HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitAll APPCICABCE II9FO MU5t BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED l5ate: C<C tJ fV T Y o K 1 0 1 Pcrrriit I9umber: Building Permit Application Planning anu aeve#opmenr.3ervices miring anu Coi � Keycrl, io.. u;a:,io., 2IOU vi, iii.d. are-ae, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 C UrMii i2h.ial PERMIT TYPE: WV h t C Gly PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Residential �-- Address:- 10-70k t7UkAin Property Tax PD #: 45kk' 5 k0 • 00 Site Plan Name: 10101 Z� CCeCk^ t)( l.C) ,(> -7 Project Mame: %AkAtt DETAILED DE5iLRIPTION OF WORK: LOL ivo. 9 Ic -7 81ocR Mo. lexact r,C cllangeout, no duct worn, 15.5 ton, l b seer, �. CONSTRUXTION INFORMATION: additional work to Be perrormen unser iMis permit - cPi«R uli tM.r uppiy: Xnnechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas Piping _ Shu«ers _ Windows/Doors _ Electric — Plumbing sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Pitcm i oral bq. rt or Con,,irpoL;�n: __. Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Consrruction: $ —1 V V Utilities: _ �ewc, _ Septic 6aildi% Fie;sht: OWNER/LE55EE: CONTRACTOR: Mame GTtt I ���F.-- _ _ Name: Dennis Zacek Address: -z)(oll W 14Etcy Company:HRS City: t, .. _State:U Address:2800 US HWY 1 _ City; Vcro 6a�.oil State: Fl cip Code: 131(r Fax: Phone No. -3015 1 - Z t •X112 _ Zip Code: 32960 Fax: E-Mlaij: Phone No (772) 794-7205 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page { if different E-1viail mgillis�ars.com rrom ire O—...cr li3tetl above) State or County License CMC1249753 it value of cons.ruc.ion is 5z3va or more, a RECORuEG Notice or Commencement is requireti. If vague or RvAC is $isi7i7 or more, a RECUKDtD Notite or CorniMenrem-rit i; requirca. 5uPPEEMEN I AC Cutis I RuC I luN EIEN EAW INFORMATION: DESIGNER/ENGIMEER: Mat Applicable ITIOR i GAGE COMPANY: N-Vt Apj licablE Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: Mate; Zip: Phone yip: Phane• FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMIPAMT: _Mat Applicable IEame: Name: Aazfress: Address: City: City: cip: PRone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVI 1: Applir.tivFl is Fie,a5y made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicates. I certify that no worR or installation Ras comme-eca p,ior to tnc ise.nev qt a pc. mit. St. Lucie Coun►j; makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize Me permit holder it, 15eila tRc �el5;e�t St�acta�c YRicR i3 i� comflict witFi any applicable Home owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants may restrict that or pronioit sueR structure. Pl.ase evn3elt ritfi ,cop Hvmc awmer. Assoc;ation and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In eam.,iacr..tlorl vt tRc spa F.tin6 or this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the worn in accordance with the approves plans, the Florida 6uilaing C.aae....na m. [eaie Caent, AmcF1iJFp1cllt3. I Re roll -ins Soii(Jing p�Fmit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room aa'uitions, accessory structures, swirnrt,:ns pool,, rcncc,, -a03, aiSnS, �creen uooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use "WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR rxiiEUKE 1U K!CURu A 100 4CE UP Ci�lilmtNz.EMEN t MAr 1tEbuE 1 IN trOuH PAYING I wICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPER