HomeMy WebLinkAboutThreshold Report Summary No 1 revised - CopyAVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 Phone: (407) 599-1122 September 9, 2019 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.avconinc.com CIVIL & STRUCTURAL  AIRPORT & AVIATION CONSULTING  TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING St. Lucie County  2300 Virginia Avenue  Fort Pierce, Fl 34982  Attention:  Mr. Gary Stepalavich, Building Official  Reference: MRO FPR Hangar  Project No. 1907‐0552  St. Lucie County, Florida  THRESHOLD REPORT SUMMARY NO. 1  Dear Mr. Stepalavich:  As directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. performed on‐site, threshold inspection services for the MRO FPR  Hangar project.  This report summarizes our threshold inspection services performed during the inspection period  of August 26, 2019 through August 28, 2019.  Our inspections were performed in accordance with the structural  documents,  signed,  and  sealed  by  the  Engineer  of  Record,  Luca  DelVerme  PE  (AVCON  INC),  and  the  project  specifications.  Our  special  inspector  and  his  duly  authorized  representative(s)  reported  their  observations  as  noted  on  the  attached Daily Threshold Reports with all structural non‐compliance  items  noted  within  the  attached  Special  Inspection Log (SIL).  All non‐compliance items, or SIL’s, previously reported as non‐compliant with regard to the  plans or specifications, will be reevaluated by our Special Inspector after corrective action is taken by the General  Contractor or the deficient conditions have been approved through written approval by the Engineer of Record.  During the inspection period of August 26, 2019 through August 28, 2019, and to the best of our knowledge and  belief,  the  construction  of  all  structural  load‐bearing  components  described  in  the  threshold  inspection  plan  complies with permitted documents, with revisions as approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted on the  SIL.  Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these reports, or desire any additional information, please  contact us.  Sincerely,  AVCON, Inc.  Certificate of Authorization No. 5057  Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E.  Vice President  STATE OF FLORIDA  Professional Engineer No. 38092  Registered Special Inspector No. 1019      cc:   Addressee, Gary Stepalavich StepalavichG@stlucieco.org    County Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu beaulieus@stlucieco.org    Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden DurdenW@stlucieco.org    Construction Project Manager, Robert Hatton rhatton@ahrenscompanies.com  AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 Phone: (407) 599-1122 September 9, 2019 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.avconinc.com Page 2 of 2 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL  AIRPORT & AVIATION CONSULTING  TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING St. Lucie County  2300 Virginia Avenue  Fort Pierce, Fl 34982  Attention:  Mr. Gary Stepalavich, Building Official  Reference: MRO FPR Hangar  Project No. 1907‐0552  St. Lucie County, Florida  THRESHOLD REPORT SUMMARY NO. 1  INSPECTOR(S):  Jason Teliszczak (AVCON, Inc.)  DAILY REPORT(S): Threshold Inspection Daily Report(s):  8/26/19 (1); 8/27/19 (1); 8/28/19 (1)    [See attached report(s) for locations and observations.]  SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG:  Added this Summary Period: 2   Resolved this Summary Period:  0  Outstanding for the Project: 2  ATTACHMENT(S):  ‐ None.  AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 Phone: (407) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.avconinc.com Civil & Structural Engineering • Airport & Aviation Consulting • Transportation Design & Planning 5555 East Michigan Street, Suite 200 • Orlando, FL 32822-2779 • Tel 407.599.1122 • Fax 407.599.1133 • www.avconinc.com St. Lucie County  2300 Virginia Avenue  Fort Pierce, Fl 34982  Reference: MRO FPR Hangar  Project No. 700025  Orlando, Orange County, Florida  DAILY THRESHOLD REPORT NO. 1  Date Inspected: Monday, August 26  Inspector(s):  Jason Teliszczak (AVCON, Inc.)  TOTAL NUMBER OF INSPECTION REPORTS = 1  INSPECTION DAILY REPORT PROJECT: FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION : Treasure Coast International Airport & Busina PERMIT AGE NCY: St. Lucie County --------------- CLI ENT : ________________ _ FIELD CONT A CT: Robert Hatton --------------- COMM E NT S SCOPE OF WORK: Began installing helical piles . Contractor is Cantsink Foundation Stability . Installed piles to approx . 