HomeMy WebLinkAbout5V Crimp Metal with Letter from Extreme for roof over212MO20
Florida Building Code Online
d da
Application Type lhevivcm
Code Versim 2017
Application Slatus Approved
Comment 08/18/2017, date reapply 08/21/17
Product Manufacturer Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC
2160 SiAll Perna Dmi
Palm City, FL MWO
(772) 872-8034
Authorized! Signature Richard McKuhen
Technical RepresKmative Richard McKuhum
AddroWlihime/Emall 2160 SW Porna, Drive
Palm at, a 34990
(772) 872-S034
Quality Assurance
Categoi,i, Roofing
Subcategory Melal Rooting
Complain. 1,11ethod Evaluation Report from a Honda Registered Anchibect or a Lim n,Kc! Florida
Professional Engineer
Er Iuall Ration - Hardoopy Received
Flonda Engineer or Architect Name who developed the LOCKE BOWDEN
Evaluation Report
Florida License PE49704
Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc.
Quality A urahce Contract Expiation Date, 04122/2024
Validated By Zachary R. Priest, P.E.
' Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence ELL7022 R7 COI Fl. 17022,l 5 V CRIMP svvdf
Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard year
TA 12S 2003
UL 1897 2012
UL See 2006
Equivalence of Product Stamhmds
Certified By
Sections from the Code
hKpsllftondabuilding,oFijlprl"pp_dfl.mpxl"mm-wGEVXQMDqv2aBOpHpQQe6WZMkUEaR%2bGxHGxFe5QkCHzEqvOGveeg%3d%w 113
Florida Milling Code Onfine
Pmdud Approval Methoci Method 1 option D
Data Submitted
Date Validated
Date Pending FBC AWMI
Date Appmvdl
orProdu to
FL Z modem
l, Number or Name Dlavipton
hRP.JAordab.kfiW.or9tMM_app_MAWlapanam-vGEV%gNIDgV2. pHpOOe6rM2MkUEOR%2bG.HGx eSOkCH Egwooveeg%3d%3d 2/3
022.1 1 -'SV Gimp' (116)
26 Gauge steel, 3/8' db height, 24' wide lapped roof panel
medunlmlly atladrad to 15/3Y plywood a Wand Deck with
Ipibgatorh IrISW Worla
Ayproved for. in HVNZ: No
a17022 R7 H OjZQ22j_5_V_CgIME_,%Vj2df
Approsed for use outsidellVl¢: Yes
Verified BY:I ke Bowden, P.E. 49704
Impact Rest No
Creeped by Independent Third Pe": Yes
Design PrewNre: +N/A/ -Table A
Evihullpn Repona
Otlur: RNV to evaluapon report for mMitbns. Install the
Rl]022 R> AE 1701 1 V CRIMP �a Dein
assembly in mmpltance with NM Installation method ILsted in
Granted by Independent TMA Pad: Yes
this report and applimde code sections of FBG. Refer to
manufaduret's Installation InsbuNNu.
2 -'SV Comp- (R6)
0.032' Nundmm, 3/8' Rib height, 21' wide lapped roof panel,
medanically atbdhed to ISM' plywood w Wood Dedr with
exposed faslener5
llmlba of the
LNdYaUpn TindruNorhs
•PPrwed for was, N HVNZ: No
Fl 17022 RJ It R 170n.2 5 V allMP 0 032 ALUM snocif
Approved for use outside NVNZ: Yet
VedOed By: Indre Bowden, P.E. 49704
Dnpact Resistant NO
Crated by Independent ThIN Pam: Yea
Design Premrre: +N//V-Table A
kYntb etias Rapine,
Ot i Refer m evaluat in report Mr mnditiom-lnsuill the
F 7022 R7 AF R 17022.2 5 V CILDIP e
assehnbly in mmpiian,e with the imtalletion end W lisped in
Created by Independent T i,d et Party: Y
this report and applicable rode sectors N FBG Rab to
manufacturers installation instructiom.
3 -'1.5' Medan cal Scam' (RS)
1.5' M height, 16' wide, 24 gauge stee, sanding seam roof
psnel mednaniaM attached to 15/32' plywood or wood deck
with dips anti fasteners.
