HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 2NEMO I etc. 5.5 Allo.a5le ROOT Loyer.,: 5.5.1 "Foam -On Tile” is limited to use of the following Approved file adhesives / underlayment combinations. Twolf lA: ALLOWABLE TILE ADHESIVE / UNDER_UIYMENT COMBINATIONS' Aune3l.e TrtoEEE 1: RtTvP COYER OF—IONS Underlayments Approval OnBenayment Asphalt Shin610 Nail -On Tile Foam -On Tile Metal Wood Shako W aRingles Slate Elastobase res Yes (Base Sheet In z -ply synem) YZ3 (Mse sheet in z -ply system) YEs Yes Yes Elastobase P Yes Yes (aa-.. sR..t In &ply ,,st. ) Yes (015. sR..t In z-pl, ,stem) res res yes Polyglass az Base no yes (Base Sheet in z -ply system) Y`s (ease sheet In z -ply system) No No No Folyelas3APP Base Nc YEs (ease.,neat 1 -z -ply ;st=m) Yes (M. blil.t In z-pl„ste...) No No no Polystick MTS or MTS PLUS res Yes no Yes YE -s Yes PolysticklR-Xe YZ3 No No No Yes res PvlysdckTUP No res Yes no No No Polys ICK i U Plus Yes YG Yes (SEE 5.5.1) Yes Yo Yes Polystick TU Max No Yes res (seea.a.i) Yes no No Polysuck Dual Pro yes No No Yes Yes Yes Poly3tickTile Pr. YES Yes Yes (See 5.5.1) Yes Yes Yes Polysdck MU -X Yes Igo Ao YEa Yo YEs Elastoflex S6 G YE., Yes Yes (SEE 55.1) No Yes Yes Elastuflex S6 G FR Yes Yes Mo Ao Yes YZ3 Elastoflex G 10 yes Yes Yza (S« 55.1) No Yes Yes Polyrlex G Yes Yes Yea (See 55.i) Ao Tes Yes Polyflex G FR res Yes No Nu Yes Yes Polynex SAP or SAP FR Yes YEs YEs (See 5.5.1) No res res MolL-Hide SA -APP Cap Sheet o. SA -APP Cap Shcct jFR) yes Yes YEs (SeE 5.5.1) No Yes Yes 5.5.1 "Foam -On Tile” is limited to use of the following Approved file adhesives / underlayment combinations. Twolf lA: ALLOWABLE TILE ADHESIVE / UNDER_UIYMENT COMBINATIONS' Aune3l.e Florida Proaner Underlayments Approval DAP Foam Tua;.R 'n Seal SturmBo.,a Runt FL14506 Polysticit TU Ploa, Polystid TU Max ThE AanE36e Do— Tftftna'" FL22525 Polysticli TO P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP or Tile Pro Poly3tid Tu P, PolystICK TU Plus, Polystick TU Max, Polystick Tile P. o. ICP ABRe3i„e3 Puly.W AH -160 FL6332 Elastutlex G TU. Elastotlex S6 G. Polyflex G. Polyflex SNP- Polyflex SA Cap FR. Male -Hide SA -APP Cap Sheet or Mule -Hide SA -APP Cap Snuot (FR) PUly.tiCK TU P, Polystick TU Plo3, Polystld TU Max, Polystick Tile Pro, ICP AaRe.i„es Poly3Et® RTA -1 FL6276 Elastotlex G TU. Elastotlex S6 G, Polyflex G. Polyflex SAP- Polyflex SA Cap FR. Mule -Hide SA -APP t-ap Sheet or Mule -Hine SA -APP Lap SReet (FR) ' Refer to Tie Monufacto, el's or Ailh.;ye Monofocture,'s Fluri-du P,oilmrApproval far Overturning Moment Resismnce Performance,. NEMO ETC, U.C. Evaluation Repoli Pu060.Dz.'u9-Rz>{ C.rtyJ_r. TAern_d, r:..,, Aiz4ss 6Te EDITION j20171 FBC NON- HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R28 Palyglass Roof Onderlaymenss: jy>a) css-izs0 REviArn 24: 01/24/2018 Page s of iu 0 U Ntmtj I etc. C'errif itwe of rwrhonzarion 353 CRristian Street, Unit #13 Oxxtord, CT 06478 (203) 262-9245 ENGINEER EVACuAi E TEST CONSULT CERTIFY EVALUATION REPORT Polyglass USA, Inc. 111.1 West Mewpart Center urive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 233-1230 Evaluatiun Report Piz060.02.09-R24 FL5259-Rz8 Date of Waance: oz/z4/2009 Revision 24:01/24/2018 SCOPE: I Ris Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and rEgalatiuna governing tRe use of construction materials in the state of Florida. I he documentation buomitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. TO, abe of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential volume. I he proaacts described herein have been evaluated for compliance vvith the 6'h EBition (z017) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Polyglass Roof Underlayments LABELING: labeling shall be in accordance vvitR tRe requirements the Accredited quality Assurance Agency noted herein. L:ONTINUeO COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(.) change, the referencea Quality Assurance documentation changes, or proviaiun., of the Coae tRdt elate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. of any change., to the product(s), the quality Assurance or the produaian facility location(.,). I9tMI31etc. requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the word. "MEMOletc. EvaloateB- may be displayed in advertising literatu. e. If any pOrTivi i OT tRe Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the ager by tfie manatacturer or its distributors and shall be available for in.,peCriun at tMe ja6 site at the request of the Building Official. I hib Evaiaation Report consists of pages 1 through 14. Prepared by: Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. rlorida Kegistror,on iva. 5yi�, Flonaa UEAANEI-W&I The facsimile Seal appearing was amhorized by Robert Nieminen. P.E. on 01/24/2018. This dues not serve a. an electronically signed aocament. 1LERR0FluviiOl9 Or INDEPENDENCE: i. I9EIGIOletc. aoa uiot Nave, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest iii any Company man.Tactar;ng or al.tri5ating Product.. it evaluateb. z. MERIO Jer, i. not awned, operated or controlled By any company manutacturing or distributing produc=ts it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. Baa not Have nor Will acquire_ a Tlnancidl interebt in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are Deing 6.aea. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any otRer entity involvea in the approvdl process oT the proaact. 5. Inib ib a Builaing coae evaluation. Neither NEMOIetc. nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in a"y way, tree DEalgner W Recur!] Tor any project an WRicFi tRib Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design gaiaaneE anlE.. retaine8 3pecineally Tar tRat parpubc.