HomeMy WebLinkAboutproduct approval door 2,77 1174 HO+rra9 too 9n iJMl+' ft+➢ WWa.., M._ MtjbpW hwtrrrr, 5urcft*,ge 5t4-. ri Fa rt% ?uo1:BCior,:t- k.; S --r M.ap -tar F; iP mt AVPMgkM 4 L 1315[`: : PuRuth IJaff .... Or rR,•�Lvf ^G;Lc.a•.1� !'1+�y � vructuC4 er.A� s � an1151 �* ApGf4r+Rlan Geta r rL N F'L15210-R6 AMIt aWn Type Revision, code Vvrrlorr 2011 Application Stat-L.rs AoPrlaveli Comments Archlwed �z Pradu[t MamufauWrer Pupstpm inir. j Hanya Plinsries Co pdd+essi rit!3l hail C%r 240 W CFNTLIRY PII,VO. OS ANGELES, CA 913045 440) 969-9773 F.xt 16 ickw a wbldywilsukants.com Authorized SSignadl re vlarL Wright ickwr*rwwdg ra rtsu Itants.wr Te4Ghrti[al Repmmentative Saatt Juhnsun Add ressJPhoneErriwi 5200 W Century (Blvd, Lass Angeles, CA. W045 (440) %9-9773 Ext 18 =tjohn5on&p]astprruinc.tu-0 Qua ty Assurance PLepf P-3,ereLd Llve Ron O'Connell Address(Plione/Em+;o 5700 W Century EVVII. Los As+tp le 9Q45 (4 -9773 Ext ice- noenn rteB¢d lastprG.cam CatPgOr y Ex6Brlgr 1,00r; Su teg�ry Swinging €'.xterior door AxsEmWies Cornplianm Medi Dd E:f4uatir�n a rt tro- a FI ida Re mtered Architect or i§ LieMSed Fldr3da P O.; ,lpr9al E ngem e EvLliva0n Repzrrt Hard RceciYeC Florida Engln"r or Airch[ten Name w1ho CIOVOIOW MLL Lyndon F. 'SOMIdt, P.P. Fvaluatiarr ReMn Flm,rlda 1_lotrrae PE -43409 Quarity AVwrance Entltyr Hatluoal A,rrrediLaban and Man"enwt Instit3ute QUBIMV ,AwUrainca CwTract Explratinn bate 12131j2on Vall+dated By ityan 7_ lOng, P.E. Yalldl um. c+erxmisr - Har-dCupy Rim-e4wed Camnests of ndep adenee Referenced Standard and wear (of 6ta11d&M) :.6s��.Cr It6 �1�ADCCfAIfl�1L�•ratl�Gtt�erraisrree,�f Standa YAK ASTM D1929 M6 ASTM 021B43 1999 ASTM 0635 19" A�i IN 0636 2003 ASTM E1300 2004 ASTM ER4 2W5 t:galvalence of Product Stancrards. Certified By Sections from the Code Prod uctApproval Method Data 5ul]fl imd Date Vslidatled Date Pendi:rrg FBC Approval Data Appre d F V Model, Number or Nam ASTM G26 1395 G 155 Zd1S TAS 201, 202, 273 1994 Plorlda uecrmad Proll`=VoMallEngingerorArchitect Methud 1 Option D Onj 1100 IL 7 01311917017 1211212717 iS71iY_i a. SrnocPl:WVVood GraknfWiVte Woo Gr air1/RustiC/Miahoyany Series 17 FlbCrgl$as CkDar [' amxtptian d 6'8 "imwt" Opaoue ribtrglass 5ingle In wing/Out9wlN (7i - Configuration) Limits of Use Approved) for use In HVHZ: 'fes Approved W spiutaide HVVIZ: Ys; Impact Resistant. Yes be -sign Pressure, 'N/A Other; _cc INST 15210.1 far Design Pressure Ratings, any ,:qr limitations, installation instructions mod product Install.stini- tntti-LlftiC)11% 1`,, -1 F.. 9Chm.lrjt,CI 13449 Create ny isidi4)ei-dent7hl:rd Pn Yes Evaluation Reports FI, I52 i) ith Af (J"' Ewe: Created by Independent Thi Yes _ 5210 2 rb_ Smooth1/Wa d Grain/Whlt-e Wood 6'8 "Irrnpact' [opaque Fiberglass Slilgle Door With akftfIte 4r Gedirl,/Rlrctir(Mahagany Series - InswingiOutsw6ng or x0; ClXQ=Cantlguratlan3) Fberglass