HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA Horizontal rollerMIAMI - M., 11 IF PAR UNIENT 01< kE-f-,, 4r - I L4 , I S' I ( L, , 1 -1-AI I I 1Z t % N D FrONONE IC RES01'R clFs (RER) BOARD AND COOL ADN"?� I R k HON DWISION NOYICE OF E.S. Windows, LEC 3550 NW 49" Strect -Nflaml, FL 3314-1 Scopi.- This -NOA is I'CiFIZ,1 MIAMI -,DARE COUNTY PRO DUCr tWROL SSI()N 11805 SW 26 Ser i, Rlmrn AW T(7N6)315-2590 F(7&6)31f"-257) MC!M, cd under the applicable rules and regulalions govorning, Lho uic of constructi'LyI2 ation submits has been wviewcd and acceptcd by ',k1iam'-IJade Court RFFZ- Product Control 'Swion, 14) by used in Miarni-Dade Caunly ind othtr areas W -here: allowed hy, the AuAnrity Having J u 1-isd 1':tion j AILIJ). This NOA shall not he valid afar the expiration date slated below- Them inml-made County Proiluct Control Section (In Nfianit-Dade CuunMand' air the AHJ (in areas other than. Miarni�-Dadc County to havc this product purpoost � ) mserve the right If this pri-AnO err material Ails to perform iia 1h cRWed mainner., the rninufacturer witlIftur the c-?crnw- of such tc-ging and the AH1 may RL immediatel voke, mcAiN- or suspend the use of'such product or i e - ma criakiQfthin their 'urisdiction. RER c " c reservc c right to rcvoke this accepUnce, if it Is determined by kfiami-u C ' urity Product Control g this I S 11 Ilia( this pruduct air material fails to meet the retlidrrments of the appliia�bZ: buil code - T" , 0 buil -o" T Ls prcuiur-� i� approved as do--L-,Lribcd herein, and has been designed to comp�v with the rida Building ;,d eIr irn c I i 1�d �ii i go the I Figh Vetocity Hurri-earic Zone- DF'-'4-RTPT1CjN, Setic-i "FL2N" Aluminum Horizontal Rolling Window - 1-IM.I. APPROVAL DOCUMENT: DwAing No. W16-96, titled I 1,20G Horizontal Rolling ,flu i. Wdw, (L.M.1.)-, sheets I throkigh 11 of 11, dated 12�19/16. with rcyisien Cdiaied DI/12)18, prepared by A -Farooq, Carts -oration, signed and scaled by Javad Akniad, P,E., la ring Clic Nliarni-Dade Coum Pro' duct Control Revision stamp with the NQtii;v of Acceptance iournbcr and cNpiralion date b -Y the Nliami-Dad County Product Control Section, , LMIS'LSILE LUPACT RATtNj'(7v- Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LI V "'LLE BLLUN(;: Lack unit shall Ji -car ji permw1ent label with the manufacturcrs name or togas arranquilla, Ij - Colo. ia, mudelAcrim and following stalcrictiv -Miarni-Dnde County Product Coutro pproved", unless ('JI, - �'Iln othem is ted herein, RFNFWAI. o � NOA shall be considered atter a renewal applicatina h- n tiled wid there hay Bern no Change in t1le applica I'Ln codu negatively affecting The lapwe Of this product TERMINATION of this NO.% %%i II o"ur a 1 c expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, arse, and,' or manufaclure of the product or prLwcss. Misuse of this NOA as an endomement of any- product, ter sales. ads crtising ur any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure [o i:t0EnjPT%. 1% E111 111ky sccliull of this NOAshall be cause for tenninatinn .and removal of 'SIC, A, -�I)vr 'rls�'m nL111)bCr prcecdcd by the words NharnkMc Coutat Florida. and R � ENT: the NOA I fullowc.d by the cxj2iration date nizy f+c di';j)1A'v'Nj in advertising literatwe. If silky purtion of the NOA is d[splLesxd, flicii it shall be dome in its entirety, UNSPECTION: A copy of this crifire NOA shall be providcd to the wirr by Um manufacturer or its dir,trihmors and shall be. available f6r imspection at the jub site at the request of the Building official, [his NO revises NOA Nu. I-,-] 114.04and consists of this page 1. and evidence pag 1:71-�,,, well &� aitproval documcrit racritioned above. pag Thu submitted documentation was revicived by Manuel Perez, P.E. NOA No- 194MIA\3 IVIM14NNX Lim: trati.�i evidence UL!