HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacheco Permit ApplicationAiIAPPLiCABLE I{UF* IVIt'ST BE COMFTETED FCR APPi.ICATIOru TO EE ACCEPTES Date:Perrnit Number: LUEIE ffi nx $ 8d Er"lg Fenrm st App$ Eeat[on . F lon n i n q and Dev el opmeni Services i.,:, i:.- -: -_ -. _DuttLttttLl UttU LUU( ngqutULlA(l UIV!5iOlt 23AA \/irginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL i4982 Phone: {777} 462-1553 Fax: l7}2} 462-1575 {-uiiliitet{*idi F --=:-l,--),a Iile5l{leitLial Address: Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: o OD l-st liJc. l\ { \L , Block l!o. 85%dn"*6iv* R.^^ Projecl Name 5tv. New Eiectrical lVetei- tttl *Second ilertrical tuieter p( & Additionel work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical -* Gas Tank _ Sas Piping _ Shutters _ Windows/Doors _ flectric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator _ Raaf Pond Pitch ioiai 5q. Ft af Construction:1t"\Sq. Ft. *f First Flo*r:8t Cost of Construction: $\)Utilities: _ Se,rrrer _ Septic Building Heigh t, \5 lf value of construction ls 2500 or ffiare, a &ECOREED Notice of Comrnencement is required. if value of F{IIVC is $7,508 or ffiore, a fiECOROED ruotice of Comnrencement is required" PLR IV IT APFL| CATI CI ili i:C F. : Phone ruo. 1-)r 33i 9l5V Fili in fee sin'lpie -i-ltle Flslcler on fiext paCe { if different frorn ti"le Owner listed above] City:k ?c..e- zip code: ?.tQSl $oo Stare:EL Na rne Address: Phone No "+1 &lt" Ott{e (xt aSoS r-Mair $ptsE socaRqr8ilAe,qtl9o stls. q^]4 state orcounty iicense CBC\?SSR)il _ State:NL ,11n City Fax:Zip Code: Company i\ame: bobtor.t o/&,+.* PROPOSED IM PROVEM ENT LOCATION: CONTRACTCR: J' d4lzrt\ut iy'r Name of person making staternent.tlllltl Pr-rblic State Commission No. aia \tll AEL 1 U GEO 3 i\" l,{:,}.." -,. 5i gnatu re Flolcier Produced -/ Personally Known / O* Tvpe of ldentifieation r as Agent Commission No. Owner 5tJ4 5tate uSl{ ?o* Ap{i\ l{ame of perscn m CRPersonaily Knou.rn UB lype of identificaticn I co\) i\,tAi\iGfiOVi REVIIVV SEA TUET1-E REVIEW PLAI\5 REVIEW VEGTTATIOg\i RIVIEW ZOi\ING RE\u'lIW SUPERVISOR REVIEW REVIEWS FROI!T CCUF,ITER DATI ntr-f'!/[nI\LLLIVLU DATI CO[IPLTTED tII /tt': Pn0ne: -{t*rt Applicable ,1 IM0RTGAGH C*MFALlY: Ilanre: Address: City: mrSie rurmlENGtltEER: .-. Not Applicable State: Phone f..l Address City Zip: Applicabie 7in BCIruDIruG EOMPANY: i\anie: AU U I e55: l',Jot ApplicableFEE SIIUPLE TiTLE FISI.DEB: i tJA,Ut-l zip: SWNER/ tpruT'HAgTCIfi AFFIDVIT: Application is her^eby maCe to obtain a permit to eio the r,vork and installatjon as indicated. i certify that no w,:rk or instailation has commenced prior to the issuance of a p-'r'mit. qr i r!cie iorrnt'r rnal<e-: no recresenLation lhat ,i Errnting a pcrnr.t wil! authorize the perni: holder to build rhe subiect structLl!'e ,*i,iin ii in confiict ia,iith anv aprrlicable Home Orruriers Asiociarior rules, byrav.rs or ano covenants tl.at may restrlct or pronlolt srrcn iii-,'i'ijie. ptejie-icjniuti*irtl-iouiqo-c Owner: Associarior and revierv you;' Ceed for any restrictions which may appry. ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, i do hereby agree that I wlll. in ail respects, i:erform the woik in accordance with the ipprovid plans, the FloriCa Building Codes and 5t. Lucie Ccunly Amendments. The following building permit applications a!'e exempt from undergoing a full concurrencY review: room additions. accessorV structures, swimming pools, fences, wails, signs, screen roorrs and accessoi"y usesto another non-residential use \AiAPhII cr t SWNEffi:failure to RErord a Notree of forcmencement mav result tn naying in the twice rnpi"ovements you t-LC of Co mmencerneni lltu)t be (l:corded pubiic rec0rds of Lucie County enc before the fi rst f vau intend LU ohtai n fi na nci ng,consul t work or r Notice of Ccmmenceme or and subscriSsd before me ci Oniine Notarization 2020 by 1,I/B c SUPPLEMENTAL LAW A jcbsiie