Ockor I'Sadelltes I Limits of u'!e lnstaltaSYosn lnlsxrnuctnpns. Approved for use in HVHZ! Yrs a IliU) wit 15212.2, QJ Approved for use outside HVHZ, Yes Verftd By; Lyndan F. rsehartldt, RE_ 4JI09 Impact Resistant- Yes Created by 1111@0LInMent Tskird Parry: Yes D-esign Pressuria: 14/x1, Evaluation Reports Other: Sep INST 15210.2 for Design Pressure Ratings, any + ai LUiFd LQVf milli urldl use lirrriltotiong, In"llatio n InstFuCtions and product , Crea%d by indapanda nt ThIrd Party: Yes. articurlam 5210.3 c. Smmtl"ood GrairtMhta Wood 5'8 "Tmoaet" Opagtle Fitnerglass Double Uoor with or without Grain/Rustfc/:M.ahogany ;genes U Sfdelitm - lnswiPgj 1vtsw,,m4 (Xie; i)XXO - Canfigtir8tions) Fiberglass L'oor Limits of tfte Installation Instructions Approved for use. In HVHZ; Yes i Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified Gy; Lyndon F. Schmirilt, PF. 43.404 impart IRaslsFltrtt: Year Created by Indqwndent Third Percy: Yes Design pressure: WA IEvalluartlon Reports Otheirr: See INS 15214,3 for Design FTeSsure iiatlrlgs, any } "r.5 ft (13) LV41 15219,31KP additional use llmat"ons, Installation instructions and pr*luct Created by Lndependent Third Panty: Yes ,particulars, I5210.4 d. Srr-atithlWooil Grain/White timed WO ` mpact' Glared Fibarglass'SInVel Door • 1rarwlnq 0ut%wlnq Grwnlltusdcl'Mahogar%V Series .Q (X - C.clKfti ration Fiberglan Door _._ ...,. Limits of Use Instructilleas Approved for size in HVHZ,, Yes ILl��,l_iQ--. §LIL kM Inst 1,5210,4.otil Approved for use outside IIiVIHZ: Ya5 Vcrlfied By: Lyndw F. SChrrildt, P.E. 4340'3 Impact Resistant; 'des Created by Independent Thkrd 'Party: 'Yes Design Pressure: MIA BvaluatFtwt Reports Othftl Asi INET 15210.4 fur Design Pressure kahMs, any FL1r11L1 R+s Attitlb Eve) IS2111.4LpU addhional rise linriVmtluns, instAdatign lnsVuct1 ng anal product Created by Independent Third Pa"; Yes. ;.',jiLi I' `+ �e_ !;mou$WWwW Grain,, Whlte Wot�4 I Ill'$ 'impict' +Gla:ed F1ti€rrgldss Single Door Lilt" b!,Oe.lte. 0ir GralnjRu€ticlMa41oganySeries Q Fiberglass Door Limits sof Use Approved for use in FiVMZ; Yes ltpprpved for use gut0dia HVhZ-. Yei IMPaCt Resittanta YeS U-axign Pressure: NIA. Other: bee 4MS P 15210-5 for Design Prr:!5zure itatinqs. any additiona' ase liffl4atiilr'is, irittailliitltial M trutths5 t and pradutt part eula -rs. 1521 0.6 - -' d. SIIttHa5trlAVOW Grain1whltt3 Y&M Grain; RUSVC'Mat+oyany 50MOS 9 fibe glass Door Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ-, Yes Approved far use outside HV Z: Ves Impastt Resistant: Mrs's Design Pressure:: NIA Gthiltr. See INST 15210.5 for Design lure Ratinigs, Rrldlb anal time limlretrssnsr inirsAllpt3en ln&tn4ctk%nA and p G,arkir�u€ars. 153103 g. 5rncsadVWood' Grain/ GrairiJRr�tt6r�rdahrganY I Fiberg, Iass Dear M Milts of Us* Approvod for ua■ in KVHZ: Yfis Approved for use outseidia MVMZ: Yes Impact Res istantr Yes DAt4ga Pruduirlt: N/A Oithm, Sr" MST 152M7 faI r Design n a�ddinonal irrnl ons, instaiaatio ens parucolalry. Limits of Use Approved for use in Approved for use o Impact Resisr.anit: v Design Pressurie; Other: StLe TNST 1 additional use lira- ti pa rdrular s. n r Vdelltds - Ins.wing/ou s wirrg (SAM or X0; 0X0 - conllgurabons) I fttilon Irw ilwu:Itions 1L1 r I`I Ko Ll 4ks1 Ins# Vamf —d 6Y: i on F- Schmidt, P.15. 