HomeMy WebLinkAboutDean Permit PackageAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO RE ACCEPTED Date: 9 t �l --�� LL( 1-LL Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Devetopment Services Building and Cody ReginaVo n Vivisian Commercial 2300 Virginia Averrue, Fort Pierce Ft 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1678 Residential PERnntrAPPLICATION FoR:SCpTT & LINDA GENERATOR INSTALL PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: r Ad d ress- 5075 SO U TH VV I N D TRL F ORT P I EFL E, F L 34951 P rope rly Ta x I D #: 1418-214 -0010 -000-6 Lot No. Site Plan Name: FORT PIERCE Block No, 466 Project Name; G ENERATOR IN TAILL FOR 0EAN DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK; i INSTALL 27KVV GENERAC GENERATOR AND 200AMP AT New ElectriCal Meter Second Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTION i NFORIVIATION: Additional work to 5e performed under this permit — check all that apply, _Mechanical Electric Gas Tank — Plumbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction ; 2079 Cost of Co nstriu ction: 5 4. 00.0D OWNER/LESSEE: Name Addre!55= Gas piping Sprinklers City, State: Zip Code - Phone No- Fax- Shutters _ Generator Sq. Ft, of First Fleur: Windows/Doors Pond Roof P;tch Utilities: !Sewer _Septic Building Height: F--Ma i I ; F ill in fee sirnp#e TKII e H older -o in next p age ( if d iffarent frorn the der ii sted above) CONTRACTOR., Name- JACK PHILIP Company'A GENERATOR GUY — Address:15519 N HVVY 441 STE 101 A City: EUSTIS state :FL Zip Code. 32726 Fax: Phone N o 3:5-73 85 E. Ma i I BARDARA@ACC U RAT EPOVV F ELAN DTE HN01 State or County License EC 130077 7 if ua lu a of con stru ttion is 2 500 o r mo re, a RECORDED N otite of Cc rn rn encement i s required. If value of HAVC Is $7,500 or more, a #RECORDED Notic.e of Commencement Gs required. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRICTION LIED LAVA INFORf TiON: DESIGN'ERIENGINEER: Not Applicable Name: Address: City: _ _ State: Zip: Ph1)ne MORTGAGE COMPANY; Not Applicable Name: Address; City: State. Zip: Phone FIEF. SimPL.E TITLE NOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMRANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address; Address:.. City: City, zip: Phone: zip; Rhone: OWN ER/ CO N TRA TO R AEE I DV IT: APpl icati on is he reby ma de to obtai n a permit to do t he wQfk a n d Installation as i ndicate d I certl fir t h at n o war k or i n sta I I ation h as corn me need pri or to the is-su ance of a p e rrn it, St- Lucie Cou5ty males no representation that is granting a permit will author-i2e the permit holder to build the subject structure whir-h is in coreffictwith any appIir-able Home Owriers Association rules. bylaws or a nd covenants that may restrict ior prohibit such structure. please consult with your Home Ciwner5 Association and review your deed for amy restr4tions which m-ay apply - Ire consideration of the granttrtg Of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work i n act ordance with the approved pl a ns, th e F I or i da Rui Iding Cod e s a n d St, Lu Ci e Cc u my Amendm a nts. T he fo I Iowi ng build i ng per rnit a p p I i rati ons a re exampt fro m u n d ii� rgio i n g a full concurrency reviewer: room, additi Qns, ac c es5ory structu res, sari m m i ng poo Is, fence 5, wad I s, sgns, w reen ro om s a n d accesso ry rases to a n other n on -re s[de nt i aG use WARMIN TO OWNER; Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may resuIt In paying twice for improvements to Your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the job5ite before