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A B C D E F A B C D E F 9 57 3||||8 46 2 1|||| ENGINEER:JOHN ALGER4105 SAINT JOHN’S PARKWAY SANFORD, FL 32771 PH 800-929-3919 X1411 jalger@theleveredge.com State License # 74730 DRAWN BY: JOHN ALGER, PE DATE: 11/4/2016 9:30 AM 61LDR-MI-IQ7-MS310M Rev.05.08.19 COVER CONTRACTOR REQUIRED TO INDICATE SYSTEM SIZE BY SELECTING THE CORRESPONDING BOX BELOW. PROVIDER: THE LEVEREDGE 1423 Gunn Highway Odessa, FL 33556 813-403-5100 Certificate of Authorization #: 31930 JOB SITE ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPERTY OWNER NAME:________________________________________________________________ NOTES: 1. Wind load calculations based on ASCE 7-10 Components & Cladding simplified method and uses the Asce 7-10 Pnet30 table multiplied by .6 to convert to ASD per 2017 FBC. As such, the maximum elevation is 30 ft with tables for exposures B, C and D. Broward and Dade use Exposure C and D. 2. Wind force estimates are area dependant and per 2017 Florida building code, the area used for calculations is 1 module or 18 sq ft for the Mission Solar 310 mono (40mm) 3. Installation must comply with all applicable 2017 Florida Building and 2014 NEC codes from which these plans were based. 4. Modules installed per these drawings are for Mission Solar 310 Mono (40mm) frame listings with a maximum uplift of 78.4psf for side mounting. Installation in pressure zones exceeding these ratings is not allowed. 5. Modules must be installed on 2 rails as shown per the module manufacturer’s instructions to obtain the listed wind rating. 6. Combined module and rail dead loads are under 4 psf. 7. Rail attachments shall be onto minimum 2x4 trusses or rafters spaced no further apart than 24” on center. Attachments in roof zones 1 can be alternate from top to bottom at 48” on centers but attachments in Roof zones 2 and 3 or at the ends of arrays shall be 24” on center. ‘(refer to mechanical drawing # M-100). 8. These drawings are only applicable for flush mounting to a roof with an air gap between 2” to 10” between module and roof surface. This requirement eliminates the module and racking from being considered as part of the building envelope. Page Cover A-100 E-101 E-101A E-103 S-101 S-102 S-103 S-104 Z-101 Z-102 Z-103 Z-104 Title Cover Roof Pressures Electrical Diagram Electrical Diagram Placards Flashing Details General Layout Unirac or Q-Rail IronRidge FLASEIA Letter Module Inverter Site Plan Content General notes, site address, system selection Wind pressure tables and “A” dimension calculation Electrical diagram for Load Side Connection Optional connection methods Warning labels and where used QuickMount flashings and S-5! cut sheets General rail and module layout suggestions Cut sheets and grounding notes on Unirac or Quick Mount Q-Rail Cut sheets and grounding notes on IronRidge rails FLASEIA letter in lieu of FSEC certification Cut Sheets for Mission Solar MSE310 Mono Modules Cut Sheets for Enphase Microinverters Optional site plan by contractor, if required Rev Date 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 00/00 Notes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 APPLICABLE CODES – Florida Building Code 6th edition 2017 – National Electric Code 2014 – NFPA 101-2009 – NFPA 13-2007 NOTES 1. Drawings, calculations, tables developed requiring a PE seal and signature 2. Support documents, cut sheets, tables, reprints from publications such as ASCE 7-10, and shop drawings that do not require a PE seal and signature SCOPE OF WORK: Solar electric PV system Improvement/Retrofit Mission Solar MSE310 Mono modules mounted on Iron Ridge or Unirac rails with Quickmount Code Compliant flashings. The scope of work is to verity that the solar electric Photovoltaic system specified in this document, meets the requirements set forth in the 2014 NEC, the 2017 FBC 6th Ed. and any other Local Utility requirements. MAJOR EQUIPMENT USED: MODULES: Mission Solar MSE310SQ8T 60 Cell Monocrystalline 310W STC RATED OUTPUT INVERTER: ENPHASE IQ7 GRID TIED INVERTERS NO BATTERY BACK-UP 240VAC OUTPUT INCLUDES RAPID SHUTDOWN FLASHINGS: BY QUICKMOUNT INCLUDES SHINGLE, TILE AND STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF RAILS: BY UNIRAC OR IRON RIDGE GROUNDING: EXTERNAL FOR MODULES AND RAILS, #6 BARE COPPER FOR EXPOSED AREAS, UNIFIED GROUNDING ON SAME GROUND ROD AS MAIN BREAKER PANEL JUNCTION BOX: SOLADECK UL 1741 LISTED COMBINATION, TRANSITION FROM PV OR USE-2 CABLE TO THWN-2 CONDUCTOR, HAS BUILT IN 18GA GALV STEEL FLASHING TO EXCEED FBC. Refer to the Mission Solar Product Installation manual for approved mounting orientations and rail spacings. (3-16) MS310Mono .93 to 4.96 KW STC DC (17-32) MS310Mono 5.27 to 9.92 KW STC DC (33-37) MS310Mono 10.23 to 11.47 KW STC DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM SIZE: A-100 DATE: 02/23/2017 9:45 AM 61LDR-MI-IQ7-MS310M Rev.05.08.19 HOW TO USE THIS TABLE AND FIGURE: 1. Determine wind zones on roof from figure. “a” is 4 ft in all cases. 