HomeMy WebLinkAboutGas specsGAS PIPING INSTALLATIONS 0 TABLE 402.4(21) Gas Natural POLYETHYLENEPOLYETHYLENEPLAS PLASTIC RIPE Inlet Pressure I-ess than 2 psi Pressure Drop o.5 in. W.G. I Specifio Gravity 0.60 Nominal 00, spa PIPE SIZE [inch] Designation SDR 9 SDR 11 1 SDR i1 11/4 SDR 10 114 SDR 11 2 4 Actual ID Q.B6fl Q.85p 1.077 i.328 SI714 Y1 gDp 11 SDR 1i Length {ft] Capacity in Cubic Feet IX54 of Gas per 1.la43 Hour 2.8fi4 3,082 10 20 201 138 403 726 1,26D 1;90D 3,410 9,450 18,250 30 111 277 222 499 401 865 1;310 2,350 6,490 12,550 40 95 190 343 595 1,450 1,880 5,210 10,080 50 84 169 304 594 898 1,610 4,460 8,630 d0 76 153 276 527 746 1,430 3,95U 7,640 70 70 140 254 477 721 I,3D0 3,580 6,930 80 65 13I 23( 439 fi63 1,190 3,300 6,374 90 61 123 221 409 617 1,II0 3,070 5, 930 100 gg 116 209 383 362 579 1,040 2,8s0 5,560 125 51 103 1$5 547 983 2,720 5,250 150 46 93 168 321 485 87I 2,410 4,660 175 43 86 154 291 .439 789 2,180 4,220 2D0 40 80 144 268 404 726 2,010 3,880 250 35 71 127 249 376 675 1,870 3,610 300 32 64 115 221 333 598 1,660 3,20 0 350 29 59 106 200 1302 542 1,500 2,900 400 27 55 1 99 i84 278 499 1,380 2,670 450 26 51 93 17I 258 464 1,280 2,480 500 I60 242 435 1,200 2,330 lFor SI: I inch = 25A rnm, 1 i'aot 304.8 i? 1,14D 2,200 I British thermal unit Per 4411 hour = 0, 931 W,�I cubic foot column fi g8 kPa, Nofe: All table entries have been hour rounded to three significant digits. 0,0283 m Ry 1 degree 0.0 01745 rad FLORIDA BUILDING CODE FUEL GAS, 6th EDITION (2017) 47 RV52, RV53, RV61, RV81, RV91, RVIII, and RV131 1 I2FF' 3/4', 111, 1114'r, 1 VFI1 2F17 21/2", 3 #3 & qTF C Us design certified Maximum Pressure 54.Raf rl �e cepilk.v 4j...:..:.::; 91� psi (35.rnliarj MaxitrolTesfed;` RV52 & RV53.................................. 112 psi (35 mbar) RV61, RV81, RV91, & RV111 .......... 1 psi (70 mbar) RV131.............................................. 2 psi (140 mbar) Do not use if inlet pressure is more than 10 times desired outlet pressure EMERGENCY EXPOSURE LIMITS (Maxitrol Tested) RV52 & RV53............I..................... 3 psi (210 mbar) RV61, RV81, RV91 & RV111 ........... 5 psi (350 mbar) RV131.............................................. 15 psi (1050 mbar) GAS CONTAINMENT EXPOSURE LIMITS* RV 52 & RV53................................: 15 psi 0 050 mbar} RV51, RV81, RV91, RV111, & RV131.......................................... 25 psi (1750 mbar) Please note that internal damage may occur when exposed to these pressures. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LIMITS RV52, RV53, RV51, RV81, RV91 & RV111.................... -40- to 205° F (-409 to 95° C) RVI31........ ............ ............. .40to 1250 F (-40 to 52° C) GASES: Suitable for application in natural, manufactured, mixed gases, liquefied petroleum gases and LP gas-airmixture piping systems. @ 2008, Maxitroi Company, Ail Rights Reserved warning„ bulletin. Straight-ihru-Raw Design RV series All models except RV131 are CSA design certified for 112 psi rated pressure under the ANSi standard for gas Pressure regulators; and CSA listed to certify compliance with nationally published safety, construction, and performance standards. They are main burner only, non -lockup type. They should not be used