HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING S DF.VCLOPBICNT SERVICES J Building & Code Compliance I livisiOIRECEIVED uuauwc rlsRmrr DEC 11 '0'9 SUB-CONTRACI'Olt AGRRr -11SN' ST. Lucle County, Permitting �teC-tyiC`�avlA eGF,o%k Coin y �jAs, v- d= (Company Nnmeflndividual Namel the _ :A ore 'cgut- Sub-cantractor for (Type of Trade) have agreed to be GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. (Primary Cuntrlmtar) For the project located at CQ Q3D GPI )Q t,J 6Q6 LVl- --_ (Project Street Addresser Propeny Tox ID #) II is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, ilia Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling of a Chang ol'Sub-contractor notice. P01 -N'1 \' (Ililt'1'IFI('.\11r7R(`\�U\IIIF:II Marc of Rnridn✓r ,Cnunly of •((A(;e ja� The rnTrccalnC loslrume�nt was slCCned Wart nu• Ihlr'-" day of _✓ CILL—.'-eLL.h)' AI. �I�II CL{}j��J7�-L`-'= -111ULLx4lermmdlr Nlmna Zor has pruduerde Ld'u"=1'11.1('Ifsll slnlG tQllamlrq . 1'ItIN'I' NIX. IF. -:it 91-L SS ibtiRrycuri'mr.a'rioN Nt UfuER --- Smk of Florida. Calmly or -n� I 1 JC I,'e r l The foregnlug Instrument was+lg:¢d hefors• me Ihis s� it") of Iz ohu6 prnunnll) knasulXur hasprmlurrJa �- : dr'iuirm inn. nr idemiliralluy. 1 ti11\all' L ti'I'. Fienn re nfNutnr• IM Sigmmvc arSul:rf�lir ZS I'3,Zpt��Lc�ti' Prins .,a Dima Nolan. Public RB�BCCa Print Nlmm nfi�ni In cctI'ubxe c y %: Commission 6 G50OB76 f .x•• r- E7tpita5. JanaatSi g rza1SITYANT BaaNElew j Nalary PuEllC•Smle 0l ilonei i6�.."' Banded thfu Patna P, `'�;:'?ei My Comm�lE,D cf oab)i Iiotl honaed lhrou7h Nalionel Notory Aun. I!reurd II+Itir:Ule PERMIT W ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division =RECEIVEDBUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RIDGEWWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be PLUMING meMdividual Name) the Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. William State CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER , State or Florida, County of St Lucie The foregaing Instrument was signed bi'fore me thisd of CL ,2111'�by e,YYl A4nrl1-ri who is personally known X ar has produced a Intl 'adoa ' STAMP SI alure of Nato %r4PUbllc Print Name of N61aryPublic Dime "dVB Rehecra ` Commisslon?GG060876 ,i F.ItpIles.. January 0, 2021 ;; Bonded 1hIB Won Notary Revised I Il16R016 SU ONTRA RSI ATURE(Qualifier) GREGO KOZAN PRINT NAME 19-15354 State CFC0577 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County or FLORI DA IP'877 1— The ruregoinglmtrumeni was signed before me IhJay of art I 2ffIgbyGREGORYKOZAN who is personally known X orhnproduceda as Iddeenl-iif-ialiton. e.��} W.l1..¢�.rY'L�-1 STAMP Signifure arNotary Public Print Name or Notary Public ^ KATNLr-eA 4. HALL , ='ypuo..c -State cf °Undo CC ^S ht.ar, -wr PERMIT Al lS5VE DATE PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES .88 '- " Building & Code Compliance EC - - — BUILDING PERMIT DEC 1 1 21119 SUB-CO14TRACTOR AOREEM6 ST. Lucie CO:unty, Permitting have agreed to he ,...... I ..... .. --... n..rnw+». n......, flit _ Sub -contractor for GRBK OHO HOMES, LLC. CType orTre a) (Pdnulry Conlrachn) For the project logated at It is understood thpt, if there is any change orslatus roearding our participation with the above mentioned Project. flu B laing and Code Rogulotion Division of St. Lucie Cuttnly will