HomeMy WebLinkAboutUL Sheet A606Assembly Information Floor and Ceiling Runners (Not shown) — For use with Item 2 - Channel shaped, fabricated from min 25 MSG corrosion-protected steel, min depth to accommodate stud size, with min 1-1/4 in. long legs, attached to floor and ceiling with fasteners 24 in. OC max. Steel Studs Channel shaped, fabricated from min 25 MSG corrosion-protected steel, min depth as indicated under Item 5, spaced a max of 24 in. OC. Studs to be cut 3/8 to 3/4 in. less than assembly height. UL DESIGN NO. U419 Nonbearing Wall Ratings — 1, 2, 3 or 4 Hr (See Items 4 & 5) Wood Structural Panel Sheathing (Optional, For use with Item 5 Only.) - (Not Shown) - 4 ft wide, 7/16 in. thick oriented strand board (OSB) or 15/32 in. thick structural 1 sheathing (plywood) complying with DOC PS1 or PS2, or APA Standard PRP-108, manufactured with exterior glue, applied horizontally or vertically to the steel studs. Vertical joints centered on studs, and staggered one stud space from wallboard joints. Attached to studs with flat-head self-drilling tapping screws with a min. head diam. of 0.292 in. at maximum 6 in. OC. in the perimeter and 12 in. OC. in the field. When used, fastener lengths for gypsum panels increased by min. 1/2 in. Batts and Blankets* (Required as indicated under Item 5) — Mineral wool batts, friction fitted between studs and runners. Min nom thickness as indicated under Item 5. See Batts and Blankets (BKNV or BZJZ) Categories for names of Classified companies. Gypsum Board* Gypsum panels with beveled, square or tapered edges, applied vertically or horizontally. Vertical joints centered over studs and staggered one stud cavity on opposite sides of studs. Vertical joints in adjacent layers (multilayer systems) staggered one stud cavity. Horizontal joints need not be backed by steel framing. Horizontal edge joints and horizontal butt joints on opposite sides of studs need not be staggered. Horizontal edge joints and horizontal butt joints in adjacent layers (multilayer systems) staggered a min of 12 in. The thickness and number of layers for the 1 hr, 2 hr, 3 hr and 4 hr ratings are as follows: Gypsum Board Protection on Each Side of Wall Rating, Hr Min Stud Depth, in. Items 2 No. of Layers & Thkns of Panel Min Thkns of Insulation (Item 4) 1 3 1/2 1 layer, 5/8 in. thick Optonal 1 2 1/2 1 layer, 1/2 in. thick 1-1/2 in 1 1 5/8 1 layer, 3/4 in. thick Optonal 2 1 5/8 2 layers, 1/2 in. thick Optonal 2 1 5/8 2 layers, 5/8 in. thick Optonal 2 3 1/2 1 layer, 3/4 in. thick 3 in 3 1 5/8 3 layers, 1/2 in. thick Optonal 3 1 5/8 2 layers, 3/4 in. thick Optonal 3 1 5/8 3 layers, 5/8 in. thick Optonal 4 1 5/8 4 layers, 5/8 in. thick Optonal 4 1 5/8 4 layers, 1/2 in. thick Optonal 4 2 1/2 2 layers, 3/4 in. thick 2 in *Bearing the UL Classification Mark Last Updated on 2015-05-28 Fasteners — (Not shown) — For use with Items 2 and 2F - Type S or S-12 steel screws used to attach panels to studs (Item 2) or furring channels (Item 7). Single layer systems: 1 in. long for 1/2 and 5/8 in. thick panels or 1-1/4 in. long for 3/4 in. thick panels, spaced 8 in. OC when panels are applied horizontally, or 8 in. OC along vertical and bottom edges and 12 in. OC in the field when panels are applied vertically. Two layer systems: First layer- 1 in. long for 1/2 and 5/8 in. thick panels or 1-1/4 in. long for 3/4 in. thick panels, spaced 16 in. OC. Second layer- 1-5/8 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels or 2-1/4 in. long for 3/4 in. thick panels, spaced 16 in. OC with screws offset 8 in. from first layer.Three-layer systems: First layer- 1 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 24 in. OC. Second layer- 1-5/8 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 24 in. OC. Third layer- 2-1/4 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels or 2-5/8 in. long for 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 12 in. OC. Screws offset min 6 in. from layer below. Four-layer systems: First layer- 1 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 24 in. OC. Second layer- 1-5/8 in. long for 1/2 in., 