HomeMy WebLinkAboutScanned from a Xerox Multifunction PrinterGDRESE �ARS.RoorIER o wRom it may concern, We have attempted to reach customer Deana Shadey at 7703 Fort vvalton Hve. vve have called multiple time without success and have sent 2 certified letters. Called 5/26/20— Left VM gent cert 5/Z6/LO — /0z'u 0090 0000 9[61 1[S1 0aIled 17- [en vMI Sent 2"d cert 6/2:)/20 - . 011-j /-:-I Al CUeu /404 I have attached the two certified letter, please take ARS off the contra7tor list for permit 1808-0304 nesr Regarns. Miranda Gillis Dennis Zacek Permit Coordinator Qualifier for ARS Rescue Rooter Plichulle FranRlin, UFA -- Saint Lacie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Property Identification site Ailaruv;.: Fa.,el ID: Account iF: Map lU: use type: City/County: Ownership —eana Shatley 7703 Fur Walton ATE Fert P' emu, FL 34951 [egal Description LAKEWOOD P -RK -LIN: 7 6- BLK 62 LOT 15 jMAP 13.''u2SI AOR 3691- 21781 Current values Just/Market value: $120,200 A wea.,0a V=;U: 397,06Y Exemptions: $0 laxaDie vatee: 397,069 Property taxes are suBject to cRa-i-.sL- up.;. change of ownership. • Past t«nom., arc not- rcli..bic p,..J�ctio : of fum. ra7c3. • The sale of a property will prompt the -R1 wf all cT.rmptiv.—.a, asscasme.rn caps, and special ciassifications. taxes for tnis parcel: SLC T7- Celleetuez Off... V-7, .-.lo-d I KIM foI Jtis paiccl: D..Auad i -LF 7700.) FORT WALTON AVE 1301-606-0097-000-3 15U2 1302S ol'vo RS -4 Cee .t Saint Lucie County IotalAreas r inisneWUntler Air (sr)-. 1.764 GTO55 SI(.,vhcd Arca (SF): 2,2.52 i.anU Size kacres): 0.27 Lund 6, a (JI-): 11,790 All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change an'u is provi'ueu witnout any warranty. Ci Copyright zvzv saint i.ucie County rroperly Appraiser. AtI rights reserveu. DATE: Cj ( Z L 1 Zo v IA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURIN RECEIPT RE VESTED Lustomer intvrmation Custt-jmer Namw: oe}nCA 5ncik le( Address: '7 l �J v t VAI I✓l �k o v1 AVC Primary Phunu: Re: iNwice of Olen Pen -nit N-,. I c609 — U� Dear Valued cusio.nea: Our records indicate ti-.ut ARS obtained a pen -nit for work perforined ai the above referenced address. According to our record,- the work requiring a pen -nit has ;-,ot yet been inspected pursuant to local code requirement3. in order to close this pernnit, we need to ensure there are no vutsianding issues with the completed work and that the Work perionned colnpiies ,`Jn apvlicable building codes. We must s�.necmav un inspection of the work perfonned at this residence, which will be conducted by a local Inspector. We will coordinate these se..,.erns at no cost to you While ARS will continue to try and ,eacr you to schedule the repairs, to schedule your repairs. please contact u3 at (77�) 7)4 7205 or I:iv1AII, inV t-, a ar-.-,om and We will be i;a�,,�., to assist you. When you contact oa, oifirc, ,lease be prepared to prox ide us with the following inf,,rination: Name Propei ty Address Telephone Number - Desired dates and time to make the repairs Pl.use do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about the or.Vn Permit ai this location and requiaeo ,et,uirs (ifan.,)and inspection. We thank you for your business and appreciate the opportunity to meet your heating, and cooling needs. Nve look forward to hearing from you. If F, tj/�,,Pn' or, w/mg I I Permit Coordinator OI LD a ti V� N O ar d LL o a F^ N N O O Q SD : •_ M Q� Z v .rrrrrrrr � ra ru fir- W Q �r� Q err Q Q ` Q !� �ww�w Q Q 0 �wwwwww R! � 1 ..�..�.�....�.. Q Cc �. asLj Z � S L c s 89 r o •�m�Ti���� d 1; 13 ET13Q❑nn ti E CD _e fU � � N E^ Q Q Tl M O _ Er z 4n Q p O Q N Q a A a is a z - r : � r s e rn w e a S L c s 89 r o •�m�Ti���� d 1; 13 ET13Q❑nn ti E CD _e fU � � N E^ Q Q Tl M O _ Er z 4n Q p O Q N Q a arT z&U C 5P5,uvMV - USPS 1 h.oking® Rv�alts AEER i: DOE 10 EIMI i EO i RAIQSPOR mi ION AVAILABILITY AS A RESULT OF NATIONWIDE CO... USPS Tracking® FAQs > I i aCK Anufflur PauKava + I racR;ny Ivulm6Cr: t Oziu-o0u0ouooy;eb, tai Remove X Your pacRage is moving within tMo usPS metwc;rR and is un trdCR to Ise aviverea to its final aeatinatiun. It is car rently in tran5;t to the naAt tacility. In -Transit May o i, zozU In Transit to NGrt Facility Mt Upaat�s " Ie.