HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUPPORT DOCUMENTS ALL AITUSLE INFCi MIS BE CUMPLETEII FOR APPILICATION TU BE ACCE Dale: -- Hr=rr ittlLira r: --- - Now - Bu ftc ing Remit A pl aaf on Mnming DevefaMentServkes go Viding and Code Rego ibtiun Diviskin Phona: (7 482_ 51 F ar(732)461-157 irk mercial Res is eni ial PI=RM T PPLICA7KIN FCM 10Sdject fram nap al, c ick armw zit Me end o1 line I _ Addrosr � �I RUE, lay—t P i F—Cl Rra rl)l Tax ID#- .r __ Lcl No— MeNlanNarrfe. logbial ftck No. Hroject loan. -( ` 'ajVIwAj Setbi cks From Baal T ftb1 Sk e: Oil SI116 Adafflarvatwor 10 un ev 1-Win permit check all that apppy- ffVAC �. Gas Tank DGaS Hi ill _9 hi atl ers WIndcywi/Doo"i IlEtectria ®illlu bi E]iRrinklors Go era1 m H 00f Fibo Pftd ToialSq. III alCon,lnti p ilt.o1i int Floon- C + 1 i tnw lon ', . II_ � qS Utirr ies.OSiviei[:]Sdptk Building HimIghi Name kchfvt I E Uamen WAYNE TAOMAS BURNETT Iddress:%C15 QCO I U N --- rwp ny: Fib I ,L I fI % 'taci sidle: Addwsj- 3D443 ICID 1 - Z p Code. 4 _ A Fax-. -- 0tl : HOill YWOGD dlaie:111 Phorrr, No.4T;-A�co Mbt ---- Zip coach l- 33 312 Hal. 954-7 -7 77 E- j it: to I_-M exomi VI FBI a a e No, -954-885-84DO Ei'II in lee sirmpk TdIe H oWeron next page(if diffen if .I-Mall PERMMS@FHAPFIO1IU(lTS-(IOM I from tF a CPAInem lied at r 9tato ov Cuu m ti, Livenie: (IGD61 0 I ff value of canstr on rare,a REM110111D Mato-Oe-of commencement is regi fir . UESIC NER11 N GIN E : x Not Applicable MORTGAGE CCIMpmv: �T _Nol Elgplicabie N a me: N a me:VVA YNN THOMAS BURN ETI Addnesi: Addlless: __.,... City: S1 al a: Cit51: HM MAKM S1 al e: ZIP: of one Zip: A I c ne: BEE SIMI LE T'ITUl H CILE IR: _Not Applicat IE BONDINCI COME ANY: �Nol Applicable Name: Nam e: Add l lesl:3D44 SW 42n D IT Acidness: City: City: Jip: I f one: Zip: PI all OWN eR/CC INTRACTCIR AFIIIDVI'I:App ical la n is I ei et y rr a de t o obta in a pr lrrr it to do 1 i e worl l and in stallat Ion as in clicated. I certify tllal na work a r Iasi allalion I as eomrnenaec prlartotl a issuarne of z perm} . w - Si.Lode Glum makejno rep resentation that is glinting a p+ rrniit will autt on t1 a it holder io t uild#I e s ul ject stn ure which is In son Ict wit a nyy i pplVab a hk Ime owners Association rules,bylaws or ar�eri ant! 1h4 t may re!trict c r prof itlllt such strucl un.PleA sa consult vdt I your Home Owna rs kcIsoraatk n a nr I review ya ur r leec r an,1 restr Ictla m which mall a pflN. In aor siclen tiou of 1 I a granting of tt Is reciuestec p+limilt,I do herb+ all ree ti ai I will,in a 11 respects,pq Irform ti a wrork Inacwrca rice witF the apA,novedplans,Ihi Florida Building Cdde an(I St.Luci( Cclunt) Anlenrlrnents. TI a follow iinEi builr ling pemit an p lice tions a re em m pt fda rn r it de%oing a toll concunency review:roam a do Ih Ion s, a'ccesse q struc ores,sw mniing pools,fence,walls,signs,screen roams a n d accessory user to a nottler u c n-resiclentlaI us+i WA IRN IN GI MI OWN ER:Youa failune to Recoi d a Notice of Conlin en cemerr may nesuH In)lour paying twkE ibi i impnow ment to)loon paopfl rty.AI Notice of Corn rn a n came t must I e ra ca rded a nd pojte cl on the jobAte befane l he fiil impection. 