2. Obtain the wind speed from the local authority having jurisdiction or windspeedatcouncil.org. 3. Note roof pitch and mean elevation (height) of the roof and round up. Ex. 14 ft, use 15 ft. 4. Pick the table for exposure and mean roof height. Example: Category C exposure - site conditions with some flat areas and 15 ft means the mean roof height is no taller than 15 ft. 5. Locate the column for the wind speed and circle the down force and uplift pressures for the three roof pressure zones. 6. Uplift pressures up to 78.4 psf are below the module rating and thus, modules may be installed in roof zones 78.4 psf or lower. DRAWN BY: JOHN ALGER, PE PROVIDER: THE LEVEREDGE 1423 Gunn Highway Odessa, FL 33556 813-403-5100 Certificate of Authorization #: 31930 NOTES: 1. Pressures shown are applied normal to the surface, for exposure B, at h=30 ft (9.1m). Adjust to other conditions using Equation 30.5-1. 2. Plus and minus signs signify pressures acting toward and away from the surfaces, respectively. 3. For hip roof angles less than or equal to 25 degrees, shall be treated as Zone 2. h: Mean roof height, in feet (meters), except that eave height shall be used for roof angles <10°. Ø: Angle of plane of roof from horizontal in degrees. ENGINEER:JOHN ALGER4105 SAINT JOHN’S PARKWAY SANFORD, FL 32771 PH 800-929-3919 X1411 jalger@theleveredge.com State License # 74730 Reprinted with permission of ASCE.Reprinted from Florida Building Code 6th Edition (2017) Residential. Per Florida Building Code, effective area to be taken as the surface area of 1 module or panel Tables interpolated from 2017 Florida Building Code-Residential, 6th Edition (2017) Page 25 as allowed for effective area Table values have been adjusted and recalculated for height and exposure using adjustment coefficients in Table 301.2.3 Table values have already been multiplied by .6 to convert component and cladding pressures to ASD. Values given in PSF (pounds per sq ft pressure). Positive values indicate down force; negative values indicate uplift. IN THE SUB COMBINER PANEL THE SUM TOTALRATINGS OR THE PV BREAKERS CAN NOT EXCEEDTHE RATING OF THE PV BACKFED BREAKER IN THEPANEL OR THE FUSES IN THE DISCONNECT,WHICHEVER IS APPLICABLE.BRANCH TERMINATOR(ET-TERM)BRANCH CIRCUIT #1310W MONO MODULESAND MICRO-INVERTES@240 VACENPHASEIQ7-60-2-USBRANCH TERMINATORCAP TO BE INSTALLEDON END OF CABLE(ET-TERM)BRANCH CIRCUIT #2310W MONO MODULESAND MICRO-INVERTES@240 VACENPHASEIQ7-60-2-USMODULES AND RACKINGGROUNDED INDEPENDENTLYTO BARE COPPER WIRE VIALAY-IN LUGS OR GROUNDEDWITH WIRE WASHERS ORUL2703 COMPLIANT RACKINGBRANCH CIRCUIT#1UP TO 16 MODULES(SEE NOTE #11)BRANCH CIRCUIT#2UP TO 16 MODULES(SEE NOTE #11)ENPHASE Q CABLE (TYP.)BLACK - L1RED - L2SOLADECK BOX OR UL 1741APPROVED EQUIVALENTTO TRANSITION FROMQ-CABLE TO THWN-2 WIRENO FUSES REQUIREDENPHASE ENVOYENPHASE IQ COMBINER ORAPPROVED PV SUB-PANEL120/240V, 60A MIN"NO ADDITIONAL LOADS"(SEE SUB-PANEL PV BREAKER TABLE)3/4" CONDUIT (TYP.):(2) #10 THWN-2 CONDUCTORS(1) #6 THWN-2 GROUND(SEE NOTE #12 AND #13)ROMEX MAY BE USED IN UNEXPOSEDAREAS LIKE WALLS AND ATTICS(1) #6 BARE COPPER GROUNDELECTRICAL GROUNDING AND BONDINGREQUIRED FOR MODULES AND RAILROMEX MAY BE USED IN UNEXPOSEDAREAS LIKE WALLS AND ATTICSELECTRICAL DIAGRAMNEC 2014 705.12(A) THE SUM OF THE OVERCURRENT PROTECTION DEVICES FROM THEPV SYSTEM CONNECTED TO THE SERVICE CONDUCTORS CAN NOT EXCEED THESERVICE CONDUCTOR'S RATING, WHEN USING LINE SIDE CONNECTIONSTHE SUM OF THE INVERTER OUTPUT RATINGS X 125% MUST BE LESS THAN SERVICECONDUCTORS PER NEC 2014, WHEN USING BACKFEED BREAKER CONNECTIONS3/4" CONDUIT:(2) #8 THWN-2 CONDUCTORS(1) #8 THWN-2 NEUTRAL(1) #8 THWN-2 GROUND(SEE NOTE #12 AND #13)PATCH CABLE TONETWORK ROUTERAC DISCONNECT,60A, 240V, 2-POLE(SEE NOTE #8)FOR WIRING BETWEENDISCONNECT AND PANEL,SEE NOTE 19GROUNDNEUTRALGROUNDNEUTRALLOADSM10' MAXMIN 200A/2P MAINEXISTING 