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a Air Calcs LLC Load Short Form atJob: 731 e DataMay Z9, 2020 House By. Mckl Lynne Mee Air Calcs, LLC 7550 WddennemnotlrLRVero Beach FL32966 Ph=: 772A00A413 Erreil:NrJdlyrre@airmlcsmro For. Sanibel Ave, Agler Constrution 5120 Sanibel Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Htg Ctg Outside db(•F) 41 90 Inside db CF) 70 75 Design TD (•F) 29 15 Dailyrange - L Inside humidity C/o) 30 50 Moisture difference (grub) 2 57 HEATING EQUIPMENT Make Trade Model AHRI ref Efficiency Heating input Heating output Temperature rise Actual airflow Airflowfactor Static pressure Space thermostat 100 EFF 5.4 kW 18522 Btuh 18 °F 953 dm 0.050 dhvBblh 0.70 in H2O Method Construction quality Fireplaces Iflih-r-PI71 Simplified Average COOLING EQUIPMENT Make Lennox Trade LENNOX Cond 14ACXS030-230A" Coil CBA27UHE-030-230'++TDR AHRI ref 10259390 Efficiency Sensible cooling Latent000ling Total cooling Actual airflow Airflowfactor Static pressure Load sensible heat ratio 13.0 EER,16 SEER 20020 Btuh 8580 Btuh 28600 Btuh 953 cfm 0.046 c1mlBtuh 0.70 in H2O 0.84 ROOM NAME Area (ftZ) Htg load (Btuh) Gg load (Btuh) H(gAVF (drh) GgAVF (cfm) Living Room 297 3360 5382 167 247 Ktchen 198 2966 5926 147 272 Laundry 91 2455 1454 122 67 Bed 2 142 1818 1537 90 70 Bed 3 194 3208 1985 159 91 Hall 51 0 0 0 0 AM 11 0 0 0 0 Bath 47 76 105 4 5 WIC 36 55 76 3 3 M Bath 72 1461 1120 73 51 NAm1-0ed-- OOA 9701Z 0004 400 4A0 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 51 ,C * wri_ghtsoft• RigltShce®IMhersaI201919A.19 RSI727054 2020-May-29105628 ,4m `m ler 0o Page 1 .rlghtnRWADS120 Seribel AwA g rstnp CaIc=MIB FrortOoorfaoes: N House d 1359 19185 20807 953 953 Other equip loads 0 0 Equip. @ 0.95 RSM 19850 Latent cooling 4020 TnTA1 c nco Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. W right5oft` 2020-May8910S828 & Mg"tib@Lhiw a1201g1gA.lg RSu27054 .ji hW&WACS120Sarlbel Aw IerCo Paget g Ag rsNp Celc=MIe Frort Uoor6®s N Buildin Anal sis Jab. 73 Air Calks, LLC g Y Data: May29,2020 House By. Vicki Lynne Mee Air Calcs, LLC 7550FEddenFlarrmnUCLrLVeroaeack FL32966Ptore:772E008413 Email:,Addtp a@a4ra1s For. Sanibel Ave,AglerConstnition 5120 Sanibel Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Design Conditions Location: Indoor. Heating Cooling St Lucie Cc Intl, FL, US Indoor temperature (°F) 70 75 Eevation: 26 ft DesiggnTO(°F)) 29 15 Latitude: 28°N Relativehumidity(%) 30 50 Outdoor. Heating Cooling Moisture difference(grAb) 2.4 56.9 Dry bulb (OF) 41 90 Infiltration: Daily range °F) 15 (L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb(* 77 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Component Btuhltt- Btuh %of load Walls 3.1 3878 202 Glazing 182 2710 14.1 Doors 3.7 75 0.4 Ceilings 1.0 1347 7.0 Floors 2.8 3858 20.1 Infiltration 2A 2718 142 Duds 4600 24.0 Piping 0 0 Humidification 0 0 Ventilation 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 1 19185 100.0 Component BWhAI= Btuh %ofload Walls 1.8 2236 10.7 Glazing 27.4 4071 19.6 Doors 3.7 76 0.4 Ceilings 1.5 1987 9.6 Floors 0 0 0 Infiltration 0.7 738 3.5 Ducts 5179 24.9 