the first Ins tion. f you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before cornmencinp, war orre our Notice of Commencement. � Sign ature of Owner/ Lessee{ retractor as Agent for Owe n e r Sr~ aktife of Cori actor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sworn to (Qr affirmed) and subscribed before me of _ Physical Presence or � Online Notarization this day of .2020 Dy Name of person making statement, Personally Known OR Produced I de-ntifi c ati-o n Type of I denti ficati on Produced (Signature of N ota ry P u bl ic- 5ta to of F I or id a ) Commission No. (Seal) STATP OF P LO R I IAA COUNTY OFLA-�= -- 5w urr7 to � or affi rm e d) and su bscri be d befo re m e of x Phy siFcal Presence or Online Nota r l Ea do n this N sT day of JQL`r 2020 by JACK PHJUPS Name of person making statement, P e rsonal ly Ian own X OR Prod entifi cation = Typ nti f rcati on P duce �SiO of Notary Public- State of FIDrida ) Commis-sion No. Gl�i:280594 ! REVIEWS FRONT ZONING 5UPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVILW DATE RECEIVED DATE i j COMPLETED M iche I le F rare k I i ri, CFA -- Saint Lucie County grope rty Appraiser -- AI I rights ress rued - Property Identifi-cation Site Address- -W75 Sou6wind TRL Scv Town#Rangc; l '34Sr4DE Map ID: 14.;l8N Zoning; AK- L Cuunt Ownership Scil1 Ronald 1 dean Linda ScTiu Dc&n 5075 SouahwHW TRL Fori Pliercc, Ft. 34Y51 Legal Description 18 34 4W) S 1(2 OF NE IM OF 5E 1:1 OF AYE V4 OF NW 114-LESS L30 - FT-(1,16AC) C-u Trent Va I u es Jus 'Mw*e1 Value' V54,0 0 Asscd Value' S 160.306 Exemptions: $50'wo Taxable Value: $130.3 ° re p erty t o kes a re su bject to c ha nge u p on change of ownership. gr*i tayLn siry nr,t A r.-lishlit t�rnjMion r)r furore twxm • T b4� ,LaIty of x p rupc k'13 t4 ill Ipr»ampi ML rc M43% Al (d ail t c*.eniptiov.s, k %c!L!% %ut cmp% *nd %pccW -elauffic atiun%. TaExj� for this porcel, SLC Tax 031leclor s fjffi= Downl-oad TRI Nf fbT this par-cel- DuwnloW PDF Parccl LD' 14 ] g-714-WIQ•000-6 Acwont N- 7970 U�Pe Type: -01Chi Jurisdiction' Saint Lucic County Total Areas F ini �.ktQUndcr Air (SR. 2,07� Clross Skcwljc d Arca (SF)' 4. Lana SIZ4~ (arcs); 1.16 Land Size (SF): %0,530 Sale History Date BooklPdge sale L)4,,od Grw.tor p'ricv Codc Fcb 19, 21121} 4389.121)[7 Mo L WD Flo la L oms i Jarm 30� 2�0 17 Mov 3, 2(KA 3 r' 2201 19$7 ; 0960 0 h l 1 QC N� lu Lou XXCG W D Dave GoWert Hom,c�, Inc 4r� 15, 2W3 19W 0434 XXIQ W-D Inchiu Land C"urnpnn} ]�3. 53.5� Aug 18. 13 0479 XX()I W'D Chn r L Aurora so Maw 15, 2000 1303 f o10R KKUl PH [arifl3n Lucille �� OW Jul), 1977 0372 f 0416 XX00 C"y Building Information (1 of 1) Fift[shed Ama; 1079 S1` Grmq Skchhed Area: 4,666 SF Ext�i�r 13 limf Covcr; D3 ni 5hir;�Ic Roof StrMaeture- 1hp BUIIJ1118 Typc; Ha Year Built; 5 Fraw: Grade- 8 EfF=jR ve Yew; 2W 5 Pd unary Null: -.3 Stuccu Story HeiLzhL 15wq No, Units: I Secondary Wall: 'HardiL Pttnk Irilerior Data Bcd uu; 3 Electric: MAXIMUM Prirauy Int Wall: Pull Baths: 2 Ew Type. FradHwAir Avs H gff loor; U Half BaMhs; U Heat Fuel; ELEC Nim ry Floors_ Tile-Cerarai-C AJC °/a; R Hsu cl � ' a sprinkled i i Sketch Area Legend Sub Dr riplion Area BAN BASE AREA C AA GarAge Ai hed AvuMfe NVS F Scrum ErwltAurt for Sketch OT4 Nalllvd In SF"�'1M OP. -%LA OPC'n PkMeh Amwhed Aw[age SPAA $emn Parch Anached Avmgc Type POO L_ DK-AV-Cr POOL POOL AVG O P OL E-NC-AVG IDHve-R&Paw UTILITY AVG CuMent Values UrCakdawfl BLia Idittg: Land: jusRfm[nxket, Save Our Homes or a 0% Cap. A85C55` &x iop(s), Taxable, Stars yeat 2009 s2r,3(* S16. + M S73 AY4 A Area Fin, A rtm 549 11 161� G 132 0 298 0 Spacial Features and Yard Items ry Unity L �36 j 16119 io5o 209 Verimocr 240 L M I:96 56 76 yCor lilt �005 ■� 20D.5 2005 2005 2006 current Year Values C U rKL:rtt Year Exmp o—n Va1w BroakdowLA Tax (] ralit Codv es ri frti n Year YCar iU19 x(K)6 0511K) Homestead Exemption 111319 Mw 055) H.arrw.