HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor --�----- PLt�TNIIv�8�DE'VELOPMENT SE�.VICES , - �� B��1kr G�,�Ql\11\lz�i!'iS�O�• : . .COU 230.Q VIRGINLA NEI FORS PIERCE, FL-_4982 462:1$53 "X 462 1578: CHANGE>,OF.CONTRACTOIr.SLTI#CCIN,TRACTOR.OR AN F. ', TION OF P.,ERNI`i`'. T'LEASE 11 T 0",ROF`THE FOLLOWING: CHANGEOF CONTRACTOR Change bfContractor is to$e signed and r�otarizeci by the'property ov�ner. and`the new contractor ofecordfor the currentpermit.A11evY pe7incut'applica_tion;must also be cozrigleted vttr new coritractor,information and;signature A tiew Not>ce of Cominencemenf mustbe filed:in the new`contractor's._ham for fob values greater than $23500 57 500 if A/C Change.out} A recorded copy must, be sulimiftted prior ll commencing any work Thereas a$50.O fee for the Change of Contractor _X CHANGE:OF;MCO�NTRACTOR—Subcontractor changes are to Ue coinpletecl:<by the��eiieraCcor�iractax, The -ractor--must fill,out a;Subcontractor Agre-emenf;Form:.Thereis a$50:,00 fee for the Cha rge of Sub--.. Contractor.; CANCELLATION OF;PEIZMIT The cancellation-of a permit is acceptAble.od' f no work hasrbeen done, Caricellahoi of permit j be-signed:and nataciied bX 64t1i tlie-owner and qualifier of r`ecor`d:There is ao fee.for cancellatioin of"the permit; Date '8/5 0, PermitNumber.: . CUa Site Address PEAYS EEECTRIC State-License ER120455? ' SLG'I✓i;cense __ -- _ ,,_ _ Original GC,subcontractor or omer/bzildcr - GOLDSTARELECT INC State License EC1UQ2082 SLGLicense,:.. New GC,subcontractor.' Reason forCancellatiott PEAYSL'ECTRIC Is;no tongeron these jobs.: ,. -, _ ______ The:undersigned dogs:here6y`agree to indemnify and,lold harmless St Lucie County,its officersagents and employeas'frotii al costs,fees,of;damages arising from any and all'clatms_of actt4n for any:reasori;which niay anse'as a result of this change of contractors` ontractor aiicellafion ofg_e`rimfi A permit:can t;li' a e ed if work has been performed:, g ::. WPM w, i_. .._ ilder) IGNAT. CONTRAGIQR(ornewGC,.asap.P.hrable)- PAINT NArIla grla "W D2VIdSCi(T PRINTNAKg, John'Cavnar', -_ State of Florida;County of St Luctounty""' Stute,of Flonda,Cptittry oSE;LucjeCougty: The foiiowmg;instninicut--.vas ackin'awletlged'befozeihe tl ik.. Thbt!6N ns instnunent,.,s a&d&o edged:before_ a tfiis.. 5 da of ..,August 20 20 fi' `�+ dagofAUgust X022 bX Y. Y ._ Brian W.:Davi- wh is crsoiiail knownJohn:Cavnar or who ha _ - me of ced �.. S� nutureofNota ,Daf� S� atnr�of ota = Data Revised ? _ rpt plNl4.> Ng3py L OINAppRR1N0., 2 F3YCONtdiSSlt)pti£ 2p2i :� AIYCOMMiSStON+�GG935S43 �.,`Z f7� �,ypt�GCU�t^�' �e to r -ARES�'OlMWry27102�, Bo ' .,6a�dodfiruNofa+xPt�blai i, iwilhrs';` i M ?— " h� PLAN10 & DE'YEIOPMENT SPRVICE . Build»g& 1c de.Comphance D>Eq s><on B[IIL)IN PERMIT` =CON TRACTOR A:GREE� Goldstar-:Electric Ince have agreed'to be, ;(Company Name/Indtv�dua!Name}' - _ Electrical' __ _ _. Sub contractor for D.R..46 tdnJno__ fhe . - — N r ._ - (TypehofTrade)` (Pr`.mary Contractor) For the`project.I,dcated - (Pro�ect.Street:Address orProperty lf,is,lundersiGod"thall if lherej&any,.change:of'sAdtus regardtng-our participation ori"th the<abave.mentioned protect,,the,Building;and..CodeRegulmonInviS1QR.Of St.Lucie Coilnt will'6e ad riso -t t" frling.of a Changeaof°Sub.=c.Qntractor not cea: �Briari VV I?ayidson-_ ....__.. _.. _._. . _ __... John C'avnar'- _._ ___. ____..... _.._ ...m ._.:._.: PRINT IveltiiE� • PRINT NAAZE .CRCI32706fi' _._ : EC13Q02082 ,- -- - COUNTI'CERTIFICATION'NU19B 12, COUNTY CERTIFICjgr NUMBER State of Florida,Cquaty of ceyard Sate of Florida,County of BrCyard. The,-.,,f6regoing instrument was sigaed.P*0 me lois 5 ';day of Tlie foregoing instrument was signed before me this s day of kueust ,Z9 20,b3` `Brian W Davtdsbri Ausust zo_ZO 6� John Cavnar who�s personally known `x,or prod! 'it who rs personally known X o ,has produceda. I SJ too!t 2hon as gicohficatton X - Signaturc.ofAotaEY,PubUc :.r SignaofN taryPublic, x Dina Furmb ' ;z Dma Par o rmL ame o Diarynat amao otary n e r . { Revased f1%16/'�Ol'6