Ventilation 0 0 Internal gains 6520 31.3 Blower 0 0 Adjustments 0 Total 20807 100.0 Latent Cooling Load =4020 Btuh Overall U-value =0.099 Btuhlf 22F Data entries checked. Ceilings Infiltration Gains C -kk- w_rightsof - 20204&y.29105628 Fiig"Ule®U M=1201919.0.19 FtSIR7054 Page l -Jigt6oftWAG5120SaribelAwAglar CorsLnp Calc=MIS FmriDoorfacea N Job.' 731 Air CaICS,LLC Component Constructions Data: May29,2020 House By. wcki Lynne Nisa Air Cafes, LLC 7550KddenHamno*LRVem Beatl%FL32966Ptwe:7Y1b00B413 Em 1VddVm@a1rcalmmm For. Sanibel Ave, AglerConstrution 5120 Sanibel Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Design • Location: Indoor. Heating Cooling St Lucie Cc Intl, FL, US Indoor temperature CF) 70 75 Sevation: 26 It Design TD CF) 29 15 Latitude: 28ON Relative humidity (%) 30 50 Outdoor: Heating Cooling Moisture difference (grAb) 2A 56.9 Dry bulb (OF) 41 90 Infiltration: Daily range (OF) - 15 (L ) Method Simplified Wet bulb ("F) - 77 Construction quality Average Wind speed (mph) 15.0 7.5 Fireplaces 0 Construction descriptions Or Area u valua InsW R Htg HTM Loss Cig HTM Gain R 8ft"r-P HVEB9n Bum acre Buff BM Walls Blk Wall, Stu000 Ext, R-4.1 Fxt ad Ins, 8" thk 1/2" Gyb ad Partitions Fnn Wan, 1/2" Gyp.Bd Fxt, R-11 Cav Ins, 112"Gyp ad Int Fnsh, 2W, 16" OC Stud Windows Impact Lowe: Impact, Lowe; NFRC rated (SHGC=0.221 50% blinds 45% medium; 50% outdoor insect screen; foreground = green grass (0.23); 1.04 ft overhang (5.2 ft window In, 1 it sep.r 6.8 ft head ht Impact, Lowe: Impact, Lowe; NFRC rated (SHGC=021); 50%blinds 45", medium; 50%outdoor insect screen; foreground =green grass (0.23); 1.04 It overhang (6.6 it window ht, 1 it sep.); 6.8 ft head ht Doors Door, wd so type: FbrgH Door Ceilings Attlo, Metal, Rao Can Ins, 1/2" Gyp Bd Int Fnsh Floors On Grade Depth, Tile Fir Fnsh n 56 0.109 5.1 3.15 177 2.02 113 e 272 0.109 5.1 3.15 867 2.02 548 s 240 0.109 5.1 3.15 757 2.02 484 W 372 0.109 5.1 3.15 1174 2.02 751 an 941 0.109 5.1 3.15 2964 2.02 1896 311 0.101 11.0 2.94 914 1.09 340 e 31 0.620 0 18.0 561 27.2 848 e 31 0.620 0 18.0 561 27.2 848 w 16 0.620 0 18.0 280 27.2 424 w 31 0.620 0 18.0 561 27.2 848 an 109 0.620 0 18.0 1963 27.2 2968 w 40 0.650 0 18.9 746 26.8 1063 e 20 0.127 7.0 3.69 75 3.73 76 1359 0.034 30.0 0.99 1347 1.46 1987 135 0.989 0 28.7 3858 0 0 wri htsoR^ 202"by-2910S628 6 9 .....,d.n.. Wgt[Stii&U*ersd1201919D.19PS1R7054 Pa e1 M..(..l�_xlgtbotWA05120SaribelAwAglarODrs np Cslc=r418 Frortl)oertacex N g Pro ect Summa Job. Air CaICs, LLC 1 �Y Data: Ma Mayzs, 2020 House By. Vicki Lynne Men Air Calcs, LLC 7550HddenHammtkLRVem Bead1FL32966P1nm:7728008413 Emaii:vicklyl e@aimalc m Project000010 For. Sanibel Ave, PalerConstrution 5120 Sanibel five, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Notes: Design Information Weather. St Lude Cc Intl, FL, US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 41 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF DesignTD 29 OF DesignTD 15 OF Daily range L Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 57 gdlb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 14586 Btuh Structure 15629 Btuh