HomeMy WebLinkAboutWattage Worksheetl Wattage Worksheet 2100 Fairfax Road, Greensboro, NC 27407 Phone: 336-448-4000 / Toll Free: 1-888-372-3278 POWER SYSTEMS Name: Frances Dampier Estimate Date: 09/19/2019 RSVP ID: 103106 Address: 3603 Ave M Prefer Phone: 772-882-8607 Cell Phone: City State Zip: Fort pierce FL 34947 Home Phone: Cell Phone 2: 7728828607 IEmall: F.dampier@aol.com Work Phone: Fax: Electrical Utility Company: Fpl Gas Utility Company: Amerigas Electrical Jurisdiction: Gas Jurisdiction: City of ft pierce iGeoeral Loads - loefudes.one circuit in each room/area listed SgFt/ Oty� Priority Secondary Primary or VA kW ( General Lighting - Whole House 1250 1 1 3750 3.750� Branch Circuit - Laundry Circuits - 1 1 1 1500'„ 1.500 'Branch Circuit- Small Appliance Circuits 2 1 1' 3000 3.000 Fixed Appliances -Clothes Dryer - Electric 1 1 1 5000' 5.000) Fixed Appliances- Garage Door Opener 1 1 1 500 0.500 Fixed Appliances - Range/Oven Combination Fixed Appliances - Water Heater 1 1 1 1 2 1 8006 8.0001' , 4500, 4.500� Fixed Appliances - Well Pump 1 1 1 2000-2.000- Heat/A-CLoad WadPrimary or Wattage VA k Priority -. Secondary: Two; Heat Pump lArea Served: Whole House and Fan 3473 11 2 3473. it Electric Heat 10000 11 2 6500, Total Calculated Load: Primary14100 VA (58 Amp) Primary14.1 kW Secondary 17973 Secondary 18.0 kW VA MONDAY-SATURDAY 8:00AM-8:00PM JAMES KELLY 336.894.0057 MIKE'HORNYAK 336A02.6289 WILLIAM WYRICK 336,894.0023