3/4" PVCW/#2 THW CUGEC2 GROUND RODS 6' APARTCWPVOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS FOR 32 MODULESFormula used Vd = 2*L*R*I/1000 (R from 2014 NEC Chap 9 (table 8)Wire RunVmpImpRLVd%VdWire SizePV Strings 1 & 2 to J-Box240161.24351.390.47%#10J-Box to combiner240161.24351.390.47%#10Combiner to 60A disconnect240320.809784.041.31%#860A disconnect to performance meter240320.491100.310.11%#6Performance meter to interconnection240320.491100.310.11%#6OPTIONALPV PERFORMANCEMETER(SEE NOTE #8)SEE AC-FUSEDDISCONNECT TABLE TOSIZE BACKFEED PVBREAKER, PV BREAKERNUST INSTALL ATOPPOSITE END OF PANELFROM MAIN PANELBREAKERELECTRICAL NOTES:1.CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL LOCAL ORNATIONAL CODE REQUIREMENTS AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS2.ALL COMPONENTS MUST BE GROUNDED PER NES 690.43 EXCEPT FOR THEPLASTIC INVERTER CASING (SEE BELOW)3.EACH MODULE MUST BE GROUNDED ACCORDING TO PV MANUFACTURERSUSER INSTRUCTIONS4.PER NEC 690.4(D), ALL EQUIPMENT FOR USE IN PHOTOVOLTAIC POWERSYSTEMS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND LISTED FOR APPLICATION5.PER NEC 690.17, PROVIDE A WIRING SIGN AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERETERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THEOPEN POSITION. SIGN SHALL READ"WARNING - ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD - DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS - TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BEENERGIZED IN OPEN POSITION" OR EQUIVALENT6.PER NEC 705.10, PROVIDE A PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORYSHOWING ALL ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCES ON THE PREMISES ATSERVICE ENTRANCE7.INRECONNECTION METHOD SHALL COMPLY WITH NEC 690.648.AC DISCONNECT AND/OR PV METER MAY OR MAY NOT BE REQUIRED BYTHE AHJ AND/OR UTILITY FOR INTERCONNECTION9.WIRE SIZE ASSUMES THAT CONDUIT WILL BE RUN IN ATTIC SPACE OR LESSTHAN 10' IS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT PER NEC 310.15(A)(2)EX, WIRE GAUGEMAY NEED TO BE INCREASED IF GREATER THAN 3 CURRENT CARRYINGCONDUCTORS ARE IN A CONDUIT OR RACEWAY PER NEC 310.15(B)(3)(C)10.ROMEX IS ACCEPTABLE AS LONG AS IT RATED FOR WET CONDITIONS, UVRATED AND MAY HAVE TO BE UPSIZED TO COMPENSATE FOR ATTIC/ROOFTEMPS. NOTE WIRE GAUGE WILL CHANGE FROM #10 TO #8 AND ONLARGER SYSTEMS AND #6 FOR SYSTEMS WITH RUNS GREATER THAN 100'.11.AN OPTION FOR A SINGLE CIRCUIT BRANCH TO BE SPLIT INTO TWO ORMORE SUB-CIRCUIT BRANCHES IS ACCEPTABLE12.PLEASE SEE APPROPRIATE VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS TABLE TODETERMINE ACTUAL WIRE SIZE OF THE L1 AND L2 (THE HOTS)13.ALL CONDUCTORS MUST BE COPPER14.NEC 690.64(B)(7) SHOULD BE FOLLOWED WHEN PLACING THEINTERCONNECTION BREAKER, REGARDING LABELING REQUIREMENTS15.WIRE CONDUIT MAY BE ANY APPROVED FOR AC CURRENT INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO PVC, EMT, ENT, NM INSIDE OR PVC, EMT, LFNC OUTSIDE.16.MEETS REQUIREMENTS FOR NEC 2014 690.12 FOR RAPID SHUTDOWN17.REFER TO THE IQ ENVOY INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL FORINSTRUCTIONS ON WIRING THE IQ ENVOY AND IT'S CURRENTTRANSFORMERS18.PER NEC 690.31, EXPOSED RACEWAYS, JUNCTION BOXES AND CONDUITBODIES IN WHICH ANY OF AVAILABLE CONDUIT OPENINGS ARE USED MUSTBE MARKED WITH THE WORDING"PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE"BY MEANS OF PERMANENTLY AFFIXED LABELS19.PANEL CONNECT: (BUS RATED 200A MIN)3/4" EMT OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT(2) #10 CONDUCTORS(1) #8 THWN-2 GROUNDOPTIONAL LOCKABLE NON-FUSED 30A RATED 2 POLE AC DISCONNECTLINE SIDE CONNECT: (BUS RATING N/A)3/4" EMT OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT(2) #6 CONDUCTORS(1) #6 GROUND TO COMMON GROUND ROD AT PANELREQUIRED LOCKABLE FUSED 60A RATED 2 POLE AC DISCONNECT, SIZE FUSES PER BREAKER TABLESEE DRAWING E101A FOROPTIONAL LINE SIDE ANDMID-PANEL CONNECTIONMETHODSMIN 200A MAIN BREAKERFOR PANEL CONNECTOPTIONAL LINE SIDE TAPCONNECTIONONE (1) 2-POLE MAX 40APV BREAKER FROMCOMBINER BRANCHCIRCUIT TO BEINSTALLED AT OPPOSITEEND OF PANEL FROMMAIN PANEL BREAKERSystem informationPV Module RatingsInverter RatingsModule makeMISSION SOLARInverter MakeENPHASEModule modelMSE310SQ8TInverter ModelIQ7-60-2-USMax power310WMax Output Power240WOpen circuit voltage40.12VMax DC Voltage48VMax Power point Voltage33.17VNominal AC Voltage240VShort Circuit Current9.76AMax AC Current1.0AMax Power Point Current9.34ACEC