43409 Created lar Indeflendent Third Party: Yes iEValuation Rupork# � �,,,//a� Created by Inde�penderoethilyd Party: fa'6 lrnpaet'zielda Rabe-ryasS Doutile Door Wth or mut Sldralltes Iutswirg(XxC ❑XXO - Cpnfigurawns) I'ttaf� � uiCtjnrtia —� lihtd fiy: Lyndon �. SdtimFdt+ 1?E. 434999 rsGajked by Tnderrenaiirs+t Ti�ird frtsrty Yts Fvalunt"Ou Reports C'fratrd lnr tndd pendent Third ftiirky: Ys_r6 Wood VC "infect' Glared Fiberglass Single Door - Outswring (ac - D Conflyuradnn ) Irtaxakla�rasii Instructfcrls lLt�:iU F• , VerM ed By: Lydon F S&7i;d:, P. E- -139409 CreateC by Inoopenoonk Third Party vvl Evalu.atiorl Reptrsrtri ure Ratings, arty cti�ons .and product rEatyc I--. Ino-Wenderlt frim Party: Yes Grein)whitc Wbpd i U'o "Imps€t- Glazed Filbrerglass Sangle Door with Sidelite or as�ar y Scn es a i S+derites - €)utswWpq (OX (w XQ; QXO - ilrorTi47grr-dCtarks) i•I-�IJ,Sf�oilr I Installation Instructions tt HZ. Yes J We HVHZ:6 YQS Vtrltied By t_yrl".1i} F, Schft idt,, P.E. 43409 5 Created by rode:i,2,itlent Third fsarty: Yes A Evaluation Reportfs 10.19 for f?esirgn Pres•Surc Rav-A�s. any :10 EYw 15 I B.2Qj Vo installation Ins#ruetions and pri tiva Created 0 Inde'pen4ent Third Party., Yes ..... ..... 1 210.4 s SmonthlWit rA Cra,In/White Wood - WO inrpacV {;lazed Fiberglass Moble [7wr wits, or writiloaut GraririJRustirjlMaIhrVany Series 0 swelftes - Oubtiwing W; 03X7 - con-119ki atlgans) Fiberglass CIi Livid a of me t11M#a(fsYt�Ciwl I wet fair wee in IVHZ: v y 1 i14a .f _lL -b s.4_: �1�r 9 Fu I f(w use outside HVMZ., Y#es Vorlfled By: Lyndon F. S+h� Idt, P.E. 43404 lP {ant; Yes Crenated by Independent Third Party- Yes fl rwA- N/A lwelvation Reports See INST 15210.9 for Design Pressure Ratings, any �� 7 R:6 U { �'I Ewe: k�2;il.�3-F [add nil aril [ImikrtionS, Insltaliatlon inStrtretlons and p+inclrJcirertttcl fay Tndwptlndrrmk lhtrri Patty: Yrrsa Wars. i 210,10 .-.�. `..' j, SrrtiO4ttt.,tliYGOQ Go'iriri/WI'Ait�tt lfiOfid e B'4 "Imipect- Opaque Fibergla.Ss Sinq�e uoor - Outswinq ; r -'- GralralRu�tlicfFtahi3r�aaly SaHes O Oortffquratlsy+'r) Rberglaisr Doof i MPtti 431 US* Installation Instruet:lons Approved for use in HVHZ: 'Yes % r; ' ':I'. �'-_. Approved fiw use oullbidde HVH.Z: Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. °S'i_hT:iut, P.E. 3404 Impact Movistant: Yrs, Created bFyr tnef+Bprtnaent Third Pa fly Yl-% besrlgn Pressure: N.IA Evaluxtion Reports Other: Sate TNST 1S7t4.I0 for Design Prf sum Ratings, any