HomeMy WebLinkAboutFormBoardBENCHMARK FCE 4808 1999 ELEV+17.737' — NAVD 1988 BENCHMARK RAILROAD SPIKE ELEV=17.40' NAVD 1988 vmry een FIELD BK /PG. FILE REF. 12-191 map dwg 1110/78 .................. _ ................. .......... '.................... f � 3 THCMAS P. KIERNAN, SIGNATURE -DATE. .. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER •.•.. - ---- .I... • ......•• ......••••. FLORIDA CERTIMCATE NO. 6199 FND 5/8" IR&C LB 3435 0,27' N UNPLATTED OCCUPIED St. to ,le Cc D Ini �ve pfOVt? FND 2"x2" CM NO ID SCALE CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC — R E V I S 1 0 N S— BY DATE Revised per St. Lucie County Comments D F 2 21-12 CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS 2980 StaUTH 25th STREET •FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34981 PHO 1VR 772-464-3537 •FAX 7724G4-9497 • www.ct-rng:com - 151 61>a FLAGLER AVENUE • STUART, FLORIDA 34994 PHON.... 1;; 772-220-3376 • FAX 772-464-9497 . w xt-mg.com .Added stemwall . . - ........:. - . - . - - ' - - -' -- Added Garage Formboards - • • • • • • • •-• - - ........ —................................ ....................:.., .......�� .............. GLM • • • • • - -........ ..... .... .:........... 1 25-13 2-05-13 .-- STATE OF FLORIDA CUMFICATION No. LH 4286 ........ • ..... .... • • ...:........ f a DATE FIELD GA ...................... 7-09-12 CALLS. ....I ...................... DRAWN ...... I... - GLM . 7 16-12 DETAILED ................................. CHECKED MTK 7 17 12 APPROVED M.W. 7-17-12 GRAPHIC SCALE 30 0 15 30 (IN PM) 11.6a - ib rL LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that part of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 33, Township 35 South, Range 39 East, lying South of Ten Mile Creek (Canal No. 71). LESS Canal and road right—of—ways and the East 206 feet thereof. Ni/TES: 1) Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 2) Description shown hereon provided by the client and/or their agent. 3) The last date Of field work was January 25, 2013. 4) Overall parcel contains 2.825 Acres, more or less. 5) Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for right-of— ways, Reservations, Agreements, and/or Easements of Record. Such information should be obtained and confirmed by others through' appropriate title verification. 6) Elevations shown hereon are based on the U.S. Corps of Engineers benchmark FCE 4804 1999 having a published elevation of 5.4072 meters (17.737 feet) based on the North American Vertical Datum (N.A.V.D.) of 1988. 7) Bearings shown hereon are relative to the centerline of 11 Mile Road having a bearing of NOO'13'30"E 8) Underground utilities, utility services, foundations and improvements were not located as a part of this survey. 9) Sold described Property is- 1ooGted-within an area having—o Flood Zone Designation "AE" within a floodway, on Flood Rate Map No.12111CO164 J with a date of identification of February 16, 2012, St. Lucie County, State of Florida, which is the current Flood Insurance Rate Map for the community in which said premises is situated. The interpolation base flood elevation is 18.19 feet. 10) Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 11) The purpose is to locate and to tie the under construction stemwall to the boundary lines. LEGEND T_ DENOTES CENTERLINE (D) DENOTES DEED DATA TOB DENOTES TOP OF. BANK FND DENOTES FOUND LB DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS CHU DENOTES OVERHEAD UTILITIES PLS DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR CM DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT CONC DENOTES CONCRETE IR&C DENOTES 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP EOP DENOTES EDGE OF PAVEMENT No. DENOTES NUMBER EOW DENOTES EDGE OF WATER CMP DENOTES CORRUGATED METAL PIPE No iD DENOTES NO IDENTIFICATION NUMBER F.F.E. DENOTES .FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ELEV DENOTES ELEVATION INV DENOTES INVERT e DENOTES ELEVATION (TYPICAL) cob DENOTES WOOD POWER POLE DENOTES GUY ANCHOR AS--13IJILT SURVEY PREPARED FOR REDECCA6 DRAWDY DA. TE:7-16-2012 HORIZ. SCALE:1"=30' VERT. SCALE: N\A JOB No. 12-191 SHEET 1 OF 1