HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject informationTiranafar RICO ust Pace s PH�19�11' Wag I00MEa fli 2.9 lbs wkwa2axim L �j-aG gi 8' s L1429C Connector LU20P Plug � � 1=1650C L142uR ReeaptEcfe L1430C Connector L1430P Plug L143OR Receptacle LL560C connector LI-650P Plug IMIWIIP Cards L I42OC i PB20 _ .4 5 '.DA50V L'14-20P .4 5 !OA@25DV L14-2DR - .2 8 OA9250V 30218A, R302151.3, L14.30C S0gj0A, R30310j3 4 7.5 & PB3D DR@25flV Lt4�aP - 4 T.5 IaQ2saV -14 T.S �A�Est1V MW4 paneilLtn�� 8 42.5 m v ����rr t, r�° 12.5 PC2010 10 L14-20 3.S 5 PC2020 20 L1 4-21) 5 5 PC204D 40 L14-20 5 PC3010 10 L14-30 6 i.s PC3020 24 - - - 8.5 7.5 PC3040 4D L14-313 12 7.5 RPLMerm CDNT zOLS r_aRp0RA'rj0M i 30a, yOUNG COURT r RAQI K, WI 53404 r Pnane! (sflc) 634.61651 Fax; (262) 634-6436 This manual provides instructions for safe installation of the Inter '3T'a"O-D Paimel. The bacl� plate sits securely on the face of theLo Palle] aw 1 cover Onto a allowing the front plate to slide between thO main and generator breaker osiw le "nterLookKit will only allow one of t�isyse breakers to be it, the "��" r Poo tTile the requirements ofArticle 7()2 of the Ose b e ers to hod Position p z�s. bg e ANSI/NF! A 70. The installation of the I�xeaker retaining strap meets Article 408,36 (NBC 20%), �,� 1 T" r hl?�`�Y'?JJfLTI ? rrA i;,'�..'"_,'?-i.3i "ram! r� n �.- This kit must lee installed and serviced only by qualif ed electrical personnel Turn off all power supplygng the equipment whore this kit will be installed before, working on or inside the equipm= re Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to contizm that all power is off ` replace aII devices, doors, and covers after installing this kit before tnrnin ,Owes to the equ.ipm.ent g 0, Always wear safety eyeivear while equipment drilling or working around electrical 1,0 �W��Uk��!�u aR I'M{, I) Disconnect pourer to the panel 2) Separate plates. Remove backing from double stick tape. Align back- piot 5" l) M h the top of the first and second breaker slot (I,2 sl�rt) on fi front e (P cover and under opening for warn breaker. fee �F�gurc It {Do t) drill holes panel 3) R.emove panel cover s at this 4) Relocate breakers from slots 2 utilizing piggyback breakers asnecessary to acts aces of the �� light breaker colurnm) 5) Install generator breaker in the 2,4 slot. needed spaces �) Teinporarily remove breakers from the 5,5 slots. Loofrontp the brealie (S-1004) around breakers 1,2;3,4 e ;,romtheace r retainiza� the head of the retaining slap at the op right of the number breakerbr . strap the strap, sec F're �.breakers. Align inches long and install IVot ci; Label it 1 the re and tighten strap approximately 2 in s 5,6slats. �Terify that the retfail. p aix�zng map keeps around ,4 breakel the breakers at'cmpting to -remove the breaker; r m place by 7) oil Suitable surface use included 111154 drill bit (14p5015) to drill out holes in the Panel cover through the predrilled Dales in the back plate (P--5011) Use file to smooth surface around holes and 1e1nOve the burrs on lack of panel cover. On the h,.ek 0fthe PaRO1 Cove° File Rway ��nr�tt to W10W m�tare s� �w ai to sit with MefM to MeW e'DHtzet The binder screws (H 5014) must ,sit flush with the back of the panel cover 9) I nse-it binder screws (H-5014) through the bacic of the panel 5011)9 and cover, back lot ant plate {P�Sa I7)o Use the binder pnsi (1~I45�I3) to attach to z`ront o binders screws (H-5014)Handhold binder post to tighten the binder screws p (H-5413) while using screwdriver back piste should sit nxnlye i3e careful not toova Plate e uld sizde easily and the I}Set genrato and maze breakers in the "DpF" pasitl n and reattach pane! ❑aver. Figure 1 B _ _, „ aLxx U.LV .panel covers frMly in place test the Foie) -Lock 10 make sure that it transfers easily between positions. BOTH ABLE Tom iN '� s��N„ POSITION AT T BRL"AKERS SF GULD NOT BE moderate pressure you should not be able to engage botI a with 1 ) Apply thread Iacls 5p 16) to all fain• binder post (H-5013) as er included 'S M the thread lock p instructions 13) Attach Iabels as shown in Figure H 14) Reconrnect power to the panel Agure n Description Quantity Back plate Part # FrOnt plate l I P 5411 Binder post P 5012 Dindex sores 4 H 5013 Drill bit 11164 H 5014 Thad lock pipe#te �x!$tt �tCtID1] booklet H 5015 H-50 16 Ma 1 YN label 1 W 5017 DGR label 1 501 GenePaAor label - 5019 Li�s1rcioni label - 502Q Retaining Strap W-5021 Reta.inz 5txa Label 1 S` 1004 -140$ 7CO().L O�STALL Dri11 or cordless drill Flathead screwdriver A46tal rile Accurate voltage sensor jc��� f You can contact us by phone at SQL 2448 or by fax at (804) 231 s 1984 ) 7215 - Qllcstl❑ns Or GOrnments: uesiio�s intarlocl£Icit_com. TO S-WjTCH aP.ERATION FRD�/j IV To OrNERA T ORAIN Tarn mazn breakor to the ``OFF$' position 2) Turn all branoh circuits to the °`OFF" position 3) S de Interlock plate up 4) ConnOct and start generator 5) —""1' ge"I'll for breaker to the t&ON,g position 6) Term an essential oia-Cuits one at a ffme WIC: AIlaw appliances to start before engaging next circuit TO ,RETUPN To HAIRY POWER REVBRSE PROCEDURE STATE �� �ii � E"'c "cal equ!Pment should be installed, operated, serviced, and rnailltained by, qualified p TsonneI. No TOsPonsibility.is assumed by Generator IntexLaek Technologies, LLC for any conseq..c.s arising out of the misuse of this Material. Twea for use WA& tOL 6I Usted .Paaelboatrd', Ref. W73e Laboratarg., Test .Report T52431-ioli