U.R, o/Use
Delimitation A6twKtlpru
APPi eveel ter use in Hali Na
APpoved for use euiSi0e HVNZ: Yes
�m )dna �r.orlf
Inwi Resistant No
Verified BY: tike Bowden, P.E. 49704
Design Pressure: +N/A/ -Table A
Geotel by Indspendent Third Party: Yes
Oder. Mier to evaluation report for mnditiont anti limitations
Evaluation Reports
N use. Install the assembly in mmpllanm wind Me installation
Rt7022 R> 17022.3 1.5 MP Mlfl w
method listed In this report and applicable rode Sec ,nt of
seam 2491 sr odf
FBG Refw to manufachirers Installation irutmctMw[s.
Crated by Independent Thbd Party: Yes
4 -'3.5' Medunkal Seam' (RS)
1.5' db height, l6' wde, 0.032'sk n hose, starling seem roof
panel metlanlmlly attained to 15/32' plywood or Wood peck
wiM dips and fasters.
pmts of Use
Ins a0aton Damniethes
Approved for use in NVHL• No
817022 R7 11 R 17072 4 ECH
Approved fe, nee unbKis HVNZ: Yes
Impact Reusfant No
VedfieG BY: lttke Bowden, P.E. 49704
Design Pressure: +N/At-Table A
Crested by Independmt Third Party: Yes
Oder: Refer to evaluation report b oincM s and limitations
MnmrOtml Repents
of use. Install the assembly In mmpliame wind the Installation
FL17022 RJ AV R 17022 4 MECHANaM
method listed In MI5 report and applicable code s ons of
IW. Wer to manufacturers installation IrahuGbrw.
Created by Indepederd Tim Party: Yes
5 --1 In. Nag Ship- (RS)
1'6b height, 16' wide, 26 gauge steel, Standing seam roof
pa -I medranimlh` atafted to 15/32' plywood or wood deck
with fasteners,
lostani ton instructions,
llmlb a tae
Approved ler use in HVNZ.• NO
817022 R7 IT R 17071.5 1 0 NIM Rurp tt Wf
Approved tar use outside HVNZ: Yes
Vedfied BY: Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704
Impact Resletant: Nn
Crested by Independent Thies Party: Yes
Design Pressure: +N/A/-Tabla A
Evalrratlon Repents
OMein RNer to evaluation report fur conditions and limitations
FI17022 RJ AF a i7o27 5 p
of use. Install Me assembly In mnipliamo with the installation
G baci by IndspeMmt Thies party: Yes
hRP.JAordab.kfiW.or9tMM_app_MAWlapanam-vGEV%gNIDgV2. pHpOOe6rM2MkUEOR%2bG.HGx eSOkCH Egwooveeg%3d%3d 2/3
nleNnd Iistef in this report and applicable code sections of
1W Refer N manufacture's Installation irsbl¢tions.
17022.6 6 -'I In. Nail Sbip' (RS)
1' db height, 16' wqe, 0.032' aluminum, stani ing seem roof
panel mechanically attached to attach hl to 15/32' plywood or
Wood Deck with fasteners,
Limitsof Use
Approval for use in bdan No
Appro lbas use aVts100 MVHZ: Yes
Impact Fesistnu No
Otsego Pmssure: +ation able A
Other: Refer m evaluation for ron Ilmitatlom
R7Irfs11170 2.
F11J022 RJ ❑ 170 6 1.0 NAILS*a1p 0,032
AWM ssnsdf
V becl By: nde a Bowden, P.E. 49706
Created by Indepe, TNN party: Yens
M7022orn Repwts
wM tiaM
of use. Install the assembly in Cappliarve wRh Ne installation
r JO RJ A 170 6 1 0 WLcrorP 0 Dai
applicable code sections of
method listed in this reports,
qW M ssnodf
FBG Rehr to marwfactamr's imtallatlon Imbuct)wcs.
CseatM by IrWepv,dar[ ThIN party: Yes
J -'1.S in. Nall Ship' (RS)
1.5' db height, 19' nide, 26 gauge steel, standing seam roof
panty merhmicagy altaivetl N 15/32' plywood or wood clerk
with fasteners.
