HomeMy WebLinkAboutWind Load Reaction CalculationsHULSBERG ENGINEERING Residential and Commercial Structural Engineers January 5, 2016 t g,L, i� Yfi",y7j y4Yd V� Delta Cooling Towers, Inc. 185 US Highway 206 — Roxbury Township, New Jersey 07836 JUL 13 `'020 Re: Wind Load Reaction Calculations Paragon Series Cooling Towers ST. Lucie County, Permitting To Whom It May Concern: We have completed calculations for determining lug anchorage reactions of the subject cooling towers in accordance with the International Building Code (IBC) and the American Society of Civil Engineers "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures" (ASCE 7-10). Enclosed with this letter is a summary of the lug reactions for a single unit at varying wind speeds ranging from 135 miles per hour (mph) to 205 mph. The 205 mph wind speed represents the highest design wind speed in the United States according to the ASCE 7-10 wind contours. The towers were separated to correspond with the matching groups contained within the provided information. Calculations have been provided for each grouping. In all cases, the calculated wind loads exceeded the calculated seismic loads. Therefore, only the wind load reactions are presented. Additionally, separate calculations are included to account for the slightly different provisions per ASCE for rooftop mounted applications. If you have any questions concerning this information, please feel free to contact my office at your convenience. `0.,... Sincerely, 1 ,,�°��(D S; S/ij.....,,,�A Digitally signed by Floyd Simpson ir Date:2016.OL�6-11,35:06-05'00' t• 1`1o.50791 Floyd S. Simpson, P.E 7 OF FL PE 50791 Enclosure 11481 Old St. Augustine Rd., Suite 202, Jacksonville, Florida 32258 Phone (904) 886-2401, Fax (904) 260-4367, FL CA No. 25846 Project: Paragon Series -Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Paragon Series Cooling Towers - 551, 70 I, and 85 1 Towers (Ground Mounted Applications) Basic weights and dimensions Wempty := 1180•lb Wfull 3980 • Ib Width:= 6.97•ft Depth := 6.97 • ft Height:= 12.16-ft LugSep := 4.91 -ft lb A:_ 2 ft Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width (normal to wind) Depth (parallel to wind) Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Wind calculations perASCE 7-10 KZ := 0.85 KZt:= 1 Kd 0.95 ORIGIN = I i:= 1..9 135 145 155 165 Y,:= 175 mph 185 186 195 205 From Table 29.3-1 for Exposure C Topographic factor From Table 26.6-1 for round or hexagonal structure Basic wind speed Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 1 of 4 (904)886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 37.67 43.46 49.66 56.28 qZ = 63.31 70.75 71.52 78.61 86.87 l2 qz:= 0.00256•psf-KZ KZt,Kd' h/ Velocity pressure (Eqn 29.3-1) P G := 0.85 Gust effect factor Cf:= 1.0 Force coefficient from Figure 29.5-1 Af:= Width Height Projected area Af = 84.76 ft2 ,tF;�= qz-G Cf-Af•0.6Design wind force (Eqn 29.5-1) converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor F=1 1878.7 2146.8 2432.7 2736.5 3058.2 3091.3 3397.7 Conversion from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design Notes: Ito provisions. ASCE 7-10 design wind speeds and associated forces are based on Strength Design provisions. A factor of 0.6 is used to convert Strength Design to Allowable Stress (i.e., Service Load) values. Mot := F. Height Applied overturning moment 2 9901.25 11422.43 13052.27 14790.76 Mot = 16637.91 18593.71 18795.27 20658.17 22831.28 LugSep Mres := 0.6-wempty, 2 Resisting moment due to dead load Mres= 1738.14ft-lb I ft- lb Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series -Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Mnet Mot — Mres 8163.11 9684.29 11314.13 13052.62 Mnet = 14899.77 16855.57 17057.13 18920.03 21093.14 Mnet Fside Lug -Sep Fside Flug . 