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Flack Affidavit Compliance Pool plus Alarms
PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ' Building and Code Regulations Division 23001V IRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 (772)462-1&'%3 Fax (7`12) 462-1578 AFFIDAVIT OF REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE Residential S viiinrning Pools, Spa, and Hint Tub Safety Act PERMIT # I a - it 1 age t at a new swimming pool, spa, or hot tub will be constructed or installed at "t '� 00e, PIS► P5L F+rL and hereby affirm that one of the following methods (Please print street address) 3`T q$ -7 will be used to meet the requirements of Chapter 515, Florida Statutes: (Please initial the method used for pool.) ✓ The pout will be isolated from access to the home by an enclosure tbat meets the pool barrier requirements of Florida Statute 515.29. G XISTIJ IM The pool will be equipped with an approved safety pool cover that complies with ASTF1246-91(5tandard Performance Specifications for •/ Safety Covers for Swimming Pools, Spas, and Hat Tubs). _ y All doors and windows providing direct access horn the home to the pool will be equipped with an exit alarm that has a minimum sound pressure rating of 85decibels at 10 feet. All doors providing direct access from the home to the pool will be equipped with self closing, self latching devices with release mechanisms placed no lower than 54 inches above the floor or deck. I understand that not having one of the above installed at the time of final inspection, or when the pool is completed for con tract Purposes, will constitute a violation of Chapter 515, F.S., and will be considered as committing a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable by fines up to 5500.00 and/or up to 60 days in Jail as established in chapter 775, F.S. I understand that the St. Lucie County Building Inspections Department assumes no liability for the final inspection of one of the above protective devices, or the lack of maintenance, or the removal of such after the swimming pool has been rinalized. 1, the contractor, agree to instruct the owner of the proper use and maintenance of such safety device. CONTRACTOR GNATII /} STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF NOT. PUBLIC {f The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20byA!VeM 61HI14 12 Personalty Known —Zlr Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced: Lsedx. NNotaryPub*c8tsts ofFParidtLori A Moxiey J- My t;omminion GG 280148SLCPDS Rel2o)�R�a 11/2813022 Q ', A O ER SIGNATURE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF MAA11 N. ARY PUBLIC The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day , 20-1 / by i.[ Sa Personally Known or Produced Identification V Type of Identification roduced:l PRV 04, F4a,o -Sea-6y-&3a_a Notary Public Ststs or Flioid[ Lori A Moxtey a ww lay Commission GG 280148 Expires 11!2812032 MW caro that the urowa of ouch wn- oro pulnlod ta,rords a a ehoUwr,UskrQdUwrIhod°ub W,,dwpoorlhosutows provkw, motamt tfra mnsors sn Bsal Choy wo, loss than %Inch "from eacholhor, Sanson Ink! It ba mounted Ilui h In hoot and doplh, so wish saran loon or window's, spadal custom At kV may ba nowsswY.1`105113 make sero Ural Tho wtrod portion or Ura maltnatla sow is mountod on Uta narmagavkv portion of Bra mounting sudaco and %a Itchai 6 wasar Is rrwunod on tho doof/volo, (Soo FIS. 6IN, 6) Ix1ssOyUyg Glc jj Otr�d OORSrON WOODEN OAWS" larnplst*Pmw„Utls Lo,x,xamuraac�, theivpo ,muklhosltbtt Ute ai wrt (�y`!9i I t smv hWR1 an IM V u *Id(WMWN..srUsth+ WIRER R RVI ��� um 01sT Bt. mi"W Flo, a aocur*Wawo}wsrs H OMW(ud as Pu Inna FV. e, You may mod to 1 wt tho saavn lanuds cr away from Iho movnt4V Aura to PrOwd s mum sxwo dVKWn,Hol Wto fonm got&' do not toplio th©sonsarhoutinq% ArOVhTTNo OUMOORS taNArlr= aATBa U Uma prmyidadsip tlos, Q„ Nattach Nn alum W-4 ton ata wruaU%stn�0+smansto l tia°sade}`(t uromf+trsr; nuypry opon ""IwlsmwrIFrw of v" sanw txwilm. (FV.01 Mak* sur* That Uta ormsys of sach'sarsors1P*Wl4ths rW.s ssma 4WLIM n N ss M hOUILV bol"oging to rrugnstk Sanson t5+rdo Uw son- hausirtg,Holat *WgsGsdU Yttuist*mdthuwrosansaosonsor rmrtedan Us* spewrs ppy{dad da sruun samara opo�aS+ WIWA Hows UN s*nson ui1 Iii rip IH s onto Uta gals IWril. hSsfu tialA nso{sartstloss tlxrtiiUu�sladardaaacholsrsn4 Vntan 1ha elorm volume bacomaf low -of lha un11 does nol y uumuuiIroplacolarm atho$VOlnsq'atltery d1IehtvAll90um4nalo, drnlmactsuniklhhttawcouiraparts a.H ovo,,ollahldlieaotlomilonnm over Bma Is normal, WARNING! THE SAFE POOLALARM 18 EXTREMELY LOUD WHEN ACTIVATED, FOR YOUR SAFETY, NEVER PLACE THE UNIT CLOSE TO YOUR EARO.TO Tl;STTHE ALARM, ALWAYS USE PAR PROTECTION AND DIRECTTHE UHIT AWAY BEFORE TESTINOIAMWATIHO THE ALARM, IT IB PROHIOrTED BY LAW TO REMOVE THE INBTALLED ALARM AFTER IT HAS PAS BED INSPECTION I Impodsni Wsrpnty Informstlonl A deled proof or purchase Is rDqufrod farwornnty aorvico Customer Service : 1 •BBBWECHKO(1.008-983.24 60) Wobsilo; wm 3achkomold.carn MIO, By TE=' 0707 Reeoarch Drive, Irrine, CA 920104020 MADE IN CHINA n`�� w s7aatsy COMPLIIIN WITH ULM? USA Aalonti No, 5,473,310 No. 0,727,019 NOTICE THIN PRODUCT Is PROTNOTHO UNDER F9DIRAL PATENTLAW11PAHVBHTTNflnKAND NFAIIR0DMP1AND ETRTDIV NO DUPUOATIDN OR 11MULAT1OH OF THIN PRODUCT ISPBRM MKO, HCilFTOYWRITTEN AUTHORIZATION Of TECHNORET11HFEOPRolucT ARA2MOTCHKINC COPYRIDHT 1994 T9CIIKO, INC, ALLAFUUVO£1II H RESERVED ALARM Safe PoolTM Model S1.87. D Area Entry Alarm r` i "�a`xi3�11tIICE O l d CI l W. pool a sJoI sfaliynlrorm,The onf P000l eaan baa usod to provtda a h h volume alarm marl whorl chlWron have entered a Off area. Tho S107D can be usod outdoors an wood or mom Velez, or Indoor$ on door$ and windowlaadlog dfraWy to patonilally dnnperouz arae:. The safe Fool la designed to sound a laud moil whan chlldron'ontor Utrough a Sao, poop p11rroullclod doorlg olo When propgr nstdllad tho Safo FDOW11 allow aduH, to peas through Iha praloa�ad doorf9ala and Imrnadlotafy shut Di sound q eralm. When ppwrorad, the Soto Fed 11 Okraye In PlatOdlerm node. Tho alarm whl adhreto Uta knlonl "on the doer/gain spans by more than 112 inch (when tho magi sunsars aro oporl by more than 1/2 Inch), Once the alarm octkatge H wiU wand coninuouWunUltho BYPASS' Ixrilanlsprosemt�, When pogIN through tho doarfg9to preen Iho BYPASS button, than open the doorfgel0, Pols Ihmuggh and dose the doorlgolo wieca thin 0.12 et�dm and mho alarm will net avlfsrala, • Easy Installation for Unto, doorarwindow pmtacilon ' Waterlwastherresistanl • g volt bsttaryPp000wr�eer (not included) ' •Lo6da: alarm n arrw Be yYLED Indicator opanf¢dttiicgnenBYASbuit. for dolayddontry from otiarside of door or fence ' Optional addlgonul magn941aaoneorforarson doer oxlUenlry A—wfi war stem ri'e1s Fig.i r aorsn � 4 'Alarm ninon G VERY loud; NEVER place the unll dove to asn, tnelall the unit high enough to be out arronch or chlldron 64' or highsrle rocommanded, • KOop this manual for future rdmanca, Thu Sofa pool