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 24 in. OC. Third layer- 2-1/4 in. long for 1/2 in. thick panels or 2-5/8 in. long for 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 24 in. OC. Fourth layer- 2-5/8 in. long for 1/2 in. thick panels or 3 in. long for 5/8 in. thick panels, spaced 12 in. OC. Screws offset min 6 in. from layer below. Furring Channels (Optional, not shown, for single or double layer systems) — Resilient furring channels fabricated from min 25 MSG corrosion-protected steel, spaced vertically a max of 24 in. OC. Flange portion attached to each intersecting stud with 1/2 in. long Type S-12 steel screws. Not for use with Item 5A and 5E. Joint Tape and Compound Vinyl or casein, dry or premixed joint compound applied in two coats to joints and screw heads of outer layers. Paper tape, nom 2 in. wide, embedded in first layer of compound over all joints of outer layer panels. Paper tape and joint compound may be omitted when gypsum panels are supplied with a square edge. Siding, Brick or Stucco (Optional, not shown) — Aluminum, vinyl or steel siding, brick veneer or stucco, meeting the requirements of local code agencies, installed over gypsum panels. Brick veneer attached to studs with corrugated metal wall ties attached to each stud with steel screws, not more than each sixth course of brick. Caulking and Sealants* (Optional, not shown) — A bead of acoustical sealant applied around the partition perimeter for sound control. UL DESIGN NO. U497 Nonbearing Wall Ratings — 2 Hr 1.Channel Track — "J" -shaped channel, 2-1/2 in. deep with unequal legs of 1 in. and 2 in., fabricated from No. 25 MSG galv steel. Channel positioned with short leg toward finished side of wall. Channel attached to structural supports with steel fasteners located not greater than 2 in. from ends and not greater than 24 in. OC. 2.Steel Studs — "I" -shaped studs, min 2-1/2 in. deep by 1-1/2 in. wide, fabricated from min 25 MSG galv steel. Cut to lengths 1/2 in. less than floor to ceiling height and spaced 24 in. OC. 2A. Steel Studs — (Not Shown) — "C-H" -shaped studs, min 2-1/2 in. deep by 1-1/2 in. wide, fabricated from min 25 MSG galv steel. Cut to lengths 1/2 in. less than floor to ceiling height and spaced 24 in. OC. 2B. Steel Studs — (Not Shown) — "C-T" - shaped studs, min 2-1/2 in. deep by 1-1/2 in. wide, fabricated from min 25 MSG galv steel. Cut to lengths 1/2 in. less than floor to ceiling height and spaced 24 in. OC. 2C. Furring Channels — (Optional, not shown) - Resilient furring channels fabricated from min. 25 MSG corrosion protected steel, installed horizontally, and spaced vertically a max. 24 in. OC. Flange portion of channel attached to each intersecting stud on side of stud opposite the 1 in. liner panels with 1/2 in. long Type S or S-12 pan-head steel screws. When furring channels are used, wallboard to be installed vertically. 3.Gypsum Board* — 1 in. thick gypsum wallboard liner panels, supplied in nom 24 in. widths. Panels cut 1 in. less in length than floor to ceiling heights. Vertical edges inserted in "I" studs. Free edge of end panels attached to long leg of channel track with 1-5/16 in. long Type S self-drilling, self-tapping bugle head steel screws spaced 1 in. in from both edges. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — Types FSW, FSW-B, FSW-7, FSW-9 4.Gypsum Board* — 1/2 in. thick, 4 ft wide wallboard applied vertically in two layers. Inner or base layer attached to studs with 1 in. long Type S self-drilling, self-tapping bugle head steel screws spaced 24 in. OC along the edges and in the field of the boards. Outer or face layer attached to studs and channel track with 1-5/8 in. long Type S self-drilling, self-tapping bugle head steel screws spaced 12 in. along the edges and in the field of the boards, staggered from screws in inner layer. When Furring Channels (Item 2C) are used, inner or base layer attached to furring channels with 1 in. long Type S self-drilling, self-tapping bugle head steel screws. Outer or face layer attached to furring channels with 1-5/8 in. long Type S self-drilling, self-tapping bugle head steel screws spaced 12 in. OC