Inverter Efficiency97.0%LabelsPhotovoltaic DC per inverterRated MPP Current9.34ARated MPP Voltage33.17VMax System Voltage40.12VShort Circuit Current9.76APhotovoltaic AC OutputAC Output Current32ANominal AV Voltage240VMISSION SOLAR MSE310SQ8T 310W MONO (40MM) DIMENSIONS: 65.53" X 39.33" X 1.58"(17-32) MISSION SOLAR MSE310SQ8T 310W MONO (40MM) 5.270 KW TO 9.920 KW STC DCE-101DRAWING INFORMATIONDATEDRAWN BYSCALE-N.T.SE-101SHEET NOREVISIONSREVDATEBYDESCRIPTIONENGINEERCERTIFIEDNOTICES:The thoughts and ideas expressedhere within are the exclusiveproperty of the Lever edge. The useof these materials without thewritten consent ot the LE or SHCis not permitted1423 Gunn HighwayOdessa, FL 33558813-403-5100CERTIFICATE OFAUTHORIZATION#31930ENGINEER OF RECORDJOHN L. ALGERPROFESSIONAL ENGINEERFL. LICENSE NO. 74730Enphase IQ7 Micro InverterField Wiring Diagram5.270 to 9.920 KW STC DC(17-32) Mission Solar MSE310SQ8T Mono ModulesIMPORTANT: MAKE SURE TO MEASURE THE LINE TO LINE AND THE LINE TO NEUTRAL VOLTAGE OF ALL SERVICEENTRANCE CONDUCTORS PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY SOLAR EQUIPMENT, THE VOLTAGE FOR THE MICRO-INVERTERSSHOULD BE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING RANGES:240VAC:LINE-TO-LINE:211 TO 264 VACLINE-TO-GROUND:106 TO 132 VACTHE IQ MICRO-INVERTER HAS INTEGRATED GROUND AND DOUBLE INSULATION SO NO GEC OR EGC IS REQUIRED FRO THEINVERTER. THE DC CIRCUIT IS ISOLATED AND INSULATED FROM GROUND AND MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF NEC 690.35TABLE A Breaker size per No. modulesNUMBER OF MODULESFUSE SIZE17-2025A21-2430A25-2835A29-3240ASUB PANEL PV BREAKER SIZENUMBER OF MODULESFUSE SIZEUP TO 810AUP TO 1215AUP TO 1620AENPHASE INVERTERS MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF 2014 NEC FOR RAPID SHUTDOWN WITH NO ADDITIONALEQUIPMENT. IN ADDITION, THE OUTPUT FROM THE INVERTER IS AC, SO ROMEX WITHOUT CONDUIT MAY BEUSED IN THE ATTIC AND NON EXPOSED AREAS. 2- Wire from disconnect to connection point to be #6 THWN - 2. Distance from connection point todisconnect panel not to exceed 10’ and must complywith NEC 2014 240.21 (B)(1). 3- Line side taps may be made with double lugs in the box or meter can or with polaris taps. Rating of the connections must be rated at least 125% of maximum connections must be rated at least 125% of maximum inverter output current. 4- NEC 2014 705.12 (A). The sum of the overcurrent protection devices from the PV system connected tothe service conductors, cannot exceed the serviceconductor’s rating, when using line side connections. E-101A ,..,--~---.....----~---------------- -"---!l~;~._~_:_......: =:If&Z~22iTI=:=::>.-;-::::.-,.'------------~-----..........,...--------~-----... '-, \ '" '-, " ,_-..-T~'~··· CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORlZATIONfI, 31930 ENGINEER OF RECORD JOHN l. ALGER PROFESSiONAL ENGINEER FLLiCENSENO.74730 NOTICES: REVISIONS ORAWINClINFORMATlGN The thGughls and ideas expressed REV DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE: 612612017 here wilhin are lhe ex.clusive DRAWN OV: - 1423 Gunn Highway property or The LeverEdge. Tho user of Ihese materials, wilhoulihe written consent of the LE or SHC IS SCALE: SHEET NO: N.T.S Odessa. FL 33556 not permllted 813-403-5100 PLACARDS FOR TYPICAL MICROINVERTER PV SYSTEM E-104 PLACARDS E-104 P-112857 SNAPnRACK Series 100 (SV roof) For attachment Into truss or rafter ~ Deck mounting Bracket (5V Roof) (when attachment to truss is not possible "'"'" ." "II For use in 5/8" thick mlnlmum Plywood Uses 4qty #14 x 211 55 lag screws , Use Chern-Lac Ml sealer under bracket to seal against pane! ' Pull off rated to 93 psf with 1.5 SF Notes on Flashings and Attachments: Con1ractor is responsible for compliance with any and all local and National codes and equipment installation Instructions, 2 PV modules are mounted to alumInum racking components and ralls and attached to the roof using Quick Mount PV flashings or other flashIngs and attachments approved by racking manufacturer as approprlate to the Installation, 3 Maximum span between attachments to be 48" or less, For the attachments on the ends of the ralls each side, the span oan !'lOt exceed manufacturer's reoommendatlons. 4 Contractor Is responsible for ensUrfng watertight penetrations and for sealing, ttimmlng, cutting roof shIngles and membranes in a neat, professional, and workmanlike manner. tlO~lql$l t -'lloo_IIWI4t.......-t .. The leverEdge '*'.