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App I icaton Type Code Version Application Status Archived Product ManufbdWr dre Ptone/Err A Authorized Signature Tectinical Representative ntative ddre Fhone/E ait Quality Assurance Rep aentatl+ Aidr+ess/P onefflmaii Category Subutegory compliance Method Florida Engineer or Ar&itect Name whG developed the Evaluatlon Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Qijalfty Assurance rr piradon Date Val ideted By Certificate of Indewdence Referenced Stannard awl Year (of mrd) Eq Liva lence of Product tandards Certified By FL369-R9 Revision 2017 ApprovW American Shutter Systerns Association, Inc. 4268 Westroads Dri: ve West Palm Beach, FL a3407 (561) 209}8263 ffeel eyemrrl. corm ETI Feeley Iced riguez e m l -com Shutters Accordion Evawadion Report, l rn a Flor -a k i$tared Architect or a Ucensed Fkxlda P'rokWal Engineer . F-valuait on I rt - Hardcopy Received 'tea ltehr .A, . Til hat, Jr. RE. [�W� ' atlonal Accreditation and Manapment Insttute I220 Join Henry KamVrnann Jr: -,` Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received ft. MUM ASTM E- I ASTM E- 1996 ASTM E-330 TAS 201t 202r 20 YM 2-5 2005 2002 19" 13 Sections from the Code Pro -duct Aper Gval Method Date Subm I bleed Date VAl idated Date Pending FBC Approval Date approved Summary of Products Method 1 Dptlon D 09/18/2017 10118/2017 10/19/2017 12112/2017 111191 ril 111111" Under Florida raw, e°mhi l addresses are pHu hie re r ds. If yov 4o n Qt want your ermall drdd mea!Fed srL red pQnse to a publ c-ramrds requntr do not send tiectromic mail to this anti,+. Instead, rQntact the uFice by phone Lir vy traditi)rnal mall. If you rWyft ib"y questions, plea c*rttact;830,"7.139!5_ *lPur cant W Section 455.27 5(j) From a Statute*, e weOtt r 1, 2012, heensm licensed under Cha pL; 4,55, F_5_ rrrutt provide the 13e;p Arnent with aA email address f Mey have cane. ITW -:•mils providf�d may be used for molalComm Un #art ~with the licentee. I -i "v*r emalI addresse5 are public record. If you do no -t wish to supply a pe nal addmu, please pmvide the -Departrr om wKh An -ftr &H address iwrhieA can be made avaikable to tba public. TO ideter l.-ne if you are a licwseq urLder Chapter 455, F.S., Tse stick AIM,` PrGduet Approvap ACM W. PL 14od el, Number or Name tri pt n 389.1 Baru HV Accordion Shutter - Extruded aluminum Interlocking blades retained by tracks Wade 3 - (Hon-HVKZ) - Drwg 17- (tap and bottom) for storm protection 1,08 Umits of Us* Instollation Instructions Approved for use In 1- VHZ; No E EL2 II AtIERICAN SHUTTER SYSTEMS Dl1A Ill Approved for use oxide MVHZ.m ire$17-108 BERTHA HV ACCORDION EdWnERSYSIELIME Impact Resistant: Yes Verified By., Am erica q Test Lab of South Florida, Inc. Design Prete re: N/A; C rented by I rldepen d e n t Th i rd Pa rty: Yes OtherOthert. Large Missile Level 'V%Max span is 12'-3" for .40 p Eva Wat n Re rte positive ASD load and IT -Off for 35 psf negative ASD load F082 ft9.6E;� EUQU ,Sl J U7rER SYSTEMS QMWII�J the HV3 blade /e window blade,5'-2y for 110 psf ASD loud - T for KV3 blade w/o window blade and 8'-11w for 62 psf, 9"-11'' Created by Indepen d ent Thllyd Pa : Yes for 55 psf HV3 blade w/w[lndo blade working in unlson.Max,span for HV3 blade w/o window blade for ingtallatiions into Metal Stud w I . in"Jgjr x. ASD in o 772,-72 and 4' for +64,-64- ,- psf, See Sheet 5 for ager spans and ASO pressures, 389.2 Bertha HV Accordlon Shutter -Blade Extruded aluminum interlocking blades retained, by tracks I. Only- (Non-HVHZ)- Drwq 17-107 (top and bottom) for oral pmtection Limits of Use Znstallation Instructions App y for use in HVHZi No FL389 R9 11 AMERICAN SHU11JEB- Approved ed for use ouUide HVHZ. Yes INC. DRA��l4!` —0 BERTHA HV ACCORD IQtj.. tjUTT Impact Resistant: Yes SYSTEM.PDF tHmIgn Pressure: IIIA Verified By: American Test.Lab of South Florida, Inc. fir: Large missile level "D'� Mercy Span Is 16'-U' for 30 Created by Independent ThGrd Party; Yes p.s.f negative SSD load depending on centerMater, and Evaluation Reports lacking rod- configuration for the HVI blade!., 8'-0" for +64, F -AMERICAN -72 p.s.f, A.S.D. load for Key��.y[ ne H7 DRAWINFg 7- 107 PEQQMCj OE EVALUATION 'r�bj�l�aj�dyep�for for T-0" p.s.f. for metals stud mountings s a d 0-0" loo 110 p.sJi stud j. y�- .'WyJ R,t?�C�..Bd.EU for HVIA working in unison. See sheets 7, 11 and 20 Created by Independent Third Perms; Yes vely of installatlon drawings for other; spans and Nct I�' ur� 3$9.3 Bertha HV A ccordlon h utter- mud aol'Ci rt bled retained by tracks and bottom) fir arm protection Limits of Use lots HaUon Instructions Approved fbr use In Hr V H Z°: No FL389 R9 II AMERICAN N SH UT`rER SYSTEMS ASSOC.: j Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes PRAAINQ 17-106 Irapa ftevi nt: Y S�ST.PDF CNwign Pr suire: NIA fir: Large missile. Max. 16'r-0" span at 30 p-0 ASO laud Verified By., American Test Lab of South Florida, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes for Blade 1 and 1S' -O* for Glade 2. See sched Liles on.,sheet Evaluation Repor 12, 25 and, 28 respectively Fl -389 EQ AE AMERICAN 5H_Wjjf.R SYSTEMS, ASSOC_ INC. CSI +'i IN 17-106..PROD CT._E , ,ATION REI' T F Created by Irndependent Third party. Yes 111191 ril 111111" Under Florida raw, e°mhi l addresses are pHu hie re r ds. If yov 4o n Qt want your ermall drdd mea!Fed srL red pQnse to a publ c-ramrds requntr do not send tiectromic mail to this anti,+. Instead, rQntact the uFice by phone Lir vy traditi)rnal mall. If you rWyft ib"y questions, plea c*rttact;830,"7.139!5_ *lPur cant W Section 455.27 5(j) From a Statute*, e weOtt r 1, 2012, heensm licensed under Cha pL; 4,55, F_5_ rrrutt provide the 13e;p Arnent with aA email address f Mey have cane. ITW -:•mils providf�d may be used for molalComm Un #art ~with the licentee. I -i "v*r emalI addresse5 are public record. If you do no -t wish to supply a pe nal addmu, please pmvide the -Departrr om wKh An -ftr &H address iwrhieA can be made avaikable to tba public. TO ideter l.-ne if you are a licwseq urLder Chapter 455, F.S., Tse stick AIM,` PrGduet Approvap ACM W.