HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor FIJANI�IING&tiTTEVELOPIV FNITT SERVICE BUILDING &�'�ONING DIVIST�l�I .' COUNT 23x0 VIRGINIA AVE, PIERCE, 772 462',1553 SAX 46 157$ CHANGE'OFCONTRACTOR SLTRCONTRAC`TOR,,OR"CAkNCEL fATIUNOFPEi2NiT PL,EASE-SELECTONE OF'T aFOLLOWING: CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR—Change.ofContractoris to be-sigried and;rioti rizeii by.the=grope ty owner and the new contractor of record for the current.perrnit Anew permit appltcahon must also be completed with new, contractor�nfortnat�on and signature A riew Nntice of,Cort}mence�nent must be filed;to the:new, contxactor's nage commncing any�work'There s��$50.06 fee.�for tfi Changtj f Contti�aetorrppQrded copy must; be submi>ted;pnor: to' X CIiANGE'OF SUBCONTRAC' 9,—;S,4 bcontractor.changes Aare to be completed by the.general contractor-. Tlie.new subcontractor must fill._out a Subcontractor Agreement-Form. The re is $ a' 50:00 fee:for the>:Change t5f t yli- Cantracioie. _ C. ANCELLA'I�ON OF PERMIT an The.ccellation`of:a permit is acceptable only if work has been'dane. Cancellatcort of'perim 19.1to be signed and notari PERMIT# ISSUE2DATE i �3 v. t FLANl�TIN & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES: Bvild ng &1c -C DMOQU • 0 D � �BUILDIN.G PERIVIIT — - eSUB-CONTRACTOR:AGI�EEMEYVT GoIdstarTlectricInc. ;(Company NaineMdtv�d'ual Igraine) e:of -rade (Typ ) �Pt6ary;Contractor) For the.prodect local ed at t wt3it (Project.Street Address:or,Property Tax ID It�s unrlerstool tihat if there.rst any change of:status:regardngour parttc�patpn�vttl the above mentioned pro�ectrtlle Building=and Code Regulation Dtyis on,,- St_Lucre County wtll`:be ad sed.;pursuant to the fP ng.of a Changeof Sub=contractor notice. I_ SUB NAT[IRE(Quabfier�'; " Brian W DA-vR&0n. .-.. ._: ,.._. Jolin.Cawnar... _ Y,..,m:...... - ._ .,.. .. . .,_ ....-.__. _._. PRINK'Nr!14�; PRINT-iVA`�1E"' . CA 321069 EC13,002-082-„ COUNTY_CERTIFICATI011 1�'UMBER, COUNTY CERTIF1Cr1TION IY:UER State of 13[onda,County of' 'ct yard''- Stste of Florida,Cuuniy ofBTeyard- >he;foregoiugink rument was signed tiefore me;L>s—day of The foregoing mstrumentiaras s good before me this may,of Aueust ,20 20''liq Briari.W David"son August'- ;oL_20'byr. T6fin,-avnar . who is;Persooall ,•km wn X or has roduced a=— rido is,personaUylmown x.or-6as.produceda--.--- Q. P. _. us-�dcnti6cationas idenhficxtroa 5ignatur ofNotary'Pab1k-: x t Siguature;of.•lYotaryPubue , . DmaRarrmo z 1?�aa Parnno r , ;rant ameo ,otaT7 u �c o. rat amen otery" u} is o Rewsed 11116120Th "