HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Well Permit ApplicationSTATE OF FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, MODIFY, OR ABANDON AWELL ❑Southwest PLEASE FILL OUTALL APPLICABLE FIELDS ❑ Northwest ('Denotes Required Fields Where Applicable) ❑St. Johns River The water vied contractor is responsible for completing ❑ South Florida rMs twit and fa warding the permll application to the OSuwannee River apWopdafedelegated authority where, applicable. ❑ DEP O Delegated Authority (If Applicable) Unique ID Stipulations Required (See Attached) Quad No. Delineation No. 'Slate. 'ZIP 'Telephone Number 3. tercel 0 �Np (PIN) orAl(e (e (Circle O,ey nL Block Unit 4. _ w Z 3 � E 'Sec' n or La d rant hip'rRange C my Subdivision . , Check if 62-f _Yes _ (/ No s. fzC?i ds3 3�/9/�f997 dhi//��9 Se�vis@aD/Goy, ' ater vyell Co clor license Number lephone Uoiber E-mail Address�i 6._ /v2,r¢� _Q�'t�l'!`4,10V 5`T-A�Ui ll//YI ¢lam a?67 7.'Type of Work: Y Construction —Repair —Modification —Abandonment _ 8. 'Number or Proposed Wells _/ t �9. `S city Intended Use(s) of Well(s): mestic Landscape Irrigation —Agricultural Irrigation —Bottled Water Supply _Recreation Area Irrigation —Livestock _Public Water Supply (Limited Use/DOH) Nursery Irrigation Public Water Supply (Community or Non-Community/DEP) —Commercial/Industrial —Golf Course Irrigation —Class I Injection site Investigation _Monitoring (� w \tiY/J J —Test —Earth-Coupled Geothermal ryt�p -HVAC SupplyJUL 1 !-7 281y HVAC Return Class V Injection: —Recharge —Commercial/Industrial Disposal _Aquifer Storage and Recovery_Drainage Remedialion: —Recovery —Air Sparge—Other (orsrn2al_ —.— r I se _Other(oadaibd),'D (Note:Net .0" pl �I apermlluidbyagivanperMax,;raw NVIRONM 10.101stance from Septic System if s200 ft. 11. Facil! ption 12. Estimated Start Dale 13.'Estimated Well Depth ft. 'Estimated Casing Depth. 'Primary Casing Diameter in. Open Hole: From_To_fl. 14. Estimated Screen Interval: Frorryw,&Lfl. 15.'Primary Casing Material: _Black Steel V Galvanized _PVC _Stainless Steel . _Not Cased Other. - ._ _. ..... .......__-....--- ._ .. -_. _ ._ 16. Secondary Casing: _Telescope Casing _✓" Liner _ Surface Casing Diameter in. 17. Secondary Casing Material: _Black Steel _Galvanized 7 PVC _Stainless Steel _Other 18.`viethod of Construction, Repair, or Abandonment: _Auger Cable Tool _Jetted _Rotary _Sonic Combination (Two or More Methods) _Hand Driven (Well Point, Sand Point) _Hydraulic Point (Direct Push) _Horizontal Drilling _Plugged by Approved Method _Other (Dasvlbal 19..Propose Grouti7B� at for the Primary, S;adndery, and Additional Casing: From!:E7 al Material (_ V Benlonfe Neat Cement - Other ) From To Seal Material ( Bentonile_Neat Cement Other ) From To Seal Material _Bentonite Neat Cement —Other— 1 From To Seal Material (_Bentonite_Neal Cement , Other 1 20. Indicate total number of existing wells on site -.9?