as a line gas pressure regulator ahead of low pressure controls. Use only where downstream controls can operate at line pressure_ Refer to other Maxitrol sales bulletins for proper types. The RV52, RV53, & RVg1 are suitable for rnultipoise mounting. TheRV81, RV91, RV111, & RV131 are - recommended for normal horizontal position only. Maxitrol's original Straig ht-Thru-Plow design meets your needs for high capacities at loud inlet pressures. The basic difference between S-T-F design and other type regulators lies in the conical valve. The cane principal permits gas to low straight through th a regulator without changing directions. Frictional flow resistance is reduced, resulting in greater capacity. The improved flowpattern provides accurate sensitive regulation at extremely low Pressure differentials. The ability of the regulator to handle large capacity appliances with limited supply pressure offers a definite advantage to designers of commercial and industrial gas --fired equipme n t. Models up to the three inch pipe size have high strength pressure cast aluminum housings. The RV131 four inch model is Of cast iron and steel construction. RV81, RV81, RV91, RV111, & RV131 Internal conical R 62y Nl7 63, R {i 6 , Rq 81y IRV911, RVIII, and RVI31 FEATURES ° Greateraccuracy---higherpressure drop capacity o Outlet pressures available to 42u w.c. ° Available in full range of pipe sizes from 112" to 4" ° All models tapped with NPT vent bosses • CSA Design Certified (except RV131) BENEFITS Unique conical valve design fills need of combining good regulation with high capacity in low to intermediate pressure range Allows more pressure drop to be assigned to piping and valves —permits reduction in manifold size ° Provides accurate, sensitive regulation at inlet Pressures as low as 3" w.c. ' RV131 Only, provides bonus benefits of high capacity and good performance at pressures of 1 psi or higher Ease ofinstailation and replacement valves are coated with Teflonsfor long life. Diaphragm material is cut from the finest synthetic coated fabrics available. All otherparts are carefully specified corrosion - resistant Or Plated material. Pipe sizes of 112", 31�4", V, 1-114°, 1-1.12", 2", 2�-1/2", 3", and 4" are available. Models through the 311-slze are threaded, the 4" RV131 is flanged. At the emergency exposure limits, there may be no regulation, but all models will contain gas. They will suffer -- --no internai damage-and'wiil-resurne regulation wfien normal pressure is restored, Stralght Thru-Flow appliance regulators areintendedfor use with all fuel gases, and may also be used with air or Oth er n on corrosive gases within their pressure limits. Typical applications include all types of residential, commercial and industrial gas -fired appliances and equipment used on low pressure gas supply. See MaxitrOl's "Spring Selection Chart" for part numbers, color and size of springs. Te/fptt is a regisiereduaGemartc ai QuP6nlCOrpoFatiefi. NOTE: All Wxiirolapplianceregulatvrsshould beinstalled in accordance with Maxilxol's "Safety Warning„ bulletin. a 2008. Maxitrol irampany, All Rights Reserved apa6tes and Pressure Drop CAPACITIES- expressed in CFH (M'/h)---0.G4sp gr gas Pressure OropNinches w- (mb-1 