38.6 ' which is deeper than planned. REPORT NO. 001 DATE: 08/27/19 Revision 9-4-19 WORK ORDER NO.: _________ _ BUILDING PERMIT NO.: Permit No. 1907-0552 Decided to install in the same general locations as soil borings. NE, SW, SE. NW could not be placed as pit was not completed . Four were completed with two crews , and one machine . The helical pile submittal used on site did not include an acceptance stamp by the SEOR or the County Building Department. (SIL No. 1) INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak -w/Avcon FIELD COPIES TO : AVCON -------------- A \/CON, INC. l ;"\(JJ\/H:RS & PL\Ni\'l::J{S 5555 f: \lidiig,111 SI Suil~ 200 l)1 la11tl{\ Flrn itla t].8.12 Plloni.: 1407) 5lJ9-I I 22 Fa.\ (407) 5l)1)-I I J_'\ \\ \\'\\ <l\l..'.OIIIIIL .1..'.lllll AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 Phone: (407) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.avconinc.com Civil & Structural Engineering • Airport & Aviation Consulting • Transportation Design & Planning 5555 East Michigan Street, Suite 200 • Orlando, FL 32822-2779 • Tel 407.599.1122 • Fax 407.599.1133 • www.avconinc.com St. Lucie County  2300 Virginia Avenue  Fort Pierce, Fl 34982  Reference: MRO FPR Hangar  Project No. 700025  Orlando, Orange County, Florida  DAILY THRESHOLD REPORT NO. 2  Date Inspected: Tuesday, August 27  Inspector(s):  Jason Teliszczak (AVCON, Inc.)  TOTAL NUMBER OF INSPECTION REPORTS = 1  INSPECTION DAILY REPORT PROJECT: FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION : Treasure Coast International Airport & Businl PERMIT AG ENCY: St. Lucie County -------------- CLI ENT : ________________ _ FIELD CONT ACT: Robert Hatton --------------- COMMENTS SCOPE OF WORK: Continued installing helical piles . Contractor is Cantsink Foundation Stability . Installed piles averaged approx. 38.6' depth. REPORT NO. 002 DATE : 08/28/19 WORK ORDER NO .: _________ _ BUILDING PERMIT NO.: Permit No . 1907-0552 Installed on the East side . Six of the seven were completed overall on the east side (three today), with two crews , and one machine. Second machine was dropped off late in the day. Contractor will provide updated log on 08/29/19 INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak -w/Avcon FIELD COPIES TO : AVCON -------------- AVCON, INC. CMjlNU:::KS & PLAN1"l-.RS 5555 E \,Jichigm1 Sl. Sui1c 200 01 lamlo Flm id;.1 .12822 Phone.: t<t07) 51)9-1 12:! Fax 1407) 5')')-1 IJJ \\.\V\\ il\Cllllllll..'.' l:0111 AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 Phone: (407) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.avconinc.com Civil & Structural Engineering • Airport & Aviation Consulting • Transportation Design & Planning 5555 East Michigan Street, Suite 200 • Orlando, FL 32822-2779 • Tel 407.599.1122 • Fax 407.599.1133 • www.avconinc.com St. Lucie County  2300 Virginia Avenue  Fort Pierce, Fl 34982  Reference: MRO FPR Hangar  Project No. 700025  Orlando, Orange County, Florida  DAILY THRESHOLD REPORT NO. 3  Date Inspected: Wednesday, August 28  Inspector(s):  Jason Teliszczak (AVCON, Inc.)  TOTAL NUMBER OF INSPECTION REPORTS = 1  INSPECTION DAILY REPORT PROJECT: FPR MRO Hangar LOCATION : Treasure Coast International Airport & Busina PERMIT AGENCY: St. Lucie County -------------- CLIENT: ________________ _ FIELD CONT ACT: Robert Hatton --------------- COMMENTS Continued installing helical piles. Contractor is Cantsink Foundation Stability. SCOPE OF WORK: Installed one location for piles averaged approx. 42-49' in depth. REPORT NO. 003 DATE : 08/29/19 Revision 9-4-19 WORK ORDER NO .: _________ _ BUILDING PERMIT NO.: Permit No. 1907-0552 Installed on the East side. The last of the seven (A/2) were completed overall on the east side according to drawing dated 07/26/19, with two crews, and one machine. Second machine was dropped off late in the day yesterday and was not utilized. The main machine went down after t he A/2 location was completed . The crew waited for a part, and decided to close down the site mid afternoon as the part was not received and to prep for Hurricane Dorian. To date, the following locations have been installed (as per drawing 07/26/19 -that has not been approved by the EOR): A/1, A/2, A/3, A/4, A/5, A/6, A/7, L/7. An SIL will be issued, as A/7 and L/7 were not designed to be helical piles (per drawing S.3.0.3 date July 2019). Log was not provided by Cantsink. Ahrens provided a portion of the installation log data late in the afternoon to verify lengths. INSPECTOR: Jason Teliszczak -w/Avcon FIELD COPIES TO: AVCON -------------- AVCON, INC l::.f\lilNl:J-.K~ & Pl ,\NN l:R S 555~ E \fo.:hig,111 SI S11itc 200 l)t hnulo Flo1 id;1 J1Sn Phone l-l.07) 59c)-I l 11 F.1x.: 1-W7) 5'J9-I IJJ \\ \\ \\ U\COlllllC Clllll