub agreements�, 4. `1 J , rh PERMITi 2QQ3 Q366 IssU�O¢f a ",-PLANNING 8c .DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ' t � - � ���' Building &'code CompLance Dmsrfin;. -` .F • Gm ,� BUILDI[VGPERMI7" a .. l r •, SUB CONTRACTOR AGREEME �'t de9 1 � Ira a -'- rle' t sc t a ''f-S n j- •„,,,a.Goy-,aaai;o.ao;5 S� , 'r �� i J A Taylor Roo6nglJack N 11 1 _ _ have'aMed'ta b 5 rr J ,{ _� (Company NnmeJindmdual Name) ..., �u' _ _ , i, ry •„ wntracfor for Yusu ' Or-Rahrnan _ .�•} -,r,(NmaryContractof)' , Y F6i thdep"gject located'at"4710 E Midway, Rd Fort"Plereeflonda 3i6d �T (Project Street Addtrss or Properly Tax ID ' � ` a�uV r t _, rr rl (.0 � -Su 1 I r yndefstood that, If therells any -change of stains regarding our paittclpanon with the abope meiitio`ned', ' 'I ,�i1..'� +, {prgeci the Building anti Code Regulation Drv)s)gn of StlLiicle Countyrvfll be advised pursuant to-the--r �.:Y` � .t' i ` ` } fihng of a'Ghange o Suh confiactor'notice.; , ,,a NCO ORSIGNATl1REjQoe) er)S'' i �_ J 'SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qoa6fier) 'Abtlu[-Rahnian �'7 A PR11TA s •� f i 7. . PRINP�N bl.il./ / Owtie (builder. 1 v r, .0 (3.2 5 - J COUM'Y CER2'Ih'ICA710N NU\IBER rz COlINrY CEICI'87CgTION P'VbtB � i "-" tb ��� StafeofFlor(da' Comty of T!L_1J ' ' }Stale 0fF1b Jd,,C000tyof C x 1 7heforegoinghLsimment was Signor 6efbamelhis` ay�o[ Tht fOtegomgio5lromenlnai signed baibra m0.tha 0 day af_ • ,� Vyh t'hC.. CA J who is penionaRy knema 1 or dar It.4 la' a +rho is permnnnllyhnmvo Or has pruducrd_a. #n IasI ft' liaeahoo G. `-' i vL asidenbli 'bn ! 'ST,1hfP , , _ p SigonlBie of 1Yotaiy Pnbnfe it 1 s x d .r , .� , ='Slgo/a�lr to,(pNo� Pnbtir - - 1- • - - , � - � ' `•�/ Qi"--V y� VC�'.a—'pz, ` Prant Name of Notary r' .' , �" i. UYCOh'JdISStDtId GG Oo3270� � " _ 14 2021 7 s r XE1Tq'Sr0.4R r arF oQA , r 'rNotary fvhl� Su4eofHorday. +• l�� � , Gwn,mssmn OGG i05g0 i:Revised 1 �I/ 62,0� 6Fipliesluni7101 V _ ' rt�lt�Jr•,2�u��S,74�v jj �P I`>�•'�,,' +7 '. t.'vnlar'4'»`I.,r��, .,ano,t �yJ��<,a°, _^, nos �:- .. SI'j s'� , 7�°� • � �'.I� .5.7� p�� �� -. jai'• a ,. ' . ...,, a a - ° ' ; , ya ° a [�PERMI 2Q03a;03,66' F,a 'na f uISSUEDATE.x; _ -- an' - ° _ -,AiLANNING'&IDEVEL6PMkNtT SERVICES ° Ss a Building- Code CDlppUance'D;ivlslon . .BIJICDINGPERMIT ti..., ,SUB-COMTRACTO1tAGREEME'" o n �. � •. 7, � A T l y ° a • - ' ','7 - �' - - '' o AIt Suncoasf Electnc Inc a have agreed to bei t A ''"(Company NameMdtvidoal Name), �Yi suf Abdur i ' + Sub contractor forRahman „ f < :., (Type'afTrade}` •?I'G '.•ti `j.' f iitP S(PrixnaryContractor) + r .— • °j , a [ Z ! .ilk ,{I , 1 .° .r a I S - Jed J y� " 7 0 E Midway Rd Fort aerca Flonda 34 2 9 n , Fo& the project_located af,4 1 P �l j 3'' �'-' ' {Pmjbct SareetAddresS:orPropettYTac iD k)I .'J '.7_., .r ,____ n,�, ;, It Isionderstooil'that of there is, `any4chance of status 'fegudan our parncipahon wttl7 the above meutloned'A7 - r .