HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor °, PLANNING&;DE '00MMTS SERVICES , COUNTY BIIYLDING.� �UNIIY+f�I MS10 2300 VIRGiNI AVE FORT PYER( X%-3 Y _:f (772) 462-1553 TAS 4b2 1578 MANGEQF ON'F ACTOR,SIMCUr('I'R G4TOR OR C NCFLLATIDN O PFRivlrTt PLEASE`SETEt":.'T'O1VE OR T•HE FOLL.QWI1tiTG: CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR Change of Contractor is to'be signed and iatarized by the propertyownet`;. and the new contractor of ecord for the purr: t`pe-I ft.t nem permit'App It must alsa;'be completed"4vxth,rierr contractor.:" inforinafion,.arzd stgtiature„A;;new l�lottce Qi"C:ommencement mustlie filed ln:tlie-neiu.eontractor's :name: for job values greater than $2,500 (V. x504 if A/C Change:out) A recorded copy must be submitted prtbr'tt conimencicig any wor).T6erevas a_S50w00^fee for.:the change of Contractor X GRANDE QF WWONTRAG:TOR—Su6rontractd't:cha69es,are to-be coriipkud�by the general`_contractor: The iiew subcontractor inust'f i rout a Subcontiactor.Agreement-,Foril There is a$54 OO:fee for ttie="Change of Slil Contractor.1 . - CANCELLATION OF PERMI ` The cancellatton ofa permif Is acceptable only i£'no work has Been done CancelIariori of pertnit is to'be signedf grid notarized liyboth the owner and'gual�fier:of.record•Tteie Vis:no'fee,.for- cancellation of b.4 permit, Date 8/510 :PermitNumber. SrteAcidreask .�aZ`1,_ C?_ _0,11?rY C.._. :. PEAYS ELECTRIC gFi 2? 55`. State License SI✓GL'icense._ _. Qrigmal GG,subcontractor erl GOLDSTARELECTING _$tateLicenseE.C13002082 SLC License _ New GC,stlicontractoi' , Reason for Cancellation PEAYS ELECTRIC is no,longof on these lobs. The understgited does hereby-agree to,indemnify and fiold harmless St Lucie Copp-y'-is affcecs agents and empIoyees:>from alj< costs,fees or:damages anstng from any and:$11 clatmsof action for any;reason,which may arise as a result of this change_of con aetor/s` anttactor ancellatign of germit A permrf can t ba w�ed if wo lr has 6eetr performer, S� tl er NA_,. FI2AG CQNTR4CI'QR{or new GC_,,asagpl>ecafile). glz=iu� rrBnan;.VN Davidson, pRINTNANtE. Jafin,Cavnarw - State_dQlondkC!C yofStJL eCouniy; Stataof;Flonda;,GounkyafSt LucteCounty TFib£oliowmg'instnunent was acl iioWledged:$eforemethis The w6wmg mstrumentwas aclmowledgedbefoie:me:tfii§.. 5 AU`USt 5 dayday of •Ast;ugu .. - Bdan w;:liotdsori whals katiwtJOhnCVac v kn6wfiti6 or wlo hme or cS I retlGt� ed ` Signature ofl?ratncy Date signature of Notary pate; Revised ,R OIIVAPARR1pp :� }��:'�tYCOMNtSSiON AIYc061MlSSJON>t'll --; g3 Ni gtpIRES fehsu�N�7 n Ski SM A� S.S Y ; .w.l.flr FXPIf2ESiEeDNary2T,.2014: `f°,•.•• eaeedT�w . 6ondod nwflSlatYPifiCotlgdemlten 4 TE ISSUEDA:' - 4 ' , „ ; .PLANNING & DE�ZOPMENT-SERVICES` � - ,4 BuTidng & Oade=Compliance COUNTY Division # BUILDING P #*T _ --------- SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEIVIEN'T Goldstar.tied tric Tnc-__-.-. .. .._. " have agrecl to tie - (CazFipany Nane/Indivival Naive) the Electrical - - -- S.0tt`b d6 dt- "for'j -r D4R°Horton Iric T e of:Trade rtm { ary Contractor) R2 For the�prolect lodated of WIZ TOt'nC�:. �... ro'ect.Street,Address:orFro a TWD-## Itis understood that,1 there is any?change of status regarding out parttciparion wit 1the above lrientionecl pro�ecti,_the Bullding:and Code RegulatiWDty sign o£St Lucie Cau ty _ 1.`be-Ad-1,Nsed ursuant•_to the filing of a Change of'Sub .contractor notice. :C.ONTRA f Rbi NA RA GNATURE'(Quxiifier) :,:Brian W Davidson PRINtNANME PRINT'Nr111IE ,CRG1327U68 _:.: EC13Q:020$2:•:. _. COUNTVCERTIFIC'ATION>NUNMER. COUNTYCERTIFICAT.IONNUMBER- -- -= SGtie of Florida,County df Brevard' State ofFtorida,County of Brevard::; The foregoing in'str ument was'scgned_Gefore itie'tfits $` day ofThe foregoing mstrumentwas signed before methi9.�day'of August 20 ZO 6y: Brian WDavidson -August zo 20 by___ JohnCavnar .... whatspersonaIIyknown x'orhis iicoduceda w6oupersonallyknovvn X' o'r;baspro$aceda - as identtficahon. - as identi6canon _ Signature ofhotary Public - "'" SigBature of NotaryPubLc - _ _._ =Z Dula Pampa $ A�y z Dina P.amno '.rint aIaCO 1 Ot81y :.0 C, Otalcy Pli, IC. - Revised irl'it6/ZQ(Ei' - .