HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor (2)i LA- N1NG&:D ?ELO WENT ]ICES E • NTY 2300 VIRGINWA FORT WERC, � FL 34982; 462=1553` FAX 462 1578{ CAANGE"OEM,ONTRACTOR S>tT>3Cdly,F[�RArTOR'OR C °NCFLLATTON dI+s:PF`">EZMT PlEA.S�SE�.ECT:O`NE t9��'THEF`O];LO.W`ING:. C)EIANG ft," T"ib!roxChangeof:Contraelo is ta'be signed andnotanzed.by=theproperty-owner,_ anct`the net cotifractor of%record.por`the curreht perrtufi:.A new'.,pernut appticafion must atso::`be cotnpleted>w>ttYt nevV contractor information and;signature Anew Nottce of.Commettcement=must be filed to the new contractor's Halite: for job values greater than) $2,500 ($?�SOQ if A/C Ghange�ut) A, recorded' copy must be submi' ed pnor,=fo; comtnenciri an worlEj.There is a 550,UU fee for the,ACl�aange of.Cobti actor.: CHANE)$-©F SUBCONTRACTOR Subcontractor`changes=areo`le completed by the general contractor;; The`new subcontractor must fill°:out a Subcontractor A r ehaenf,portn' TI__pd t! a X5%00,"fee for the Change of S�fr contractor: CANGELI:ATYO1 ,OF PERMIT The,cancellatton of a:'periitif is accept6 'onty-�if no work has.bden done, Cace�la66o£permit is;to be:sig_ncd;and notarized by boih't6e.owner and`:qualier of recordhece isuo fee'for cancellation of the permi' : Date st52o Permitl�Iurnber, _.:� �G��U 5�`_., ,` r Sife;Addrss E?EAY9 ELECTRIC _ St ate LtEense:E12Q45 ' sLCLiceris - Original GC,su6contracto`r,,or,o.,wner/bw et.. GOLDSTIiRE•LCT INC _°r_.. EC'r State License _13002082 SL L cense­_235 �� N>v�v GC,subcontractor.; Reason fi5f Cancellation PEAYSELECTRIG:is no'1"ongeron theselobs:. - The'pnders>gned does hereby agree-to indemnify aiidhotd harmless St Lucte County,tis officers;agents`and einptoyees from_alI costs,fees.ar=damages ansxrig-from:any and'all claims,of actton for any,reasonwhtch:tnay art5e as a restiIt of this change of` b_ cnntractnrfs" nfractor alYcellation ofpetmtf:A.permif;can ,tb ed�f work has beenperformed ,.__ ... .. , $f :_ ti odes.} s. A .. _6I2ALC0-NTR�GTOTt(or:'new GCa§bppllcatiie)- Pf ZNT NAME..BCtan W DaVI,tlSO0;_ exiNriv -._John Cavnar 5;AO Florida; 6f,9t Lucie pounty .$We of Ftonda,;Caunty ofSt Lue»Coanty he;f0 owutg instturnent>Etas ackiidwledge'd"beforeme'this The foI[owmg�n5tivmenfwas aclmowledged be6m me Ni s: da of ,A'ugust 2p 20.b' dayo#'AUgUSt_ PB -.1; ;[tan 1/VaVIC1SOf} who is-eisonallY'kriownto:me ``JOhn CavnaL4Q is persollafty o[wtioh ed -ine:or red 5i990ure of Notary.:= 1?atG Sgns♦tore of Notarx Date . Rev%sed rr �*� _ Dltu tP�N�93384� :+a � �IN!►FARRtNO:_ r+0. MYGONb1155 27.;202! :i , MYCOMNIS6JON%fGQ935843" `� +�'tr-='t p�pIRESr� �Un�r,,.,yt"' , + p IXPIRES Fabruary27.202�. +?5�',.�'`� s�naoatMutm+xr ''�°.r+;g2. BondodiFWNo '. - , WYPubC�tlatlenniGR; --_ PERMITA f-� ISSUE`DATE 1 . �L=, s� V Jl? "N' &.DEVELO"Q NT ER5!55T C=j ES` s "O`iog Co tai de;CO b><v sioi UNTY � tBUIL`QI[N.G PERIVlIT ' CON'CRA�TC)R�GItEEM1T. GOCdstar Electtic Tric _.- have agre"ed to`be `(Company'Namellndi�'"'IName); the Electrical' Sub c0ritiAO&f UR.'H6 In6 'Te of`Trade yp (Primary Contractor) � (( J For the prol`ecf toeated at (Project Street''Add'ress.or-Property'Tax M#). It Is uriclerstood that;,ftliere Is any change of status regarding'our Ott ijn vYltl thea ore rt entlonecl raaect,.°the,$uldingand Come Regulation Dt'dsonraf S,fi L`uce County�clll;l�e adr!'sedpursuanY<tol%e I f ling of a Change of`Sub contractor notice. ;Cer)' SUB- Quahfier}`:. ::Bnan-W Davidson - _ : John Cavnar. . . - PRIN rNAME RINT N 9 -= �s.CRG ���746&. R:: :.- .._., .,;..� ..:ti..... _...: ,_ -: �EC130Q2t�:82-• ',: , `COUNTI'CERTIFICATION NL]1VIBER< COUNTY::CERTNICATIONNUMER '`= Stafe of I7dltda�County of!_$reVaT(1 . State of Flor'►da,Cduaty of Brexard. xThe foregoing instrument was stgnetititfore me itiis--=day o f Tfie foregoing instrument was 3igned,tiefore met6i5= day.'of IS August: 20 20;.i y Brian WDavidson -- _. gu ..Aust 2b 20,t, - John'Cavnar i woo is csonaliy known Mx.or bas roducedA^ - m is persan`eliy known ur-6as produceda- as idetitificattdn, >_ tis. deuti cation. _ It Signatnri:ofNdtatyP=u61tc} t ' of StguaturedfNotaKyPubhr o�; Dina 1'amno 3' o ,otary .0_►r .4ntD'ame o N tary.: u tc Al, rtnt AT" D , Itevised.Yl%f6/201b:- .