v i . fa RU P ICE OF CUmmENCEMER i RW6 a BE RECURDEO ANu POS i ED ON 1 HE .IOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND 10 US i Air FitvARCIRC, cuma= I nl i R TOUR EENDER OR AN A I i ORAEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMEN Signature of'vwner/ I' ee/Contractor as,Agent ror'uwner zignatupe or Rolder a i A t E OF FEURIDA STATE OF FLORIDA Coon I r %rF StL._uc..Rl; COUNTY OF Eva-- ainly he fnrQoing instnimem was aCKnowleagea oereFe me i Rc ro4 wins i, �;twmc t .gas acknowledsed before me this day of . .s� _ zu Sy this au, ar —1Z M. -As meek Dfr--.Z__.k Mame or person maRing M.mc ar per,on m.Ring stateme.,t. Personally Known UR Pro'aucen Identirication Personally Known UR Pwileec8 17cFit;tication X Type of Identification i ype of Identification Proaaced 0wv.pU—nze Produced Gri:.re(eenae rl 11�22M oy (Sisnat r of Notary Public- Stat of Pioritl ) 4ALW& Notary Public- St of Florida } Commission 100. �� '"� MELISSACFiATEAUNIuI' C.ammi:;;iOn Mo. GG 34017 MIEN55ACRAiEAUNEUFState oi Plonaa - nota;, P78 St..tc v1 Flvr,B�. - Nota,y Public Commwala.-. GG 34Q178 Commission # GG s -,►v i ra I" "Pires ay y Commission E --,..i - May 30, 2023 REVIEWS FRO rt PEAM.) VEta EIAIIOly COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REvIEvv REvIEvv REVIEvv REVIEW DAit RECEIVED DATE CUP7119710 -v-.277/19 F Re W rk. WM�kIFIgIlrighl: M=king it w. Installation Work Order E it. 5t-pl [)at= tYY1J36Y �l 00 E..t, Corriplcti— 13-1c Io 2800 US High .,.y 1, Vero Be -eh. FL 32960 Corporate Customer Am r grin Re,idential Sanaee, wf FlorW,.Inc U -mm ff CMC 1249753• Rcladvnn CA 81,49M.EC1300135511 (866) 803.0879 CUSTOMER EMAIL a ALL SLIP ADDRESS ' cIrT,SiniE-Zlr�^ �Q�` L ! ,` nvAle PnvlvE �.t!. [ PFiOFiE �.•RR R,orv� OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION aIZE SrJ TYPE ��:h;��'�L�.0 SIZE TYPE � SIZE EFFICIENCY Up "v-- EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY A4�� T, 5OBTOTAL y 7,6C/ D SUBTOTAL 5 SUBTu-TAL MONTHLY EST' $ MONTHLY EST.' $ MONTHLY EST' $ %USiuMER INITIALS vuaTw-MER INITIAL.a CUSTOMER INITIALS W-rr„nty:"I y P-rty Labor W..r-rity:" P-rt� Labor Wurr-ty , Porta L..bor Curt,pre...-er H. -t E;;eh�.Figer hompro.,aor He. -1 E;zeh-mgcr Ce-prcc rr Heel E;;eh.-ngcr "Unless otherwise noted, all warranties are from the manufacturer. SPECIFICS OF YOUR INSTALLATION SELECTEDvPTI�N: 11, �2 03 nMe,-therprenl L•T vavnncci Drain Line ❑ Dehernldifi— SUSTOT..1'_ Disconnect 0 Ceiltng Saver Kit G vutuoor unit Pad L7 rifctimc Egeipmcnt 51-b (P..n 8 Piano) ❑ Flee Venting $ fiT ound Isolation Pads In MRin Dr -in Sof=t; 5-iteh u Ductwork Connections' _ Mignid Tie Conduit i s .l New ❑ Con -neat to c;:Iz;ting plenerR $ f7 Start Kit 0 5appvrl Atli Egeippnepil G Duct Modifications ❑lRRcfrigcrunl L.L. Dryer 131i ly Plcnnm tame .o;�a ror x.: •pe - r 01R TOTAL ni Pips Xe.IR - ❑ Re�e,it E KefrigeraFiT In New Duct System ❑ Ne- t� rwoconrlcc: Mll��GI Plenam ❑ No Dec Work • ' 0111 efrigerant Pipe Cover 0 Rewom-wet G Fuel Piping Ci i=,ASH 0 CHECK# ❑ E7.p,i,.3lvn V.1 -i. ❑ Electronic nlr Cleaner ❑ Elc,-,. cal Wiring p T - t -Type ❑ Midi.. Filler M H=m■ 5-wir:e Plan -_ [3 %REDIT C�iRD fLA5T 4#z;)vi'rtew.T W."Tv ETi.urig 15 PCO Term (364 duyal EXP APPROVAL Eler.lrlo-I ❑ tiV Light ❑ New Plywood Desk G Humidifier ❑ FINANCING 'Loans rodded by Ene,Banli USA, Member FDIC, un OUR GUARANTEES —' oved ural,. tar a 6O,!rrl :ime. Fss_mxed monlNy — / mfwpt Gear_Rt=■ ER me Protection Guarantee Ry—on:s �-- ort e.'TM or a •" !1xm RI loft —I--, �i09 on Mn mna,m, eireci vc s or -F: : -3719. Repaymrnl 10-9 vary ho.n o3 to �•.