~..(IIt.~ """"","l).lA,""U~T>w_ 1423 GI$Ofl Hlgnway " d1'\UI._~",lJI1llt'~~ __o/<)fI,Al"C!j~ ~ ~ 23 GuIln IilQtJwlly I Odessn, FL ~3556 10""_0: 00lI0lucr.FtCl355e 81~\\.1-$'OO 813-403·5100 S-5U and Mini STANDING SeAM 1) Using roof attachment locations drawn during system layout, drill a pilot hole through the roofing m<rtcriallnto the roof (raming member, ~ 4) Attach L Foot to stud In M~tal Roof Base C<lp. nt· t:tl'"__/ ........ \,1.0'1 .; ,"",'~,""'l'Mf1 /' ~:.t) .,' ......,~. , ~ . ,rr' ') ,"':"1),J ,.,/.,·',..J k .. ,1"':,;"......- -'jt,~ ",,,, /:1"~ f 1lJ)"Cillo .......:'::,•• ", J~PfI:'('ll (J.»" '" ...' I ':'. 1latlJHc.I.. 4ll ''''._1 /!.~../ t'\.. ~>f'(l.I"''''' \ ~ "I.-.::- .if.,... .~\. I o~tt' \ ';!'S,r'" )~~ .,-',=,~:) 'r 1 "\ IO,~llM'3 ~. .' .. ".. ~,".: I 'eo (i.'" t.•t," .,. !" f P' 1.yr''''''I ," ,/\ '.. .....; ."r ,.' .~ , ~' / i .,~' ,.. ,I' ,./ UT ,,/ .~. I), \"I"_l ><:I' ,."..~ ..pj>Il:d \\ ,. / ""'Al"")(l.H{..-.u ~ " j>. Nn;o~.·MrnJ~~~"""'''''wIrr1dw~~IU!~~p¥.¢...,\ Protea TRAPEZOIOAL 2) Attach the base wItil 5/16" lag screw (or 1/4" s~)f·drilling screw), drive lag screw for minimum 2,5" em~edment Into the roof framing member, ~NJ'lPIJ/VCI: D1'Mo,.an /iVVt.""'\ 3) Thread Metal Roof Sase CUP onto i Metal Roof Base t)otlOn'l, onsurlng J cap Is fully seated to bilse, ... mvr;rv,a/l.!.MllJ.tO(A" ,-...o,e.-.1,. Nota: Protea is limited to 40psf When used wlth an equal number of l=lV clips in a 24 9a steel roof. See LeverEdge Engineering for higher uplift loads. ",. ~ Metal roofs are made by several manufaoturers usIng several different styles from standing seam to 5V and others. 8-5! makes clips for each particular roof style. It 15 the contractors; responsIbility to determine the partiCUlar brand and model of roof and select the proper 8-5 clip for their particular Installation. Check the S-51 web sHe at www.s-5.com. Installers can access the tools and prooedures for proper Installation of the clips at www,s-5.oomJtools. Proper Installation Is critical to achieve the rated pull and slide off values listed. METAL ROOF ATTACHMENTS ~•.:r~Y>(jj1 o.o.ro: 111~lP l:fI,\I\N8Y: !lCAUi; N.T~1\ CllltifiCll!e of AuthOJizalionN; -. 31$30 mm-~~tt: :j......'''''' 8-101 ~ ~.. W..- en >- Cf) 0:: W ~ 0-0:: ::s o 00 o w ~ o 0::: (!) O:::N oeo 0:::0'> W~>-1 i::2l.L zw «0 -0:::Ow z --(L 001-(V) 0::: °0~l.L ATTACHMENT DETAILS DOC 10: 112857-141718-1 DATE: 5/2/19 CREATOR: J.A, REVIEWER: REVISIONS PV-6 S-102 19’ - 10-5/16”19’ 3-1/2”29’ 9-3/4” S-102 Notes on Racking: 1 Only approved racking components shall be used to meet wind load ratings. 2 Contractor is responsible for compliance with any and all local and National codes and equipment installation instructions. 3 PV modules are mounted to aluminum racking components and rails and attached to the roof using Quick Mount PV flashings or other attachment and flashings approved by the racking manufacturer as appropriate to the installation. 4 Maximum span between attachments to be 48”. 5 Please refer to manufacturer’s installation instructions for rail cantilever distance from roof attachment. 6 Contractor is responsible for ensuring watertight attachments and for sealing, trimming, cutting roof shingles and membranes in a neat, professional and workmanlike manner. 7 Different rows and columns are permissable as long as the attachment requirements listed in #4, maximum rail overhang, and maximum module overhang from ends, does not exceed manufacturer’s recommendations. 8 Modules are not permitted to be installed in roof pressure zones with an estimated uplift that exceed the limitations specified by the module manufacturer (please refer to the module specification sheet and installation manual for more details). 9 Grounding lugs are only needed on one rail per row of modules. Grounding lugs can be installed anywhere along the rail and in either orientation. 