can proft vsluobfo pralacUanwhen used conecUy. However It cannot guarantee complain pprolocUon agalml aceldanl+arloludo1. Thorofare Tcchko cannot be hold msp9ne[blo for any lana, damage, or injury that may occur, 18,TAL1 hr nil , .N WARN Rmad ■if lnste11at1an end aperalllan In■Iruolion■ lhorauyhly Wore pracesding wl[h Inalalldton Note;NDI011padalnrdadedaronoodadfor ]notallotlon, Plaaso road Um dlifarantmounllna InalrucU¢na to snewhalls DODd foryourspoclno 0 1 011011, INSTALLING THE BATTERY, - f ber WhenUgwbnenrdlaIomtsrgYsacuisthenmegaUaaeas Wg9Utarwilh tho amawa po[nUng inward aoch aUtar to avow selling off the alarm unlrilanUgnally. During the ¢dual fnslallallen of Ute e]errm, Irm Leal la Inslalllho beUcry onor ire mounted to avoid the alarm Ong off unintantfonel[y, 2, Romova use batterycover of the unit and lminll a new B Volt battery, Rmptlica cover, (Sao Fla; 2) 3. If you are sansltivo to loud sound, plonso wacr our pmlacUgn egslnit the bud alarm siren borcro lasting the alermm. 4. Once tho bottaryls connodod, the theunital naw ON snake aura lest lite alarm sfron, make aura yeti have oarprolactlonbofam lasting, Anoreerproloetian Is In place, s separate the megnatio sonsoro apart by bora than % inch, The oform should sound Immodlaloly after the sonmars aro :operated, prosy tho BYPASS button and Immadlotolyy sawn, W two magnetsensom together again to avoid the olarm eoundina off unlnlentIonolly. LED LIOHTWARN)NDS 1. When the Mary became, raw In charge ar the voiumo bocomas week, the LED light will ]tluminato. Tha DWI bouarymusiba meplocad. 2. LEO iahltwill 110111 10 Umos ea it pmlporoue In bocomaUte nrmod, 3. When a bypass bullan Is pushed, the LED light Illuminates to Indicate acknovdadgamont to PASS through. 4. Anor Um bypase bullar$ le puthod [n and rolOeled, mho LED Ughl wd11 Rash i8 Umgs to anew 119113 through and to propum Uhl unit to become armed again. MOUNTING: WARNING,, The Aliml ahould be posldonmd claim to lilts door high enough to be out c ifim ranch of chlldran. As each mounUno appllcaLton vada:, Tachko sugaestm tasting the ualrs InslallaUan tecaUon and sflectivanazs Lafora pomtnnontly mounting the S107D, "OUNrrNG INDOORS Using the provided mounting lomplolo printed In this monuni, marls Iho position of the 4cm hales on the do0od mounting surfae¢ +The Addlllonal delay bullon may be mounted on then othoratda of tho antronco, Whorl pro tied, It will dcloy Ute ¢term 8.12 socanda bolero alarm.ls Irfggorod, olkrving Ume to secure mho doorlgoto r .~� f Ila, .. •.r M3 • The Addillonal magnotio sensors allow the unit to be usod on slldtng doorwlUh scroans, • Amens wilt sound only when DOTH sets at m ngn ago sensors aro apart, [hors for 9l;owlq the slider,lo be open while still providing protection at the earoon door, JUOf1NftNG INDOORS USING DOUDLE SIDED TAPE Mako aura that tho mounting surfaces ii double-eddd topos era compleloly dean. Attach the doublmelded topaz onto the roaraf the unit, and than sevum the unit onto the doslrad mounting aurrii". MOUNTIHO INDOORS USING ME" Using Ute provided mounting lamplata printed In this manual, mark the postllon or the screw holaz an Use dadrod mounting nurfaca. Drill the straw, In to the mounting surface with approxiimately 110 Inds or thread remnlning;Slldo the unit over the straws and mecum the unit by pushing Il downward, as shown In Fill, 4. You may need to ad)u el the mcrowa Inwards of away from the mounUng suriow to provido a mom Fha.s saws nL TEMPLATE ` oDEl.S987D OanaW lied.¢ scrhawrwu