Ducts 4600 Btuh Duds 5179 Bbh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent (0 cfm) 0 Bluh (none) (none) Humidificetion 0 Btuh Blower 0 Bluh Piping 0 Btuh Equipmentload 19185 Btuh Use manufacturer's data n Rate/swingg multipplier Equipment load 0.95 19850 Btuh Infiltration sensible Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 2484 Btuh Duds 1536 Btuh Central vent (0 dm) 0 Btuh Heatingg Cool'ngg (none) Area(112) 1359 1a Equipment latent load 4020 Btuh Volume (IF) 11372 11372 Airchangesthour 0.46 023 Equipment Total Load (Sen+Lat) 23871 Bluh Equiv AVF (cim) 85 44 Req. total capacity at 0.70 SHR 2A ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Make Lennox Trade Trade LENNOX Model Cond 14ACXS030-230A" AHRI ref Coil CBA27UHE030-230'++TDR AHRI ref 10259390 Efficiency 100 EFF EtficierC 13.0 EER 16 SEER Heatinglnput 5.4 kW Sensiblecooling 20020 Btuh Healing output 18522 Btuh Latent cooling 8680 Btuh Temperature rise 18 OF Total cooling 28600 Btuh Actual airflow 953 cfin Actual airflow 953 cirn Airflowfador 0.050 dmlBtuh Airflowfador 0.046 cfimlBtuh Static pressure 0.70 in H2O Static pressure 0.70 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.84 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. C wrightsoR• 2020•MaY29105628 Rig"LitD®Urimml201919A.19RSU27054 Pagel ..2Igr1so6WVAQ5120Sanbel AeeAglerODn#mp Calc=i419 Fmrt0wriarex N Air-Calcs, LLC Righttil® Worksheet Job. 731 House Data: May 29, 2020 By. Viekl Lynne Nisa Air Cales, LLC 755016ddenFlamockLr,Vero Bead4FL32966Ptom:T72MOS413 E=itvidahwe@aircalcamrn 1 Room rlame Hale Living Room 2 EVowdwall 1345 it 16.5 It 3 Roon height BR it d 90 it heat4nol 4 5 Room 6mensana Room am 13585 iF 165 x 18.0 It 297.0 fe Ty CarstAxtion number U-Ww (Blulky-119 or HTM (BhduR) Arm (fF) or perm ler (A) Load (Fitch) Area (Ik') a pedmeler (2) Load (Bbh) Heat Cool Goss NIPS Heat Cool Gros NIPS Heal Cod 6 11 W.,,...81k yiI—C �C L—D W___.RkWaO,SW000EA ttyy I—G II-�G P.. _...Pori C F,� Wall;Sh7000 EM ,.. Blk WaII,Stmoo Fed tnpad, Lowe knpact Lave Doorvdwtype ___ ___.. BIkactL axo E# knpact Laws knp�, Lore knpa all,IO ,_ .._ Wa0J2"GypB °_ On Grade DepBi,Tlie:. On Mde De0j ,.-.s0109 0109 0.620 OSM 0.127 ._ 0.109_ 0.620 0520 OBW 0550 _._�..._0101 0034 _0989 _ rix, a a a a w w w w w ,..;;... 315 315 175B 17M 3.69 _3.15 728 17.98 18.85 -2.94 ..,;;,.. 204 0.99 „.^.38Ja'B-,-_D.00 ",k 2A2..,. 2D2 27.18 27.18 3.73 _202 202 27.18 25.84 _,_ 26.84 ...._1.09 __ 1A6 56,_....56.,:,,,,.,..,.,177 355 31 31 20 _. 459 16 416 31 40 ,311 1359 .1359 272 0 0 20 _.__.. 372 370 0 0 0 ,._ 311 _ 1135 .. 135. 857 551 561 75 .__,757____-761 1174 561 _ 746 914 .,..,.347.", _„_1347 ._-3858 _.,...,,.:113.. 548 848 848 ___W_76 751 412%848 1063 _ _—_ 063 __987 1997 _._ 0 .. :,0. 149 0 31 20 _0-.. 0 0 0 ._ 0 ,.,:,192_ 297 _297 „,:.. ..0 97 0 0 20 ,_.0 0 0 0 _ , 0 297 297 17 ...4 0 306 0 561 75 0 0 0 0 _ 0 ... .. 2941 .