11 ycl a into ntl to obtain financ suit with k n(I ell oil an attomey beione commenci ork on necondigg youn N of ice a fl CommAng Signs turf bf Owner,l Lessee Con tr a ctor as AEI ent foa Owner Sign al ure oil Ccintractor)JUcens a H<11da r STATE OF 11 LOR 11A STATE CIA FLORIDA CaUNT) 01 CCIU NTY CIF TI a in EI in strum en wa s aaknowledge�r fore ni a n a fo yoir g insi ru was acknow iedil ad beta na mu ltis days I �""� 20_ b} tf i "iG; claliof 70 & by Ian aoflperson killgst;I ten ient, Name of perso�n klefIstatimanl n ersona Ily Kna wn OF Proc ucec Id en tion g ersona Ili.I Known OR PI oduced Identif catlor Type of Ido r tifiaal I Type ofl k entif 1, :1 n rodr raec FI roducec iSigr ne of Note ry -Slate of Florida ] (Signatc re ofl F otarll Put I le a-1 Florida) Commission No. IQ�'�EI� IIERCADC Comniiaslar Na. �fKl t;L�l MY COMMISSION dQt30la lijS MY Cowl 1 FJtP RES ApN 19,2021 ;i' 811Pifi9$Apl 19, d�46 REV EW9 HRCINT A(INING SUPERVISOR A LA N9 VEGE11ATKIN IEA TUR OVI CCIUNTI F F LN IEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATI F BCEIVID 0 AT9 COMPLETE I Rev.8/7/t; 1098122 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. Tax Folio No. 1301-612-0380-000-3 State of Florida County of St.Lucie The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713,Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. Legal Description of Property:(and street address if available): LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 10 BLK 134 LOTS 8 & 9/ 6505 OCALA AVE FORT PIERCE FL 34951 General description of improvement:_WINDOWS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS AND DOOR REPLACEMENT Owner information or Lessee information if the Lessee contracted for the improvement: Name MICHAELLE S JOHNSON Address 6505 OCALA AVE. FORT PIERCE FL 34951 Interest in property: OWNER Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if different from Owner listed above): Contractor's Name: FLORIDA HOME IMPROVEMEbIT ASSOC. Contractor Address:2044 SW 42ND STREEL HOLLYWOOD FL 33312 Phone Number: Surety(if applicable,a copy of the payment bond is attached):Amount of bond:$ N/A Name and address: N/A _ Phone number: NIA Lender Name: N/A_. Phone Number: N/A Lender's address:_NIA Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: Name: NIA Phone Number:-WA_ Address: In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates.NIA of N/A to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. Phone number of person or entity designated by owner: Expiration date of notice of commencement: (the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to the contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART I,SECTION 713.13,FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IFYOU INTENDTO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Under penalty of perju a that I read oregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to the best of my knowledge and (Signature of Own or Les tee,or Owner's or Lessee's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager MICHAELLLE L JOHNSON (Signatory's Title/Office) Sx `�iy The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day�" 1 20 , i 61 By MICHAELLE L JOHNSON as for Name of Person Type of authority(e.g.officer,trustee) Party on behalf of whom instrument was executed SI nature of ICUEL A MERCAD© Personally known produced Identification ( g N ry Pu tate of Florida ;: (Print,Type,or Sta mmissioned Name f iyltE oMMIs810N#GGt195746 Type of Identificatio produced &)iPtP.Ir8 April 16.2024 Mict ells Hr<In kin, CIFA—Saint Lucke Cclunt PropeM I Al 1g raiseu—All right: reserved. Property Identification ita Address:6101 OCAL.AI AVE Parcel lEll:1301-4 13-0380-000-3 SecfTowrdRaj F a:it 1134ISr 7 H E Icca utlt f 1:3 094 Map ID:I]AI11 Use Typcl:0100 Zoning:RS- Count lurisdici ion:Saint Lucie Cc unty ownership - Micim :I .lotmson -- Michae le L lohnso _ 6905 Ocah AVE Fort I iow IL 3,951 Legal Desaripdon LAKEWOOD IARK-UNIT M I I K 1341 OTS 8 AND 9(MAP 13 A 1 S) Currern Valu es - lust/Markel Value: 1126,600 Asscsscd Va u,: 3126,600 Exen pCom: !I50,000 Taxabla Value: 117(1,600 Total Areas Property taxes are subjecl I change upon