and staggered 12 in. from base layer screws. Joints between inner and outer layers staggered. Outer layer joints covered with paper tape and joint compound. Exposed screw heads covered with joint compound.AMERICAN GYPSUM CO — Type AG-C CERTAINTEED GYPSUM INC — Type C. CGC INC — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR CONTINENTAL BUILDING PRODUCTS OPERATING CO, L L C — Type LGFC-C/A GEORGIA-PACIFIC GYPSUM L L C — Types DAPC, TG-C NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — Types eXP-C, FSK-C, FSW-G, FSW-C, FSMR-C. PANEL REY S A — Type PRC THAI GYPSUM PRODUCTS PCL — Type C. UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. USG BORAL ZAWAWI DRYWALL L L C SFZ — Type C USG MEXICO S A DE C V — Types C, IP-X2, IPC-AR. 4A. Gypsum Board* — (As an alternate to Item 4) — 5/8 in. thick. Two layers installed as described in Item 4. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — Types eXP-C, FSMR-C, FSK, FSK-C, FSK-G, FSL, FSW-C, FSW-G, FSW, FSW-3, FSW-5, FSW-6, and FSW-8 4B. Gypsum Board* — (As an alternate to Items 4 and 4A) — Nominal 5/8 in. thick, 4 ft wide panels, two layers applied vertically only and secured as described in Item 4. NATIONAL GYPSUM CO — SoundBreak XP Type X Gypsum Board 5.Batts and Blankets* — (Optional, not shown)-Mineral wool or glass fiber batts partially or completely filling stud cavity. Any mineral wool or glass fiber batt bearing the UL Classification Marking as to Fire Resistance. See Batts and Blankets (BZJZ) category for names of Classified companies. Assembly Information FL 12400 129.11 - IRFS 07 2018.08.06 SINGLE HM DOOR & FRAME W/ PANIC DEVICE - STEELCRAFT /VON DUPRIN: FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVALS SINGLE HM DOOR & FRAME W/ CYLINDRICAL (3/4" THROWS) AND MORTISE LOCK - STEELCRAFT /SCHLAGE: FL 12400 129.11 - IRF 07 2018.08.06 PAIR OF HM DOOR & FRAME - STEELCRAFT /SCHLAGE: FL 12400 129.11 - IRFD 07 SS 2018.08.06 OVERHEAD COIL DOOR - COOKSON:FL 18 375 R1 II - 18012504 LOUVERS - GREENHECK:FL 19277.1 (NOA NO. 15- 0415.05) CURTAIN WALLS - KAWNEER:FL 5388.4 STOREFRONT DOOR - KAWNEER:FL 8786.3 METAL WALL PANEL - MBCI/MESCO (24 GAGE):FL 11917-R3 METAL ROOF PANEL - MBCI/PBR PANEL (24 GAGE): FL 11868-R3 NOA TO BE ISSUED BY PEMB MANUFACTURER WITH ENGINEER SIGN/SEALED SHOP DRAWINGS) METAL ROOF PANEL - MBCI/DOUBLE-LOK (24 GAGE): FL 11819.2 (EXPOSED THROUGH FASTENERS TYPE ROOF SYSTEM) (STANDING SEAM TYPE ROOF SYSTEM) B C D 4321 A DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: 2017.259.01AVCON PROJECT N0. REVISIONS: SCALE: ATTENTION: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PRIVILEGED AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION, ALL OF WHICH IS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED BY AVCON, INC., FOR USE BY THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, AND FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE. WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF AVCON, INC. ANY DISTRIBUTION, REPRODUCTION, OR OTHER USE OF THIS DOCUMENT, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED TREASURE COST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ENGINEERS & PLANNERS WWW.AVCONINC.COM 5555 E. MICHIGAN ST., SUITE 200 - ORLANDO, FL 32822-2779 OFFICE: (407) 599-1122 - FAX: (407) 599-1133 CORPORATE CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER: 5057 668 N. Orlando Avenue Suite 107 Maitland FL 3275 407.897.6764 ph 407.894.1338 fax # AAC002208 www.mlm-martin.com MLM#15620 SHEET NUMBER FPR MRO HANGAR APPROVED BY: CO N S T R U C T I O N D O C U M E N T S State of Florida Seal License/Registration #: AR 8255 This item has been electronically signed and sealed by the individual named below, using a dated Digital Signature in the space below, per F. A. C. Rule 61G15-23.004. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. MIGUEL LAZARO MARTIN A6.0.6 MLM DLM MAM MARCH 2019 WALL TYPE - UL ASSEMBLIES MAM N.T.S.A1 1 HR WALL - "UL 419" N.T.S.2A 2 HR SHAFT WALL - "UL 497" N.T.S.3A RATED WALL TO METAL ROOF 1 NO.DATE DESCRIPTION 1 2/19/2019 Change Order CO#1 2 2/19/2019 Permit Review Comments 3 3/14/2019 ASI #1 2 3