- Japua ry 19, 2022 a pproval Date. 14May10,2018 Page I L.S. 1� indoii s- LLC T[CE OF AC( _-FPT.tkEti(-E: EVIDEM 1: Sulitll.l 1'l 11 1. E VI 1) F N CE SUB),I[TI L1) DE PRL 10t1 OA's A. DRAWINGS ]. Manuta,:turcr's die dr'awines and sectinns (.Submitted under NOA A(o. 16-0617 +04) 2. Drawing No, W16-86, titled "ES.EL )oo i-lori tttal Roiling Window Alum. Wdw, (T„M,1.Y% sheets 1 through 11 of 11, dated 12119'16, % ^ith rcvi.sion B dated 09/27/17, prepared by Al-> ar(W Corwration. signed and sealed by Javnd Ahmad, p,E. .B. TFSTS 1. fest reports on. l) Air Infiltmtion Tcsr, per l B , IA 242.9,E 2) 1 mt6rnn Static AirPressltre Test, Loading M FBC:, TAS 202-94 9 'Water.Resistance Test, per FHC, TAS 202-94 4} Forced Entry Test, per FB('7, and TA S 202-94 5) Large Missile Impact Test per FISC, TAS 20 1 -94 6) Cy'clic'%Iind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 along with marked -up drawings wid insulation diu}rarn of an aluminurn horizarltal No - sliding window, prepmed by Blackwater Testing, It c., Test Report P:c�, BT-ESW-16-007, dated 12/081'16, signed and scaled by Cort5tantin Bvrwli, P.1.1” (Subju tted under NOA No� 16-0617.04) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and structural analysis. complying with FBC 51h Ldition (20114), rated D&10115, prepared by AI-Farooq Corporation, signed and coaled by Jmad Ahmad, P.E. (Submitted under jIVOA Nm 16-0617.04) 2, Glazing complies Mth AST N.1 F 1 M0-09 D. QI:i:+lt,11 FY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade a Department of Regulatory and Economic Rvtwurucs (RER), Manuel Pero Product C.untrul E Ani er N A Nn, f R 21.1}3 Expin 1iuu Date. J;inuiin 19, }1122 Approval tate; May 10, 2018 E-1 LS, 1k i 11 d u a n LLC NOTICE OF ACCErl-ANCE7... EVIDENCE SUBMITTED r:.41 A ' -11 'IAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice: Qf Acceptance.No, 16-1117.01 issued to Kurarmy America, Ine- for their -Trosifnig.- Ultractear, Clear and Color PVB Gfilqs Interlayers" dotal 01119,117, expiring on 07/08/19. 2. Notice of Acceptances No. 17-0808.02 issued to K u raray America, ljic. for their "SentryGlas-R. (Cltsr and NVhite) Glass Interlayer" dated 12.1'28/17, expiring otj 07,104/23. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0712.05 issued to Eftstm2n Chemical Co. (NIA) for heir" Saflex Cleo r and Color G I w4s I riterlay en " dated 09 07;17, exp i ring on, QV2 1 /2 1. 4. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0712.0 issued to Eastman Chernic.al Co. (NIA).for their "Sanex CP — aflex and Safic-t HP Com 1)usite (Aam Inlerlayers with PET Core" dated 09/07/17, expiring on 1, 211 / IS. S I'A I E I I EN TS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC So Edition (2014) and FBC 6111 Editiola (2017), and of no financial interest, dated 09/25117, issued by Al -Faro ott Corporatian, signed and sealed by Jav ad Ahmad, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 17.1114.06) 2. Statement lcticr Of 0onfGM1anCe,,C0MPl)ing with FBC 51, Edition (2014�. dated 12108116, issued by Al-Farooq Corporation, signcd and sealed by Javad .]iniad, P.E- (Submitted uts dirr N0.4 No. 16.1161 Z 04) 1 Statement letter of no Financial interest, dated 11'0-81'16, issued by Al-Famotl CoWration. signed and seated by Jawad Alun -tad, P.E. (Suhniftied uAder VO.4 No. 16-0617.04) 4- Addendum letlet, lssucd by Bluckwawr Testing (or Test Report No. DT -ES -16-007 datiA 12,15.116. (Submifted uirderNOA Xo. 16-0617 04) 5. Distributor Agreement, signed by Carlos Garcia and by Evelyn Dae& {Submitted under NOA No. 16.0617 04} 6. T ql-oratory compliance statement for Tcst report No. BT -ESN V -16-N7, issued by Black water 'resting, Inr,,., dated 12-108)16, signed and-wahGkl by Constantin Bortes, P.E. (Submitted under NUA No. 16-U61 7.04) 7, Proposal No. 16-1228 k -sued by the Product Control Section, dated 11116116, signed. by Manuel Perez, P. E. (Submitted under NOA No. 16-0617 04) F. OTHERS 1. Wntice of Ai:ceptance No. 16-0617.04, issucd to ES Windows, LLC for their Series -EL200" AlwTtirtum Horizontal. Rolling Window - 1,.1+x-[-, app vend on ,41119117 and expiring on 41119/22. lanuct Fes, P.F. Prudu et Co n r r i) V x jpi i i k v r NO A N 4 P. 2 1. (1 � Expiration Date: JauuaT 1,4. 