HomeMy WebLinkAboutSkirting Ventilation Specificationsfteelftcatfons Atlantic Supply FSI skirting top rail design provides 2.5 sq. Inches of ventilation per lineal foot. Atlantic supplies FSI vent panels that add an additional 4.2 sq. inches of ventilation per ilrleal foot of panel In height. Therefore, an average 28" high vented panel will provide an additional 9.8 sq. Inches of ventilation per panel used. EMMPLE- Typical 14' x 70' Home = 165' lineal feet set at 28' height Top Rail Vent: 165 lineal feett x 2.50 sq. Inches per foot = 412.5 sq. inches 124 Pos. 28" vent panel: 124 pcs. x 9.8 sq. Inches per pc = Total Ventilation sq. Inches Total Ventilation sq. ft. 1527.7 sq. Inches J 144 11.3 sq. ft, of ventilation L, n'el infetiot se propoaionsn dos eonjuneos de agujeroo. tstov se catuemt= deotro del anal, en h pm de wporte. Los claws gniaos pm el pi&o it p iedea clever a havfs de aAuim de Ia agujeros a una disoncis de 19 ptdgadas enae eL 6. insalaadu an pisw de concreto. Use ua cim de 310 pan mamposteda. Ad mismo se puede andnr on t&*ro pan un totmllo de 3tl6' dpo Molly com ondapbbtim am maeerinles de dawn y los mm Was estdn dieponibles an is may%r& de in Para hmWar el producto slr dedor do (as esgAuA mmabe el peso L STEP Co PANPL. INSTALLATION I. Beginning 24' away from the bwm comer of the home, maame fyom the gtotmd up to 1-14" above the bottom edge tithe back sail. afthe temperatuse is Wow 40%with &oaengm=d, mean to 3' above the back ma *&) 2. MeasmenentsmslopingStowd.shouldbetalenevery16°(width ofpsneo. , 3. Cut the bosmm of"pond to an& with the ground Ends ant pand section abosdddipWto the bottom edge ofthehome, use minion snips or apower saw (with a fine mod" sawbada turned backwards) for 024 4. Punch lock tabs every a along the top and bottom edge of cut panel sections (or outride portion of each pand $tx far 13' WdBest). A Was (SL-8) Swap Lock Punch tool is remmmrnded. Comtdt year ddkdng suppy'a for obtaining tun tool. Tabs an to be positioned ouomd to each oa the hooked a* of the pile. 5. Imatkic k panels and insect into the bottom ml Begia with the fipt pond inserted into tha bomom al Lock taba should strap past the hooked edge of the bottom nil. Insert nna panel seadsm into the imedock books absng the vemiktil edge of the putts. Seat each Pane! scoundy into the bottom al Repeat iahrlod®g panels, forming about a 12-foot section. Resume panel am and interlock method. To instal amend comer, refer to Step L Ica C4 CS IINNSTAL WON O@ LOS PAN@LES L Commsaadoa24'dehesquinain&dormirbajadelacma mid: desdela rupu6tie delpiso huts l Mr omba dd bordainfadordd ddde"(511atempe umetambienmdvrantehimahci6na Wed" a los 407ydpiso eras eonpladoe mida hasa 3' amiba del borde ad del de spar). 2. Las mtediriones an pesos can demivd deben haasse a cads 16' (nacho del pane). 3. Cores hparseInferior decab pad ell 3agnbregnddar"del peso. Cade mceidn depandmrmdo debeowaemadn(9m can d bmdc Vaicr de Is cam Use *zat; de huMatem o uaa dim dkvica (eon tto h* de aorta de data Eno eolocada d «vEs) puns mrlosplaelee. 4< PufinelukngaeMdeder ad$4'abhrgoddboidesupmior einf riordata eerdonesdepandaeormdos.Seretymdend;dum de nee pmmmdon de mama mako (SL-8) Sop Lock punch. Concha tot m pswmdot de taac6s sobte 46M obmxr eft herra iesim. Las kag etas deben oolomue hide efitaa a fin de podereogaocIm el borde de gantbo de 6 rides. >. Engaaehe los panties c intro idzWoe M d rid inf oc Comieuoe con d primer panel intmdacido en el rid inkrioc Las leng,etas de Gene dcben engaocharn halm mh aU[ del borde can gaucho del rid de apoyy, fntradma k siguiente seccido de panel en Ins gauchos de enchvamiento 110 htgo del bottle vertical de los panda, Asiente ads panel firmemants en d rid infedoc RV14 d awjAvamiento de lot panel= ham farmu una semi6tr de epnvdmsdameate 12piea. R.eamMe el mm dclos p2od=y d mfmdo de endavatnunto Ara instalar d praducm on he equinat, consulte d paso E STEP D: INTERLOCK FRONT RAIL WITH BACK RAIL i. Stair Mapping one end of the &At top M into the back top rag, creating the interlock Push the hoot top au upwatd, its entire Length until the hoot top tail is compktely laterlacked with the back miL 2. Overlap 1" each top mil section. To install around tnrne, mht to Step E. PASO D: ENCLAVAMIWO DEL IUEL FRONTAL CON EL RIEL DE APOYO 1. Comimce engancbattdo uneMremo dd del fionwmpvior on d tie[ superior do apoyo, pan formu d merasdston de eadavamientm Empgc of rid mpeiar de aFM ham amba m toda all loogitud hum gue d rid fionod npecior actp>enmeata eaganchado on d del de apoym 2. Traslapa 14 coda wad6n dd rid superior Ara utsodsr Cl products rot las agultas, cortsuhe el paso E SMP E: CORNER INSTALLATION I. Top back rail — Make a 1" vertical sfit hom the top. Top interlock hook dwuW be completely cut tbmugh_ Notch 45'Onbottom ctnvtdhg. 2 Bottom oil — Notch the back portion wilt snips, as rllvatoucd. Bead around a oo r=and attach to the ground. 3. Pan& — Cur pand to proper height. Deteoaim point of comet bend; bend over a table edge, foaming a uniform �a 4. Top fioatrail—Notch at both the top and bottom hooks of the fiontag, is illuttated, Bend around the corner and fit ineo the interlock with the top back rv1 Refer to Step D. POUR PU-NOTCHED TOP FRONT . RAILS ARE INCLUDED IN TRIM PAK, PAS INST � DE! PRODUCTO IN LAS E541"NAs I. Umptsiordsapoyo—HWImcomvertical dePdesde lapmawpeooe Elgancho 6upesiardeeamwmimm debe GOMM nw Hap Una mw= a onI&pata 2. Rid in&tior — Corte it pord6n pomrior am tijeras de hajdatem tegda se Musson en la tlustsad6n. D6bklo drededor de ma esquicay devdo 4 pica. 3. pines— Carte: dpanel all dwm pmpiads.Determineel prow do dobleak dobk d paad sobm d borde deuna mesa, pan formar too dWb recto. 4. Rid hootd superior— Cam los gmchas supedor a inferior del rid 8ontal, so& 6a Rocca an ]a %=. Dobk la piers ahededor de la esgd= y englnchela on d enelava,ttienm mn el riel superior de apoyo, Comahe el paw D. EN EL CONJUNTO TRIM PAK $S INCLUYEN CUATRO RIELES SUPERIONS FRONTALES YA CORTADOS.