MQd©! C5R FJumherand Pipe S€xc MAX - A7 0.2 0.3 0& 0.6 0.8 0.7 " 0.3 1 2J(21-4) FtV52 112 x 112 4W 151 21.4 282 302 38<3 370 4C0 427 453 478 67S 314x3+4 (12.71 (4.21 (6.1) p,4) (6.5) (9,51 (10.51 {1 i.31 (12.1) (12.8) (13.5) 09.1)1) RvM 314 n 314 710 217 3C5 375 433 484 537 573 612 sm 584 9E8 9 7 x 1 (20.71 (6.1] {$,g} (70.6) (12,21 (73.7) 1151 (76.2) [17.3} (18.4} {79.3} (27.41 } RV51 1 x 1 1107 379 - 5 6 675 769 848 979 1004 1073 11M 1200 1742 41-114x 1-114 (31.1) (10.7) (15.1) (19.1) (21.8) (24) (2&31 (28.41 WA) (32.2) {34,01 (49,3) ) Rvel 1.114x 1-V4 2500 780 1102 13M 1559 1743 19R3 2652 2204 2339 2465 34E5 4262 fi823 1.112x1-112 (70.81 (22.11 (31.21 (38Z 14A.7) M.5) (54} {5 A [62.4) (662) (69.8) (98.71 � 1120) I (138; rival 2x2 3275 1212 1714 21CO 2424 2771 29BB 3208W36T 3334 5422 66M 766E 2-112x2-112 182.7) (34.3) M,5} (59.4) (98.6) (76.7) (34,1) (80.8)(1031 (108) (153) (188) (2171 RV711 S112x 2.112 750d 2742 3B73 4750 5465 6132 6718 72368227 B672 12134 14852 771513x3 (212} rT6j (110) (134) (1-95) (1751 (1 W) ME){233) 12431 � (3431 142;0) [488) RV73i 4 x 4 __ 4734 6695 82CO 94i 146M 71 sm 125Z 13380 14202 14971 21171 25930 299Q rt'41 (1901 rM2) (2661 (300} (3281 (364) (380) (4021 (424) {g00} (734) (M) Sizing Instructions In order to selacttha proper size regulator, you must know SOLUTION: the available inlet pressure, desired outlet pressure, and 'I. Check capacity Chart above for 4" regulator, the required maxim urn flow rate, RVI31. 2. Note that at a flow rate of 21,172 CFH the Example No. 1-To select a regulator of ample capacity to pressure drop is 2" w.c. handleflow. 3. Multiply this by two to obtain recommended differential pressure (4"vv.c.). KNOWN: 4. Subtract 4" differential pressure from 10"w.c. Pipe size 2--112", flow rate 8,000 CFH (0,64 sp gr), inlet inlet pressure to obtain maximum recommended pressure 9" w.c., desired outlet pressure 5" w.c. outlet pressure setting of 6" w.c- SOLUTION: 1. Determine differential pressure available, lnletpressure 9" uv.c. Subtract outlet pressure - 5" w.c. Available differential pressure 4" w.c, 2. When determining capacity Maxitroi recommends that the pressure drop not exceed 112 of available differential pressure (1/2 of 4" w c = 2" w-c.). 3. Check Capacity Chart to determine which regulator has a pressure drop of 2" w.c. or less at a flow rate of 8,000 CFH. 4. The RVI I I meets these standards with a flow rate of 12,134 CFH for the 2-112" pipe size at 2" w.c. pressure drop. The 2-112" RV91 flows 5422 CFH at 2" w.c. pressure drop. Therefore, the RV111--2-1/2" is the correct regulator to use. Example No. 2---To determine maxim um recommended operating outlet pressure. KNOWN: Pipe size 4", flow rate 21,000 CFH, inlet pressure 10" W.G. © 2008, Maxitrol Company, All Rights Reserved Dimensions and Spdnq Ranges Dimensions are to be used only as an aid in designing clearance for the yvalve, Actual production dimensions may vary somewhat from those shown. SPRING SELECTION CHAR'- inchesw.c. [mbar] NOTE: The area within the heavy line indicates CSA certified springs. Maxitrul Company 23555 Telegraph Rd., PO Box 2230 Southfiefd, Mf 46037-2230 USA MQ301 CM. © 2008. Maxiiro! Company, Ali Rights Reserved RVSTi MS_EN_03.2Qpg Replaced MS2056