— Lis( number ofexisting unused wells on site 21.'Is this well or any existing well or walerwith wal on the owner's contiguous property covered under a Consumptive/Water Use Permit(CUPWUP) cr CUP/WUP Application? _Yes No If yes, complete the following: CUP/WUP No. District Well ID No. 22. Latitude /,r�'ongitude 23. Data Obtained From: _GPS V Map _Survey Datum: _NAD 27 _NAD 83 _WGS 84 I r!ereY• emery 0s+11 Mi rwaFj 1b WapplienUe M= er Me+e. F11d.MC 1ea6,o Cod; IWeula Jet Ireed"U I. pn a+ &Na mgsMY•Died dm inlp.rotim pp.idb113emuaL•, endpul I.. a de, Vie pennll C. odiWy,e linqupaml,OnaedvQ lu.bsenvx9 La wein-d ryie,W ne'en.mon!a 1K .ewone31fJM1S under Ginp!el373. FIrnda Sirdece/b mSneW w WoFerly apuWai Nw•a: y I ecedy W! I W! wnirrveian.IfwN<rewOyNdt plllnipmld!iw pmldedm Ws wpiwlbnb..e. and da: 1 rn.bab Nea0anl rw Nedemcr. Innl No inrmmodpn pevltlptl is arru.ale. and Owl l law Flwmetl Pe rimer orWi'r neuavryapVmNeml odor limal,stile,aaerogovem_Trnh.[aopfoGa lxittgpd ideo»2r «=w,dbISOSeees!o¢dabwe. (+✓loran" to WI inDUeSxxeJaldis MID ar DekjL-d+L:eoay eeci pamNedw rtpmyyyy Ne DbWavr.Lrvl 30daya anw exn Mm er Neeurilne wtepS.apNeWdw.d1 IS Om w19 sllc dumry de, eonsWcdon.mpeir. inadaipdw. mnbanderanen, aWmnsed by Nis pemd daiwmc.'CRudied pYeda pemdt WL'annll peNaammapaL ,, e D53 e� o t l toy ' ignafore of Contractor iF 'License No. 'Signature of Owner or Agent 'Date / Approval Granted By Fee Received S_ THIS PERMIT IS NO Issue Expiration Date Receipt No. Check No. THE DEP Form:62-532.900(1) Incorporated in 62-532.400(1), F.A.C. Effective Dale: October 7, 2010 Page 1 of 2 ASEM NT I�t I Ld i INI , J I�I .lol 50- 198.�O-\ 0 X9�O I I i PROPOSED WELL ti I O.B. \ / o — ' ' 52.56 7.28 97.50 PROPOSED 3STORY CBS y N a ANd D TANK RESIDENCE 1 R •7:28' F.F.E=TO BE O DETERMINED PROPOSED p P.ROPOSED0 ' \ I 1200 GAL. =m :;;'.CONC ;DRIVE `C' �+ 00' SEPTIC TANK =,1 PROPOSED 1' 375 GAL. p \ PUMP TANK 0• CONSERVATION EASEMENT— '�!CL SWALE 1' ` / TREASURE COAST AIRPARK 1 P.B. 26, PG. 18 II `� ��; I `97.20 —30�-y 30' TAXIWAY EASE ENT .96.20 60' TAXIWAY EAS ME \ O� =;` 1 PROPOSED CON DRIVE r W 0 01 I I PROPOSE - '4 i II r97.50 D —48 QUICK 4 EQUALIZER 36 CHAMBERS (4 ROWS, 12 CHAMBERS PER ROW) 576 SQ. FT. `•Dt U NOBSOTRUCTED4AREA ! =s LOT 65 O co ;n I to z1/—VEGETATION LINE STATE OFFLORIDA PERMITAPPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR,:MODIFY.ORABANDOMA'WELL Pene1A'o. �r7.� J.11'�tOdO 1 OSoathwest PLEASE FR10UrAL1AFit1r/aLF1E1.06 Huri� Unrquo ID ONorthwest (•Dergtes RequIred:F[aide Wnere App➢cabta) Porldt Sdputaeons Raquhd(S"AttacI;9Q OSL Johns River 7ae lvaavrmconattbrhros➢eu8+b krrargbtiry OSOulh Florida LYsraaand(arvrmBry 65a➢o:1aSCAi'W/mm?a 52.524 Oaad No._OeHnaefion No OSuwannee River .Avopfafc da"9 daltneiyldmm w6h 'ODF� �1CLIPNVUPApplicanen Na ._.✓�� 8'6elegated Authority (tfApp,4pbie) ��/T .._.,: ,. 6�ac,e 1 pe'r .S ? a a7 V, G G 903oy-�si-ziay •Owner. Legalfftma' •City, •State ZIP •Telephone Number 2. ! 3 G 'Well Lo lb , AW1 Rc Number Cky 02 •Parcel ID No. (PIN) orAttemaalP Key (Cbcre a Lot Block Unit a. 975 3,� �GGC tI v I/ •S or n Grant :--�To p_ •R' ge County- Subdk,Lslon ,/ Chock if 62.524: Yes _ No 5. I d• ice _ %06� ��'/9/�999�f clrl//inrySev gvrcrs�RO/•Corn •WeterWel clot Yfeanse Number 'Tq onsN r E-ma➢Address 6. 1,V4 eke ghItIm ST.Oc4J . 'Aaymf " • nC7d .3990. 