HomeMy WebLinkAboutPower of Attorney® THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT LISTS VARIOUS SECURITY FEATURES m THAT WILL PROTECT AGAINST COPY COUNTERFEIT AND ALTERATION. THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS PRINTED ON RED BACKGROUND. This Power ofARomey limits the acts of those named herein; and they have no ailthodly to bind the Company except Iri the'manner and to the extent hereln stated. Certificate.Nd. e9322.58 American Fire and Casualty Company Liberty Mutual Insurance Company The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company WestAmerlcan Insurance Company POWER OF'MORNEY IN W17NESS WHEREOF, this Power ofAttoniey has been subscribed by sn a6lt figil lef oar or ollidal of the Cdrr ieeand the"corporate seals of the Companies have been affixed therelogds-1st dayof Aael Pots-.. - _ v oar{V INg` , ' LrnSUR rNSa American Fire and Casualty Company -The ohlo Casualty Insurance Company 1906 S o 1a1s S t: t9tz - '' t99t .3 - .UbertyMufual,lnsurance:Company m f. West mencanInsuranceCompany STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA as - David M.'Care,Assistant Secretary a Assistand I have aereuntosuhscr'ibedm name and alflxed my notarial seal at Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, on the day and year Itrsl abovewritten. 0r` PAST COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Nia/r�R/ 0Q•p`aW+r� elf tldale. Seal . h u s'✓'. Teresa Pasleae Notary PuSae_ By; os PtymouU 74rp.,t9amery cmnly_ Teresa Pastella,,Notary Public AAv r.,,.,mk<'..n c.nNee uena; �a aM] This PowerofAhorney is made and executed pursuant W an�yauthodtyofthe following By-1_aweaodAutlioi¢atichs i Company. LibertyMuWal Insurance Comp any,'andWestAmerkan Insu*ce'Comparry.wtddl tesdugons,arenow in the provisions of this arlIde may be ARTICLE Xlil— Execution of Cohtn and subject to such Ilmltadoos as iM1 seal, addiowledge and deliver as s respective pomers ofaltorney, shall executed such Instruments shall.be Cerggoate of.Designation-The F fact as may tie necessary to "act on. obligations. iieys-Iri-foci; subject W iris limitations settdNi In their respective ds and to attachthereto the seal of the Corporation. When so autodrygantedtoally representaliv oratiomey-ln-fact under eis granting such power or aothbrity. 1zed for that purpose In writing by the chairman or the president, be oeces_`saryt in b to acehalf of the Compinyto make, execute, iuch Attorneys-Irffact subject to thellimitations set forth In their Smants and to attach thereto the seat of the Company. When so the to the Bylaws of the Company, authorizes DavidIM. Carey, Assistant Secretary to appoint such aftomeysano- I-' seal, acknowledge and deliver as surety anya`nd. all undedakingi, blind's; recdgnizances and othersurety Companyln IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed this seals of said Companies this day ��taro cgsp9(� �Jv6Y¢pk� F�*JNsu Oyes WaJ�wsu�ti� .. /ya, M • *� Jay AM � ' i. :IQP .T W T of any assistant secretary of the binding upon the Company.with ny, and by said SEP 2 By: REGEIVEO Gregory. W. Davenpart, Assistant Secretary 0 1110 permitting Deoa count: St. Lucie 159of 1000