- 273 473 0 195 0 848 76 ._ 0 0 0 0 _ ._ 0 _ 434 434 .0 6 c)AED exeuson 40 -155 Envelope lossgaln 11868 8371 2155 1576 12 a) h5ftralion 271E 738 364 99 b) RoonimMafian 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains DarrpansQa 230 4 920 2 460 ApprianoasbOier 6600 1900 SubtotalQlnea6to13) 14586 15629 2549 4034 Lesmlemalload 0 0 0 0 Lesban4er 0 0 0 0 Redisdbution 0 0 6 8 14 Subbsl 14588 15829 2554 4042 15 Dudloads 32% 33% 4600 5179 32% 330A 806 1339 Taal room load 19185 1 20807 1 3360 1 63M Airregdred(cin) 953 953 167 247 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 81h Ed. Ad-wr19F+><-outt- 2020-May-2910:6628 Rig1LSdtaOUriw=1201919A.19 RSU21054 Page 1 .-igkbDft WAM120SaribelAwAgiorODrstnp Talc=M18 Frud Doorboav N Air Calcs, LLC Right-J® Worksheet Job' 731 House Data: May29,2020 By. Vick) Lynne Nlsa Air Calcs, LLC 7&WHddenHamrtorkLgVemaead1FL32966Pbw :7728008413 Email:WtldVm@aircalramm 1 Roan name 10ttlen Laundry 2 Evosedwal 16.5 8 2D.0 it 3 Rwm height 9.0 8 heaHmd 89 8 heaVmal 4 Raom rLmereons 16.5 x 12.0 it 13.0 x 7A it 5 Roan arm 198D f° 91D to Ty or"met Load (fF) I-Oad manber I cuperimeter (w (�) perimeter (w W) Heffi Cad Gm NIPS Heat Cod Gmes NIPSS Heat Cad 6 W ,::. 61kW41;SWo-rA-',.: -0.109, n. .,"._'3.15. -..:202 ....- 0 ... ..,0, 0 ., ,,..0 _-.,.-.- 56. .... .56 -177 - 113 lVyy silk Wall, Sk=Eid 0.109 a 3.15 2.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I--G Mpad, Lw OBW a 1788 27.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Imps; Lw OSM a 17.98 27.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1�--DG D=,xdwW 0.127 a_ 3.69 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 INelkWaII,SWan EIQ ,3.15 _3.73 292 0 .. 0" 0 0_ ' 0 0 " 0 0 BIkWa6,Shxm EIQ ,0.109 0.109 ..a w 3.15 Z02 149 109 343 219 104 104 328 210 Impact Lowe 0.620 w 17A 27.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 knpact Lowe 0.620 w 17A 27.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Inpad, Lore 0.650 w 18B5 2684 40 0 _ 746 _ 1063 0 0 0 0 P RMW80;1,7Gyp.a.. - 0.101 d -._..2.94 . _... 1.09 . - .. 45 ... 45 .,, _ -132 ._ 49 _ _ID4 ... 104 - 306 114 C A1UGkRqW,R30C - 099 1A6 198 198 - 196 _ _ 290 91 91 90 133 _ F On Grade DeptKTile _OA34 -- 0989 - _28.68 0.00 - 198 _ , 17 473 -:0 - 91 20 674 0 6 c)AE37 maursion 71 34 Emgopa k seWn 1891 lem 1474 486 12 a) Ilift5on 354 99 392 106 b) Roanven&-&w 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gals Oo Amft@ 230 2 460 0 0 Appliericeab6ler 2200 Soo Subbleallas6m13) 2255 4451 1867 1092 Lessalemalload 0 0 0 0 Leastransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subt3W 2255 4451 1867 1092 15 Dudloads 32% 33%1 711 1475 32% 33% 689 362 Wal mom load 1 2966 1 59M 2455 1454 Airrequired(dm) 147 272 122 67 Calculations approved bvACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J M Ed. Ad- =tar n_-M- 20204&y.2910:5628 I&k Ri9HSui4alkiwwl201919.0.19 R8U27054 Page 2 -xigttmAWAC6120 SadbelAveAglerODmUM Cak=MIB FmrlDoorfaaes:N Air Calcs, LLC Right-M Worksheet Job. 731 Date: May20,2020 House 9y, Vicki Lynne Nisa Air Calcs, LLC 7550FGddenHa,mnrkLAVem Beadt FL32966Phw :7728008413 Ema6:viddWe(dauols 1 Room rlame Hag AH 2 Erposad%a0 O ft O ft 3 Room height 8D it heaNmd BA It heaVood 4 Roomdlmerdws 14.5 x 38 it 58 x 2D ft 5 Rwmerea W8 ft' 11.0 if Ty oaperimeter Loadoaperimeter Load nanbw (Bt0v8Ln (BWFNPj am(11) (BWh) a(fF) (4) (Obih) Heal Cad CSC ISLPS Heat Cad (loss NIPS Heat Cod 6 W _.,'r. BOilNa-15Wmo Exi ._ ..,.,_. b109 _n, ,�:.,,;,315 �_e "2D2 ,. _..a.,0 ,. ._m0:._..m _0 :. M.,_...0 .