7. •'iype of Work:=ConsWction7— Repair _Modificabon Abandonment •Itr�n�RraiO N.anuuon, orAavefarcmnt 8,'Number of Proposed Welt �/_ 9,'Specify intended Use(s)of Wei _Domesll Vescapa lrrigallon Aricuurai�lrtlgadan _P L` _Botilad Water Supply _Recreation Area Irrigation _Liveslocc _Monitoring _Pub➢c Water Supply (Limited UmMOH)—Nurseryh tgatem _Test _Pm Ub➢o Water Supply (Community or Non-CommurdtylDEP)—ComnreraalMdustrial1f Couse lrtigadon " _Earth -Coupled Gaatherm Y 2 4 2018 ----.glass ) Infection _HVAC Supply HVAC.Rebrn Class Injection: _Recha:ge_Commercalllndustrial Disposal Aqu➢er Storage and Recovery_Dminage Remadlation: _Recovery AIr Sparge 'Distance from Septic by Qt 17 s200fLU•=n s)'t`" 12. Estimated Start Date /TavnY •Estimated Wall Depth �N!/—RE2s/t/ImaI Casing Depth (r%� •Primary Casing Diameter_In. Open Hot.: From To_R Estimated Screen Intervat F10 ✓ n/ 7 fl. 'Primary Casing Materiab _Black Steel Y G =Ized _PVC _Stainless Steel _Not Cased Other. Secondary Casing: _TeEscope Casing _Liner _Suif7g Wameter in. Secondary Casing Material: _Stack Steel _Galvanized —7p�/C _Stainless Steel _Other 'Method of Construction. Repair, orAbandomnem: _Auger V Cable Tod _Jetted _Rotary _Sonic _Cotnbinmien (Two or More Methods) _Hand Driven (We➢'Polm, Sand PolnQ Hydrau➢o Point (Direct Push) _Horizontal DriOing _Plugged byAppmved Method _Other (ocaom.l Propos�rwfingiYWe _ far the Primary, SV4dmy and Additional Casing: 20. Indicate total numberof existing wells on site Ustnumbarolerdstf unusedwellsonstta 21.•la this we➢orany ed%Ungwo➢orwaterwithQrawalon the omees contiguous propertycovered undera ConsumptivelWaterUse Perm➢(CUPIWUP) or CUPIWUPAppIsation7 Yes _No It yes, complete ure WaA*u: CUPIWUP ND. District We➢10 No. 22. Latitude ii'ong➢ude 23. Data Obtained Fmm:_GPS )_/ Map _Survey Dabm:_NAD27 _NAD 83 _WCS84 IaNp'dW a+tlNm1,71mb hSmd+ernma4ranrsa,ua.u4ra.1).ay. Im'+rnYl.nw mlrr.rw�.Y. wl W w.um.c�.'�a.®w rbinw....av W)r��rYYNl11)oaf1.MK)Clel,(IYrMf�YY(tllbCr�6mwv�p)yN On,Y Yfm1.SY104IM1arAl AlllaWW\blMl/�1YMrYM)All Nf �)D411®1 W11N mtXNi lEf4lef lllM.lvN011 ).s.'talebq�ebbpv¢hr MlMab)b H4NbMmt1YW N01a�fi)PmMe6!)maYIWCCIMwvOWwiv,rOW be)yapalaermm�Wd.d4a fr)paad,. Irew baA•.I.M wapvtnMaemM)MM.Om11mMMab.bJbpbabNlaUYNYC weeper a.eoy.un s�n.Tl MY,�.MK.aOuy. _ °�±I.O•.,.)a.�IMY b.wwaW/,vif Wlol,IMM1n1✓.NMuba V•llWmtim9[dml Y/Caq.� Approval Granted By ly Foe Rerebed$ Reedit NM 'E.paollon Date r/ q t I Hriudog6tAPProval w� kwoq;=led b 62;572.400(Q, FAC. ESedivo Date: Odd+a T. 20d Page 1 or2 """"" ND. 1/2" I.R.C. "RLS 2391" u BM-98.99 (TOP OF I.R.C.) RUNWAY LIGHT 98 39 RUNWAY UG 98.08-\,4/ T.O.B._ — . — — • _ 98.99 �•gm N88'41 50 E 400.04 96.s 96.77 INV 96.09 30' DRAINAGE EASEMENT INV � _ CL SWALE .._ --96 — 97.30 I o yhcb I — xCb a 9� 1 97.74 T.O.BT 98.06 i l xc9b. o WOODED 7. \� p w \rh•9 1 I II II PROPOSED t WELL F I XO III .O.B. N 103.39' � 17.44 52.— \7.28' a F / 9.60�II f56 �i8�.70� �69 r' 97.50 s. PROPOSED ri o \x�l 9� 90� j 3 STORY CBS i N a/ WELL PUMP RESIDENCE 9-28' / 17.70 I I I I LI AND TANK o F.F.E.=TO BE j W. DETERMINED t R -PROPOSED-' . ' �3p0 / PROPOSED .b CONC'• DRIVE . " t 0 I 1200 GAL.�••..., -,•:.... ,.; .. I{ I I SEPTIC TANK �I PROPOSED 375 GAL f I I\\ PUMP TANK / !Cl_ SWALE EASEM NT 0' 0') 30' TAXIWAY EASE NT OI 60' TAXIWAY EAS MENT M) I � � M I( } II W) .PROPOSEO CON 'DRIVE p) ,.,i.; ..,.•.. ......, , e d•• w I PROPOSED '• �) 96.I0 NI II 48 QUICK 4 _ EQUALIZER 36 ZI VEGETATI( F 4. I I CHAMBERS U I 0 I II (4 ROWS, ROW) 1PER CHAMBERS ) 3 I I i 576 SQ. FT. 30,0 ) o < CV I I I I'• ? PROPOSED 864 S.F. ) UNOBSTRUCTED AREA a LOT 65 zL 98.20 cn p� � 98.05 8.50 < �, 97.50 �. •� x9 I x� 37.50