•. mWIF" ,.�,arumrm n'r, t T r Sarvlac KY.r.micc 9007 U,.co,.dlllon,.l 24 HvnG M..ney-Back Guaranlee q1 1111111111111 amounts apply. oft rin.wwg options may 6Ll avv©60.1. 'ARS is n:+i reap..naibic for pru—ia:ing dec::ork. Soo Terms and Condi-,Iona on the b�: k of thin doceTpRt for dGtaiL • Wn,ion ca.,lomer a harm— e., -ill be obt..med bcfnra begrnn ng any 6nle,c. zeR addilia—1 or e.teisded -ark. • ANY ULAIMb FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURL PROVIbION5 OF CHAPTER 558. FLORIDA STATOTES. • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: Th1a iY - home-elieit..tivn m..le, aid if you do net Tont the geode or =erirleo.-, yea may eopie-I thl= ogree- ment by prw.idi,.g written notice to the elle: in pemv ., by teloeram, e- by moil. Thl= --iv- res=t i-..dieete that ;-a de net :oat the geed - or =errieea -nd ma..t be deli:erad v7 pa-tm .irked befox mi8nlght of the third be -in.== d -y offer you -Ign thioogrreme"L If you mcnael thl= agreamontl the =vllvr may net R vp all or port of amy eo=it doTm P-yfflzrilt. See the r erse sloe hewer for an .:planation or this right. • I aeknv-ledgo that Fi,y Fight to e..Fioel h,.= beer c7plRimud it, me orally and IR -FiSng, -nd itheet-aicrpig ,,,y..ghl to -:apical, I oethenea the perfeFi -m— of the --ark, aebjeot to ..II teFie= Fid conditlon�.,et forth nn the ro7er...- -ide hom.f, pla--opiy t -6e= apes eerpiplefepi. Ne Te O :..er - De seta thi=home imprs=-oat se..tl`Ct is blank. You are entitled to a copy of the contract at the time you sign. Keoph tw P ger of rights. Thi., home impraTomo .t contract ma; co in a gage or therwise create alien on your proper ? thatV-TL ad on if you do not pay. Be aul� you uudvrst-rid.. 1 eio the vv afore you =ign. , 01;i DATE C MPANY R P 58 TATNE Cvl7umEn SiGAnTORE Ok-le UA'._ r- 2020 Amer an Res.d--iii Sr-- MO. All ,anis rn —d.. ARS 107A-FL_200-522 1-200522 6254 Certificate of Product Ratings mmrcl %Zertiaed Reference Number: 5836895 Date : Fir -Ln -Lazo IPloael Staten : Avth-v ARRI I rpv : 517-A Air -Conditioner, Air-Cvvled) Sana.. R41 OA PAC SPP vuruoor unit eran'a Name : CHRRIER Vtllaver Omit 1Wedvl NOT --,S r (Condvn_ar or Singre Pacfcaye) : 50VG"A4Z`""30 Rayior-, : All (AK, AL, riR, r¢, Cm. C.v, C. 1. Dv, CC, R, Gm, mi. ID, IE, In, IIC, Rs, Rt, G!, RRA, RD, mE, 1411, RIM, 141x, M5, R i, MC, IQA, iqE, 19R, IqJ, 19M, Iqv, lqy, Ort, OR, OR, PA, RI, sC, so, I A, I x, 0 1, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY, U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air conuuilioners manufaclureu prior to oanuary 1, zv r.'I are eligiVie to Be installe0 in all regions grail June s0, Z018. tie9immAji July 1, 2016 cvntral air cundit,'onars an . my be installed in region(s) for wnicn tney meet tie regional ernciency requirement. f Re manufacturer of this C mIRRIER protluct is responsiAle Tor tfle rating or this system combination. Rated as follows in accoruance with tRe iatesi euition of mMsemFi cl z Iarz4'u wits iZdenda i ano e, PeRormance Rating or unitary Hir-CoROilie -,b 2g Hi.