I;M Wtion IfMnueMons
Approval for use in HVNi No
Approved for use outside M - Yes
Impact ResiNan . No
Design Premra: +N/A/ -Tale A
Othar: Refer to evaluation report for cordillera, arM limitations
of use. Install the assembly in mmpM. with the installation
method listed In NH report and applicable code secibm a
M7022 R7 B R 170 J 1 5 Nail Ship 6
Verified BY: tacke Bowden, P.E. 49704
Q bsl by Independent TNN Party: Yes
Ev.1nation Reports
M17022 R7 A17r,72,7 1 Nall cr.: 2 e s,,QJ
6eatrtl by Independent TNN Party: Yes
1 Refer m manufarturer3 installation Ir[struNanz
17022.8 8 -'EMA)( Fib' (R5)
29 gauge steel, RIPPed roof Panel ovxharYolly attaN i to
15/32' plywood or wood clerk with exposed fasteners.
Limits of Use
IrMtaYatiprr Lrftrutlbus
Approved for ase in HNIFIM No
Approved for use pNside MVIQ: Yes
817022 RJ D FL 172022 8 WM Rib ss,Rff
V� By: [J>rke Bowden, P.E. 49709
Impact Resistant No
Oesign Pressure: +N/A/ -Table A
Other: Refer to evaluation report for mndlti0m aM 4mitataIns
Orated by IndependmtTNN Party: Yes
CvaWation Reports
FI f 70n R7 AF R 1770 8
of use. Install the assembly in compliance with the installation
mound listed in this repot arni applicable nide sestions of
Qeaad by Independent Tnini Party: Yes
FBC. Refer nunufacturerls installation instructions.
9 -' PBR MA%' (RS)
26 gauge steel, lapped roof panel mehanicafly attadled to
15/3Y Plywood a frond dent wBh eapmea fasteners.
limits of Use
rrlataBaDon lrrWUWons __
Approval for. in NVIiI No
11170 J R7 B R 170n.9 PBP RED R atlf
Approval for rrra euts1M NV1Q: Y
Impact ReslOrrte No
Design Prearee:+N/A/-TableA
Other: Refer m evaluation report for corMit ons and limitations
Warned BY: l e Bowden, P.E. 49706
GeateIl by hrde0mdent mini Party: Yes
RWlrotlon Reports
PL17022 RJ AE R 170219 PBR RIB wp&ff
pf use. Install that assembly in compliance with the imtallatim
metlwd Ildeci in this report arM applicable nide sections of
CraiKtl by haleq nifeat ThIN Party: Yes
FBC. Refer to manufactureYs installation inshurtlam.
0 0
M1OMrC.pprenl Am.R
Credit card
htt(sJModdobuikling.orglWIX_app_o.asWpamm-wGEVXQMDgt2eBOPHpO0e6rMZMkUEOR%2bGxHGxFe50kCHzEgvO0veeg%3d%3d 313
Palm City, FL 34990
Compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 (6d' ed.)
Compliant with Florida Product Approval Rule # 61G2O-3
Compliant: Keystone Certifications
Product: 5 V Crimp 26GA Steel Roof Panel FBC Sec. 1507.4.2
Yield strength: 50 ksi min.; Attached to min. 15/32' plywood or Wood
Deck w/ min. 0.42 specific gravity with screws. 24" Coverage
Rib Height 3/8"
Corrosion Resistant Compliant: FBC Sec. 1507.4.3
Fastener 1(Method 1 Attachment): #9 x 1-1/2" Hex -Washer Head wood screw' to penetrate
3/16" min. thru deck or 5/8" embedment into wood plank. ("or sufficient length to meet
Fastener 2 (Method 2,3, & 4 Attachment): A1O x 1-1/2' Hex -Washer Head wood screw* to
penetrate 3/16" min. thru deck or 5/8" embedment into wood plank. ("or sufficient length
to meet requirements)
Underiayment: To be compliant with FBC Sec Chart 1507.1.1
Slope: Shall be in compliance with FBC Sec. 1507.
See Fastener attachment specifications above
Install Details: Table A Allowable mads
.86 PSF
-93.5 PSF
-101 PSF
-228 PSF
16" D.C.
16" ac
8" D.C.
6" D.C.
12" D.C.