Fi ' addle anal use ilm;ltations, Instahatlon Instructions and produet Creased by Inoepen. ent Tr,:rd fairy. Yr.s pairtFculars 15210.51 k_ S+rra®t5OvV&od CarainJ'i hltr- WcjoI f?t"fi'"Impaact" OFjbqut Filb"fass Single bwr with SidelJte or GrainjIllustIcOlataagany Series 0 FIberplass Dow S.delltes • aLitswing (OX ar )d0; Mo - Configurdtlons) Lirtlits of Uae Installations Instructions Approved for use ire "WIZ. Yds ^_I�:af Approved for use outside f -i" ;s `fes IrliiPad! Rdl>il3t4k0t; Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See Ii ST 15210.11 for l7eNgn Rre3Sum Ratings, any additional use lirriltaf3oris, lkrrstallatloin lostructions and product i partIcLllars. 15? tfa.17 I_ Smo,othjlAood Grs4rVWhlte Wood (srrain/Ru5tic/Raatioganyr Series 0 Flbergtriss Dour Umlts raf Use Approved for use in HVHZi es Approved fur us* outside hIVHI: Yes lm;Nimt Resistant- Yes Deirlffpn Pressures WA Other., See INST 15210-12 for Design pressure Ratings, any additional Use limitations, lnowllation Instructrons and pna-duct Particulars. 52:01.13 ret. Smooth/Wo" Grain/White wood Graln /Rustic/Mahavany Series Q FlbergLass 00or, Limits of Use Approved for wsqt in HVNZ: Yes ,approved for use oaitaldc HVHZ: Yea Impact Remistantl Yes DwAgn Pressure hVA Olher: Ste INET 152 M 1.3 for Design P t'SSurr. R laddlbonai use limitations, installation Im"uctaiin aarticiulars, 15210. t 4 rr. Sal,: 3ti tF V4 rosea Gr'aiil tl rM 0 anyr fibl:,S4l)ci Lim its of Use Approvadfar use in MVH F: Yr.i Approved for use outside HVM Yes Impact Resistan: reS Design Pressure! NIA Dther; herr Ti4:ST 15?10J.14 ijexlgn I're4sUFL- li.MtingS, Any use lirnitat6ons, in ailation tnstructl€ cis and prMuct partltulars. 1521[] I o. Srn*oih{i Loud Gral n/White Wood ST "Impact' Glalied FUr9ltts Synegle Floor utfflaing tete Grain/RLaMj; Mahogany Serles 13 WINDSERT' an opsnMonal window inseert - Qtjtsv ing f - Flb�last Door ri onflguratldrlI Urnits of less 7rtatalilaEltlet tnl�ucue"s Approved for is liti kIVItZ: I'E*s Aper .1-04 fpr a outsiilel HVHZx Yds verified By -Lyndon C harp . F'',E, 434Q9 Impact ftasis nt; V. W ri3l ''i' IrldittleliCcrlt ihllitl Party: Y@ (Design Pres rwi N/A Evaluation Reports tlRher;115.'lEt,tS for Ueslgn pressure FLattngs, any EaF5.15-edf , #ddilioriol U eirnit�, installation inaT ctlon4 and product i;.:reaied Dy Lndfipclrsdent Third Party: YtS psrtl liars ---- VwIf#ed By; Lyndon it Schmidt, R.E. 43409 lvrealtcd by Independent ThArd Party: Yes Evaluation fleperts r, `rs...l Rd'1 ft' {l.? -#vel !� lr7.ij kg�j Cremte€i by rndepentkentThard'P'arty; Yes 6'fl 'Imipact` ()parq Lie Fiberglass, Double Dow 1wt!'I or without ',SiWOReS - OutSw'Imay (XX; OXXO - Curifliguradons) Iillrrtilli#Itrni Iryt#allna .