-saGl'ae Ra -t Pernp Eyeip rt.rlt -nd sub;ovt to rating atmuravy by AHRI-aponsurad, independent, third paM testing: Cooling Capacity (A2) - Single or High Stoge jouPl, Vtul ■ l ::;zZ= 51•1!R :IF). -V EER (A1) - or Rigfl St..go (95F) : IZ.b0 I "„cove' Rloael �taitm are diose mat an AHRI Certification Program Participant Is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale; OR new models that are being Rr.,rketva but arc net yet be.ng prode—d."Prodavriv,. Sivppeu, IRwel MWFUZ are [Rose in.`s an nMRI vvriinoation Prog.am Participant is no longer producing BUT is still rir effaring far ale. ml-elling lllr as it s arU �4lpanied bV WAS indicate an i. 091 ant)ry re -pa t+ _ rr,c new y.dbI SI W rit. I, n s showrl aI7na with the RreyiauF IIB -Y.'— ri iiRq DISCLAIMER AHRI does nut envorsc iRc prboamsr Ilstea on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the p. odaet(a) listed o.. this Ce-lfica;e. AHRI e;zprvsly disclPlRY .11 IIQE:G.y fur oamogoa v.- any Rina arising out of the use or performance of the produeftsr, or the urtastherl_ed mIt.ratlert of data Il;t.d e.-. this C.rtlfleete. C.rtified h,tings are ;-lid only for models -nd confiser.tlons Ilsed In the directory at www.ahrldirectory.org, TERMS AND CONDITIONS Thio Cerlifle,.t...nd its sswtenfs ore pr.prl.tory products of AHRI. Thin Ccrtiflc..vw ah.11 only be used for individa.I, persvn.l anfa ANN 21 confidential reference purposes. The contents of thin Certifieat_ m-, n■t, in -holo or In part, be rrprodaeed; .opled; di=endn..l.d; entered Into a computer database: or otherwise utilized, In any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's individu..l, personal and con.-,aeniial rc.erencc. AN-,.v11Oi,10111100, rlOPGho, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION .. RcrRIaER. lvn IRa-rrert! The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org, click on "V.rlf, C.ptlfi■.t." II :k flake IiFe be,t"rw and .nier ;rlv nRRI w-rneu Rm.r m. Bomber and the date on which the certificate was issued, :hl.h I, listed abvre, -red the Certifl.aty N.., whlch Is ll .ad a; boizam rlgn;. 02020AIr-Conditioning, Heating, and Refriseration Institute LER i IFItvm it Au.: 132405070525568815 Mic5elle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Caeie County Properly Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Ownership Daniel 3epe 5639 N- 74th Ave Mi., FL 33166 Le,,al Description VENTU--E OUT AT INDIAN RIVER INC LOT 867 rOR 3272-1299 Current Values Properly Idendficadon S:tv A11i3Pvs;;: 10701 S OCEAN DR i4i7 Parcel ID: 4511-510-6068-000-1 Account W: 123774 Map Ill: 45 1113 use type: 0200 L.rLizi.g: Hatch lA. City/C-ounty: Saint LnCLe Cuun.y Ownership Daniel 3epe 5639 N- 74th Ave Mi., FL 33166 Le,,al Description VENTU--E OUT AT INDIAN RIVER INC LOT 867 rOR 3272-1299 Current Values J:1�UM :Kct V.lec: 3154,000 Assessed Value 1154,000 r-xe-pt:a ... 30 "la,.able Value: 1154,000 Property taxes are subjec< <o change upon cRan6c or o..nership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. • The a«!c of a pr -.perry ::II prom. -.pa ihc rrw--.al of all exemptions, assess -_-t .-p-, .d :pceial ele��iTc-tiara. .1-Tva for .h;s parccl: SLC Tai Collcaor's Office mownioa'u , niiw ,or this parcel: Ds-e6ad PDF Total ureas rinisneEMnae.-Ai. (sr): 836 Gross Jkc,ohed Area (SF): 1,181 Lang 31ze racres): e.175 Lara Vii« (aI }: 2.173 All inronnatlon :S 1D-v1:e-oa to De.;... �vt ,:t M-.3 =—V, Det ;5 :;Mtl_iect to Cr.-Mge .-.a :3 pb lacy .r ltneet zany Wa77vRty. i; cups.-ignt 00 N -7.t Lecie l..oe.-.ty Froperty Appru:scr. All right. i..scrvrd.