HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject info, specsC I ar' 9 Em ma* ftm 2.61bs PBIB P020 P820 PB31 PB33 P1B5a PB51 PR20 wwlE7 Rmam LL55#1p �.. AM ; 14i .3E11 �IDIUSp Cords 15 (81 111)4TE3 Al] Models OV Models4l[M,260V Mcdaia Ail 30A Models i1�'i'2 �'ane111.1nk�' 5-15 l+la 1.875 14-211 No � 14-30 7,8 3b Yss1:svA, avyl208v IUn l.l' I as ESA 54IYss120Ana WE111L1111Yssf60A@250VICS8265 9-4min #4-2n seta Yf3nA@V1114-30 Yes 50 YesIsOA@25�VICS8F6 yes esAd 1.0.8 M5 7.5 PC2010 10 L14-20 3,5PC2020 20 L14-20 5PC2040 4iD L14-24 7.5 51�C3010 10 L14-30 5 i.5 PC 020 24 11��3� -6.5 -€'C3040 �40 L1�4-30 12rZr=L'ANr-H'CONTROLS CORPORATION 120DI YOUNG COURT 11�AOM, ]Ni 534041 Phnne_ (800) 634•61551 Fax. (262) 634•5436 This ma aUal Provides instruot ons for safe installation of the Inter�oek �i'� onto a 89maTe-D 121@8he The back plate sits securely oxr the face of the panel paver nto a allowing the front plate to slide betwe6n the rain and generator breaker positions, The Inte?°zookKit will only allow one of these breakers to he in the "�N"position meeting the requirements of Article 7o2 of the National Electric Code ANI�; "post on The g [installation of the breaker rettaining Wap meets Article 40B.35 (NBC 20pa)• 1:J' A' .u;+�� PI r.,C U T ��'�. `!Li � Pi.r l_1'i�1jti f~ ir' �•:.—Ir� F — �] ✓. �� `.:�€1 °�� i'7I'y'-• .Txi n r � 3:i! tiJ�V �ii: �=:._��Pl- &��-'�.' v'r �4 1�' y Ns`�2 •`-Jr�i n--- --v �r This kit must be installed and serviced only by qua.lif ed electrical personnel - Turn ❑working all power supplying the equipment where this kit will he installed before Always use or inside the equipment Always rise a prnperjy rated voltage sensing device to c Off anfrm that all power is Replace all devices, doors, and covers after installing this kit before turning on power to the equipment Always we safety eyewear while dr"'Ing or working around electrical equipment N C L fairs�SL � r u_d'� C"A' ?? ;!. Ts i 7 l} Drsconneat,p❑wer to the panel 2) Separatc Plates. Remove backing from double stick tape. Align back plate (P- Sol 1) with the top of the first and second breaker slt (I,2 slat} on front ofp el bane} waver and uzader opening for rnaizr breaker. See 3C'o'gur* I (DO not drill holes at this 3) Remove panel cover 4) relocate breakers from slots 2 and 4 (tap 2 spaces Utilizing piggyback breakers as nscessa + to create the needed spaces of the right breaker cola =) 5) Install generator breaker in the 2,4 slot. 6) Te nporarily remove breakers from the 5,5 slots, Loop 6e breaker retainin (S-2044) around breakers 1,2,3,4 e %" from the front face of he breakers. Align the head of e retaining strap at the top right of the number 2 breaker and tight,. the strap. See fture J Cut the tail of the retaining sire a n ruches long and install Notice Label (S.l p�5 P PPxaxirnately 2 in the 5,5 slats. verify that the rezainirag strap keep dtail. the �4 breaker in place breakers attemPtlag to remove the breaker. Place by = 7) 01, suitable surfaoe use included 11164 drill bit (1-1-5015) to drill Mat holes in the panel cover through the pred-rilled holes in the back plate (p-5011) Pj Use file to smooth surface around hales and rmove the burrs on hac1� of panel covers ��n the of the PaRea cove° file away PE11JR2 to allow OF -tire Screw fluad sh gat with �r�taIl to metal co'utar'ta The binder screws (H 5014) trust sit hush with the back of the panel oover 9) Insert binder screws (H 5014) through the back of the panel cover, book late 5011), and front plate (P-5014 Use the, binder post (H 5013) to attach to front binder screws (He5014). Handhold binder post (H-5013) while using screwdriver to tighten thr, hinder screws (H-5014)o The front plate should slide easily and the back plate should sit £=lya 13e careful not to ❑verwtfghtem 10] Set generator and wain breakers in the "OFF -position and reattach panel cover L Figure I Figure IB -- _, ry lL" Lac panet paver fznnly in place test the ,�r�ey�Lackio make sure that it transfers easily betweetz positions. J30T BIB A13LE To BE IN THE "a1�iP91?o�TI�i�T AT THE lS SHOULD NOT ICE moderate pressure you should not be ablc io gage bob once.. E Tam. Even � 1 Apply thread lock (H 55116) to all four binder post (H-5013) as per instructions included with the �zroad loek p 13)Attach labels as shown in Figare JU 14) Reconnect power to the panel MgQm .fit '®XTNT Ts Description Quantity Back plate I Front plate I Binder Post 4 Binder somw 4 Drill brt 11164 I Tread cock pipette I lhstruotion booklet I .gain label 1 7 "GER label I GenePatory label I d7'84'ArOzyOns label. I .Retaining Strap 1 Retaizriz Sirs Label I Part # P 5011 Drill or c ardless drill 1' 50 4 Flathead screwdriver - Moal file H133 H SDI4 --400urate V'Qltage sensor H-5015 H-50 16 CO T. CTING Us Vl1-5017 W-501 S You can contact as bY phone at (So4) 726- 2448 or lc fax Y W 5019 at (804) 23.1-1984 Questions Or ConimCiTttiS: ws�� WtlS021 uestions inierlocl{l�i_eom S -1004 S-I 005 ®Q.N INB7.�U-02RORTS TO 3 WITCH ()pERArj0a4 _UR0 <,' To GENERATOR AIN I} Turn main break., to the i6OFFsg position 2) Turn all brya {nch r*cuits to the "OFF" position 3) Slide 1nteaEockpIate ap 4) Conmeet alzd start generator 5) Turn genez'ator breaker to the, ON" position 6) Tana an essential oitcuits one at a the WARMQ Allow appliances to start before angaging next eirc,zit T4 RETURN TO M4 N PG WER REVERSE PROCEDUPP- I Electrical equiPment should be instadIed, operated, serviced, and maintained by. qualified persQnmele No respansibiliiy ;ia assumed by Generator InterLock Technologies, LLC for anyonsequenGos arisimg out of the misuse of this material. Tested foR. uqe with UL 67 Listed panejj)0'2rd5 Ref. Wyle Laboratar es Test .deport T52,,31_0.1