HomeMy WebLinkAboutMANUAL JFORM J1AF • ABRIDGED VERSION of MANUAL J, 8TH EDITION Project Corieones Indoor Design Heating db 70 Design State & City Cd? Outdoor (Winter) 99% db Florida Port St Lucie .,r•• ok 50 HTD 20 Indoor Design Cooling db 72 @ Outdoor (Summer) 1 % db 95 CTD 23ACC Indoor Design Cooling RH 50 __ Grains Difference 61 Daily Range Low Latitude 30 Elevation 30 ACF 1.000 Block Load Glass Direction Construction Detail Heating HTM Cooling HTM Net Area Heating BTUH Cooling BTUH 6A Windows & Glass Doors 6B Skylights 7 Wood & Metal Doors a G1asS t)oor 5.00 6.50 24 120 156 b c 8 Above Grade Walls a Back Kitchc-,fi wal 2.06 1.31 600 1236 785 b c Front I)! !q VV ii! All Gi�ass 17.40 600 10440 d e Partition Walls f 2x6 partlon wall 4.85 3.59 3000 14550 10767 9 9 Below Grade Walls a 10 Ceilings a b c Partition Ceilings d drop (,c !l;r),q 0.39 0.29 2500 970 728 e 11 Passive Floors a b Exposed Floors c 't. C. Slab (Perimeter Ft.) d 2500 Basement Floor e Partition Floors f 9 12 Infiltration Envelope Leakage Aver�ac c: -- =-- -- I ioated & Cooled F Ieor Area- Sq Ft 3000 Above Grade = Cu. Ft. 164316.76 19280 11086 - No. of Fireplaces ----- 13 Internal Gains Number of Bedrooms I` Occupants #VALUE! 14 Sub Totals 46596 #VALUE! 15 Duct Loss & Gain r'i- i &13 in Attic PA Riser in Floor to Ceiling Chase: Perimeter Supply Outlets 8993 #VALUE! R-Valle r; I eakag e Class 12% 24 0.193 ^_ 0.394 -� Ire;{�a!I ca Square Feet of Surface or Default = 1 Supply 1 Return 1 16 Ventilation lCombustion Air From Condit!one:d Space `-Furnace Water Heater None 19 Blower Heat Gain c;tr;rc r s pe!for;n_;nce data has no blower heat discount 1707 20 Total Sensible Loss or Gain 55589 #VALUE! KL,ebler Mechanical 574 NW Mercantile Ave Smite 1 07 Port St Lucie F±, 34986 772-878-2281 Enter Website or Email Address Here 21 Latent Infiltration load for cooling 18176 Latent load for occupants Latent load for plants Small Medium Large Latent load for duct in unconditioned space 1874 Latent ventilation load for cooling Total Latent Gain 20049