10 IronRidge systems using approved Enphase microinverters eliminate the need for lay-in lugs and field installed equipment gounding. This solution meets the requirements of UL 2703 for bonding and grounding and is included in this listing. Specifically, the Enphase IQ6 and IQ6+ inverters have a nonconductive base and do not require grounding. The Q-Cable, however, does not contain a ground, so modules and rails must be grounded externally and grounded at the breaker panel ground rod in unified grounding. S-104 S-104 Flush Mount SystemStrength TestedAll components evaluated for superior structural performance.PE CertifiedPre-stamped engineering letters available in most states.Class A Fire RatingCertified to maintain the fire resistance rating of the existing roof.Design AssistantOnline software makes it simple to create, share, and price projects. UL 2703 Listed SystemEntire system and components meet newest effective UL 2703 standard.25-Year WarrantyProducts guaranteed to be freeof impairing defects.Built for solar’s toughest roofs.IronRidge builds the strongest mounting system for pitched roofs in solar. Every component has been tested to the limit and proven in extreme environments.Our rigorous approach has led to unique structural features, such as curved rails and reinforced flashings, and is also why our products are fully certified, code compliant and backed by a 25-year warranty.Datasheet © 2019 IronRidge, Inc. All rights reserved. U.S. Patents: #8,695,290; #9,819,303; #9,865,938; Others Pending. Version 1.70XR RailsAttachmentsDatasheet Design Assistant Go from rough layout to fully engineered system. For free. Go to IronRidge.com/design ResourcesXR100 RailThe ultimate residential solar mounting rail.• 8’ spanning capability• Heavy load capability• Clear and black finishBonded SplicesAll rails use internal splices for seamless connections.• Self-drilling screws• Varying versions for rails• Forms secure bondingXR10 RailA low-profile mounting rail for regions with light snow.• 6’ spanning capability• Moderate load capability• Clear and black finishXR1000 RailA heavyweight mounting rail for commercial projects.• 12’ spanning capability• Extreme load capability• Clear anodized finishFlashFoot2Flash and mount XR Rails with superior waterproofing.• Twist-on Cap eases install• Wind-driven rain tested• Mill and black finishDrop-in design for rapid rail attachment.• Secure rail connections• Slot for vertical adjusting• Clear and black finishSlotted L-FeetClamps & GroundingUFOsUniversal Fastening Objects bond modules to rails.• Fully assembled & lubed• Single, universal size• Clear and black finishStopper SleevesSnap onto the UFO to turn into a bonded end clamp.• Bonds modules to rails• Sized to match modules• Clear and black finishCAMOBond modules to rails while staying completely hidden.• Universal end-cam clamp• Tool-less installation• Fully assembledNABCEP Certified TrainingEarn free continuing education credits, while learning more about our systems. Go to IronRidge.com/trainingBond and attach XR Rails to roof attachments.• T & Square Bolt options• Nut uses 7/16” socket• Assembled and lubricatedBonding HardwareCONTINUING EDUCATIONREGISTERED PROVIDER Flash and mount conduit, strut, or junction boxes.• Twist-on Cap eases install• Wind-driven rain tested• Secures ¾” or 1” conduitConduit MountGrounding LugsConnect arrays to equipment ground.• Low profile• Single tool installation• Mounts in any direction Z-101 Z-101 System Certification by a Florida Licensed Engineer System Size (STC DC).930 to 4.96kW 5.27 to 9.92kW 10.23 to 12.09kW PV MODULES AND ARRAY Module Brand Mission Solar 310Mono Mission Solar 310Mono Mission Solar 310Mono Module Size & model MSE310SQ8T MSE310SQ8T MSE310SQ8T Module FSEC #400962 400962 400962 Total Number of PV Modules 3 thru 16 17 thru 32 33 thru 39 Series Strings/Branch Circuits 1 string 2 strings 3 strings Shortest String 1 string of 3 1 string of 3 1 string of 3 Longest String 1 string of 16 1 string of 16 1 string of 16 Array Nameplate Power Rating 930 to 4960W 5270 to 9920W 10,230 to 12,090W POWER CONDITIONING (Inverter) Inverter Brand Enphase Enphase Enphase Inverter model number IQ7-60-2-US IQ7-60-2-US IQ7-60-2-US Listing to UL 1741 Verified yes yes yes Inverter DC Voltage Window 16VDC to 48VDC 16VDC to 48VDC 16VDC to 48VDC AC Power Rating 250VA 250VA 250VA AC Nominal Voltage Output 240V 240V 240V Max PV array Power per inverter 240VA 240VA 240VA Number of inverters used 3 to 16 17 to 32 33 to 39 CHARGE CONTROLLER AND BATTERIES N/A N/A N/A BATTERY BANK CONFIGURATION N/A N/A N/A I John L Alger, PE# 74730, Pursuant to Chapter 471 of the Florida Statutes, have reviewed the solar electrical system and related components and certify that it meets the minimum requirements of: 2017FBC 6th Ed 2017 FBC 6th Ed Residential 2014 NEC M S E PER C 6 0 High Power P ERC Rooftop Mod ule All-black PERC with 5 busbar technology C E RT IFIE D RELIABILIT Y › Tested to UL1703 & IEC standards › PID Resistant SUPERIOR