HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor - , PLAN&,D�vELOPME;NT U, �ICS` ' BUILbING +&: OMNG:DT I TON COUNTY 1; . �3qa VIRGINIA ANE: 0 FORT PIRGE;FL 34982 (772) 462°4553 FAX 4. 2 1578 ri#'AN�-OF CONTRACTOR.SUBCONTRAGTOR��OIt.�ANGELL,�TION OF PERM'f' PLEASE SEI;-ECT ONE OF'THE'EOLLOWII�tG: CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR Change of Contractor IS to:be signed and notarize"d by the. roperty owner; and`the;new contractor of record;for the current permit _A new..'pertnit;application mu"st-also be catngteted Ath ries contractor information and signature A<new Notice of Commencement must.be°filed in;the new'eontractor's panne" for job values greater thuri $2,500 ($7,500 if A/C 01iange outs A recoraw must, submitted=pnar to coinnencing any`work Tlere.>ta,S50,a0 fee for:;the C;bange ofContractor . X• CHAN GE OE SUBCONTRACTOR Suhconfxactor changes are to tie completed by the general:contractor The,new stz6contractar must f li out a subcontractor Ag%eerrlent Form TTiere,is n X50 00 fee for the Chenge o>>?Sulu _- .. Contractor; CANCEI:IATIOI OF'PERMIT The cancellafton of a permit is acceptable_'only ifno worlchas been doiae: Cancellation of°petmtt isi fo be:signeii and nafarized b botlrtfie:owner and gualif er of:record.,TIiere A's no fee<,for" ca>acellahori,of the permit _ Date- 81§49 _. _ _ . _ _ Permit Number, __... _ PEAYSt E!ECTRIG_ ___. State License ER��045 ;- _ SLC -. :. .: Ornal GC;subcontractor or ow le-it.iuilder State License _ . _ -_- SLC-Iicense -- . New_GC,,stbcdntraetor� Reason for.Cancellation pEAYS ELECTRIC is<no,longer on these iobs;_ . __ __- Theundersigned,does herebyaagree to tndetinify and hold harihless stLucie Count ,'ita oicers,agents and employeesfrom al( costs,fees or°damages arlsing ffoinany.and-all claims.. f actiait for anyreason,;which:may arse as a result of th�change of contactor/s ontcactor ancellation of permit A-permit can t 6 a ed i#iYork has lieen performed., c i derX A_:. `-ENERAL CONTRACTOR(oF now G_C,asagplteabN P,RIIdTt:NAME BCIa[t IIV D- 01§66 PRAVTNAb1E J011n.:CaVnBr:•' $fad of Flonifa;County of StI uci_e,,ounty Sfate,of Flonda bounty of St,.LucteCourily: The;folloanng�nstrumencwas acknowicdged,6eforeme this before methis:. da of �0 5— dgYofAUgust . _�Q20 •.61._ .,._ Y 1iY Brian W.;dBVI[iSl)n wfio,i`s_ eisonall'knownto.+me. _',f6hn C aVnar _ w or-whaha `�:. me or `red ?as Signature of.Nota'ry. Date S�nBtare of Nota Date, ed DI Revs NARIND ..r iay coiwasstaela - .a�r7Z' lb.. DIhtAPARR►NO, r ��{.., ��$.P6bN9rl.u��ti. NY COMIdISSION f cr3 sansei TtoUxf - 8ondodih uN0 - UMct�rlfers" ... - alk ,`PERMIT# JSSUE;DA PLA,lTIP�tG & DEVELQP�IZE1'�T-SERVIC ��` � � � Build><ng & Codi��omphance I�ivsiou •COU B'UnGvWcIP'ERMW -__ _e_.__.,..._� S.UB-CCENTRCTbIt:AGREElV1El�TT Goldstar=EIectric Inc S ave agreed for be ,(Company'N�me/Indtyi�ual Name) `" the".—__ Electrieal _ 916-co -f6 ..k,;Mr . (Type.ofTrade) - (PrunaryContractor) Forthe ro'eet Located (Pro}ectStreet.Addres"s ar PrQpe. TaftID#} It Is-.understood that,if there-Is ail--change of status regarding our panic o tion�vitliathe above 'mentioned project th Btiilding and.0 odalCegulation,Division.of St.Lucie County will;.be.advised°.plarsuarit to the filing of a Change=of Sub=contractor notice. COIVTRAGTOR SIGNATURE( uaUfier� - 5UB RAC „` GNATUI2E(QuaLfier}r Brlan`W Davtdson Jahn'Cavnar _ PlrlVT NAME t _ :.. .. RRINT NAME' CRC13270`68 Lal- 602082 GOtiJ�IT,Y'GERTIFI�ATION,h'i3�NBER, ' -` • COUYTX CERT[FICATIONl'I�UlNSER` "`""' -'_ State of Flonda,;Coynty nf.. r Brevard state o[Elonda,Cnunty oiBr.'evard; TkgxAreggang ihs"Oot,was signed before me t6js 5._day of TF►t foregaiog rnsttument�vas signed 6efore,methis 5 day of August ;20 20 bg Bian W.':D'avtd"son Ausust' 20 20'br Jolm Cavnar whg u Personally,_kugwn x,orhas prgduced a _.. . ._ Per;onall kngwn�i Qrhas;.roduceda" - - who as identification. as-identcahon r, 4 Q v . &lnatnreotNata Public Signatareo(Notary_Pubfic;. " " �flax 5 .g rS . ..._. z L1iaaParrmo< �� -z DmaP.ainno o -rent ame o, ott+ Sal $ . ry ;u u: u � -Printame a otery^ n c Y � f . „ AcYised,1;}/1612016