2 135 145 155 165 V = 175 mph 185 186 195 205 Ift•lb Net moment Force on tension side at lug locations Fside = 1 Tension force each lug (two lugs per side) 1662.55 1972.36 2304.3 2658.37 3034.58 3432.91 3473.96 3853.37 117 831 830 986 990 1152 1150 1329 \lI 1330 Flug = 1517 (Flu, Ib ��:= round,-1 f -lb Flug = 1520 l 1716 1720 1737 (Round to nearest 10 lb) 1740 1927 1930 2148 2150 Seismic Calculation Notes: m The design wind force for 135 mph (lowest wind speed calculated) is equivalent to approximately 40% of the tower's full weight. By inspection, seismic base shear loads will not approach this percentage regardless of seismic category. Therefore, wind calculations will control for all wind speed and seismic category combinations. Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 4 (904) 886-2401 u Project: Paragon Series -Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Summary of Calculations - 55 1,70 I, and 85 [Towers Basic weights and dimensions Wempty = 1180lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull = 39801b Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width = 6.97 ft Width (normal to wind) Depth = 6.97 ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height = 12.16 ft LugSep = 4.91 ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Lug Reactions (per lug) for Ground Mounted Applications ASCE 7-10 wind speeds with reactions converted to service load values 135 830 145 990 155 1150 165 1330 V = 175 mph Flug = 1520 185 1720 186 1740 195 1930 205 2150 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Is Page 4 of 4 (904)886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Too Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Paragon Series Cooling Towers - 551, 70 I, and 85 1 Towers (Roof -Top Applications - 60 ft building height) Basic weights and dimensions Wempty := 1180 Ib Wfull 3980 - Ib Width:= 6.97•ft Depth = 6.97•ft Height:= 12.16•ft LugSep := 4.91 -ft lb ft Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width (normal to wind) Depth (parallel to wind) Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Wind calculations perASCE 7-10 KZ := 1.13 From Table 29.3-1 for Exposure C at 60 ft height KZt = 1 Topographic factor Kd = 0.95 From Table 26.6-1 for round or hexagonal structure ORIGIN = 1 i:= 1..9 135 145 155 165 V:= 175 mph Basic wind speed 185 186 195 205 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 1 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Too Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 qh=I 50.09 57.78 66.02 74.82 84.16 94.06 95.08 104.5 115.49 (mph) 2 qh:= 0.00256•psf•Kz•Kzt•Kd•I m h) Ib Velocity pressure (Eqn 29.3-1) at 60 ft height ft2 Roof -top equipment horizontal forces LateralGCr:= 1.9 Af:= Width -Height Projected vertical area Ar:= Width -Depth Projected horizontal area Af = 84.76 ft2 Ar = 48.58 ft2 ,,,N gh•LateralGCr•Af•0.6 Design lateral wind force (Eqn 29.5-2) using GCr per notes and converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor 4839.3 5582.8 6379.4 7229 F = 8131.8 lb 9087.8 9186.3 10096.8 11158.9 Height Mot: F 2 Conversion from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design Notes: The ASCE 7-10 design wind speeds and associated forces are based on Strength Design provisions. A factor of 0.6 is used to convert Strength Design to Allowable Stress (i.e., Service Load) values. Applied overturning moment LugSep Mres:= 0.6 Wempty' 2 Mres= 1738.14ft•lb Resisting moment due to dead load Mot = 29422.82 33943.2 38786.46 43952.61 49441.64 55253.56 55852.51 61388.36 67846.04 I ft•lb Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Mnet Mot - Mres Net moment Mnet = 27684.68 32205.06 37048.32 42214.47 47703.5 ft•lb 53515.42 54114.37 59650.22 66107.9 Roof -top equipment uplift forces VerticalGCr:= 1.5 TotalFup := gh•VerticalGCr•Ar- 0.6 2189.9 2526.3 2886.8 3271.3 TotalFup = 3679.8 lb 4112.4 4157 4569 Fuplug := TotalFup 4 1 2 Mnet Fsidelug LugSep 2819.21 3279.54 3772.74 4298.83 Fsidelug = 4857.79 5449.64 5510.63 6074.36 6731.97 m Force on tension side at lug locations (two lugs per side_ Design uplift wind force (Eqn 29.5-3) using GCr per notes and converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor 547.5 631.6 721.7 817.8 Fuplug = 920 1028.1 1039.2 1142.2 1262.4 Ir Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Flug Fsidelug + Fuplug PA 145 155 165 175 185 136 195 I•mph Flug=I Tension force each lug (overturning + uplift) 3367 3911 4494 5117 l F 5778 lb L:kg round lbg,—I -lb 6478 � 6550 (Round to nearest 10 lb) 7217 7994 Flug = 3370 3910 4490 5120 5780 6480 6550 7220 7990 M Seismic Calculation Notes: The design wind force for 135 mph (lowest wind speed calculated) is equivalent to approximately 40% of the tower's full weight. By inspection, seismic base shear loads will not approach this percentage regardless of seismic category. Therefore, wind calculations will control for all wind speed and seismic category combinations. Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1016 Summary of Calculations - 55 1. 70 I, and 85 1 Towers Basic weights and dimensions Wempty = 1180lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull = 3980113 Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width 6.97 ft Width (normal to wind) Depth = 6.97ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height = 12.16 ft LugSep = 4.91 ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Lug Reactions (per lug) for Ground Mounted Applications ASCE 7-10 wind speeds with reactions converted to service load values 145 3910 155 4490 165 5120 V = 175 •mph Flug = 5780 185 6480 186 6550 195 7220 205 7990 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 5 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series -Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/6/16 Paragon Series Cooling Towers - 100 I, and 125 1 Towers (Ground Mounted Applications) Basic weights and dimensions Wempty 1510•lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull 4235•lb Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width = 6.97•ft Width (normal to wind) Depth = 6.97•ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height:= 12.16•ft LugSep := 4.91 •ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) lb ,fit,= flz Wind calculations perASCE 7-10 KZ = 0.85 KZt:= I Kd := 0.95 ORIGIN = 1 1..9 135 145 155 165 I:= 175 mph 185 186 195 From Table 29.3-1 for Exposure C Topographic factor From Table 26.6-1 for round or hexagonal structure Basic wind speed Hulsberg Engineering,Inc. Page 1 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series -Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 43.46 49.66 56.28 lb qZ = 63.31 - 70.75 ft2 71.52 78.61 86.87 2 ( \ qZ = 0.00256•psf KZ•KZt Kd-1 hhJ Velocity pressure (Eqn 29.3-1) P &.= 0.85 Gust effect factor Ct:= 1.0 Force coefficient from Figure 29.5-1 Af:= Width Height Projected area Af = 84.76 ft2 hF�N= gZ•G-Cf-Af•0.6 Design wind force (Eqn 29.5-1) converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor F=1 1628.5 1878.7 2146.8 2432.7 2736.5 3058.2 3091.3 3397.7 Conversion from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design Notes: lb The ASCE 7-10 design wind speeds and associated forces are based on Strength Design provisions. A factor of 0.6 is used to convert Strength Design to Allowable Stress (i.e., Service Load) values. Mot := F Height2 Applied overturning moment 9901.25 11422.43 13052.27 14790.76 Mot = 16637.91 ft•lb 18593.71 18795.27 20658.17 22831.28 Mres LugSep 0 6'wempty' 2 Resisting moment due to dead load Mres = 2224.23 ft•lb Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paraqon Series - Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Mnet Mot —Mres 7677.02 9198.2 10828.04 12566.53 Mnet= 14413.68 16369.48 16571.04 18433.94 20607.05 Mnet Fside LugSep Fside Flug . 2 135 145 155 165 V = 175 •mph 185 186 195 205 I ft-lb Net moment Force on tension side at lug locations Flug = 1563.55 1873.36 2205.3 2559.37 Fside = 2935.58 lb 3333.91 3374.96 3754.37 4196.96 Tension force each lug (two lugs per side) 782 937 1103 1280 1468 lb �, round�Flbg,-ll lb 1667 1687 1 (Round to nearest 10 lb) 1877 780 940 1100 1280 Flug = 1470 lb 1670 1690 1880 2100 Seismic Calculation Notes: The design wind force for 135 mph (lowest wind speed calculated) is equivalent to approximately 40% of the tower's full weight. By inspection, seismic base shear loads will not approach this percentage regardless of seismic category. Therefore, wind calculations will control for all wind speed and seismic category combinations. Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series -Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Summary of Calculations -100 1 and 125 1 Towers Basic weights and dimensions Wempty = 15101b Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull = 4235lb Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width = 6.97ft Width (normal to wind) Depth = 6.97ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height = 12.16 ft LugSep = 4.91 ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Lug Reactions (per lug) for Ground Mounted Applications ASCE 7-10 wind speeds with reactions converted to service load values 135 780 145 940 155 1100 165 1280 V = 175 •mph Flug = 1470 lb 185 1670 186 1690 195 1880 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Too Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Paragon Series Cooling Towers -100 1 and 125 1 Towers (Roof -Top Applications - 60 ft building height) Basic weights and dimensions Wempty 1510•lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull 4235•lb Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width := 6.97 ft Width (normal to wind) Depth := 6.97•ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height:= 12.16•ft LugSep := 4.91 -ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) lb U_— f? Wind calculations perASCE 7-10 KZ := 1.13 From Table 29.3-1 for Exposure C at 60 ft height KZt:= 1 Topographic factor Kd := 0.95 From Table 26.6-1 for round or hexagonal structure ORIGIN = 1 i:= 1..9 135 145 155 165 YI:= 175 mph Basic wind speed 185 186 195 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 1 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Too Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 115l16 50.09 57.78 66.02 74.82 lb qh = 84.16 - 94.06 ft2 95.08 104.5 115.49 r V 2 qh:= 0.00256•psf•Kz•Kzt•Kd•I mph P Velocity pressure (Eqn 29.3-1) at 60 ft height Roof -top equipment horizontal forces LateralGCr = 1.9 Af:= Width -Height Projected vertical area Ar:= Width -Depth Projected horizontal area Af = 84.76 ft2 Ar = 48.58 ft2 FF�-- gh•LateralGCr•Af•0.6 Design lateral wind force (Eqn 29.5-2) using GCr per notes and converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor 4839.3 Conversion from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design Notes: 5582.8 The ASCE 7-10 design wind speeds and associated forces are based on Strength Design 6379.4 provisions. A factor of 0.6 is used to convert Strength Design to Allowable Stress (i.e., 7229 Service Load) values. F = 8131.8 lb 9087.8 9186.3 10096.8 1158.9 Mot:= F. Height2 Applied overturning moment LugSep Mres:= 0.6-WemPty• 2 Mres = 2224.23 ft•lb Resisting moment due to dead load 29422.82 33943.2 38786.46 43952.61 Mot= 49441.64 ft•lb 55253.56 55852.51 61388.36 67846.04 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Mnet Mot - Mres Net moment Mnet= I 31718.97 36562.23 41728.38 47217.41 ft•lb 53029.33 53628.28 59164.13 65621.81 Roof -top eaui=ent uplift forces VerticalGCr:= 1.5 TotalFup := gh VerticalGCr-Ar- 0.6 TotalFup = 2189.9 2526.3 2886.8 3271.3 3679.8 lb 4112.4 4157 4569 5049.6 Fuplug := TotalFup 4 1 2 Mnet Fsidelug:= LugSep Fsidelug = 2769.71 3230.04 3723.24 4249.33 4808.29 5400.14 5461.13 6024.86 6682.47 R. Force on tension side at lug locations (two lugs per side_ Design uplift wind force (Eqn 29.5-3) using GCr per notes and converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor 547.5 631.6 721.7 817.8 Fuplug = 920 1028.1 1039.2 1142.2 •Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Flug Fsidelug + Fuplug I,YA Tension force each lug (overturning + uplift) 135 3317• 145 3862 155 4445 165 5067 175 •mph Flug— 5728 185 6428 186 6500 195 7167 205 7945 lb F = round (Flbg ,-1) lb Seismic Calculation Notes: (Round to nearest 10 lb) Flug = 3860 4440 5070 5730 lb 6430 6500 7170 The design wind force for 135 mph (lowest wind speed calculated) is equivalent to approximately 40% of the tower's full weight. By inspection, seismic base shear loads will not approach this percentage regardless of seismic category. Therefore, wind calculations will control for all Wnd speed and seismic category combinations. Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: _Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Summary of Calculations -100 1 and 1251 Towers Basic weights and dimensions Wempty = 15101b Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull = 4235lb Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width = 6.97 ft Width (normal to wind) Depth = 6.97ft . Depth (parallel to wind) Height= 12.16ft LugSep = 4.91 ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Lug Reactions (per lug) for Ground Mounted Applications ASCE 7-10 wind speeds with reactions converted to service load values 135 3320 145 3860 155 4440 165 5070 V = 175 •mph Flug = 5730 lb 185 6430 186 6500 195 7170 205 7940 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 5 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Paragon Series Cooling Towers - 150 I, and 175 1 Towers (Ground Mounted Applications) Basic weights and dimensions Wempty 1785•lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull 5570•lb Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width := 7.85 ft Width (normal to wind) Depth := 7.85-ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height:= 14.79•ft LugSep := 5.5-ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) lb �'= 2 ft Wind calculations perASCE 7-10 KZ := 0.85 KZt := I Kd := 0.95 ORIGIN = 1 i:= 1..9 135 145 155 165 / 175 185 186 195 205 From Table 29.3-1 for Exposure C Topographic factor From Table 26.6-1 for round or hexagonal structure Basic wind speed Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 1 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 115116 37.67 43.46 49.66 56.28 qZ = 63.31 70.75 71.52 78.61 86.87 Ib ft2 r 2 qZ := 0.00256•psf•KZ•KZt•Kd•I h� Velocity pressure (Eqn 29.3-1) l P &:= 0.85 Gust effect factor Cf 1.0 Force coefficient from Figure 29.5-1 Af:= Width -Height Projected area Af = 116.1 ft2 VFW gZ•G•Cf•Af-0.6 Design wind force (Eqn 29.5-1) converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor F=1 2573.5 2940.7 3332.4 3748.6 4189.2 4234.6 4654.4 5144 Conversion from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design Notes: lb The ASCE 7-10 design wind speeds and associated forces are based on Strength Design provisions. A factor of 0.6 is used to convert Strength Design to Allowable Stress (i.e., Service Load) values. Height Mot F. 2 Applied overturning moment 16496.67 19031.13 21746.64 24643.17 Mot = 27720.74 30979.34 31315.16 34418.97 38039.64 Mres 0.6-Wempty• LugSep Resisting moment due to dead load 2 Mres = 2945.25 ft•lb I ft•lb Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series -Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Mnet Mot — Mres 13551.42 16085.88 18801.39 21697.92 Mnet= 24775.49 ft-lb 28034.09 28369.91 31473.72 Mnet Fside LugSep Fside Flug . 2 135 145 155 165 V = 175 •mph 185 186 195 205 Net moment 2463.89 2924.71 3418.43 3945.08 Force on tension side at lug locations Fside = 4504.63 5097.11 5158.16 5722.5 6380.8 Tension force each lug (two lugs per side) 1232 1462 1709 1973 Flug = 2252 lb 2549 2579 2861 3190 round( Flbg'-1)•Ib (Round to nearest 10 lb) 117 1230 1460 1710 1970 Flug = 2250 2550 2580 2860 3190 Seismic Calculation Notes: The design wind force for 135 mph (lowest wind speed calculated) is equivalent to approximately 40% of the tower's full weight. By inspection, seismic base shear loads will not approach this percentage regardless of seismic category. Therefore, wind calculations will control for all wind speed and seismic category combinations. Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Ground Design: FSS Check: MJI3 Date: 1/5/16 Summary of Calculations -1501 and 175 1 Towers Basic weights and dimensions Wempty = 1785lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull = 55701b Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width = 7.85 ft Width (normal to wind) Depth = 7.85 ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height = 14.79 ft LugSep = 5.5ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Lug Reactions (per lug) for Ground Mounted Applications ASCE 7-10 wind speeds with reactions converted to service load values 135 1230 145 1460 155 1710 165 1970 V = 175 mph Flug = 2250 lb 185 2550 186 2580 195 2860 205 3190 Hulsberg,Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16/1 Paragon Series Cooling Towers -150 1 and 175 1 Towers (Roof -Top Applications - 60 ft building height) Basic weights and dimensions Wempty 1785•lb Wfull 5570 Ib Width := 7.85 ft Depth 7.85•ft Height := 14.79-ft LugSep:= 5.5•ft lb Ag�— 2 ft Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width (normal to wind) Depth (parallel to wind) Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Wind calculations perASCE 7-10 KZ := 1.13 From Table 29.3-1 for Exposure C at 60 ft height Kzt:= 1 Topographic factor Kd := 0.95 From Table 26.6-1 for round or hexagonal structure ORIGIN = 1 i:= 1..9 135 145 155 165 Y.:= 175 mph Basic wind speed 135 186 195 205 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 1 of 5 (904)886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FES Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 50.09 57.78 66.02 74.82 qh = 84.16 94.06 95.08 104.5 115.49 r V 2 qh:= 0.00256•psf•Kz•Kzt'Kd l mph) Ib Velocity pressure (Eqn 29.3-1) at 60 ft height ft2 Roof -top eguipment horizontal forces LateralGCr:= 1.9 Af:= Width -Height Projected vertical area Ar:= Width -Depth Projected horizontal area Af = 116.1 ft2 Ar = 61.62 ft2 MFr gh•LateralGCr•Af•0.6 Design lateral wind force (Eqn 29.5-2) using GCr per notes and converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor 6629.1 7647.5 8738.7 9902.7 F = 11139.4 lb 12448.8 12583.8 13831 15285.9 Conversion from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design Notes: The ASCE 7-10 design wind speeds and associated forces are based on Strength Design provisions. A factor of 0.6 is used to convert Strength Design to AllowableStress (i.e., Service Load) values. Mot:= F. Height Applied overturning moment 2 LugSep Mres 0.6•Wempty' 2 Resisting moment due to dead load Mres = 2945.25 ft•lb 49021.93 56553.42 64622.87 73230.29 Mot= 82375.67 ft•lb 92059.02 93056.94 102280.32 113039.6 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Mnet Mot - Mres Mnet = 46076.68 53608.17 61677.62 70285.04 79430.42 89113.77 90111.69 99335.07 110094.35. I ft•lb Net moment Roof -top equipment uplift forces VerticalGCr:= 1.5 TotalFup := gh•VerticalGCr•Ar•0.6 TotalFup = 3204.5 3661.7 4149.5 4667.7 lb 5216.4 5272.9 5795.5 Fu lu TotalFup P 9 4 1 z Mnet Fsidelug:= LugSep Fsidelug = 4188.79 4873.47 5607.06 6389.55 7220.95 8101.25 8191.97 9030.46 10008.58 Force on tension side at lug locations (two lugs per side_ E. Design uplift Wnd force (Eqn 29.5-3) using GCr per notes and converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor 694.4 801.1 915.4 1037.4 Fuplug = 1166.9 lb 1304.1 1318.2 1448.9 1601.3 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Too Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Flug Fsidelug + Fuplug Tension force each lug (overturning + uplift) JB 135 145 155 165 175 185 186 195 • mph 4883 5675 6522 7427 Flug = 8388 9405 9510 10479 11610 lb Zug, round( Fbg,-1J•Ib (Round to nearest 10 lb) Flug = 4880 5670 6520 7430 8390 9410 9510 10480 11610 M Seismic Calculation Notes: The design wind force for 135 mph (lowest wind speed calculated) is equivalent to approximately 40% of the towers full weight. By inspection, seismic base shear loads will not approach this percentage regardless of seismic category. Therefore, wind calculations will control for all wind speed and seismic category combinations. Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Too Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5116 Summary of Calculations -150 I and 1751 Towers Basic weights and dimensions Wempty = 1785lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull = 5570lb Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width = 7.85 ft Width (normal to wind) Depth = 7.85 ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height= 14.79ft LugSep = 5.5ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Lug Reactions (per lug) for Ground Mounted Applications ASCE 7-10 wind speeds with reactions converted to service load values 135 4880 145 5670 155 6520 165 7430 V = 175 •mph Flug = 8390 lb 185 9410 186 9510 195 10480 205 11610 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 6 of 5 (904) 886-2401 0 Project: Paragon Series - Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5/16 Paragon Series Cooling Towers - 200 I, and 250 1 Towers (Ground Mounted Applications) Basic weights and dimensions Wempty 3170•lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull 8440•lb Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width := 9.5•ft Width (normal to wind) Depth := 9.5-ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height:= 17.5•ft LugSep := 9.16 ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) lb 'P.Sf:_ 2 ft Wind calculations perASCE 7-10 KZ := 0.85 KZt := 1 Kd := 0.95 ORIGIN - 1 i:= 1..9 135 145 155 165 175 185 186 195 From Table 29.3-1 for Exposure C Topographic factor From Table 26.6-1 for round or hexagonal structure Basic wind speed Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 1 of 4 (904)886-2401 Project: Paragon Series -Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1 /5116 37.67 43.46 49.66 56.28 qZ = 63.31 70.75 71.52 78.61 86.87 lb ft2 2 qZ:= 0.00256•psf•KZ•KZt•Kd•� V Velocity pressure (Eqn 29.3-1) mph ,R�.= 0.85 Gust effect factor Cf:= 1.0 Force coefficient from Figure 29.5-1 Af Width -Height Projected area Af = 166.25 ft2 hFN-- gZ•G.Cf-Af-0.6 Design wind force (Eqn 29.5-1) converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor 3194.3 3685.1 4210.9 4771.8 F = 5367.7 5998.7 6063.7 6664.7 7365.8 Conversion from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design Notes: lb The ASCE 7-10 design wind speeds and associated forces are based on Strength Design provisions. A factor of 0.6 is used to convert Strength Design to Allowable Stress (i.e.. Service Load) values. Mof:= F. Height2 Applied overturning moment Mot= Mres 0 6'Wempty LugSep Resisting moment due to dead load Mres= 8711.16ft•lb 32244.7 36845.61 41753.25 46967.61 52488.7 53057.68 58316.52 64451.07 ft-lb Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Mnet Mot— Mres Mnet = 19239.36 23533.54 28134.45 33042.09 38256.45 43777.54 44346.52 49605.36 55739.91 Mnet Fside Lug -Sep Fside Flug . 2 135 145 155 165 V = 175 185 186 195 205 .mph I ft•lb Net moment Force on tension side at lug locations Flug = 2100.37 2569.16 3071.45 3607.21 Fside = 4176.47 4779.21 4841.32 5415.43 6085.14 Tension force each lug (two lugs per side) m 1050 1050 1285 1280 1536 1540 1804 1800 2088 lb Z�,=round �Flb _I) -lb Flug = 2090 lb 2390 2390 2421 (Round to nearest 10 lb) 2420 2708 2710 3043 3040 Seismic Calculation Notes: The design wind force for 135 mph (lowest wind speed calculated) is equivalent to approximately 40% of the tower's full weight. By inspection, seismic base shear loads will not approach this percentage regardless of seismic category. Therefore, wind calculations will control for all wind speed and seismic category combinations. Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series -Ground Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Summary of Calculations - 2001 and 250 1 Towers Basic weights and dimensions Wempty = 3170lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull = 8440lb . Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width = 9.5ft Width (normal to wind) Depth = 9.5ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height = 17.5 ft LugSep = 9.16 ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Lug Reactions (per lug) for Ground Mounted Applications ASCE 7-10 wind speeds with reactions converted to service load values 135 1050 145 1280 155 1540 165 1800 V = 175 mph Flug = 2090 185 2390 186 2420 195 2710 205 3040 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of 4 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1016 Paragon Series Cooling Towers - 200 1 and 250 1 Towers (Roof -Top Applications - 