Finishad(Undel Avl(SF : 1,260 e har ge of owners IH ip. Clross Sl etche4 Ares I(S]): 2,156 Lanf l Size(acres): 11.48 • east taxes arc not a reliable prole+tion of fi ti re tanea. Laml Size(SF): 10,960 • Th I sal of a property Y41 promsp ale removal 01 all ca ompoolks,a s t ci M s sd special daai(fa tkHm Taxer for thLl parcel: 9 LC lax Collectors C1t1Ia i Downoom TRIM flan tl lis parcel:Download I DF All information is belies ved to be a rrec av thi:l tithe,but is sul jest to change and is prTiida I without an31 miarrant). (I Copyrigl t 1020 Saint Lucie Count) Prclpert A Ippraise.All rights reserved. I age 1cf10 FII H IA, LLCI �`�'Q Biowand: 964-792-4 419 I icense No. CIQC 06'1890/CIA44818 F Miami 13adei: 305-543--4469 3044 SWA12nd S1. Fax: 954-793-3170 Rt. U udeiida le, FI L 3 33'12 ioi4 Web: ww+n:It is remodeling.com Email: into@•It ianemodeling.cort Harrle Irr p1novemor:t Coninacl Mike ..off nsor / 10981221 772-1 16-0274 Ch le: (I7/0'Ii1202(I M iciNiefle JoH nlsoni /10981121.1 rn jot n s on 8 891a la oni a a s t.nel Rep: Jot n Smed e a k 6505 Ocala AID E FIORT-PIERCE FL 24961 This Cantiact is ma de anc en felled into this date of Cla/C11,j2020 by an d H al ween Flonida F ome Impaovement , In c, a Delawane Conporai ion known as ("Contnaclar" cir "FHU I"), and ChAiner(s) named abave of '11 a propf lrty located a t t he acidnes s lis 1 ed above known a s ("Ownen"). 7t e ( on-1 nacton agrees to pen lorini the work described beilciw at the propert) listed a boNe: 1) Remove exist irig units to be replaced (N olle: Removed ilems likely to be damaged.) 2) Prepani opening as necessany I reaeive neplacemeni units. 3) Tol all number oil windaws being instil lied ill 4) 70'1 a I number oil door s being ins'a lie d I 5) W ork N C11 to be complete d: ho Interioii or exterior painling. 6) 1-1 applicable, remove the'lo Ila wing shutter panels, andAor s e cunil y bails. Ispea ify) 7) Special Ins 1 uict ions: 8) Cleanup jot debris a nd pnovide neces sa r11 permit s and Insurain ce. HI applicable, In 1 he everii I a t Clonl racl or is unab a icir whatever neaio n to obtain proper permits priori to commeri cement of any work, Coninaclori shall rellund a ny pi i(vious payment and this 1 ransact c n s hall be automat ica Illy cancelled. 9) Aiddil Iona I Wool : (No-linish wa nk othea t han no r mall ins tallat ion is to be done unlet s noted below) FAIIN Mike Johnson ] 1098122((Iu9lomer's Initials) Homeowner's AIssociatior NO Total Clori t r-s a t Price i jncluding all dhi(i ounbi) $21,959 Vf ananiy: Clonlnacloo viill prouicla pnovide warranty inloirriation to Ownet wilhin 30 days aften comipleiion and final payment. Sat a dole: Clon tuaci on Small Commence 1 he work] cla Sls aftee execution of 1 his Coni ra c t (Tt a "Commencement Cale) and t all ends a ver to complete all wont I eneunder wilt in 120 days aftee the commencement dale. Mci[ au � nl racl. t1 a ac�pn €n iorlael crrtalri tie err irer11t been I tie p €es. i r: i t t l C rltraict,Omer gees n aaknowli d les Mat it'has ae ive1« the air ,prpc VAltt hid ,=This dr.iJr4d&may ndl de_�n c or jy b" i by a Change(Ir+dae on off WWritidh air M0rA S nUK t boltl PaMes The,lairar oy'aw Tlrily o a baea qf:my(Prim I His Cow ract sad nal ape a or cclni r-yed as c'lJ! njj- 6W arrvsri rrt err wa- eT AtAWsubsequenil dr Wiby any p rtyOAbu ills dup rr sy cancel his Contra j. At arry;tirrree pr`o , tic n CPlt on t e third d usiniess c ay of ea I he data of this corarw. G his .igacPf#iteryivane!!y 10k '' Payle 7 oll '10 FlAlfil Rel ail Price $31,707 , Man tit aclunor Instant Rebate $1 427 a1Wi�kc�t a . I6Q,V Totcd Cc ntiract Price 11including all discc L nts) S 21,5509 ._. Balance Oue I21, 9iyl Ia , f t Inc vinyl Irripaul Wink ows Ain(lovi Sq le 2 Lite H oila ri IA in dow Bra nd Clus la rn W inda+ni S)lsi erns Gass 7Y11 a Sc la r Magi mii11 Is eat To I nology Cluaniity 1 J, Lociailon 11 e n Insulated Included Inl a rron Color WMINIft Elize 36 K 3. Exlerioii Color N I ile . 