-,toad Exemption m+or 5 M S] Ra sut S-Mwo $130,306 Ct,ffent Year Spcc ial A messmeni Breakdown AssessC o& Units Dewn p4on 2 q 12 € "4aunry Sul id Waste AMM111t 5L)5� $25, 0 Amount S276_ 14 This dw-� riut fiocesUanily roprescnl the local ripecial r'iIhuL cokild h-�, £harryvd agsMQ Iris YThe mul Amount r chad fur - p� ia] asscmimnts is rcflc4 wed ort the "loss uUrrcnl lax stawi-nont and mfurrmM-00 is am awith Ihr SLC Tex C-011eclor's Office Historical Val u as Year lusuMarket Assessed Exemptions Ta�abLe 2019 $254,O14 $590,306 WOwSI3 $501 ,3 6 U{16T $252,40D S I76.1A 5 'S L 73,J06 S 5{ 0x) �yS ${23,306 Per.F iLS NuLnbvr Issue Date DcsCr'qAiOn Amount Fee Jun 13, 2G12 Re f POMI)ia SD so C24L D L 2F4 Jan 24- 2M5 Rei IdenfiaL N" Con- CrUcm3l '$4,468 $0 C0603MS may 18_ 2K6 Shed NO ke: Th is does nol nc4 essa iIy mpresenk all the permith POr Ibis PTuNrtY- Ctij;k the FaLLuwMg link 10 ihc4k Fur &ddiliund Permit eta in SLLIfti 1,LW le Cuunt+ All inf rm lion is Mieved to he carrmt at this time, but i5 subject to changr and is pmvt'ded Without art}' warrant}'. -rf Copyright 202D Saint L uc ie CIDurLty PToporly Appmi per, Al I rig'its ro �A g 8Q u� 141 s 007'02" E 167,14' r zz ril L4 rn X 0 m` _00 . � r MR m,f a � �1�• r p 172 ■ _ -- Y$ 1■ 1�� i 15� 9.r , r- 4r r M S 00007' l2" W 167.13' �5 OUTHWIND TRAIL ro w-1G,7-1I- 5URVEY CERTIFICATE- 1 HEREBY TIIR THAT TNISeODoi 5MVP IS TRUE AND ODARECT RrePIFT-SENT-kT" OF kSL1R' Tf` EPARED UNDCA MV DIRrECTM. WT v L90 WITIrtXff ARAlff_D EWOSSED SE9 AND SMAMURE L51 C�LEIPJ KEN NomoqTH PROFElS504AL (SLID �0 SCALE fw NOS f ■,�"CZ3 r� io ML I.105 r a rn 06 Ab Jp A Lid° 12' F N 1VU7'I2- E N i!4"%M7`12` E Ix,L�'{Rl 667,131R1 L$7.1]'(RE L 7.rnl�LM w L ie, alw!] MAT(m E y A 7FL � 4rn SLMVE-MG, LLC L9 NTW S _;ZVIINCF LORLDA $25a hLWL[TART TML, 51.9E 172 WEST PALM KACN, FIL 3 Q? S ATE10 E Pi-CNE (BSI Ul? STATEMe FACSIFAal M) 7-41-0576 C. Q MBUE GENERAL ?mNDLOGYWER 6 Ateura10 Powar gkr%d TechftoNy. 10C 15510 west Us Hwy A41 $" 101 A Eustis, FL 32726 Sizing RePOrt Flalod Norrrinal VaIM00 2 40 Genetartw Fug Choice Propane Sizing m.91rhDd (NEC 220) Part I'V for selected CIrCUit jrnphpmontaWn. &akh valid fC4 wt1010 :11OU0911 ParL m requited L (!K GEmefal Ughtir,9 & R lacl" 6.237 Sguate Foolage 80ing Cowered () 2" 5malk ApoianCe C4=H:5 (20 WtOP61 3 Kj inner Oimuiks 2 1-5 Laundry Cirruils 1 F ixOd- In•1-1=6 AVPILVI LK�or Mi-vow0wo Cook Tw Oven Water Healer L] shwaSher Nefrooratar Pool Pump Wev Pump DISPOSAL WAY1=fi 5OFT ENER Air dilioni2o a GC41u1 5,() Ton Unit Mkmiling & Heat PUnWS Heal Pu(5 Ten) Transient uir*tllORt Largest MatOO; $ta,kiN Amps (1 ) managed EslimWed NarniePlake L ads (kw) (ampo r 55 1_3 3.0 5.0 15,0 1.5 DA 2.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 Managed EsAi math Namcul.�Ite Lc�ads (M) camvO 5.0 Marlageo Es13maled NarreplalO Loads (kW) (ate) .J X x x x 2 x 5.5 1.3 3.0 5-0 5.0 1.5 0.3 L0 1.5 0.13 0.0 5.0 EsOmalod Aral ukitixeid tLRA) (LRA) (LHA) IZd+ L.006 NEC (kW) Required summar� NECL00A 10_7 Genaral Ligmmg& NCORMA0495 rixod-in- |aGe A�Whlrlr S & MdOm 2 E 20.8 Sum .04 all. eerligral LDad s 36.3 5.0 5-0 C46ing Hemag�■��mandlaCOFS�O 0 Lam# ¥ Hey W & COO�ng EG Si�sngb■�Qf(gquir�e� cA NEC Arlo 22O.P�IV 25.5 5. 0 It Eew Mon ¥mimum $ze -generator for motor Marfirlg qu ±gym 1§ 3575CO BTU load required 27 kW Generac Model Generator Recommended