%t Kk Email Updates Tracking Ristury May 31, 2020 In Transit io Mext Facility Your packay' is rrloving within the USPS network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. It is i;z.rrentiy in transit to the next facility. May 27, 2020, 7:20 pm Departed USPS Regional Facility WEST PALM BEHCm FE M5 i Rini) I IUM CEM I ER m m CL Cr lu nttps:rnools.usps.comrgamacR%onfirmHction 1.12 orrl2W u51-5.00mry - u5P5 I F aRiny® R0:011Z May 27, 2020,12:36 pm Arrive0 az OSPs Regional Facility vvEa i PAr-M BEACH FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER May xr, LQYO, 9:14 am Devarted USPS Regional Fa-ility ORLANDO FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER May 26,2020,10:34 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Origin Facility ORLANDO FL DISTRISO 1011177EM i ER May 26, 2020.11:00 am OSPS picReo up item vERO BEACH, FL 32960 -- m rn Proaaot Information v 0- cr v See Cess /\ Can't find what yvu'r—t: luuking tur r uc; to nor FAQ, sectiun to find answer, to your tracking questions. FAQs llttps:retools.usps.comigorrrackC:onrirmnction 21-2 DH i E: 6 1p61 4) VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Customer information CuSLomer (Came: atr11Lt S}'41-1" Hetaress:rj— VS "ITmN-V, Primary Phone: -7- I nu r Re: Nodce of Open Permit No. iQ=0— b2 --1 Dear Valued Customer: Our records indicate that ARS obtained a permit for work performed at the above references address. According to our records, the worn requiring a permit has not yet been inspected pursuant to local code re juirEments. In order to close Lhi3 permit- we need to ensure there are no ouistanning issues with thG completetf worn anti that the work perful med complies with applicable building codes. Wu must Schedule an inspection Of the work performed at this residence, wnicn will bz conducted by a local inspector. We will zz-vrdi�late these 3ervices at nu cost to you. While ARS will continue to try and reach you to schedule the repairs, to schedule your repairs, please contact us at (r rz) i9zi-/z05 or EMAIL m lllis 'arsxom and we will be happy to a3Oist you. When you contact our office, please be prepared to provide us with the following information: Name Property Address • Telephone (Cumber • Debired dates and time to make the repairs Please do not Resitate to contact us with any ciuestiun3 or concerns you may have about the open permit at this location and required repairs (if any) and inspection. vve tRanR you for your business and appreciate tMe opportunity tz; meet your heating and cooling nee&. We look forward to hearing from you. hank you, Permit Coordinaw-r x � ` A fi ; 111 { C N ru.L O Cl p �s C:, Ln 4 4 fu c -n -J 0 0 G Cl M Ln C -0 4 ru co WNW O a� a my cfl� am WQ a o V7 w ^3�w t ao w 0 lei m Ul CD r 1 ❑❑❑❑❑ ❑!w �u �a LEE- n Q s_ to C CL a $ 1311 ❑ 01313 m is 3 � X G � F � Pa t❑ ❑ arrrza,du usP5.aaMM - t75% i �..Rimt V Reamb o%EER i: DOE 10 [IMI i ED i RANSPORTATION AVAILABILITY AS A RESULT OF NATIONWIDE CO... USPS Trackingo FAQs > I raDR AnOtHier PacRaye + i raaRiny AamBe : r 0l yLy t 0000005097402 Remove x TOur package is mov;ny .YitRin the USPS networR and is an tracR to Be delivered to its final duatination. It is um rently in transit to the next facility. rn n -Transit a 0) July L, zazu x In Transit to Next Facility Uw—t Updates v Tc,tt & Email Updates u Trucking n History July 2: 2020 In iransk to Mem Facility Your pazkage is moving within the USPS network and is an track to be delivered to its final Destination, it is currently in transit to the next facility. Jano 28, 2020, 7:08 pm Departed USPS Regiunal Facility WEST Pmr-ffll MACM F[ Dls 111151-11 ION CENTER hops:stools.usps.comlg6TrracRCONTiti„Aeiie;-,-flRet=rENlpayei&tt o=1&1entZSl I l=&tLaSols=70192970000005097402%2C 1; 2 orr zuzo u5P5.aR,fflW - Q5P5 I r-Ario Ra;ialb Jane 27, 2020..2:24 pm Arrives at 155P5 Regional f=acility vvtS I PALM BEACH FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER nuns zr. LU20, 8:38 am Departed USPS Rugiunal Facility ORLANDO FL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Juno 26, 2020,11:50 prn Arrived at USPS Regional Origin Facility ORLANDO FL DIS I R1190 I IOM CEM I ER Jane 26,2020,10:43 amara 05P5 picReU up item vERO BEACH, FL 32960 Product Information u a Cr m 9 See Cuss /\ Cal<�'t find what yo-u'ru IouRing tor? Uc to car FACS bect;on to find ztn5vver5 to your tracking questions. FAQs Rttps:rn001s.usps.c0m79w i racnConnrmAcuonrlRer=rellpane&tr.=z&tw;;u8irf=&tLabola=f0i92yf0000005097402%2C 2