12" D.C.
12" D.C.
12" D.C.
UL 580.06 & 1897-041 Test Report D5893.01-450-18 05/02/14
Test Report F3366.01-450-18 12/18/15
TAS 125-03 Test Report D05893.02-450-18 07/22/14
•EQUZVALENCr--UL 1897-84 1s equivalent to to tslandard UL 1897-1j,,,,, _ *Design Pressure n argin of fety 2:1
Locke Bowden, P.F. does not have, not will acquire a finandal in.�_�h�.y `-�,s�,.,,,,,t,�
under this evaluation. w�v"?I �, ,,M- # ,.i, •'factoring or distributing products
Locke Bowden. PX is rot owned, operated, or controlled br ap"{.00arpadypm15i6tturq a distribu0ng Pruduas order this
report. =
FL17022.1 5V Crimp (26GA Steel), 24" Wide Roof Panel - Details
1. Underlayment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code (FBC)2017 60 ed.
2. Minimum slope to be compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 6" ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference.
3. Products are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61G20-3. Compliance Method: 1-D
4. Engineering analysis for project specific approval by local authorities w1urisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers.
5. Fire classification is not pan of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report
6. Support framing in compliance w/FBC 2017 bP ad., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for
Structural Loading.
7. This report does not imply warranty, installation, recommended product use outside of this report.
NB 1-12 mn. a
MQ"t-1?I.Yn.p"My A'bM SVOnp Foot Fag
Hexwa4"f 11ex1 woof SC9�t!
-159Y"geilaglvl 'o
-N Pw*
M n nn
Panel Profile
X1/2" Min. or #10.1-12" Min. per
Table "A" Hex Washer Head Screw
Panel Spaced 12" o.c. across he Panel Wdth
Overlap Refer
to Table "A" for Spacing Along Panel
Deck -15/32" or greater
Plywood, or
-VWod plank
To Whom It May Concern:
As outlined in the Florida Building Code, Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC will accept the installation of metal
roofing panels over one layer of asphaltic shingles or modified bituminous roofing, assuming all requirements
of the 2017 Florida Building Code Sixth Edition, all 01 Chapter 15, specifically Section1511 Existing Roofing,
and/or 2017 Florida Building Code- Residential Sixth Edition, all of Chapter 9, specifically Section 905.10 and
Reroofing Section 908 have been met.
It is important to ensure the existing substrate is not deteriorated, there is no entrapped moisture, meets all
code requirements, and to install an approved separator underlayment between the existing roofing and the
metal panels, such as those that comply with ASTM D226 Type I or Type I I or ASTM D 1970, or ASTM D
4869. The roofing contractor of record must verify the aforementioned requirements. Having confirmed code
requirements, installation in this manner is approved by Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC as the manufacturer.
Plywood sheathing must be minimum 15/32" COX plywood or %" wood plank, solid decking, fastened per FBC
requirements. The wood substrate must be inspected to ensure that it has not deteriorated and is acceptable
as a suitable substrate for additional roofing, and is attached structurally per current codes. Fasteners used for
metal roofing should penetrate minimum Y." through structural decking or a minimum of 1" penetration into a
thicker wood substrate, to insure pullout values remain the same.
Consideration should be given to the unevenness of the underlying shingles, which may telegraph through the
new metal panels. As in all metal roofing, "oil canning" is an inherent condition that can occur in the panels.
Care should be taken during the installation, to observe the metal panels as they are installed, and adjust
installation procedures, if possible, to help to minimize "oil canning". "Oil Canning" is an aesthetic issue not a
structural issue, and not a cause for rejection.
The energy savings that is normally observed after a new metal roof replaces the previously shingled roof,
which has been documented to account for 20% - 29% savings, may be negated due to the underlying
shingles holding heat energy much longer than a metal panel installed without shingles beneath it.
It is important to comply with all requirements of the Florida Building Code, Fire Rating requirements, and local
code requirements. As always, authorities having jurisdiction, (building department) should be consulted, and
approve your demolition and reroof installation methods, prior to beginning work.
Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC
2160 SW Poma Drive Palm C®ittV, A�FL 34990 ® (772) 223-4055 (Phone) 19 (772)781-7492 (Fax)