2o-'-, App.rovol Date: May ][I, 1.41IN E-2 V.S. Windows. 1.I...0 T{ 7`id`1F` ()F Arc,E CV: EVI111i4LN E Sl BMITTEI} 2. NEW 1• V IDENCF, SMUTTED A. 1 R-ANN1 GS 1. Drawing No. I'V-1 i-:86. titled "FS-FI.21711 Horizontal Rolling Alurn_ Wdw, (LA41)", Sheets 1 through 11 of t 1, dated 12,19r116, with revision C dated (i1 '17'18, prepared by Al->°arooq Cotwnu on, signed and sealed by Javad A fimxd, P.E. 1. lest reports an 1) Large ?Missile linpact Test F13C,1AS 201-94 2) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loudittg per p€1t5 I -AS 2113-94 along with marked -up dT"v� ings and installation diagrarn of an alumirturn hr rizon sliding v4ind-ow, prepared by Blackwater Testing, line., Tcst Report No. WY -E W47-007, dated 10124117, signed and scaled by (.'Or'st.antin Bortes, P.E. C. CALCULAT GINS 1. None, D. QUALI`T'Y ASSURANCE 1. Miarn7i-Dade Department ot" Regulattar r and Economic Resourues ( ) E. HATI°:1iIAL CFRTIFIICATIONS 1. Notice j Acceptance No. 17-0808.02 issued to Kuiraray America., Inc. for d it "Selltr"L 4Il.iv.kl (Clear and �Nliite) Glass Interla vers" dated 12 29+'17, expiring on 071'1_" L1--' 2. Notice of AcccpLuicc Info. 17-1114.14 issued to Kursrary America, Inc. for their "TrosifolS Uhraelear, Clear and Color PVR Glass Interlayers" dated 01/1.8'18. expire on 07/08/ 19_ 3. Notice of Acceptance Nu_ .1.7-0712.03 issued to F,aGstmaxn Chemical Company (M- A) for their "Suflex CP - Saflex and Saflex UP composite Glass lnterlayers with INET Core" dated 0,907/17, expiring on 12,x11 `1R. 4. Notiee f AccEptance No. 17-11712.115 issued to Eastman Chemical Company A) four their " SuRex Clear and Color G1aamm laterla vers" dated 09/0T 17, expiring on 05/21121. 1, STATEMENTS 1. None, G. OTHERS 1. Notice of Accept=;e No. 17-1114.06, issued to E5 U'iitdt, LLC: for their 4eriece. "E L200" ATurninxnn IforizoryW Rol Iinl& Window - T \I T., approved on U it l e18 aircl expiring on 01/19:21 Manuel !'e s, } Produci C'antrol ® er Ni] A Na. x.03 Expiration Date: January 1-9.2022 E-3 pprava I Do te: iia} 10,1"415 rvj ICIe V479t Ogg UUM.""L., St *L'N MST "&Z �4--Tm -.>� - 'S#"WM M-3 FJI]1YiIfYd�iO$61iiiil qtr WTM wukl� Go Ar. Z,l IK wl NM + r 17, Ar. Z,l IK It jq'L%-'S 15* OkN 141: ,5 i 5i VL 0; -qq4v-jm OWFE*WGKWI in Arrjj t4wwc vmt"# mokilmh etc IWM Wba t16,""."Wra 4143vd,de) "AM A-Inallu. v %A411KODNA tS Ail A 17W ilt P xg I fat jas ca A" P40 all UA114 st Wt4 MQ tS Ail A 17W ilt P xg I fat jas ca A" P40 all �IC7�Cti:iL.'#57. 'y, '-----.. ll#7l#1 1FY3t .. MOUVWOd Hoo tM3ooldvA-TV f. a 1ti 14 -2 dA wrR - �. `'� ua�cmorax�y — aasrv�sC xAe;-a. `:� i>la�i' lj i/PrIFt ��IJS 64 +4N:r' 099 711dd14' �.aewns 4,cid .rrJfwdol— rrpasJllPN] �_. zT S.Mot fum N9LlvvojWDo boloa -J-7'V i I y � 9' _ ' d" 013 7037... -- =4 - -- ---- I� a Ji gD fi•*N'44 wsMu �3 �R L.jJ 71K14NW1S �-.. 1 ------ ----- yq Y� j `�ti h II i r JL - � I N � � g 'Sq 7CSY1 R � a Ji gD fi•*N'44 wsMu �3 �R L.jJ 71K14NW1S �-.. 094$ vrp Mar) "MIA Oft 3Drfs 4ANO -L"hIZ 1511F WN - P&OLL1IMOd"00 bCK �i *mwlgu 4ar (stav -jrrj) "T LIE 'tiftirl 0= %tins J.%,wr F 4qm.w Go" M -N MiV L.- V ain tloo 'S'3 MaiLLVUO,d mn,wnv ow -*w 7v,zt BLA4G Ivy HQTlq'4,LXX CID "C ]ILMOILUMO IL12-JfM LIM. tip wtj 30 1 iM➢rsao"ea.+arlanassss�3s_nY��ni I_. OT? -$,:a boo:mlvj.lv f de IS � 10 11,13 Ali LIZ 1 J1, Ala ryryI1I F K%lq-q" fqoT2 Vy, ­ �;;; - I'll oid !Driv TlEe 4,.3[ DEC 4mTwF -31dUhM � "413dLN Z?Tl ?)OOMV-4--lV o 12. AL — gp%Lll—'y - I — " . - 701 Oro Itttl to) IWrl �31 lrjizvx vr?j r—re Zb "rp 13 'Invih ;Wri% -IM6�,Ljj" Op.. 6 P N e MN man o L. id ft MOO no