- V41rned @y-- Lyndon F idl >.! . ; 1�J'1 Cm@$ted by lr ft"' t=nt Thirtf fart,, *r= fiwttltlaRlaisi R F R �¢�_Eva 11521 /Criomodd nd4mt Tnirtl Partypaque Fiberglass Sirw& ooVr with Sij;faCC brjlts - �Configuratlon) Installation [instructions IYVfiite Verllled by_ Lynam F'_ Schmidt, P -E. 4 4pc3 �Cmated by Inde"rideri:t Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports cogs, arty ! l x'nF1.1571p_I3.add end prod ""I I Created by Indep .nelent Third P,Srr - Yes Uira[id B 0 "Impact' 0PautalR Fihrrglass [Double rAxw wrLh. Surfac* Botts Series d} I On i XMIM UOW pane: - {)u5swina ; xx - ConiNguretiunj ' Irrstaltatiotl instrtact'rnras Verified By: Lyndon F. Sc-tm):;c,F, ' F 434f13 Croated by Irldep#Ment TniteI v-,,ty Yes �veitti�atlest alrts Ceeated by Tnd"rmtent Third laarty: Yer C.. mAa !s 20 R.la S"r *- Tmilwhdnx� ft_ 32199 rh•:t!_ LiA:.r-4L'-i6L� 1 he SLBte a tland& rs en AAjt&-U emp4vtrer. ,If1}C1`9t.2QU -,Lill] 5Sitat raj Fl a.:: Fan.4riN stameriaiat -: Ar C7* 3lb-ot sobef er�k -: - oder Fkwv ds kw, a ,] sddressea are public aewFds. It waw do Poo! wok Yowr e-mO edidmim rellowtO 1i, r -a w,,..a. lei••• a pwblk-rrtw ft reqs m%,. sla cwt s,erua ieie 1, W± ail Lo thi5 aefrtitir. L'atedd. curit�t Ute offiiLe br plsona or by lrsJ;L� l nail_ If aor haw MrFW , Please canto--ASDA11o. S 8V5 "Pu�anr so Srr!tnl 4:55 '}arida 4'.ahetws. NYwra-vw Ortnt w+ I, 7017, 1y. vp." i�?RrialQ ?incur i.-hypw 4155, F.S m%M prowidw the mn,4wwz wish aro wmaii iAdraii 4 eery ha ip wrs. The arra%ia ,tf"04a mow 4e Us" rite V-10401 €amp -JAI rtr9i with she riQnaiee siuwwder antidi bddhldilf Ore puellc rid_ 0 y� d4 W++osis to supply a 9WOUFal Addit*&, 040j'e p* lde thm beparbs t wrtn an en117 ;W&QT whi€h €art br made a7ailadbid 1X40 til# pW,,C. T4 6et*— --,m ier Vr a� a l und3 L`apte 4$S, FS., PWW clfirk nSlL prawh6Y Appre"I A,crwo: ® M w F- 0 Dedik Card CM* 1144 ^!' 34111 i�LlFf v �- d „ {} rr�n rr"17 14 Fq ly Oct d6o '0'dPu � d9;rvK7d Mi' i f 'FI. � b !. , �' � I. z� `+. wrrr► aly .fid d547fJj] '.fsV"Id v .� � sl5o+ax wm Ofd O&WISYSd ' - Z-9 51 �f�rl l,fl �t 54th W65� a ' tl o- a J2 ElitiZ� ` _ .. SMO- WOW !MVS.7 VWO.CL~15 tk v CR Ca c 43JM —mj 01 �. h- Li 0 Qun lIB G_ USW Lo en u Be UIJ'il.11 b4P'1\M3i9•WJ E4ii�14-�i+'�IwlKi''yam I"+++.r f�kFH°-MOAMd i•Y15di 4A�4t•'9%4ly+!+YI+M IMgm'•f 41�n5i-1ftL16PRIM YiiR iliFlYi ?'I.� ckg* 'o -W "TwAA 'are. W* O'd IMCC lu hl m4NvAwy3NOC :Dt4Kro42 4PIL + s .4 uop-" P-wo" 93PEV U -N Iwd Wo tl)r -ORKF-00- W NXVJ S.I.IYTJ&igu :.W1 C,4dgsvIw - IAX I OF to LO u I it 9 OF TM q% 'V"2 2umu koulw= i4&L41'S4A'9 IS 1*N 4"6w -u 'DUIODA '(Wz gge 'GA sd ai psi ol :5H. '3Wwl'02"Do D"Knro JjL Ulu agm -03 "IF cu x ii r�9Jy.w 3a IM-VIJ'L Avow ro woldo 0104, SOMMAftq I" OUI-WNA&dR WWM IPA" Toes 'ON yp 3-033 -17 —, ., 10-:j U I 11110 M ft 1p, Cla ; SNO.&W Olb%. 