60 ft building height) Basic weights and dimensions wempty 3170-Ib Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) wfull 8440•lb Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width 9.5•ft Width (normal to wind) Depth := 9.5•ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height := 17.5 •ft LugSep 9.16•ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Wind calculations perASCE 7-10 KZ := 1.13 From Table 29.3-1 for Exposure C at 60 ft height KZt:= 1 Topographic factor Kd := 0.95 From Table 26.6-1 for round or hexagonal structure ORIGIN = 1 i:= 1..9 135 145 155 165 Y.:= 175 mph Basic wind speed 185 186 195 205 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 1 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 15116 50.09 57.78 2 V qh:= 0.00256•psf•Kz'Kzt'Kd' - 66.02 mph 74.82 Ib qh = 84.16 Velocity pressure (Eqn 29.3-1) at 60 ft height ft2 94.06 95.08 104.5 115.49 Roof -top equipment horizontal forces LateralGCr:= 1.9 Af:= Width -Height Projected vertical area Ar:= Width -Depth Projected horizontal area Af = 166.25 ft2 Ar = 90.25 ft2 Fw gh•LateralGCr•Af;0.6 Design lateral wind force (Eqn 29.5-2) using GCr per notes and converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor 9492.4 10950.8 12513.3 14180 F = 15950.9 lb 17825.9 18019.2 19805.1 21888.5 Conversion from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design Notes: The ASCE 7-10 design wind speeds and associated forces are based on Strength Design provisions. A factor of 0.6 is used to convert Strength Design to Allowable Stress (i.e., Service Load) values. Mot := F. Height2 Applied overturning moment LugSep Mres 0.6' Wempty' 2 Resisting moment due to dead load Mres = 8711.16 ft. lb 83058.5 95819.21 109491.39 124075.05 mot = 139570.19 ft-lb 155976.81 157667.6 173294.91 191524.48 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 2 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Mnet Mot- Mres 74347.34 87108.05 100780.23 115363.89 Mnet= 130859.03 ft•lb 147265.65 148956.44 164583.75 182813.32 Net moment Roof -top equipment uplift forces VerticalGCr 1.5 TotalFup := gh-VerticalGCr•Ar- 0.6 4068.2 4693.2 5362.8 6077.1 TotalFup = 6836.1 lb 7639.7 7722.5 8487.9 Fuplug :_ TotalFup 4 1 2 Mnet Fsidelug:= LugSep Fsidelug = 4058.26 4754.81 5501.1 6297.16 7142.96 8038.52 8130.81 8983.83 m Force on tension side at lug locations (two lugs per side_ Design uplift wind force (Eqn 29.5-3) using GCr per notes and converted to Service Load by 0.6 factor 1017 1173.3 1340.7 1519.3 Fuplug = 1709 lb 1909.9 1930.6 2122 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 3 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16/16 Flug Fsidelug + Fuplug 135 145 155 165 V = 175 185 186 195 Flug = Tension force each lug (overturning + uplift) 5075 5928 6842 7816 8852 lb 9948 10061 11106 12324 Via. round(F�bg,—IJ•lb (Round to nearest 10 lb) Flug = 5080 5930 6840 7820 8850 9950 10060 11110 12320 IN Seismic Calculation Notes: The design wind force for 135 mph (lowest wind speed calculated) is equivalent to approximately 40% of the tower's full weight. By inspection, seismic base shear loads will not approach this percentage regardless of seismic category. Therefore, wind calculations will control for all wind speed and seismic category combinations. Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. Page 4 of 5 (904) 886-2401 Project: Paragon Series - Roof -Top Design: FSS Check: MJB Date: 1/5/16 Summary of Calculations - 200 1 and 250 1 Towers Basic weights and dimensions Wempty = 3170lb Empty weight of tower (lightest of series group) Wfull = 8440lb Full weight of tower (lightest of series group) Width = 9.5ft Width (normal to wind) Depth = 9.5 ft Depth (parallel to wind) Height= 17.5ft LugSep = 9.16 ft Lug separation distance (parallel to wind i.e., short direction) Lug Reactions (per lug) for Ground Mounted Applications ASCE 7-10 wind speeds with reactions converted to service load values 135 5080 145 5930 155 6840 165 7820 V = 175 •mph Flug = 8850 185 9950 186 10060 195 11110 205 12320 Hulsberg Engineering, Inc. 11 Page 5 of 5 (904)886-2401