be -advised pursuant to the filing of a Chly lgel of Sub -contractor notice. ��,vtvt..i rutcA• u1N IMuan�-.yS__ 1 . Shin or lonrlda, rlmnly l,r Y. Laie .. I Ther� a fyo—rrgaing halrnmonr %ru rlgne0 befarc me lhla IzS clay or J 1 �ll�hy IA21 �IQ_1�'f''yi-IYt.I.' — pk PY/� Rebecca Dims. yo= Commission l GG960B�1 JOI °v Fxpites: Jgnoaa'J Ilavirrd llllr'Rulh ';, ... Bonded thru I'v0, Ne1aN i „num.o I .0 N'a'llnta'Olt tSl(iNATUi .IUnauneq 1'1lIN'I' NM1MI•� StR�& r„Ja1grzC, 'etlNl'y (:ail'rivirwrifitiV NIIMa6a Swo of alarida, f.nunly of :rdld. 7LLLE& �J T6elaregainglnrinlmrnlrmerll;ueJhrenrmrlhh�,�-JN'af ahu h penunally bnmrn,._m• has prod TO a -- a IJanflnen nn��//�� xrnhP Slpnnluru of Noinry MOON „VIC�944 1—Clor Prlill Nomt or Nelory ppblle 1• ✓� MY COMMI9aWN gOG6706C6 '1/ exPlRea v.ln+l.n or, xox+ I L PERMIT # ---- - - — ISSUE OATS _ - �I -- T - .- PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Divisiot RECEIVED BUILDING PCRMIT DEC 1 1 SU Il-CONTRAL 1'0 It ACRE Eat EMI' 19 ST. Lucie County, Permitting /YIL' -- --- have agreed lu be ompany Nnmeltndividual Nlnl ' ilia '/1��l!.. Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. TypcorTrade) ✓ (PrimaryClnuravor) For the project located at gU30 Kn Uk IV) OoA- W'i (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of SWILls regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildin and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County hill be advised pursuant to the tilingol'aChange I'Sub-contraclornotice. tvua•I'1•rtarru+Icn•rloxpnualurn Sthlc ur FWrlgn, Cunuly ur d � • A J e 'I'hr f—urjt-Uoln� Iminnnem+cnF signed 4cfart nlr Ihil��t 11'Zg d� of n lw is pveounlly 4norcn ,�ur hur prutlutcdn nt Went Ih. i till—�� STAMP l;unur of Nnlnr" Wi I'rhn Nau' Urr .... I'uhlie Rehacca�tNa 7G tnlssitle119 'ya'-, CON airy 202ti mm Ihriced I IlI42Ula ' ••q,•,,,+� st!I4CON 1'It1Cli .'t1,. .l Berl - CCC_ 13_z_Z3Z3 C014C'I.1' CI:II'I'll9t'A'lll)� ,Yl4NIIEII stale or Plurldn, Counly ofR6--t--�3µ-Yf.7'� I 1' The foregoing Irimmi lent t+m signed Write nitIlliepy- dnr of r, GYI V�_.an 19.1y �CL��C� rrhu K pcnunnlly lam.11 SIT IIYS llrndllCW a arly=Fl OSAKOWSKI yI�JQjCOMMISSION GG0111803 tr),yo 13, 2020 Wp1 3oMw.wn PERMIT B ISSUE DATE rt "M` PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERV 5----- — ti J r Building S Code Compliance ivisiori�ECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT DEC 11 SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT ST, Lucie county, Permitting have arced to be (Cotppaay Name/Individual Name) the Sub -contractor for Gym (T)pe orTride) /'), (Primary Contractor) For the project located at `-'I ( �b 16 h 011 W 004A LX)lt (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID N) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Slal.of Florida. County of,S7 /itA 6C, The furellaintt'instrument ssus signed before me aiaO J yof r4 IL .70B, by w1/.1 Je?k?7 4rldl-P/ W.. is penonnit)hnoo n �os produced o p1t�a 1ti ''�4hn ,ndn Revised 11/161_016 SUB• .NMUCICrOR SIGN'ATUREXQualiaer) 6��.--t1c.l Z3Ya &,/ee /7— PRINT NAME COUKry CEICrIFICATiON(NUMBER State of Florida. County or, 1 —4G ems. h The forecaing instrument was signed before me lhhu Ly—day of who is personally known _ar has produced/ n , 1- os 1d yac:Ul,-JN,y?) -L yt/ l - c — —I / I ' 0 �m155 q0 G 50ig� tots' ytN WPNO�`1 w. •� o�esa Sal