� r t• -tl S I -a � 1 4 i s r r- r.'' 1 a , 1' o t IL7 Prodt, the Builds g and Code Regulation Dlvlsion of St? LI Cie County wall be advised plusuant to the } - lfiling of a 'a C ge o ub contractor'noftce 1 ' I7 ,a � •n-r t 4' rl -' _-,,,) a 1 t I ,i Y 7 _, _. -, ' +, _ , , 11 O SIGNATURE'(QlnQner �[rO •p" 7-{5U6-CON7'R.\CI'ORSIGIvATfJRE (Qvaliner5,5 �• a W t J tr hl X. Yus 6F- ahmai! r 21 1 , ; j i IN 1ALL;-� ' 1 uP A -P NA%IE Owrierlbtnlder S'a COUNTY CERTIFICATION N�UAI64R s r - ( *r'r '- ! COUNTY CERTIFICATIONa QNI�L,IIB�E�rRf� r° ° x{ eSblc of Flonda Covdry of 1'rL 1,117 ' - State of Flv�dp County or - 'I 71 C9 , The fore�ara° urstrvnnvt mssined 1.before Ice thIAa� j' � day of.�s The Coregmvg ms[rameat+rss signed before naethis 1 da+ of - 4Rsy ) S- 20 br �Y�.isLLF Rt7nL a1/ r—rl fliYt a9 J_ +iJ l ,O, hr ". heIsp itf�, r ,rr i� r+� I , I !", 1' :•y. (,1 -, znho is persomlly lmnpv or has pPvdaced a f IVCY ' mho is personally Imam �r 6as prodaceti i 1 A l • u} ' V _ a Y ,7!�i-r yideudficanon. a 1 L r y - _J 'asadmtffi=nonA STAFIP 1i _ + i r ) STAMP 'I Sgv�lureof Yotary-.P- - I J i ='f ] SiBvof Notar - J ,.-.r� , 7 �re + A . ' t ,,. ' 7 l .1� `��s.� t „Y�,ry I t » � l�fA�•P0.: �"W� LL.t/I��V L 'I ,� ':r Pnat Y� y} i m 02xPnhc�Y�mN- mac• e %ET Cassa[?ia Jade Davuf t< a s 4 nYSTOPR' J v tARy _ NovvyPu6L< SateatFUdda J ° • , ; c NOTARY PUBLIC' Commiubno GGt�i]tY y ]� i'. '. r '� 7 e oSTATE'OF FIARIDA-'� MYComrrt,Pxplreskmt7 i011J GCa367501�- 1 . q �Reyised !!/ POID -... r . , �r ' •" e , . - Expttese/t&2023� ` I . e, >j ?' -y ,}, , • i. .j'' '�`,:7 , ' , ',� ' ;C 1�=:?',_7 vo — ��.� 'a•. -'I 1..•.�i & c^ a�, ,�6 �'Y ,, "'��af'a ., �� +l5 `• is r , b 2' �._�.r Y1r10N11: � d 1 n ' BT1ILDi1VG PERNM _SUB COPITRACibIttiA ° a� 3 a.O C;l CS36 ic� A .-?(! MD tnclMichael Dunlap= 9the, p(Compatry_Name/InrLytdtiallVamej' a - ag[eed'foibe• covi Aidor for Yusuf A6tlur Rahmari 9 — I (Type ofTl➢de)b _.(�'SI➢lazYConh2cfOt) , For the pro�ecrlocated at 47.10 E Mldway Rd5 Fprt,Prerce Flondat349 _ — 99 a r(P o�ectSYzeetAddms'soSp�P] TaxID nr a a''" T y , a It >s (mderstood tha% if there is any change of status re gorP clpahon-vi�ththe.abovementioned+, .. 1 +1 `.i '� a r un s sedi�y $ il d pro�eot„the Bwldmg and Code 12egulatlon Dtvtslon o£ St ;I ucle County will be�advl „a,N tlte: (p, m J r rrS' J , °.e-'d Y d, Y ""v . ..� of.a Change:o Snb cornractor notic_ e a _ ° r Y t r r C_ � r SI ss('v TOBB Qj a - ' �' �SUBCONIRACI`ORSIGNATOBE (Qoo➢fi -r. __..___. s' ' - r ,rgYu f dur-Rahman ° C�,UNIY�CERTINICATTON NIIMHSR.jr•,'++ ?-1—_� a ' �S�teofFluFid:y County of'_ ', r a >. rThoregoi➢g irehnmeof wss ' S lieforeme tdis of oz -VI r 20`4�7by'(- +trboss pers6vally �owa_`or lr$praJ��ed a�-1`i ',=D�I.[�I�>i', ,ns tdentifiea6oa • ' °'a ��'� ��yCRa l�% a��. __ '� i" 7 SCAh1P f Notary po c ,... #'. - _ } 7 9 rylr � � ea Print NomeofNotary pa ➢e_s ''.�. KEMYSORR- Y , 1 , srz Fetary Fobtc Stz[2oFFbnc a ,� � CwnmissaneGG lU5170'S � ' 1- y11 aYT'-1 J .PR4YTNAME+f"' - --- _.._.... ' 3 e ail it ,"r