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Found IRC 97.9' - - Found IRC a „ "LB 6740" _o PP N 89 10 10 E 1228.26 Ed a of Dirt Road 1 m " Sec.33 Le 6740" v TU I Found #5 Found IRC -0.6 o I I I I 30' Ingress & Egress Easement (Official Records Book 226 Page 1935) a N 89'08'33" E 1327.99' O Section 1 ence Line Found IRC Corner 0. 7 Found IR I I I Fence Line "LB 6740" 0.4' See.4 70 LB 6740 I I I ( I 'witness "Witness I I I I I Point". m (Point" - 40.6' I I I L LEGAL DESCRIPTION ro I I I THE NORTH HALF OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND: THE o p,..NORTHWEST .QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, LESS AND EXCEPT. THE " I I I I WEST 100 FEET FOR PUBLIC ROADS AND DRAINAGE, SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 37 A I g a °o I I I 'N 1 SOUTH, RANGE 38 EAST, ST iUC1E COUNTY, FLORIDA. w 1 I 1 Ed9e of Water I\ 1_-_-228.1•_ ,------- --- ---- -436.1'-- I ----- - - - - - 392.8 - - - - - SURVEYOR'S REPORT i I I I i o r i I I i 1 I POND I 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal 2 No underground improvements have been located as y I 1 I( g p part of this Survey. o I j ( I j 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 4-21-14. Update 7.26.2016 e G I ? Fence Line Y P j ------216.5-- - - - - - - 1 1 �_ 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents were SEE DETAIL BELOW I � - _ 1 / � provided and no search of the public records was performed by this office. P5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy in a suburban z - - _ / 6' Fence Line 21.6 - - - - - - area as set forth by the Minimum Technical Standards (5J- 1 7.050-052FAC). ME ` R°°d PONo 6 By acceptance of this survey all parties agree that the signing surveyor's liability is! 16.21 Fence Line Ijo - - - - o limited to the amount paid for said Survey. - - - - - - - - - - 310.9' - -- 7 Bearings shown hereon are assumed. See the map of survey for the bearing I L-150.4'-----�1 O - - - - I o reference. See map for bearing base. o - - - 217.1 ' - - - - - -- 20.90 Acres more or less I Property has numerous interior ditches, C/) 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been established as follows The Northwest Section M Fence Line I some interior fence lines and otherthat agricultural related improvements corner shown hereon is in accordance with the Florida Department of Environmental ° 9410 arlton Rod 1. I I have not .been located as .part of -this survey. Protection Certified Corner Record Document 090886. The Southwest Section corner y ' 1 l I i o shown hereon is in 'accordance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection I �oI o I I 10 0 0; I i o Certified Corner Record Document #090887. This office is in possession of records aI I 1 I I o indicating that the Northwest corner originally consisted of a found lighter wood post I N I I and may have been located at a different location than the now accepted comer. ° I I z a j° 1 1 I ° 9 Tract limits were established by holding to the found monumented alignment of the s w East line of the West 100 feet of said Section 3 AND the monumented North line of 0 0 N i said Section 3 AND the monumented East line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 3 and the monumented south line of the North half z of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 3. 9 There is apparent use of the subject property by the drainage ditch along the West 1 _ I _ property line. ( f 1 10 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her 1 I I I representatives. 1 I 1 11 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Survey. I I I I pp I I I I 12 Off set calls to found survey control are relative to the nearest property corner, ' I I I I 1 I Found !Rc 0.6, - intersection of lines, point of curvatures (PC), point of reverse curvatures (PRC) or "LB 6740" other identifiable point. "e si4oc I I I Fence Line 13 Compliance with local zoning requirements and or with requirements set forth by ' - - " other State, Public, and/or Private entities has not been verified as - ' part of this 89"09'20" W 228.45S -sa. ti 0 1s Survey. II South 112 of. the NW Quarter of the NW Quarter of Section 3 4i Im Nr-------------------------------------------------------------------------� , ry V-I I o E I I N LEGEND CIE - covered Entry Wcac I I CAC - concrete Pad with Air conditioning ' I o I. M South line of the NW 114 of the NW CB- Catch Basin M 114 Sec. 3 / 20.0I I CBSS - cconcreteolockio/strructune o /////////////////// I cPE - concrre:e Pod wiin Pool Eq'npmerrt CTV - Cable TV Box / - 0/L -Overhead Utility Lirm. u ' Z N 89'09'20" E 1HYD 228.89' > /j % //// I Ipp - Powe Poromnt y. -_ One Story o //�/ - _ _ - ti Found`CM �ou�CM I DETAIL Of Improven`1ents e�dg" 3 /////// /jj / onc. o tale: 1 I I TC SSAH TolpfBne c e�,'c Boons Box UB o I I wN -Watts awt� Found CM FCu - round 4 x4 concrete Monument I I M FIR - Found Iron Pipe ©' FIPC - Found1, Iron Pipe with Cop JJI FIR Found 15 hon Rod W ; i I nPC -FFund 11a1 ' � with Pipe with i „� 7JSY t•�j Cap 3 I I I. I : FN - Found ail - Found Natl with Disk tp N N FN7T - Found Nag with Tin Tab00 FPK -. Found PK Nail FPKD - Found PK Naft with Disk FRRS - Found Rail Road Spike u O I I IRC - Found 15 Iron Rod with Cap W I a> m 1 I _ Fence Line /CO - In Pavement Cut Out a I v I 197.6' -- - - - o (M - Measu ed �II_�_ I I tPj-�at o f - 98.72'- -W Found CM - - - - - + - 109.9' - - - - - - - y I (B). - As measured 6Y Bkromster III A 01 W N o13 r I _ i Septic and 1 !, Drainfield Area ® 44.7' W .One Story To of Bank SeC.4 I n I Residence P nk - - _ - - -- - - ;v . o PREPARED FOR: ro 94f0 Carlton Road o 000 I u v o Edge of Water o tri Finished Poor El. I - - . - . - . - - John A. Lessin &Pamela J. _Lessirr 0 00; Flood Zone Data derived by scaling Found o r7. 100.00 moo' I methods of the official FEMA Maps and Power Financial Credit Union 9 I Z N Dirt )nve " 'w B limited to the accuracy of such maps. WFG National Title Insurance Company Lighter _ - - - o o 22.0 27 ! Flood Zone: X Community 120285 P Y Wood Post Sec.3 I 1s.4 99.5 - J o I y` McCarthy Summers Bobko Wood Norman I I POND Panel #:. 0250.Suffix: J Date: 2-16-12 BOSS & Melby, P.A. South Line Section 3 Found CM 59.6' 1.1' Sec.9 Sea 10 I CWE o ,o.o' o _ - - - - - - i Prepared B .• 4363 Regina C. Kamer, PSM P Y 9 # - - - - - sas' - - - - Kamer Surveying, Inc. LB#7357 m Well Prepared For: KARNER SURVEYING, Y G, INC. • ni, 9 9 Re m1 n Z Residential & Commercial Land Surveying r ''"e°'M Fe �e Lino t92.o' I i y' � Services o�L, MR. & MRS. LESSIN Darner o - II 2740 SIP Martin Downs Blvd.#333, Palm City, F1.34990 , PSM naodoanu St- Lucie County Florid Phone: (772) 288 7206 Fax: (772) RPs mm :��� = ^tn Dnte, R.v DsscNpN 2 2 oe Chan to Kom 7 26 16 Update 6117120 Show proposed Patch' 7129120 Form Board fie In Boundary Survey sca i ,Do e FN/d &neat No, Dra By, BocL+ 1 OF 1 Jab rya, �CADD F&e, FXe Na,