AESTHETICS › All-black design coupled with outstanding power output › Ideal for residential & commercial applications EXTREME WEATHER RESILIENCE › 5631 Pa snow load (117 psf) tested load to UL1703 › 185 mph wind rating* BAA COMPLIANT FOR GOVERNMENT PROJECTS › Buy American Act › American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Mission Solar Energy is headquartered in San Antonio, TX with module facilities onsite. We produce American quality poducts ensuring the highest power output and reliability to our customers. Our product line is well suited for residential, commercial and utility applications. Every Mission Solar Energy product is certified and surpasses industry standard regulations, proving excellent performance over the long-term. 1 5 10 15 20 25 YEARS 97% 80.2% 90.7% 100% 90% 80% 70% Mission Solar Energy Warranty LINEAR WARRANTY 25-YEAR PRODUCT WARRANTY 12-YEAR CEC *As there are different certification requirements in different markets, please contact your local Mission Solar Energy sales representative for the specific certificates applicable to the products in the region in which the products are to be used. *185 mph wind rating based upon installation at 30° or less fixed tilt mount CERTIFICATIONS IEC 61215/ IEC 61730/ IEC 61701 UL 1703 CLASS LEADING POWER OUTPUT MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY POSITIVE POWER TOLERANCE High-Power, American Quality RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL www.missionsolar.com | info@missionsolar.com TM ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MSE305SQ8T 305 18.35 0˜+3% 9.664 40.10 9.202 33.14 20 MSE300SQ8T 300 18.05 0˜+3% 9.571 40.08 9.058 33.12 15 MSE310SQ8T 310 18.65 0˜+3% 9.760 40.12 9.345 33.17 20 Wp % A V A V Pmax Isc Voc Imp Vmp Module Type Electrical Parameters at Standard Test Conditions (STC) Power Output Module Efficiency Tolerance Short-Circuit Current Open Circuit Voltage Rated Current Rated Voltage Fuse Rating CERTIFICATIONS & TESTS IEC UL UL 1703 listed 61215 / 61730 / 61701 CEC TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS OPERATING CONDITIONS SHIPPING INFORMATION MECHANICAL DATA 46.09°C (±2°C) -0.377%/°C -0.280%/°C 0.039%/°C Maximum System Voltage Operating Temperature Range Maximum Series Fuse Rating Fire Safety Classification Front & Back Load (UL standard) Hail Safety Impact Velocity 1,000VDC -40°C (-40°F) to +85°C (185°F) 20A Class C 5631Pa (117 psf) Tested to UL1703 standard 25mm at 23 m/s Solar Cells Cell orientation P-type Mono-crystalline Silicon (156.75mm) Voltage [V] Current-voltage characteristics with dependence on irradiance and module temperature Front View Back View MSE305SQ8T: 305WP, 60CELL SOLAR MODULE CURRENT-VOLTAGE CURVE BASIC DESIGN (UNITS: mm)Content [A]60 cells (6x10), 5 busbar 1664mm x 999mm x 40mm (65.53 in. x 39.33 in. x 1.58 in.) 18.2 kg (40.1 lb) 3.2mm (0.126 in.) tempered, Low-iron, Anti-reflective coating Anodized aluminum alloy Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) Protection class IP67 with 3 bypass-diodes PV wire, 1m (39.37 in.), 4mm MC4 2 / 12 AWG Module dimension Weight Front Glass Frame Encapsulant J-Box Cables Connector Panels 936 728 Height 45.50” Pallets 36 28 Weight 1,105lbs 305 W 285.48 kW 222.04 kW Width 45.50” Length 67.00” Double stack Double stack Panels 26Pallet Container FT 53’ 40’ Normal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) Temperature Coefficient of Pmax Temperature Coefficient of Voc Temperature Coefficient of Isc 10 20 30 40 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 Current [A]Votage [V] MSE295SQ5T: 295Wp, 60 CELL SOLAR MODULE CURRENT-VOLTAGE CURVE Incident Irrd .=1,000 W/m2 Incident Irrd.=800 W/m2 Incident Irrd.=600 W/m2 Incident Irrd.=400 W/m2 Incident Irrd.=200 W/m2 305.1 W 244.1 W 182.5 W 120.5 W 305.1 W 58.8 W Cells Temp. =25˚C 35.00 Mounting Hole Grounding Hole Drain Hole 832.00 832.00 999.00 297.00 77.00 15.00 10.00 PV-RH701 999.00 1664.50 31.20 4.00 4.50 441.28 299.78 292.81 7.25 16.00 16.50 Mission Solar Energy | 8303 S. New Braunfels Ave., San Antonio, Texas 78235 info@missionsolar.com | www.missionsolar.com PERC 60 CLASS LEADING 300-310W Mission Solar Energy reserves the right to make specification changes without notice Z-102 SCALE: NTS MICROINVERTER SPECIFICATIONS03 The high-powered smart grid-ready Enphase IQ 7 Micro™ and Enphase IQ 7+ Micro™ dramatically simplify the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency. Part of the Enphase IQ System, the IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ Envoy™, Enphase IQ Battery™, and the Enphase Enlighten™ monitoring and analysis software. IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability standards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power-on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry-leading warranty of up to 25 years. Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com Data Sheet Enphase Microinverters Region: AMERICAS Easy to Install • Lightweight and simple • Faster installation with improved, lighter two-wire cabling • Built-in rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2014 & 2017) Productive and Reliable • Optimized for high powered 60-cell and 72-cell* modules • More than a million hours of testing • Class II double-insulated enclosure • UL listed Smart Grid Ready • Complies with advanced grid support, voltage and frequency ride-through requirements • Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements • Configurable for varying grid profiles • Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) * The IQ 7+ Micro is required to support 72-cell modules.1. No enforced DC/AC ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https://enphase.com/en-us/support/module-compatibility. 2. Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. 3. Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com © 2018 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. All trademarks or brands used are the property of Enphase Energy, Inc. 2018-05-24 INPUT DATA (DC) IQ7-60-2-US / IQ7-60-B-US IQ7PLUS-72-2-US / IQ7PLUS-72-B-US Commonly used module pairings¹235 W - 350 W +235 W - 440 W + Module compatibility 60-cell PV modules only 60-cell and 72-cell PV modules Maximum input DC voltage 48 V 60 V Peak power tracking voltage 27 V - 37 V 27 V - 45 V Operating range 16 V - 48 V 16 V - 60 V Min/Max start voltage 22 V / 48 V 22 V / 60 V Max DC short circuit current (module Isc)15 A 15 A Overvoltage class DC port II II DC port backfeed current 0 A 0 A PV array configuration 1 x 1 ungrounded array; No additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires max 20A per branch circuit OUTPUT DATA (AC) IQ 7 Microinverter IQ 7+ Microinverter Peak output power 250 VA 295 VA Maximum continuous output power 240 VA 290 VA Nominal (L-L) voltage/range²240 V / 211-264 V 208 V / 183-229 V 240 V / 211-264 V 208 V / 183-229 V Maximum continuous output current 1.0 A (240 V)1.15 A (208 V)1.21 A (240 V)1.39 A (208 V) Nominal frequency 60 Hz 60 Hz Extended frequency range 47 - 68 Hz 47 - 68 Hz AC short circuit fault current over 3 cycles 5.8 Arms 5.8 Arms Maximum units per 20 A (L-L) branch circuit³16 (240 VAC)13 (208 VAC)13 (240 VAC)11 (208 VAC) Overvoltage class AC port III III AC port backfeed current 0 A 0 A Power factor setting 1.0 1.0 Power factor (adjustable)0.7 leading ... 0.7 lagging 0.7 leading ... 0.7 lagging EFFICIENCY @240 V @208 V @240 V @208 V Peak CEC efficiency 97.6 %97.6 %97.5 %97.3 % CEC weighted efficiency 97.0 %97.0 %97.0 %97.0 % MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range -40ºC to +65ºC Relative humidity range 4% to 100% (condensing) Connector type (IQ7-60-2-US & IQ7PLUS-72-2-US)MC4 (or Amphenol H4 UTX with additional Q-DCC-5 adapter) Connector type (IQ7-60-B-US & IQ7PLUS-72-B-US)Friends PV2 (MC4 intermateable). Adaptors for modules with MC4 or UTX connectors: - PV2 to MC4: order ECA-S20-S22 - PV2 to UTX: order ECA-S20-S25 Dimensions (WxHxD)212 mm x 175 mm x 30.2 mm (without bracket) Weight 1.08 kg (2.38 lbs) Cooling Natural convection - No fans Approved for wet locations Yes Pollution degree PD3 Enclosure Class II double-insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure Environmental category / UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6 / outdoor FEATURES Communication Power Line Communication (PLC) Monitoring Enlighten Manager and MyEnlighten monitoring options. Both options require installation of an Enphase IQ Envoy. Disconnecting means The AC and DC connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as the load-break disconnect required by NEC 690. Compliance CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC-2014 and NEC-2017 section 690.12 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according manufacturer’s instructions. Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters Z-103 Use this Inverter