__.;._,O _„_._.0 ,_ .0 _.._ ._ _ ."0 V I--G Blk WaII,SIImw E)d 0.109 a 3.15 2D2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mpad,Laave 0.620 a 173B 27.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 impact L OEMa 1798 27.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 ii-----DG Docc%dsotpe 0.127 a 3.69 3.73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W w_'Bgi Wall.SWomExi___._..__0.109_s..3.15_.,._.2A2�..00 -, _0 00. _._._0_0 _ 0 ll''W,�� BIkWaII,S6moo EA 0.109 w 3.15 2D2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I — G Impact, Lowe O.GIO w 1798 27.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IL�-G tnpacL Lave 0.620 w 17.98 27.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mpad, Lowe w 1885 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P.—,:FrtriWaO:]/C�gB _ ._ _0850 e__. 0101 ._._,.--2,94'�1D9 _2684 ,__..�..01,._,,,._0 _ .-_.... „0 ._. ..:�"Or— --_0 _. _..._b "._. ,..0 .._ .,0 C_..... At l�lal.R�O-C. 099 1A6 51 51 50 _._OD34 ---. _.. _. --0_, ,"._11 _.._ r0 _. _ _ 0 . .... ..__ -. _ 6 c)AFD enursion 5 .1 Emelopeksstialn 50 69 11 15 12 a) IrfWation 0 0 0 0 b) Rcomventlatim 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains Oovperds@ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliarmsb1her 0 0 Subtotal Qlnesfib13) 50 69 11 15 Lesse"emeiload 0 0 0 0 Lass0art5kr 0 0 0 0 Redisidbutim 50 59 -11 -15 14 Subotl 0 0 0 0 15 Dudloads 32% 33% 0 0 32% 33% 0 0 ToW man load 1 0 0 0 0 arrequimd (dm> 0 0 0 0 Calculations approved byACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J Blh Ed. ,e # :=IS o1z- 2020-Mey2910:5628 A 99WSubAllriw=1201919.0.19RSLr27054 Page -AgFLw8HVA015120SaribelAwAglerODr6#np Celc=MJB FrortDoorfaces N Air Caics, LLC Right-J® Worksheet House 1 Air Cafes, LLC 7550MddenHam Dck Lrl Vero Beadr,FL32966PIme:772Bo0E113 Emeil:viddlyme@aimalrscom Job: 731 Date: May29, 2020 By. Vicki Lynne Nisa 1 Rco m nerve Bath WIC 2 EV6sedvell Oft O ft 3 Roan height 8.0 ft heaVmol 8.0 It healm01 4 5 Room dmerdo ROom ema 5.5 x 85 ft 46B fe 55 x 65 It 35.8 R Ty Ccn*ucSan UAQIWe Or HTM Area Lcad Am (re) camber (BIhAV9 (BUMF) a perimeter (11) (i31h) (ft) (BUh) Heat Cod Goss NIPS Heat Cod boss NIPS Hem Cod 6 W";".;: eIkWaII,SWo»FiQ_._ _. ::...0109 ., n, ""'3.15 ,',., 202 .0 ".__. ._ 0 ..,_...._ .e. 0 ..... _0 .`... .. ,0 -..-- ., 0 .. ., .0..... .0 _. -"0" ..... ..0 &k WdI.Sb1=E)d Impact Lave 0.1109 OB20 a a 3.15 1798 202 27.18 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it Impact Lexe Dw.M scypa .BlkWali,Shk=E�2__ BIkWall.SIrmExt Impad,toxe OJ670 0127 0.109_s 0109 0.620 a a w w 17.98 3B9. '.,e-315"--:_2A2 315 17A 27.18 3.73 202 27.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ':'. .__0...,_.: 0 0 0 0 0,...:.,._�_0_...'..,..�0.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1... .0•_.. 0 0 0 0 .:.._0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ W_.... 