HomeMy WebLinkAbout FWD RE FWD Open Permit No 1005-0373 for Mobil Station 2995 S 25 StSECURITY WARNING: This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content
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Hello St Lucie Co. permitting,
Please understand that PBCDERM does not generally attend installation or closure inspections [that don’t involve a tank (underground or aboveground) install or removal]. A few years
ago FDEP would no longer pay us for these partial inspections. Upon special circumstances we can request to be paid for the inspections, and will perform the partial inspection when
A dispenser change out only, certainly is not an inspection we attend.
The only requirements to be met for our office on partial installations or closures is still to review the plans, receive a 30 day notice prior to work and to receive any testing which
may have been involved.
HEADS UP THOUGH… when your city mechanical inspector performs the inspections, he or she must check every shear valve and anchor bar nut/bolt to assure they are tight. It is almost a
certainty there will be loose shear valve nuts / bolts which were missed being tightened.
Sorry for any trouble this may have caused.
Thanks you and stay will.
PBCDERM Tank Inspector: Jonathan Arline
Senior Environmental Analyst
Palm Beach County Dept. Environmental Resources Management / Storage Tank Regulation
2300 North Jog Rd., 4th floor, West Palm Bch., FL 33411-2743
Tel. (561)-233-2535. FAX: (561) 233 2414 / E-mail: jarline@pbcgov.org<mailto:jarline@pbcgov.org>
From: fodio@omsps.com<mailto:fodio@omsps.com> <fodio@omsps.com<mailto:fodio@omsps.com>>
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 12:24 PM
To: Jonathan Arline <JArline@pbcgov.org<mailto:JArline@pbcgov.org>>
Cc: fodio@omsps.com<mailto:fodio@omsps.com>; permit@stlucieco.org<mailto:permit@stlucieco.org>
Subject: [FWD: Open Permit No. 1005-0373 for Mobil Station 2995 S. 25 St.]
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Monday 3 Aug.
RE; Dispenser Change Out
Mobil Station 2995 S. 25 St.
Permit No. 1701-0373
Work done; first week of December 2017
Palm Beach County Dept. Environmental Resources Management
Storage Tank Regulation.
Please see email sent to St. Lucie Building Department,
Apparently Ms. LLeean Nortone left the St. Lucie Building Department with out closing out the Permits she was working on at the time. Please see Attachments, in the attachment is the
Email you sent Stating that we were Not Required a Dispenser Change Out Inspection since All Work is Above Shear Valve's & Electrical Seal Offs.
I have Had To Pay a Renewal Fee at St Lucie County, in Order to have Another Final Electrical Inspection, But The Also Require you Inspection.
Can you Please Send them an Email too; permit@stlucieco.org<mailto:permit@stlucieco.org> for Permit No. 1705-0373 Site Mobil Station 2995 S. 25 St. Ft. Pierce, FL St. Lucie County.
That This Inspection Is Not Required.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, do not hesitate to contact me at any time, 954-868-1929
Freddie M. Odio
Petro Solutions
5200 NW 77 Ct.
Doral, FL. 33166
Office 305-883-8687
Cell 954-868-1929
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Open Permit No. 1005-0373 for Mobil Station 2995 S. 25 St.
From: <fodio@omsps.com<mailto:fodio@omsps.com>>
Date: Mon, August 03, 2020 9:06 am
To: "permit@stlucieco.org<mailto:permit@stlucieco.org>" <permit@stlucieco.org<mailto:permit@stlucieco.org>>
Monday 3 Aug. 2020
RE; OPEN Permit Issue
For; Mobil Station, 2995 S. 25 St.
St. Lucie County Permit No. 1705-0373
Good Morning,
Today Monday 3 Aug. 2020 I have Scheduled Final Electrical Inspection for tomorrow Tuesday 4 Aug. 2020.
While speaking with the Clerk she stated that we Also Required the Final from PBC Health Department, Mr. Patrick Wille.
Please Note; Back in December 11, 2017 we were Speaking with a Ms. LLeean Nortone for the St. Lucie County Building Department was assisting us with the Health Inspection, Please
See Attachment with Emails from Mr. Jonathon Arline, Palm Beach County Dept. Environmental Resources Management, Storage Tank Regulation, Dated Dec. 20 2017. regarding this Site. (See
Please Contact Mr. Jonathon Arline at 561-233-2535 or jarline@pbcgov.org<mailto:jarline@pbcgov.org> Directly and He will Confirm that we are Not Require an Inspection for Dispenser
Change Out.
Please, If someone can Contact Me regarding this Issue regrading the Health Department Inspection, my Direct Line 954-868-1929
Best Regards,
Freddie M. Odio
Petro Solutions
5200 NW 77 Ct.
Doral, FL. 33166
Office 305-883-8687
Cell 954-868-1929
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