HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement,i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB•CONTRACTORAGREEMENT AAPEX Electric (Company Name/Individual Name)- - — , have agreed to be the Electric _ Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Addr ss or Property Tax ID 4) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (Qualifier) SU&CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) - W. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME -- --'- 29179 COUNTY CERTIFlCATION NUh1Rk:R - State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 04 day of Q UA A 20bby W Bryan Adams who is personally known _or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary pubbt �1�hard D ,)n ncoN Pnnl Name of Notary ruble ,'Wa r, ;... Revised jt'•° ;''_" "°;,`.`.°"' RICHARG GGUGIAS JGHNSON Notary Pubk-State of Florida Commuwn#GG084021 fdy Comm. Wres Mar 20,2021 mideaPunghNauawrlaaryasvu CPRIN� — — COUNTYY CCq'f7'bryry)jry)BER Smteof Florida, County ofEs� tee — The foregaing instrument -assigned before me this S t lay of r)IAX-e ,20 T?bY CQ.V\ Cl'Ys(1ef ]s1r� Who is personally known _)Lor has produced a _ as Identification. { JPJhE LHARNER ature ofN.Is + rM1'C6IAWON#GG089122 _ o EXPIRESApril 2,2021 ��J��a .��S�yyss L r/ 'eOF i\a! aIXldednN SuMel Notdly Semces of nt f9a' me ,&.t ry Pu be 1 ffm f9D DOUGfgSJ0NNS0N Public -Stale ofFlaidaMssion#GGOS4S21m.FxpiresMa20,202fInngh Nalimy NalaryAcsn. PERMIT# ISSUE. —DATE the (Type of Trade) For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEIvt;ENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for(jfifynQ /lnwlec �p f f (Pt unary Contractor) MIL Street Address or Property Tax n/ It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier)—�-- PRINT NAMErIQIY1 S_— .2�?91F9 COUNTY CERTIFICAl10N NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument vas signed he fore me this day of ws�a_. 2oa.l)br it n ill f➢,Yt i�. •n /1_L (Hs persona y 'n ✓or has produced a as identification. II O*v &gnature of Notary Pubhc STAMP al � n 'lii�4 rr m N me of Notary pubhc PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN My COMMISSION # GG137624 it Revised 11/I6/2016 EXPIRES September 26, 2021 '��"� COU\TY�C&RTIFICCq'rf/ NUMBER State of Florida, Count., of , -.q( F �C(GL The foregoins instrument vas signed before me this S.>y y da of U pb3 _Ro6•= R el(n RuSStl svho is persotjall vn r/or has produced a as identification. oi�gnamre��of Notary �puhfi— /fn /��/� STAMP Pnnt Name of Notary Public PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN My COMMISSION # GG137624 EXPIRES September 26, 2021 PERMIT p "'� COON. ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT In% NQ['t lS (Company Natpe/Individual Namc) the_ ea (A "_INT (Type ui Trade) For the project located at PZA" SdWlCCS -ZNC have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adaa,.usraee INet@NreatMM4kq, (Primary Contractor) tree[ Addressor Property ID N) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of Change of Sub -contractor notice. • +,s L I UK SIGNATURE(Qualifierl Adam tkM 01 Nosiftest Palk has PRINT NAAfE COUNTY CERT ouary ON NUMUER Stole al Florida, Cauory The roregaing instrument was signed herorc me ibis a-y day or ,QJ by V ilrlam Bryan Adams, who is personally knows �r lino producal • UUJI11tFIt.g' as iden Hficsfson. he s� STAMP SHELLEYA. SEPULVEDA F.77 Name orN Wry Public :'�'+'••� SHELLEY':"E PULVEDAAtYCOMMISN p GG 262024 .EXPIRES;uary 26, 2023Bonded Tbry NoPudic Unda'an Revised 11/16/20 SU&CONT SIGNATURE (Oust fir,) JNA&_ v.r S M tit 2 PRINT' NAISTE a9 cQ'5 � COUNTY CERTIFICATION NNUMBER State of Florida, County or t3e-u-,ae I1 Th.krs,plag luslrumesl was signed blare maLde lblsday or t�l ti 0 2& by 1l'2£✓1. 4rs'12n t��.MCysC2, who is personally Nnows ✓ or has produced s aspiiddeoririicelioo. /1 /� - AA�1_ A ACHE � STA M1iP S1Iil�gsalure or Notary Public '`ir iY�Y c', �Ca-<9lgS To hnSU'1 Prlol Name ar Note ry P661ic .'"w•=�%e.. "•`�••� -_ RICHARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON Notary Public -Slate ofFlooda Commisslon A GO 084821 •.ya.ar,.o'+°•' •`••••••^'• My Cam Expires Mar20,2021 emCed Nc,gh W4 INola g uu ryksn 0 PLANNING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES c Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT r +s_c A.1,,,Z- (diKS� pp (Company Name:l ndividual Nanfe'e— the have agreed to be (Type of fade) '—� Sub -contractor for Adon�}NanesNNMlrvrtitFkAd0. For the project located at it', U V ar d r _ - (Primary Con factor) (Project Street Ad ress or Property Tax ID p) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regard i ri our part ve project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. LL ale County wiltl be advth ised pursuant tottheed filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) --� Mama Rados of NorNswt FMe la, in,, PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICAT10 MRE NU - R stale or Florida, County The foregoing instrument was signed before mr this paJt- WIIII day of y =�✓y= m Bryan dams who is Personal) know ^r has Pr-d-eed a _ as identifirarion. —� t*F Stgnaturr,of Notary Public STAMP SHELLEYA.SEPULVEDA Print Name of No �' "•'.SHELLEYA.SEPULVEOq . MY COMMISSION p GG 262074 •.'a% EXPIRES: January 25. 2023 0onded Thm Notary KbIIC UndervrM" Revised 11 16 2016 0 SUe-CONTRAC A R SIC . RE (Qualifier) PRrNr NAM1iE S 1/`�(�h� O•�s (-� CcIR_ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER �— state of Florida. Cdunry of t-qG t: The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day or � ' 1 • by cci YlG who is personal) Oh y kn0"^ ✓ r has produced a as identification. --- 1bJ 0 s g t f Notary.Publsx STAMP Riq-har6 o tq �hnSo Print Name of N°tary P tic n ...... RICHAR00OUGLAS JOhbSor. ^f�•c''' NOCOMPubhc - Slat' Of a mision0GG084821 My Comm Eapftes Mar20, 2021 •F. ,.atmougn Wiaaa rvaUryAssn