HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor MANNIN &, EMENT$VMWES AT DING* DS.GD SH N 2300 VIRINIA AVE FO12T PIERCE,FIS 34982 (772} 462-1553 FAX 462 1578 CHANGExOF CONTRACTOR S MC'ONT`RAC'TnR t)R'f'ANCELLATIOlrT OF!PE ;MT PLE-Ak ALECT:ONE 6#THE FOLLdyhNG: _ CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR Change of C.ohtracfbr isll ta' a signed and notarized by theproperEy owner; and`the ne"w.contractor of record for the:current:,perinit .A new permit,applica�ton riiust aisa:be.coznpleted" vitl new: contractor information and;;,signature A new Notice of.,Commencement must:be filed in 'the new icontractoev name for job values greater than $2;500 ($7;500 if A/C Cwge-aut) "A.:recorded gopy mush,be s htiiitted`prior tri,, coirirrienctng an- W--- There is'a_$50;00 fee,for the Change,o Contractor; XCHANGE OF SIIBCONTRACTOR Subcontractor changes'are to lie completed by the general contractor: Tlie new subcontractor must fill out a Subcontractor Agreement Form There;is a$50 60 fee"for the'(;hange of Sub- Cont>tacto�-� _. CA CELLATION OF PERMIT The cancellation of a permit is acceptable only ifno woek has been done: . _ Cancellatio7 of permit is,to'be:signed:'and notarize-&- Moth the ownerY d":qualifier-of record° There Js•i10 afee f'ar cancellation of theQermtt '. Date s>srzo Perm>If lumber CCT c3 c3 7 � 'N�ruyr�f'L S>ite;Addl�ess� �� '' r _ _ . PEARS ELECTRIC,. - _ r. __ ..... . Mate License ER'[2045 SLGLcense-.,. _ , MigtnaL'GC,,-snticontrac`tor or owner/liOder GOLDSTAR ELECT(NC State-�icense.EC1300202,-_ -__ SLC-License:-.- New GC,,subconti actor PEAYS ELECTRI "ia"no4ongeron hese obs. Reason for Cncehaton.� __... The'understgned does:hereby agree to=indemnify and hold hatmtess StT_.�c�e County;;ts officers,agents,;and employees-from alL costs,'fees,ordamages artsingyfrz.om any and alG clatms?of action for anyfreason,whtcli may arise as arrdstilt of th§change-,of contractor/s" ntractor; ancellation- ermit .A:permit can t a ed E'work h is been performed; . : ERAL;CQNjRA TOR(or_neu.GCy asaPPhcabie)= PRINT NAME.Brfan Vl/ Davidson' rRINT3IAME ..-.Johm avnar:: -.,. _:.. - Stat�of Florida;"Countyof SLLuc�e G°opnty Sfate;of&londa,Copnty o€Sf._LucicCountp ` The:folIotivmg[ttstrumenf was aclmow3edged beforeme this TI*follow g►dst untent Gvas aclmowle ed before ineihis 5' daY4ff ttgUst;^ 201 �—'ay.. - _ Brfan W.D;avrdson. tivhoas ersonatlykngwntome., ,lOhn_,CavnBf or wha ha,�,te H�; me or ced S�ggature of?Tota I?ate Stgoature of Ngtary " Dater Revised f —"� �,r*t DINAPARtZ193 '� DlwtpARRiN0 t= S►oNff CObNiS_- a: -.i..MYCOMMf9S[ONk'GG.9356g3. •, Q(p�tE8�Fe6toae12un?dtt�n' s ?° t7ot�sY :� �P EXPIRES tehnrary27�102{F '.te tq`6pndbdl� x _ PERMIT#` ISSUE DA7M / E .r r. W37. ,� :PLS, NG &.bEVELOPMENTl ERVICE i Building &...Code C3,'ompLance MY, 4 BUILDING PERWT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGRSEMM-, 66fifstark--fedi,inc -.... have agreed to lie! (ComganyFlVametlndtvift!Name; fW- , --Efecfricai for I3.R.Hortot "Inc T e of Trade _ yp } (Primary,Contractor i . k Forthe proJect;'iocated _r (Project S.treeC;Ad&ess_nr Property It Is understopd h-" if there is any°change of status regard>ng=our particYpation with the-.above smentonecl pro�ect,;the Buxldingand Code Regulation Dlvis oxl of St Luere CountX*H dvis be aed pursuant, the fiImg of a Change gf`Sub-contl•actor notice: CONTRACrOR:SI_NAT.0 - ( ua. fiery SUB RAC NA,tuRF{(QuaL6er)- __- $Hati'W,Daw,son. _.J;ohn Caynar-. .. PRINT'N,0lE PRWr,,MMO. _,CRCI3Z7QG8-:.,_ EC13Qa}2Q82 �=m:- GOUNT ESRTIFICATIO'i W i BER; G0-iP1TX=CERTIFICj1 TI01N NUMBER - State ofRlor�da;Co uty of Brevard. Suie of Florf Ta;Cougfy of'BreVard. T& regoing instrument-was.;signed;before me.ttiis�_ :day of. The foregoing thstrnment.wAs sigge�'6efore mettiis i; day of — August ,zo_20 uy:_ _.Brian W-Davidson Aueusf... ,;20 0.'by; Jolin'Cavnar• w6o;is'personally knownx;,or has produced a — wfio�s personolly known x gr lras,prpduceda kidenhfication as"identdicahon sig,nature ofNotargPublic' u 5ignstare of NOtaryPubiic R Dlna Parrino' c� `_ s Dma Parnno; S'{ wd4S{ C i 1 R ,N .0. •[ f .n:.z.• _ w, 'Rewsed ll(t6/20I'6