HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAB 08122020 Notice
Notice is hereby given that the St. Lucie County Value Adjustment Board will meet on
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 beginning at 10:00 a.m. The purpose of this meeting shall
be the Approval of the Special Magistrates of the Value Adjustment Board. The meeting
will be held in the Commission Chambers at the St. Lucie County Administration Annex
Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, 3rd Floor, Fort Pierce, Florida, 34982.
St. Lucie County is working to ensure continued public access and opportunity to be
heard at Nontelevised County public meetings during the State of Emergency to
continue the business of our County.
Persons who do not attend will be able to submit questions and comments electronically
at publiccomment@stlucieco.orq. Comments received electronically will be distributed
to the Board in advance of the meeting and included in the record provided the
comments comply with the County' s rules. All electronic comments must be received by
noon on the day prior to the meeting.
The public may also provide comments by phone by calling (772) 462- 1499. Comments
pertaining to a public hearing or agenda items must be received by noon on the day
prior to the meeting. Comments received by phone will either be played at the County
meeting or transcribed in written form and provided to the Board provided the comments
comply with the County's rules.
St. Lucie County is committed to promoting transparency and engaging the public in all
crucial County decisions. Members of the public who desire to listen to a County
meeting may call 888-204-5987
ID: 5842645
Pin: 1910#
All votes shall be by roll call to ensure the clerk is able to record all official actions taken
for the minutes and the public is able to determine how each member voted. If at any
point the technology fails or is interrupted, the meeting shall cease until the problem is
NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taken by the Board at these meetings will
need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to
the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual
testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Safety &
Risk Manager at (772) 462-1783 or TDD (772) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.