10%1 WNNI.," Llwn W.4"'4A4*kF%*F*ftM M VL" '" V-1 WELIP L@L40091:1V -14 —4d QOSIT 'su-,90A 'DEE -06 Wdl Aw • 6&rCw VH 73-.1 6r wlwwm .i -W-" ti (A&w7s4fn oj cAW) V4003S �Soht5 %-�UjhU 9 WLNOZWtOH I - y )w Al m wi; fl -C, RIM )w ;QA V PU -2 -al fuip QL ZvwQ0,VTFzl S&VISeM-4 nWj W— -d 7 Yb� q........... "Was o5l Ill d I I 161 k%N (Aw lvw ,hm-kyl°l Ll *WWI pw4u7 allb-%i zw-oig." j4l,",Adftpvbd li% - r.19o'd" Y� -Jdqu 4460'M'jVM r"914 WOW 11 u ce= 'Gawim -:-XIRM-M5V =.:, mm W lwvd )NI'�1_11001PORI-5.i. IMEELLIZ-711'� 'LikININNO, 0, %%) -Csppjo e �q 4 ;INI mg= 4'1 WVCr OH Z -%Aswan elol fo-PIONINVO 0,6 9 1 9"0- - . , . 1,1 ?'. - (.c ... . . 4.1' 6—k4- Wdft - VUNBWn*M 3q 4s 6 %--P �— , LNV , ,Ilk-,Lka w o mri it a•51 ■ i pip 0 ftft 'cft Y,) 3dEL=l wo c 41R - �N —.4d A jcm�(t Orc NOV W CA Tc ?C7 — *ffi : ecoaSSV"hpR.l 7w ewj j Twvfll;, d 1 9 QK'T 144 w" j4" -I '*w 4' L rI IN"S L 041 Is cw U's J1 U'. 'br.ulIM3 of csc'wl�. -r - ...•.•"- - 1".. ­ -- - Tc Is cw U's J1 U'. 'br.ulIM3 of csc'wl�. -r - ...•.•"- - 1".. ­ -- - CLO$ 'I" " 34oj MELD E L°D .. -44 %Qo!� 1A RK ;QL at Cr+ii CL3L�7sJ"c -a 'CalkaAQEt 61 'O'a >fia 't a9rifw a. m rc d3 `x,9rq+' w isili rf J x z "' N B x V 1C,i111 t1 Ptl Pyr.J�ry, f M i{�. FIFYS� -0N -0tl Uh,R�U ° { J8' F?s) '4 X0..1 4Y'8`TYCttY�l-kPiGeitR:!'#A.L9['�iF�+M� ]'�'��r{h Ls4bN Ciel iF�lsr d7'P!r-tihAN*1+�re'7�41 �P�1.4+sC�N�h��4''I�M'3�..M <r? 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'M W"a 3IMsrJ' diH3.P _ N nN rJ"d*- ;; "Wii -u '9yhii,h IOEE -ba -f}'4 �jyl/M, X11' ►l .. .. 'Jdil '€LMvj-'75wr: !aWM;liflF7 iny, .. Ya 1714.9 �((' mg f}3 1 � -_ �.. � � 11, q4+�'%xiA5ifr ±f )` M* y i Z4 R sc T-1 1 +fl.f li ltA':i1i I s E T M a r k I � � e E R Aft J rh T-91 "91 CAtAl•iAl'-:1MI'+if1 Fi'IMf�q�l��til!•wgspm iL"m pLZ11 ld."Fdmoi�iM Mlilhh'•�$t ^9'A 'e tinM'+n+nld5'1 CM -K -V-j A#';.* 'o -d Ift, 499*'!A 'i i414iL `7ti 61 sw-%m1m -K) no apow = 1"A 1-m - "0".. - --Ffi."u W" 'N a 'w f 0 N 4J 4 Q'n Rif It, At PIZ �*-4 r4 N Ilii M c4 1-m - "0".. - --Ffi."u W" 'N a R W Building Consultants, Inc. Connilving and EnZincering Serviccx fttr the RUilyding Indarstry r 0 UQ -x'130 vidtKo. f L 3k95 Phone I t3 619 0107 FInridn tarorrrd a(Wcnioniii EMPMeN C etltrtcsic or Awltgratai n No 9813 Product Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Catog6ry 1 A 201-94. 202-S4 ii TAS 203-94 E TC:t13-255-i677&0 ASTM B 635-98, 638-03. 1629-%. A M43-49 ASTM Cr 26-95 Plastpfc3, lite, la.1100 rM 1 Word OrWn; White Woad Grain ETC -07-209-19303 4 Swinging Extitinor Exlaarlo r r� Door 5200 4W_ Century Blvd- Rus#Lr I Mahogany �ripr Assemblies Log Angeltra, CA 90045 Sorlei 0 3 ibctgIA-9 s Door Phone 440,W9.9773 In SWIn OutSwia, - "irn act" Scope: Product Evailmativn rep€1r issued by R VV Building Consultants, Inc_ S Lyndon F. Schmidt, RE. (System ID # 1998) for Rlastpro Inc., based on Rule Chapter No. 61 G20-3, "hod ID of Ure Stake of Flo da Product Approval. Department of Business & Pr&essional Regulation, RW Ruildinq Consultaiii[s arta Lyndon F Schmidt, RE_ do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or dtstributeng the product or in any nthr:r enlity tnvolvad in the approval prorAn5 al the prodact named herein Limitations. 