4Fy--G I--G I--G Impact Luxe Moad.Lw'e 0520 0650 w w 1798 1885 27.18 28B4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P''.; Fnn Well.12"gqgqB._ _.... 0101 ..Y.. 294 ,.. �. �199 ___._.0,...._....0. _.'.�... 0,,, ,.--0.,.__... 0.. 0 ;, 0 _... 0 C At5c, Welal, RJOC 0.034 029 47 47 46 68 36 _. 36 .. 35 ._... P. .. On Gdde Depth.Tile „n. __..AM ___-. ..28$8 ,w, .1.46 _0.00 _ ,._47 ,„�. _ _0 _._ ._ 0 •'.._0 �. 36 _ ��_ _0 ,... _ _ 0 _ .62 , _ 0 .._ r.... ... _._..... .. ........�. ,....... ..rr. .....e: ..._ .. .,. ._ .._. ... _ Emdapeks49aln 1461 64 1 1 35 49 12 a) IIBIaIOn 0 0 0 0 b) ROomvenllaim 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gain Omipanb@ 230 0 0 0 0 Applimiceaotlier 0 0 Sublotal(Iinm6to13) 46 64 35 49 L.essemamalload 0 0 0 0 L.esstansfer 0 0 0 0 RedisaiMfion 11 16 6 9 14 Subtotal 58 79 42 15 Ducloads 32% 33% 18 26 32% 33% 13 Tole! mom load 76 105 -% d76 Airregdred(cfin) 4 5 3 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J M Ed. -Fp- 20204&i,-29105628 CAk Ri91t-^uuL8Lkim sa1201919.0.19 RSU27054 Page 5 ...dgNsoftWAM12OSadbelAwAglerCorstny Calc=M18 FmrtDoorface&N air Calcs, LLC Right-JO Worksheet House Air Calcs, LLC Job: 731 Data: May29,2020 By. Mold Lynne Nisa r55u waeenr>a0nooc�• a��«.,-a��. -•�. •._____.._ _._... _— __ kUaer6edmom 1 Rom dame 71 DOa 29A R 2 EVOsadva 8.0 ft hwVwd BA R healivd i 11A x 6S R 14B x 15A ft 4 Roan d merldons 71S to 2213 fF 5 ROan area Ty (0h� amperkn� (R) Load (13b11) nePerimeetter (N a Load (Bbh) �ber(u ,-`�7 Heal Cad Cam NIPS Heal Cad 6 W BlkwaO;Sb=E)d 0.109 n 3.15 2A2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 yyyyyy BIkWd1, Sb®F�d 0.109 a 3.15 2A2 0 0 0 0 . OS2o a 1798 27.18 T TOO 0 0 0 0 h�ilP�ad.Lvve OS20 a 17.98 27.18 0 0 0 0 11 Door,ndec" 0.127 0 3S9 3.73 120 120 379 242 W Blk WeR,SbmtiEld 0.109 .. s 3.15 2A2 118 87 274 175 akWall,Sb®E# 0.109 w 3.15 17M 2.026 27.18 0 0 0 0 bipad.tnwe 0.620 w 0 0 31 0 561 848 OS20 w 17.98 27.18 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 Impact, Lowe _ 0.650 w 18.85 26.84 r 'p .Fan Wall,10GypB .0.101 - 2A4 1.09 .:. 0 72 .�.,0 71 105 .,...,•..221 ... 221 219 324 C -. Attl4 Metal. R-30 C OA34 - 0.99 2B.68 1.46 oA0 72 - 11 371 0,. _. 221 �. 30 853 0 F On C,mdeDepRl,Tile 0989 - . 108 161 6 c)Amexolrsion 895 783 2286 1750 BrMopelombain 210 59 584 158 12 a) Mft5 n p 0 0 b) Raxnvoofldan 13 Irdand galm O=QaftAppllanoesbOrer 23D 0 0 0 0 500 1111 841 28� 24� Subbbl(Mes8b13) 0 0 Lesselemalload U U g Lesstra�er 0 0 11 Red�ibudon 1111 841 2B78 2411 14 SubGml may, 33% 350 279 32% 33% 907 802 15 Dodloads 1481 1120 3785 118 3221 148 Total roam bad 73 51 Air mgdred (ofm) C -F4F wr19�+�0 � Riglt.Sdte4p18iversal 201919.0.19 RSLI27054 ._I9ttmftwAC6120Sadbel AwA9lerCor" Celc=M18 FmriDoorRaws: N 202V&Y-29105628 Page 6 .4 _ -- / 1 H In s :I Job M 731 Performed by Vicki Lynne Nisa for: Santa Ave 5120 Sanibel Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Jry z u <• i z% Air Caics, LLC 7550 Hidden Hammock Ln Vero Beach, FL 32966 Phone:772.800.8413 vicldlynne@aimaics.com aircalcs.com Scale: 1 : 236 Page 1 RighlSuite® Universal 2019 19.0.19 RSU27054 2020-May-29 10:56:47 ...5120 Sanibel Ave Agler Const.rup