HomeMy WebLinkAboutWS 53 - Sub AgreementsLO+ 53 PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PRRMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRUI EMENT CJM ROOFING, INC. have agreed to be (Company NameQndividual Name) the ROOFING Sub -contractor for I(. Hovnanian JVServices Co.LLC- Joseph Spell (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Sheet It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Codee1�Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-cgdtractor notice. Joseph Sp'�It P1t1NT NAME csc12e3040 - sLc �84426 COUNTY Cfilt'I'HrICA'1'ION NUMBER smteormewan,canntynrPBC nn22 The foregoing instrument wns signed before mo Pots � day of 20. by Joseph Spelt who Is personally loovn �or has produced a is iden00enrion. =aiµ`Yso". KEVIN WIRTH ! Notary Publlc-S lodda Sigurd cafNotnry Public 'ti,—Commission0 671 Fpf My Comm. Ezplres Sep 29, 2023 Kevin Wirth Bonded through National Notary Assn, Public Print Nnme of Notary Aeeiaed unbn016 SUa-CONTRACTOR SIGNNFURE (Qnnafser) STEPHEN MALLEK PR11V'1' NAME CCC1327323 COUNTY CEA7•II+ICA1'ION NUMIIER Srutc ofPlorldn, County u[ PAIM BEACH The foregoing instrument was signed before sne this set day of OCTOBER 20_ by STEPHEN MALLEK who is personally W uwn X—or has prnd need a nsIdenNfientiion. ;d& I �A/ WA IIII,! 4erl,Yl srAMP Sign ire orNobay Public TAYLOR N. KOSAKOWSKI Print Nnnsc of Misty Public .rareq MnL'�ry 4'uMlr. Sntln nl t"IarMa y; tnylnr N KnsnY.awl:ki % MYr:mnm��.�inn r:G 213/an a Iki Expnes 05a1:92022 L0+ 53 PERMITii V-ml _ osci$ ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RIDGEWAY PLUMBING have agL•eed to be (Compel Name/6tdividualNatne) the PLUM FIR Sub -contractor for K. Hovnanian JV Services Co. LLC • Joseph Spelt (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at Street It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of Sl. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub�/onhactor notice. CON'I'IiACI'OI�S1GNAiURG (Qnnlifirr) Joseph Spalt PRINT NAME CBC1263048 — SLG #341112b COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida, County or PBC The foregoing Instrument was signed before me Ads J. L day of 20� by who Ispersonally brow•n .% or has produced a Joseph Spalt as Identification. • 'y'g� KEVIN WIRTH iµ >+ i1 G^t Notary Public - Slate of Florida t"I.' p`: Commisstglfihfsff017671 ' Signam of Nohrry Pu61ic-.,prsk.l'-7dy Comm. Expires Sep 29, 202) Bond through National Notary Assn, IN WIRTtk Prim Namc of Nohtry Fublie ReviscU II/16/2016 19-15354 COUNTY CER7'IFICAI'ION NUMBER Sh le ofFlorldn,cmndy or PALM BEACH The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this_ tiny of • 20_, by GREGORY KOZAN ,rim is personally Immvn x or has produced a ns Identifirnffon. Prins Name ofNanry Public '"" KATHEEEN k. HALI ��.s1�`'r.'t NolaryPublic-6tateofFlodda •�•; CamninUons GG I906[0 NyCamm,Espireslun i7,2022 -`YBonded through kationalNotary Assn. L01 53 PERMITIE Mif . 03 pg ISSUE DATE Px,ANNTNG Si DEV>;LQP1V[)CNT S)Cl2VIC�S Building & Code Compliance Division BDILll1NG FI�I(M1T SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEM ENT - ELECTRIC CONNECTION have agreed to be (Company Nnnteflndiviilual Name) the Electrical Sub -contractor for K. Hovnanian Florida Operations - Joseph Spalt (Type orrradc) (Primary Contractol) For the project located It is undefstood that if there is any ohange of status regarding our participation with the above meBHoned project; the $wilding and 0oJ1E ltegttlationDivision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Cling of Change of 61,14cantraetor notice. Joseph Spilt PRINT NAN}l C13C1963048 - SLC#34426 (:U➢NTY CBRTIPICATION NOM➢RR Stnlo of Ploridn, Comdy of p�C ^2 Tlie foregoing lusUvmenl wen -signed before me Itils.'�—day of 2e!9I,y Joseph Spalt w)m Is Personally Irnawn ZorIns pyoduceda osldenfiYrnlion. Kevin Wirih Print Nxmc ufNulnry PuLlfc Revved llllfif1016 Notary Public - Slate or SUn-CON•lYtACTORS CN null➢er) I�arrr�,� l 51QoscLe n ci PRINTPRnVTNArr MR irCG�YJ293B COUNTY CPJt'fnrlCA'lYON RUM BE Stnfc ofPlaridn, Coputy.of ��.�+ .� '1'ae foreguinghrslmnientwnssi db fq eme Nl?1^-s dnyof 1so20b• liy ' mcl ivLa is aersounlly Imowu yor has Produced STAMP ,— LIeABAXON ,, CommisslonN60233088 f ExplrosOclober24,2022 Oondad MUPudpetNoh y3or&oa Lt* 53 `] PERMIT# :)VV+ � 93q 15 ISSUE DATE I PLANNING � DEVELOPMENT �ERVICE5 Building & Code Compliance Division (Gum anv NuincilndlviZul Nanlc) the Mechanical ('Type of'I lade). ..._ ..- BUTT,DING P[:Rh4iT SLIR-CONTRACTOR AGRC,CMENT have 2igrecd to be Sub-conh'actot' fof IC Hovnanian Florida Operations -Joseph Spalt {Primary Conh'aclnr) l:af the project located at �LOri itVh'IiYIN-'NIAC.fi (Project Streel, Address or Property Tns TD N) It is understood that, if there is au}+change of'stahls regarding out' participation with the aUove mentioned project, theBuih(ing and bode Ragulatiou Division of St. Lucie Crnutty will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of $ b-contractor notice. Joseph Spalt CBC1263048 - SLC #34426 ('OIIN'I'Y cF.RTiriCATCON N[P51RRR shut of loridx, county or PBC be foregoing inslnuncnl wassigned bofoi'c nW Illiv 'fir/ _ dn)' nF _,2dQA by Joseph Spalt Who is personally known -A/—or has inoil aced a a,ldouurendnu. �•YOUa�. NEVIN WIRTH c-§t414�9fFlorida Notal'y Pupllc 212 mmisslUn 9 UU 917671My Comm. Expires Sep 29, 2027 ded through National NotaryAssn. Kevin Wirth Print Nmne of \olarp Public Itcvucd 1 I/IG/2U 16 ✓7 sUR-'ON"rimurOR SIGNAI'lalliV unittter) PRINT NAME C'k � i si VS-2 C'OUNT1' CP.RTIrrCr1'frON NUn'll7Eli snteorvioridx,countyur r�Nor t2r�t:R- 1'hc CUregxing insh'nnrenf lrlls signet before Inc this zn 2c, b>• who b personally ltnoWrl Xor Ims. produced a as idenlificntion. Sfgnnlwe/mnq Public Print Name oCNUmIT Public " VICTORIAI-GLOB :p �'�= MY COMMISSION N GG0T0545 ,ay,t EXPIRE 5 February 07, 2021 dap a[ S'1'Ah1P