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Btuldmg Code Reguiafiorc�nrisibn
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Volume 11 4 0 2= t esrDak: ill 10
ACFI(50} LFNI'{SOlrr60/Uofume
Passing results' nrnst be.� NCH (S(3} or less Mechanrcc7 l/etiti�ouonrequrre4less rffan 3GFT
(1/j"Pass _ t }:Fail
°°rin,cpmate;onel,2and3 -"':..1COy�Pavinganairtealdgera;eofnotezceeding7ai�chan es,,er
air changes per hour in Cimate.Zones 3,through 8, - estingshailf econdu g.._ p
blower door 93( pressure o 0.2 inches w: g (50 PasplsJ testing shall be;condurted tiv enhe� indrvidual3 as defined in
sectionss3 943(Sj or (7), Florida s cted 4 a
approved.third a - 1a utes or mdnnduals bcensed as set f0fth m.secc oh �g9105
P nY ? written report.ofihe results of the -estshal! be signed by tie party cdndu{ct�ngg�}re (!estand'
provided to thecodeopSaaf, jeytingshall-beperormedatariyymea tercraa�on'oiallpenetrationsoftheburlrl)rio
thermol.;envel0 e.
M Restd'MUM
thee d>rrell ng atilt shall be So v ed with wfiolia hoiuse MCChan cal v_en Zationin accordanjcerv✓tih e a blower door at a
( Irk. accordance - n es perour when tested wi,
PC e,1FnergyCdnseNad i
Tes�ne•Gornoanv ctid'riIV11507
company,Na a Pfa-Duct.Services!
- __ AdIre`ss 19 5-Pio Asia Drive Ft: Pierce' FL.3A949'
1 hereby certify.thaktia above House: Irifiitratinn-�oet ae _
R402; it Ciitate•2one-2:.
Pnnted Name Martin Kelp
License/Celtrfication; 5081633