1` p Ian M v� ,eat�ningy QItfy "f. f 5 for ii ffitl f � I yle 2 l i1e Rolle n W indow Brand Ois tom IA indo►ai 1)p to rr s - Clla ii i Type So Ian Max vaith Is a at Technology QuanAly 1 I I ! Local is ri Kitchen Insure ted Included I In-1 ei for aoion While Elbe 36 X 36 Exi a nion Colon While ; � nd I ral 2Lii l � litl tll' lr e i iGieli uaiintii y Mast ea 84thraom Instil-ater ilrlorWWKEl She S �� �f a s Hxti�r�rr ilp - .. r W it dow Style 2 1 ite Roller Window Bnand Clu9tom M inclovi Sysla ni: Y Cllaw Type Sola n Max viith N eel l Technology Quanth y ' Loaatian Bedaoorri 1 in9ulaied Included j _a Intenior(lolon While ;Lie 3 6 x 3k 14 i r Exteiior aoton While �k r tt lile�l; `Wii aw Uri CUs o rf I�t S lte i Typon Slag Sfax wtthHeal' rolr�gy" Totem ll �n Pr :l o _ 1r tale i#cif e 1 a , i l� r tit on riilt t �`, �r� dr htle W inflow S1)lle 7 t ite Rolien Window Brand Cu91om VA in dow Systa nii1 +} Glass Type Sold r Max with t eat Technology Quantify Locution Living Room Ins tilaied Included� 4 Inteuion C olor While Si:ue 72 X 48 ' r Extenior Clolon W Fii1e This9 ga.ati int rrlionaily iati t�tan♦ii Page 3of10 trtd ow yl ite oiiejl W [ t]EIrVii ZwitwWAincciiw ysterii Okasib" woo Max WittNeat;'WOhnoiogy MOO l" Masten foam Inlae Ind wt rCaior �P4Thill" 19 Indow Eft Ille 2 L ite Roller) W Indow Bnand C tls tom W indo►nl Syls 1 e rn s Glass Type 3olan Max with N eat Technology Quantify I Lmition ty a step Beclnoom Insulaled Included Interion Clolon While :line ;112 Y 36 ' � 3 Extellior Clolon W hii e vi io ow style - las ement Window i d oW rafac ' bus t d ins ow er wassi7ii S01011 Max with NW 4achnotogy Quasi 1 1 1 edacorn I ' InsuWtid indw ed.'' l i for Q l 4itd ii N 'lid:; extelicir color whitil W indow -1)lie Clasen at I W indow W Indow 9nand (Custom %AIndoH Systern: Glass Type 9 ola rl Max wish N a at Technology Qua ntil y I Lotion Beclnoom 2 Insulai$d Included Interion Clolon While 'cli3e 361 X 36 Extenior Clolon While French Dclars anlc Skeli hts Door x Style Door I3lla n d CIWS 1 inyl Impacl C]o�rt la Anench Doors (IWS N it)11 Irr pant Double Ilnench Dooms Glass Type ola n Max wfi h N ea 1 Technology Quantity 1 FJ, Location Dining Room :Ilse 72 X 80 Inter ie rl Clolon Exteulon tlolou W h i1 e FinalncicI Details Amour 1 FinanceclI?J'I,t1551 9s 1 imal e d Monthly Raymen 1 41235.84 Tenm Quoi ed 18C ti ani hs Irl IeresI Rate Uis:atiaaed 11 Quoi ecl 51.91% Finance Plan 9I.P/a 180 N CI ni h9 IIINANQ INN ARAF1 O11A1 AND TARNS ARM 9 UEIJECT To A CREDIT REVIEW BY 7HIII D RAR TY LRND■R:I 8 y selecting the finance a F ifon fo r tt a pf rtia I or fu l pal1ms nt of the RnaJeot,tie Owneo allrt c s is sign all finauae ac mI letion farms thi final clay c f ins a iir tic n.Thf ,i a he(I c ling an(I a om p etion o1 the fin al in sR a 0 ion will ba scl a dulec for the next ava iia L le dF y a nc ALI she(kiiat h ems, pc r1a,replaaement an damaged rl r(clua t rea rders will be competed in a tirrielyl ma nner as p(lrt e l oun service poliay. a) Do u a t sign this Ca nlract or an71 financing documents Is ban).You are entitled to a oopi o11he a onlraat at the time ipu sign. 41 it M t) Tha iinaraial dontiments prn tilde( by tic leadelr to this home improvemeint ca ntract may areate a Ih ri to}lout prollc m. a) Be sure liou(rdewtand ill llravi+ifons of"IheContraci and financhIdt(unicn•IsIeciie lieu sign. f his,I pa ce.intentionaft"l(i fl t la*