1. Thls product has Loon ovaelu ated and is In compllanee witil the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code (FOC) structural recluirments including the -High Velocity Hurricane Zoine", 2 Product srichofs small be as listed and spaced as : hown on details. Anchor ernt)edment to base Mlerial $hall tie beyond vw-4il dressing or stu. 3 When used in the `°HVHZ" this -product romplies with Sedion 162E of the Flarida Building Code and does not require an impact resistant coven n.g. A When u5ed In areas outside of the "HVHZ" raquldng wOd boirne debris piotection this product complus with FBC Sections 16flr&,1.2 & 83111.2.1.2 acrd does not require an impa d assistant raring This product mapts missile level "B' and inrltHies Wind Zoite 4 as defined 1n ASIM E 19915 and FOIA Swi€ins 1600.1,2,2 & 13302.1.2,11- 6. 330 For Zx stud framing oortstruction, anc1horing of thane units shall be the same as Mal shrywrr for 2x buck masonry consuucwn, 0 Site conditions that dei iatp frm. the details of drawing T L -1-5 10.1 require further engrneering gna"is by a licensed engrneer or registered ar+chite-a 7. Outswing configurations meetwater irMfiltratiran requiren-wnts for 'WHZ". All outer configurations dna riot meet [tie wader infiiftratican requirernants for the "H VHZ" .aced must be installed only in non -habitable areas or at habitable In atinns protected by an overhang or canopy %Lich Mat the angle between lire edge of amwM or overhang to silt is less than 45 dogreas. . See drAwirii FL-15210FL-1521or 1 for slzl: aim! design prrass" 111MOtlons Supparling Documents: 1. Test Rt -port No. TMt>tandard. TEL 01390-14Z TA 2(}1-04, 2t)2-94 & TA 1. 203-94 TEL 81357846 1 A 201-94. 202-S4 ii TAS 203-94 E TC:t13-255-i677&0 ASTM B 635-98, 638-03. 1629-%. A M43-49 ASTM Cr 26-95 ETG-415-255-17412.0 A-5 IM E ll4-06 ETC -07-209-19303 4 A,ST M 1), 635-9A, 638-03, 1929-96 9 2843-439 2 QrawinQ Itlsa_ Prepssred by No. FL -15210 I RW BwMErig Consultants, Inc. (CA #9913) 3 Calcult>t1l.a7rls P mlaamd by Anchoring RW Building Cnnsutkanis, ITic (CA #9813) 4- talltur Assurance Corul'iicato of Parltmalran 123Locd by National A raditaW areal h1ta tegment Insliule, tertify ing That Ptastpro, Inc. is rnanufaclurirtg predueft whin a qual y aasurreto,i pfaglarn that a iaplios w4h IS011EC 17020 and t3We t lsbW 1 of I Testing Labctratot�+ Tesii rig Eveli a lion Lob.. Inc. Te ding Evali bun Lob-, Inc. t`TC Laboralerins ETC Lara orles ETEC Laboratories. Signed b Lyndon r. .c.hrnidl_ P E Mliarn Shaftn, P.E_ Joseph L ❑uldart_ P r. Jo apti L. man, P.E. Ben Mi-Ltnirrr 5kgne°d & Sealed. by Lyndon F. Schrtlidt, P F ftrl#d $r Soalwd by tynr.w F. Schmidt, P E No 4 400r ' Lyndon F. S&mldl, R -E. �✓ *.'' FL RE: SIG, 43409 `' IONA a'' &31(2017�rrrtmillta4�t